They need to put another out. The connections on mine are a tad loose from all the head and hand swapping.Wish I had Hulk. Way too expensive now though.
They need to put another out. The connections on mine are a tad loose from all the head and hand swapping.Wish I had Hulk. Way too expensive now though.
That Deadpool fig.. Must have.
Also, damn you guys and awesome Toys R Us deals. I'd have twice as much LEGO Star Wars stuff if I had access to your prices.
Targeting computer in the UCS X-Wing is pure gold.
Same here mate. I hate Lego for that sometimes.
It's nice looking at all the LEGO in the aisles though haha..
I wanted Arkham, but then I saw it assembled at store and went a lil cold on it and can wait.Used my last two holiday PAB boxes today (on almost all transparent yellow and red 1 x 1 circles - for lava!) And... I picked up Arkham Asylum!
Finished up the TIE Advanced 10175 and did a quick photoshop
Anyone have any details on this set?
I got one of these at the local LEGO store last year they just gave it to me at the register i don't even remember buying a big dollar amount. Not sure what it's supposed to be for, searching online doesn't give me many details.
I believe that is a grand opening promo. Was that a new store?
Nope, been there for years. Thought that might be the case too, but I don't know.
Nope, been there for years. Thought that might be the case too, but I don't know.
The Colorado Mills store had a grand reopening in 2012.
I got one of those too. I think it was an unadvertised promotion with a $30 or $50 purchase. I didn't know about it until I got to the store and saw them handing them out.
I wanted Arkham, but then I saw it assembled at store and went a lil cold on it and can wait.
But then Ghostmind said it was the same designer as Quinjet, and I needs it NOW! If I have the funds, I plan to make that my double VIP purchase.
The Colorado Mills store had a grand reopening in 2012.
The Colorado Mills store had a grand reopening in 2012.
I was talking about my WIP ghostbuster HQ on my lego group mailing list and someone sent me the link to this one
More pics including ecto-1 and the interior in the link.
My friend just tagged me in a post on FaceBook about it and I'm still in awe. I want that SO BAD YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ohhhh maaaaaan, that Ghostbusters HQ is mind-blowing. Whoa.
Some of you may remember my post a while back about the local Big W having 8 x 10212 Imperial Shuttle's sitting in stock at full retail with destroyed boxes.
Went in last week - and one's missing.
That horrible thought that they've discounted one for damaged stock clearance and I've missed it...
Asked one of the assistants wandering around if they could knock anything off for the box damage, but could only get it $30 down, making it $420. So, no.
Even at a discount, Australian Lego is never worth buying. It saddens men.
Even at a discount, Australian Lego is never worth buying. It saddens men.
I went and got my Palace Cinema there because it was near my school. I didn't really care for the store. Maybe it was because the store was totally dead went I went in. I like the atmosphere of the always busy Park Meadows store.
If I ever visit the US, I swear I'm going over with an empty suitcase to bring a ton back with me haha..
looks like I can get away with just buying the small set then I actually count poor showings like this as a blessing, means less money I have to spend
Actually Zod, in his Combat Armor, is included with 76009, so you might be able to get away with just that set... that is what I am thinking of doing at least.
Just got home a little bit ago from the LEGO Store at Tyson's Corner. Great pick a brick wall. Check out my haul!!
I was talking about my WIP ghostbuster HQ on my lego group mailing list and someone sent me the link to this one
More pics including ecto-1 and the interior in the link.
My friend just tagged me in a post on FaceBook about it and I'm still in awe. I want that SO BAD YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So close to pulling the trigger on the Palace modular right now. The price on the AU store is actually half decent (though the shipping kills it).
That Deadpool fig.. Must have.
Also, damn you guys and awesome Toys R Us deals. I'd have twice as much LEGO Star Wars stuff if I had access to your prices.
WOW. No more LEGO for me for a long time. Just did prelim taxes and am getting back less than half of what we got last year. My wife and I were planning on using the money for our trip in April, but now it looks like taxes will barely cover the hotel. YIKES.
Our return was down too, think it had more to do with my wife increasing insurance coverage, therefore less of a paycheck this year.
WOW. No more LEGO for me for a long time. Just did prelim taxes and am getting back less than half of what we got last year. My wife and I were planning on using the money for our trip in April, but now it looks like taxes will barely cover the hotel. YIKES.
Children are great for your tax refund, but they come with their own costs. However, after 5 years they become great excuses to buy more LEGO.
Just reeling from the pain of seeing the refund go down so damn much. It has been consistent for all the years we have been married, now to suddenly plummet. Was hoping for the trip to NOLA fully paid, and some money for LEGO or debt. But nope...only part of hotel expenses paid. Now to figure out how to pay for plane tickets and hope there is enough left for food that week.
Yup, went to the Santa Clara store today to pick a small DUPLO set for my 11 month old daughter. I looked over the Friends section and felt a mighty urge to start stock piling a few for her. The store also had several Winter Villages on discount, so tempting... but I remained strong.
Sounds like your extra earnings pushed you guys into a higher tax bracket. It sucks, happened to my wife and I as well.
Winter Village Market will be the 2013 WV set. No set number or other details yet.
Damn, they just keep on churning these out eh? My wife is hooked on that theme now so this will be a must buy i suppose... However, our table will soon be too small to set them all up in one giant village
With the 2013 set, it's going to either break 5,000 pcs total (or get close to it) for all the sets. As such, it's getting to be a bit much to rebuild them every year, so I'm thinking of keeping them assembled (but stored away) during the offseason, and just building the new kit each year.
My parents love the sets to. I set up a whole scene in the hallway and everyone who came to visit commented on it. The thing is the surface I used is already packed with the first four sets and some extras. A fifth one is going to make things really crowded.Damn, they just keep on churning these out eh? My wife is hooked on that theme now so this will be a must buy i suppose... However, our table will soon be too small to set them all up in one giant village