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LEGO |OT 3| Build Hard. Buy Fast. No Mercy.


Neo Member
So LEGO interview went well. It's going to be a tough one though as it's me versus 20 other applicants for ONE position! I should get an answer by the middle of next week.

Fingers crossed I get good news.

I was at TRU earlier and they had this for $46. I thought to myself, "Oh yeah, I need to remember to buy that when I get home." Of course, I forgot, and now they're not only $10 but they're sold out gone forever.

Rushed over to Amazon and they're going for $27, grabbed one and a Crater Crawler (on sale for $13) before the price shoots up.

Sweet, got the Creeper for free because I had some unused points lying around.
If anyone is awake in the US, S@H has the Star Slicer for $10! Awesome deal for 300+ pieces.



Thanks for the heads up, but I was too late. Sold out. That's ~66% off MSRP!
I was going to buy enough for free shipping (7-8) just for the minifigs and parts! This is the only set from the theme I do not have. At least I don't think so. My backlog is so huuuge I don't even know what I have now.


What's a backlog?

Well, I have a backlog of sets I want but can't afford to buy for some time.

A backlog is a closet so full of incomplete sets that your wallet starts to cry, because you know you can't stop buying - but you just don't have the time to finish them all!
A backlog is a closet so full of incomplete sets that your wallet starts to cry, because you know you can't stop buying - but you just don't have the time to finish them all!

I like your definition, but will amend it slightly for me:

A backlog is typically found in dark closets not often frequented by one's spouse. It should contain a rich mixture of never-to-be-opened polybags,small sets the aforementioned spouse may be aware of and several sets you have no interest in but hey...they were 50% off.


Posted yet?

A college junior's clever use of Legos has landed her a prestigious internship.
Northwestern University junior Leah Bowman, 20, starts work in June at Chicago ad agency Energy BBDO, thanks largely to a job application made out of Legos.
When Bowman was home during spring break last year, she got the idea to market herself using her and her dad's Lego collection, she told ABC News. "I got the idea brainstorming with my parents," she said. "It came to me on a Saturday morning, and by Sunday night I'd designed it -- an ad for myself. I assembled it on Monday."
What she made was a "mini-me" along with a poster that said: "LEAH. Build the perfect Account Service intern! New for 2014!"



Anyone hit up TRU for Agents or the other stuff today? Wonder just how widespread the release of these already are. I was at TRU Thurs morning and saw none of those.
I like your definition, but will amend it slightly for me:

A backlog is typically found in dark closets not often frequented by one's spouse. It should contain a rich mixture of never-to-be-opened polybags,small sets the aforementioned spouse may be aware of and several sets you have no interest in but hey...they were 50% off.

Backlog. It's like being constipated. There's stuff you want to get out, but it's not happening. Also, nothing is stopping more stuff being added to the backlog. If you do manage to squeeze a few items out, more stuff replaces it.

I hope this clears things up.

EDIT: 50% off means you save $50 for a $100 MSRP set. You didn't spend $50. :)
Seeing if I can get some traction on a new LEGO term.

Multiplecstasets (Multiple Set Ecstasy)

When you finally have enough income and can buy multiples of the same set. This is typical when a child comes of age. Times can vary from person to person. It typically happens when one becomes a TFOL or AFOL and has a job.
Just won a 7130 on ebay new for $46. The Snowspeeder is by far my favorite OT vehicle, and I need one on my shelf dammit. Seeing how the UCS Snowspeeder goes for an absurd amount of money these days (please re-release it Lego), I had to decide between the smaller sets, and settled on the original 1999 release. Sure it's not as screen accurate in shape or color as the newer models, but something about its retro look struck a cord with me. And the separate dual cockpits each with their own canopy won me over. Watched some videos of the newer sets which have a single canopy that breaks off when opened all the way. I knew that would annoy me more than anything.


Can't wait until it gets here.

Oh hey, I used to have this set.

Will get the updated release this summer tho.
So I finished Grand Emporium after like... 8 hours of building? Maybe more? My thoughts:

- Most of the build didn't feel very creative or exciting. It's not that it wasn't fun or enjoyable, it's just that is felt more like I was building something, and not like... discovering it? I don't know quite how to put it. The highlights for me were building the (tedious as they were) outside pillars with the lamps on them, and thinking I was building a jewelry display only to find out it was the chandelier.
- The interior is EMPTY and BORING AS HECK. The first floor is alright, it's got the little cart and the dressing closet and the pants displays but the second floor is pathetic and the third floor isn't much better. I'm absolutely gonna MOC the inside of this. Screw the food court, the second floor will now be an Arcade. My only other experience with the Modulars is the Haunted House, and seeing the display Parisian Restaurant at work, but they have soooo much nice detail crammed into them that is just completely absent from the Emporium which is sad because IT'S A MALL.
- It's absolutely amazing looking once it's done and displays very nicely.
- I am now fully bitten by the Modular bug and I must have more.



I still don't get why that new Snowspeeder set doesn't have any orange bricks in it anymore... ?
I think that's because Luke's snowspeeder is supposed to be slightly different or something, with grey stripes and parts instead of orange. I'd rather have orange parts too though. Still getting the set anyway.


"Empty" interiors... yeah, big complaint I have over a lot of the Modular buildings. I'd probably have bought the Grand Emporium by now but after seeing the pics of the inside I was really turned off.
I like your definition, but will amend it slightly for me:

A backlog is typically found in dark closets not often frequented by one's spouse. It should contain a rich mixture of never-to-be-opened polybags,small sets the aforementioned spouse may be aware of and several sets you have no interest in but hey...they were 50% off.

Avoiding buying those sets just because they were a great deal is the big one for me lol


I probably shouldn't have waited 7 years to sort out my Bionicle pieces.

I swear there's like 8000 pieces in front of me

So much for my weekend.


Ok as promised put Bad Cop Pursuit together today, here are some pics to hopefully get people who haven't already to get this really awesome set.

Good Cop: "Hey buddy, want to pet my gators?"
Emmett: "What? NO!"

Good Cop: "Hey buddy, you sure you don't want to pet them?"
Emmett: "NOOO!"

Very sleek looking hovercar. Looks friggin awesome, kinda wish this would been a Batman set based on the new Bat Hover Car from the Batman and Robin series.

Comes loaded for bear. Awesome gullwing type doors and nice hidden weaponary. Looks sleek as hell no matter how you wanna display it.

Nice caboose to. Never noticed in the movie the numbering on the roof, hehe funny.

Overall very awesome set. Two mini figs, but two cool alligators and loads of awesome pieces. Car will display well and even if I tear down the railroad thing all those pieces are awesome and will definitely be used in something else.


Where? USA? I must know! From your post history I'm going to guess UK? (dammit, why do we have to wait 3 extra months...)

Yeah, UK again, sorry bud!
The boxes on the new 2014 sets are back to the smaller/less packaging style they did a while back with Pirates of the Caribbean and the like. Its weird, the sets look smaller than I suppose they actually are as a result.
I like the gimic idea of the Ghost/Phantom (spreading the cost of a Millenium Falcon-esque set out over 2 sets is cool) but I'm still bitter over the Phantom being this new thing and not the ship from SWTOR with the same name :(

Not sure if they've had the UK prices out yet but off the top of my head the Phantom was £19.99, Ghost was £69.99, Snowspeeder was £29.99, Star Destroyer was £129, ATAT was £109.
The Star Destroyer looks pretty nice, I kind of want it but my unending love for modulars is going to have to come first.
I like your definition, but will amend it slightly for me:

A backlog is typically found in dark closets not often frequented by one's spouse. It should contain a rich mixture of never-to-be-opened polybags,small sets the aforementioned spouse may be aware of and several sets you have no interest in but hey...they were 50% off.
That is frighteningly accurate, my closet's top shelf holds the empty boxes for my giant special sets as well as the polybags and 2013 employee Christmas set that I'm never gonna open. Plus I do have several sets (Star Wars mostly) that I just got because of the discount and need for Darth Reven. Wow.

I love this community. You guys just get me. ;_;


Yeah Kyari, I feel like I'm in a minority since the OT sets for this summer wave are very strong, but i'm actually most excited for the Phantom/Ghost combo. Probably has a lot to do with my interest an excitement for the actual show, Rebels.

Wait, you guys have backlogs that can actually fit in a closet? Iiiiinteresting.


Yeah Kyari, I feel like I'm in a minority since the OT sets for this summer wave are very strong, but i'm actually most excited for the Phantom/Ghost combo. Probably has a lot to do with my interest an excitement for the actual show, Rebels.

Wait, you guys have backlogs that can actually fit in a closet? Iiiiinteresting.

I'm also really interested in the Ghost/Phantom... and that Jedi fighter looks really cool as well.

Actually this is may be the strongest SW wave since I got back into LEGO.
PSA: Last call for Mixels series 1.

LEGO stores are not getting any more in. Series 2 is coming in June. Flain and Volectro seem to be the more popular. I assume Volectro was seized by many OFOLs (Older Fans Of LEGO) for the unique hair piece.

Trying to create another LEGO term :)

Gotta build 'em all.

yeah the only reason i didn't get this one is because i am convinced there will be a new UCS version sometime in the future..


I believe there will be another UCS Falcon. Soooo many AFOLs coming out of the dark ages. LEGO knows this. Look at how they are pumping out the $150+ sets. Those aren't mostly for kids.

The smaller Falcon can dock inside the UCS Falcon. Oh yeah!
Well, damn. Those didn't last long. Bring on wave 2!

And also, I extended the deadline for the Mixel MOC contest until next Saturday so we can get a few more entries.
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