The bags and plates that come with it. Dat red baseplate! I am also surprised it took them this long to start using the huge 16x16 plates for the modulars.
The disappointing limo. The very definition of "meh."
One of the only printed elements in the entire set, and unique to this one. I don't know what else they will use it for in the future, but it is a very nice looking piece.
Outside details. Railings to keep fans away from the movie stars, and spotlights for the theater. While I like the little details, I am not a fan of separate elements from the building. I would like them more if they were actually attached to the sidewalk so they don't go anywhere. Of course, that is easily done with just swapping some tiles on the baseplate.
The stickers for the posters are not that bad. The stickers in the set seem to be higher quality than usual, but they are still stickers.
The outside lights are really neat. It is actually a harpoon mini fig part going through technic pegs. Really cool use of parts.
Bad pic, but trying to show how the spiral staircase works on the first floor. It is a bit different than on Pet Shop.
The steps actually brace against the armrest pieces seen here.
And it uses 2x4 tiles instead of the 1x4. There is also no stud underneath to prevent movement. A tad flimsier than Pet Shop's, but different enough to be cool.
Completed stairs on first floor. The railing is simple and effective. I do like the fern in the corner as well.
Concession stand. The popcorn maker is kind of bland. I do like the jar of candy and the salt and pepper shakers or whatever they are on the counter though.
The ticket booth. Really nice and simple. The slot under the window is just the right size to slide in the money tiles that come with the set. Very nice touch.
The front doors. I LOVE how these things attach. So simple because it is only a thin tubing holding them to the main building, and then the doors attach from there.
I also love how it is simply a small angled piece that stops the doors from closing and keeps them at the angle with the building. Nothing complex about it, and that is what makes me appreciate it so much.
Second floor projection table. A seat with short stepladder to get to the projector. The projector itself is quite cool and simple. Very nice.
The seats however...the less said the better. They look silly. I would have preferred they used red seat pieces instead of this reclining approach.
The screen, complete with sticker. This was a tricky one to try and get right because of the angles on it. Of course, I was not able to get it perfectly aligned. I just explain it away as someone knocked the projector. Also, what kind of theater has windows in the screening room?
The stairs. Like the first floor, part of it is brick built, the other is the large stair piece. Unlike the other modulars that use the stair pieces, you actually cover the studs with tiles on this one. I might take the tiles off, because I like having studs on the stairs so I can pose figures more easily.
Backside of the building. I for one am happy to get a building without a rear exit. Allows more room for an interior. The one thing I do not like about the roof is that the back of the tower and whatnot are exposed. There was no attempt made to cover it with something.
The slopes on the roof are really awesome when attached, but are not locked down in any way. You can keep swinging them up if you wanted. It would have been nice to have them locked into the angle.
Close up detail of the front of the roof. I like how it is simply a Ninjago hat for the front there.
The marquee. Probably my favorite part of the entire build. A lot sturdier than I anticipated, and quite simple to achieve. But it looks VERY nice when done.
The way it is attached is very sturdy and good. It just clips onto the building. The Palace part of the sign also just clips onto the base of the marquee itself and is incredibly solid once in place.
OVERALL: Great set. A step above Town Hall in nearly every aspect (except Town Hall's roof), but a step down from the masterful Pet Shop.
The interior details are not as great as I wanted, but actually much better than I expected after seeing the first pics.
The exterior however, is awesome. It is a damn good looking building when done, even if there are some shortcomings. It is definitely attention getting.
Rankings of modulars I have: Pet Shop
> Fire Brigade > Grand Emporium > Palace Cinema > Town Hall.
After the weekend I will get a pic of all of the buildings together.