Maersk Cargo Train
Sold out on, which means it is a goner. You can still find it on Amazon and other sites for MSRP or less right now.
The main engine.
The canopy is easily removable to put a conductor in there.
Reverse angle of the main engine.
Now here is where the only negative of the set comes in. STICKERS! There are tons of them. Some are fine, like the small numbered ones visible in this pic. But some, while looking great, will never be usable again if you disassemble the set. See the log on the front there? That is one giant sticker spread across 8 bricks. The set would look odd without it, so I applied it. But it is disheartening to know that the sticker will never get used again if I take the set apart.
The cargo cars. Once again, stickers strike! The Maersk logo is one giant sticker spread over 3 1x12 bricks.
Obviously the refrigerated container.
Empty containers, just waiting to be filled with mini figs for all your LEGO human trafficking.
STICKERS! However, these are small and only on single bricks. And the mud flaps are a really nice touch.
Mr. Cool behind the wheel.
The full train in all its glory.
The side panels removed to show off the engine. Also for easy access to add power functions eventually.
Overall, amazing set. The engine is of course the highlight. The cargo cars are fun, but a definite step down from the main engine. Some really neat building techniques in the entire set, and TONS of SNOT in the main engine. Also, the set was much larger than I anticipated.
VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Thank you to all that were hyping this over the months.