Excellent. I can't wait to see what more they can pull out to try and top this season.
It's FX. They can be weird and not get high live ratings, it'll get renewed for other reasons.They haven't and FX has renewed it anyway!
The L7 numbers have typically been +150% on the same day ratings. It's not putting up huge numbers, but it's doing fine for FX, the demo numbers skew very young, they like working with Hawley, and it received critical praise. That's enough for FX to renew.
It's FX. They can be weird and not get high live ratings, it'll get renewed for other reasons.
What a piece of television.
This show is just so mindblowingly good.
Why do I have to wait for next week?
there at the end. Damn this show is so good.Cary in Oliver's suit
It's an astounding work of art.
Aubrey Plaza was a scene stealer but everyone else was owning their altered roles this episode.
Lenny's dance number reminded me of a vintage James Bond opening credits scene haha. It was awesome.
Cary & Kerry are slowly becoming two of my favorite characters on the show. Those two actors work perfectly together.
Quick question then im out because I want to avoid anything.
Only seen 2 previews that didn't sell it well, is the X-Men theme/world legit or is it thinly tacked on to sell something else(early Agents of Shield for example.)
Quick question then im out because I want to avoid anything.
Only seen 2 previews that didn't sell it well, is the X-Men theme/world legit or is it thinly tacked on to sell something else(early Agents of Shield for example.)
Legit but not the focus.
It's about mutants but that's about it and the show is better because of it.
Don't go into this show expecting an "X-Men" show, just go inspecting a trippy mindfuck that's unlike anything on TV right now.
Probably the first episode I've been lukewarm on.
I've been more than fine with the scattershot delivery of narrative clues throughout the season, but the show was finally starting to provide some framework to slide the pieces into... and then we're back in the hospital at square one. And that isn't necessarily even be a problem because it doesn't take a 'next week on' preview to understand Legion has places to go with all of its characters stuck in a mental projection, but it felt like this episode was spinning its wheels for 90% of the time. I didn't dislike it, but the pacing falling short combined with the macro-progression of the show grinding to a halt was a little off-putting.
Probably the first episode I've been lukewarm on.
I've been more than fine with the scattershot delivery of narrative clues throughout the season, but the show was finally starting to provide some framework to slide the pieces into... and then we're back in the hospital at square one. And that isn't necessarily even be a problem because it doesn't take a 'next week on' preview to understand Legion has places to go with all of its characters stuck in a mental projection, but it felt like this episode was spinning its wheels for 90% of the time. I didn't dislike it, but the pacing falling short combined with the macro-progression of the show grinding to a halt was a little off-putting.
That being said
Give Aubrey Plaza her Emmy
Extraordinary power creates a difficult kind of love. Go behind the scenes to see how Legion reshapes traditional romance.
Show is straight nuts.
I legit don't even know what's going on anymore. Is every character a split?
Is syd real at all? Like in the first episode it didn't show her feet and then in this one it didn't show David's.
I have to admit with this show I kind of have a tendency to just put it on and be doing other things (playing zelda) so I get kind of lost lol.
Speculation, but using spoiler tags for people who aren't familiar with Legion in comics
Bearing in mind that all of the characters could be splinter personalities (and it's a given that at least one is), Syd does seem to be the prime candidate for being a split. There have been scenes with characters besides David in the lead/as the focus, but whereas with most characters these just end up being 'scenes', with Syd you can really feel the transference of storytelling perspective from David to her, like the personalities are swapping in and out of the dominant position
Show is straight nuts.
I legit don't even know what's going on anymore. Is every character a split?
Is syd real at all? Like in the first episode it didn't show her feet and then in this one it didn't show David's.
I have to admit with this show I kind of have a tendency to just put it on and be doing other things (playing zelda) so I get kind of lost lol.