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Legion |OT| Insert X-Men Meme - Wednesdays 10/9c on FX


I will say, at this point, if Syd or anyone is actually just a splinter personality of David's, it'd be a huge deflation of the quality of this so far. I'm really, really hoping they don't go that route.

I don't think they are at this point, but it's possible that any of them could become one of his personalities going forward.
I will say, at this point, if Syd or anyone is actually just a splinter personality of David's, it'd be a huge deflation of the quality of this so far. I'm really, really hoping they don't go that route.

I don't think they are at this point, but it's possible that any of them could become one of his personalities going forward.

Maybe they will go for an origin story arc, the event were David absorved many of his personalities. Like the bombing in the comics. He may absorve all of them into his mind to save them, becoming the Legion.

Double D

I'm really enjoying the show but feel completely lost at the same time. I think I might understand what's going on at times but for the most part I'm just baffled.


Watched all the episodes in the last few days.

The World's Angriest Boy in the World is legitimately terrifying.

Ep 5 spoilers
I jumped in my seat when he appeared from behind the camera to walk past Syd


Does this pick up after the first episode?
or if I didn't find that interesting, I still won't
It’s not a regular superhero show, it falls more in line with a character study with horror/thriller elements. It keeps getting weirder and weirder, which can be polarizing; either you love the slow buildup or are frustrated that it’s going nowhere (or a little bit of both). I personally like it, the production values are top notch throughout, the actors bring their A game and the short season, only 8 episodes, is a welcome relief.
It’s not a regular superhero show, it falls more in line with a character study with horror/thriller elements. It keeps getting weirder and weirder, which can be polarizing; either you love the slow buildup or are frustrated that it’s going nowhere (or a little bit of both). I personally like it, the production values are top notch throughout, the actors bring their A game and the short season, only 8 episodes, is a welcome relief.
Im not really looking for another super hero series, I was just wondering if the pilot is a weaker episode.
I only watched the pilot and just didn't get grabbed by anything yet.
Im not really looking for another super hero series, I was just wondering if the pilot is a weaker episode.
I only watched the pilot and just didn't get grabbed by anything yet.

Personally, I think if you don't like the pilot I do not think you will like the show; it's quite representative of the tone of the show overall and captures the style of storytelling rather well. Perhaps what would be more beneficial to you is if you comment what about the pilot you felt was weak, so we can determine if that aspect is one which continues throughout (for example, the pilot is probably the least, or second least, linear episode of the series so far). However, the pilot is certainly not considered a weaker episode.


Im not really looking for another super hero series, I was just wondering if the pilot is a weaker episode.
I only watched the pilot and just didn't get grabbed by anything yet.
Kind of, the later episodes are stronger. It does still however has that slow pacing that was present in the pilot. It isn't for everyone and that is fine.
Personally, I think if you don't like the pilot I do not think you will like the show; it's quite representative of the tone of the show overall and captures the style of storytelling rather well. Perhaps what would be more beneficial to you is if you comment what about the pilot you felt was weak, so we can determine if that aspect is one which continues throughout (for example, the pilot is probably the least, or second least, linear episode of the series so far). However, the pilot is certainly not considered a weaker episode.

Mainly just the characters in the pilot were my fault with it, not that they were bad actually just felt "meh"


well, it's more of a 'supernatural psychological mystery/thriller' so far; and not really a super-hero show. Sure, it revolves around people with "abilities" but it's not comparable with anything really.
We're still in the "origin story" phase, so it might be a bit early to say that.

Well in his comic origin story a terrorist incident manifested his powers and he absorbed multiple personalities in the process. In the show, there's only one other entity vying for control of his body. In the comics, different personalities control different aspects of his powers.


Well in his comic origin story a terrorist incident manifested his powers and he absorbed multiple personalities in the process. In the show, there's only one other entity vying for control of his body. In the comics, different personalities control different aspects of his powers.

Current speculation is
that the Shadow King has been repressing his other personalities. Those other voices he hears from time to time (particularly when he gets locked up at the end of the last episode) are those other personalities trying to slip through.
Current speculation is
that the Shadow King has been repressing his other personalities. Those other voices he hears from time to time (particularly when he gets locked up at the end of the last episode) are those other personalities trying to slip through.

That's what it looks like.

Sean C

I'm having a hard time understanding the idea of Professor X giving David up for adoption to keep him safe from the Shadow King. If the SK is that weak, surely David is safer with Professor X, who should be able to easily fend off any attempted return.


Shits about to go down.

I'm actually really happy they went with this format for the character and Shadow King. Shadow King is one of my favorite villains but to really shine that needed this series format to really explore both of these characters.
I'm having a hard time understanding the idea of Professor X giving David up for adoption to keep him safe from the Shadow King. If the SK is that weak, surely David is safer with Professor X, who should be able to easily fend off any attempted return.

Professor X expected Shadow King to come back for him directly, I would assume. Tried to get David to safety at an early age to try to keep the trail cold, but it didn't work.


I'm having a hard time understanding the idea of Professor X giving David up for adoption to keep him safe from the Shadow King. If the SK is that weak, surely David is safer with Professor X, who should be able to easily fend off any attempted return.

I mean that's probably not what happened, at least not exactly like that. This is just what David put together in his own mind and he's not exactly reliable when it comes to that sort of thing.


Why would that require David being sent away? SK is weak; Professor X shouldn't have any problem dealing with him.
I took it as Professor X had a completely different reason to send him away and didn't ever expect SK to still be lurking. But idk really.
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