I even took a picture to demonstrate:
I went to opposite ends of the same room to show that you have a different view on the Game Pad and TV
Thanks! Was hoping for this. Wii U version best version confirmed.
I even took a picture to demonstrate:
I went to opposite ends of the same room to show that you have a different view on the Game Pad and TV
I even took a picture to demonstrate:
I went to opposite ends of the same room to show that you have a different view on the Game Pad and TV
They eliminated the puzzle aspect, basically. You just pound away until the level ends, it looks like you don't even have to switch characters.Seems like even more of a brawler/dungeon crawler than the console versions.
So it's not on the eShop yet, I guess it'll be there Thursday?
- Thanos is DLCIs thanos in this?! Adam Warlock? Guardians? please tell me yes
I've never seen something like that happen before, the game doesn't even have a profile in the eShop. But there is a Miiverse and obviously people are playing it, so it's out on retail. It's weird.
I heard they are creating a demo, so maybe it will show up along with the actual download on Thursday, like you said. Or Friday since some other games are due out then too (Wii Party, Batman).
- Thanos is DLC
- No Adam Warlock
- The 5 Guardians that will be in the movie are in the game, but Star-Lord has his Bendis suit.
Is thanos in this?! Adam Warlock? Guardians? please tell me yes
PC hasn't for the last few games. I HOPE this time is different though.Anyone got the PC version yet? It looks fun and was thinking about buying it, especially since GMG has it for ~$22 with the 25% off code.
Also, does PC get all the DLC?
OK, big problem here folks. Playing with the Pro Pad while my son plays on the U controller in two player mode. First stage which is the Sandman level found in the 360/PS3 demo...noticed some intermittent studdering to the framerate. No biggie, pressed on...still playable.
We just reached the Helicarrier and level 2 with Mr. Fantastic and Capt. is almost now UNPLAYABLE and is actually messing with my eyes. The frame rate is hovering around a constant 15-20 FPS if that. I don't know if it is the U pad taxing it down but it shouldn't matter, this is not a product that should have been shipped in this condition.
Now, since all the big sites will skip over the Wii U version to review the 360/PS3 versions, I'm sure no one is going to properly call this out so fair warning guys.
I am really pissed off right now, hopefully it can be patched...but Wii U? HAHAHA...right. Fat chance of that.
Apparently they said it will. When, we don't know.Any chance the pre-order stuff will go to DLC? I didn't get a chance to pre-order and I really want Thanos.
OK, big problem here folks. Playing with the Pro Pad while my son plays on the U controller in two player mode. First stage which is the Sandman level found in the 360/PS3 demo...noticed some intermittent studdering to the framerate. No biggie, pressed on...still playable.
We just reached the Helicarrier and level 2 with Mr. Fantastic and Capt. is almost now UNPLAYABLE and is actually messing with my eyes. The frame rate is hovering around a constant 15-20 FPS if that. I don't know if it is the U pad taxing it down but it shouldn't matter, this is not a product that should have been shipped in this condition.
Now, since all the big sites will skip over the Wii U version to review the 360/PS3 versions, I'm sure no one is going to properly call this out so fair warning guys.
I am really pissed off right now, hopefully it can be patched...but Wii U? HAHAHA...right. Fat chance of that.
Is there no off tv play?
I was just playing with my son in 2-player mode on Wii U on the helicarrier with Captain America and Mr. Fantastic and didn't experience any frame rate issue at all. Didn't have issues on the first level, either.
Was it smooth? To me smooth was LEGO City. This was seriously ridiculous. If LEGO City was a 10, Marvel LEGO is a 2.
Seemed fine to me, and I played all the way through Lego City.
I did, however, experience some audio issues at the Sandman part of stage 1.
I just rebooted the game...U pad only...single player. MUCH smoother...the problem lies when I switch on the Pro Pad and start a second player, everything goes to hell.
Going to charge up the pro pad overnight and see if that makes a difference.
To be fair, Marvel is the best looking Lego game to date. Lego City was pretty, too.Tried the demo.. I didn't know these lego games actually looked good.
Tried the demo.. I didn't know these lego games actually looked good.
To be fair, Marvel is the best looking Lego game to date. Lego City was pretty, too.