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LEGO |OT 3| Build Hard. Buy Fast. No Mercy.

Aw man I was disappointed to not see that set when I checked my local lego store, I wanted to pick it up and work it into the modular stuff, since it looks like it would at least fit on exterior shots alone.

I think it is much shorter...maybe not taller than the PetShop's second floor. Hard to tell from the pictures though.

Well, I wasn't really interested in anything beyond the "lightcycle" set, but that review moved the MCC waaaaaaaaay up my list. That thing looks RAD.

Plus, I dig the hint that Ultra Agents takes place in a timeline after Galaxy Squad. If that was intentional and not just a name-reuse mistake that is very cool. Galaxy Squad comes back from their mission, Agent Coulson takes one of them aside, offers him a top-secret job working for Ultra Agents. I love it.
All this talk of vintage space and I lucked out with a craigslist deal. I bought about 20 lbs of space lego with another few pounds of construx for $10. I'll sort and report later but there's definitely a monorail in there.
Went to TRU near home to see if SPACESHIP! was out early. No luck there, but this was out in the wild:

Holding off on it until I actually have money, and there are many other sets higher on priority list. But it was cool seeing it out there finally.

It's quite cool, but those buildings are like the Medieval Market Village, two square houses that fold out. Also, yeah, they're nowhere near the height of a modular, not to mention that they're on regular plates. But you could probably adapt them into a modular, especially if you buy two.

And yeah, this is the only set I've gotten to see in a retailer's catalogue so I knew it back in December or maybe earlier.


Yeah I remember seeing a pdf of the catalogue back around december. I think each floor is probably about 2 bricks short or so of being in line with the modular dimensions but its an easy enough fix. Its a neat looking set on its own regardless.


Well, I wasn't really interested in anything beyond the "lightcycle" set, but that review moved the MCC waaaaaaaaay up my list. That thing looks RAD.

Plus, I dig the hint that Ultra Agents takes place in a timeline after Galaxy Squad. If that was intentional and not just a name-reuse mistake that is very cool. Galaxy Squad comes back from their mission, Agent Coulson takes one of them aside, offers him a top-secret job working for Ultra Agents. I love it.

LEGO loves to have a meta fiction beneath their themes that they don't really expose, unless you look for it. Like how Pharoah's Quest and Atlantis tie into Alien Conquest, which then leads into Dino. Now we have Monster Fighters tying into Galaxy Squad, which now appears to lead into Ultra Agents (which also links back to the original Agents).
LEGO loves to have a meta fiction beneath their themes that they don't really expose, unless you look for it. Like how Pharoah's Quest and Atlantis tie into Alien Conquest, which then leads into Dino. Now we have Monster Fighters tying into Galaxy Squad, which now appears to lead into Ultra Agents (which also links back to the original Agents).


Can you elaborate on any of this, or is there a website that has the ties? Monster Fighter ties into Galaxy Squad!? Atlantis and Alien Conquest!? Aaaaahhh I wanna know more!!



Can you elaborate on any of this, or is there a website that has the ties? Monster Fighter ties into Galaxy Squad!? Atlantis and Alien Conquest!? Aaaaahhh I wanna know more!!

"According to a comic in the November-December 2011 edition of LEGO Club Magazine, the story of Alien Conquest ties in with multiple themes. It is shown that the aliens first attempt at world domination was with the Atlantis Guardians, who are most likely alien in their nature themselves. Another attempt was when Alien Commander assisted Amset-Ra in creating the 5 Golden Treasures sought after in Pharaoh's Quest. However, after Amset-Ra was apprehended by Jake Raines and his crew, and the The Golden King was saved from the evil Atlantis Guardians, Commander Hypaxxus-8 launched a full-scale attack on Earth, preparing to abduct all the humans, use their brains as fuel for their Solar-Galactic Batteries and enslave them as mindless zombies. However, when the ADU (Alien Defense Unit) is formed, the battle for the fate of the Earth begins. However, in the comic's climax, Hypaxxus unleashes his master plan- he first travels to the City of Atlantis and kidnaps the Golden King to use his 5 Trident Jewels as a source of power, and later goes back in time and rescues Amset-Ra, who joins him with the treasures. Together, the two of them planned to use the power to finally control the world, however they are once again upstaged when the ADU fights back and forces them to retreat. Thinking they were defeated yet again, Amset-Ra becomes furious at Hypaxxus-8 for another failure. But he reveals he has another plan for world domination, which apparently, would tie in with the Dino theme but they never expanded the story any further."

There is more... i'll dig up in a bit.

"Commander Hypaxxus-8 had unleashed the dinos as a fallback plan for world domination after his ultimate takeover had failed and his troops were forced to retreat."

"According to a comic in the November-December 2011 edition of LEGO Club Magazine, the story of Alien Conquest ties in with multiple themes. It is shown that the aliens first attempt at world domination was with the Atlantis Guardians, who are most likely alien in their nature themselves. Another attempt was when Alien Commander assisted Amset-Ra in creating the 5 Golden Treasures sought after in Pharaoh's Quest. However, after Amset-Ra was apprehended by Jake Raines and his crew, and the The Golden King was saved from the evil Atlantis Guardians, Commander Hypaxxus-8 launched a full-scale attack on Earth, preparing to abduct all the humans, use their brains as fuel for their Solar-Galactic Batteries and enslave them as mindless zombies. However, when the ADU (Alien Defense Unit) is formed, the battle for the fate of the Earth begins. However, in the comic's climax, Hypaxxus unleashes his master plan- he first travels to the City of Atlantis and kidnaps the Golden King to use his 5 Trident Jewels as a source of power, and later goes back in time and rescues Amset-Ra, who joins him with the treasures. Together, the two of them planned to use the power to finally control the world, however they are once again upstaged when the ADU fights back and forces them to retreat. Thinking they were defeated yet again, Amset-Ra becomes furious at Hypaxxus-8 for another failure. But he reveals he has another plan for world domination, which apparently, would tie in with the Dino theme but they never expanded the story any further."

There is more... i'll dig up in a bit.

"Commander Hypaxxus-8 had unleashed the dinos as a fallback plan for world domination after his ultimate takeover had failed and his troops were forced to retreat."

Oh my godddddddd this is amazing :O :O :O :O


I haven't gotten a Lego catalog since sept/oct last year. Have there been any since then? I've ordered from S@H since then so that shouldn't be the issue.


"Lord Vampyre, a powerful vampire, was pestered by his wife to get her a Moon Stone, but when Lord Vampyre finally found it, he realized the magical power it possessed and decided to keep it for himself. If six of them were brought together (though there are actually seven in total), they would eclipse the sun and turn day into night forever, so the monsters could roam freely, and they could get to the minifigure realms. To defend the earth from this new spooky threat, Rodney Rathbone put together a band of monster fighters to retrieve the stones before Vampyre collected them to unleash their power on the world. These monster fighters include Frank Rock, Major Quinton Steele, Ann Lee, Jack McHammer, all with monster archenemies and personal vehicles."

At the climax of the conflict between the the Monster Fighters and the forces of Lord Vampyre, the monsters succeeded in assembling the moonstones. Instead of casting the world into darkness, the moonstones sent out a beacon into space, which was intercepted by the Bugoids.



Agent Solomon Blaze is the leader of the Ultra Agents, but in his younger days he was a member of the Galaxy Squad blue team, whose speciality was strategy and technology.

Also on the UA team is Agent Jack Fury, who is hypothesized to be a relative (son?) of Rex Fury, the villain from LEGO CITY Undercover, though that has yet to be substantiated.

Infearno, one the nemeses of the Ultra Agents is thought to be a creation of Dr. Inferno, the main villain of Agents 2.0, or may be the Doctor himself, transformed by one of his experiments. FYI - the Doctor is actually one of the original Agents, before an accident maimed him and drove him insane.


Nice review!
Apart from ironman the others you have i think are not produced by Decool but Sheng Yuan. SY has lower quality than Decool and the earlier products have that strange legs you mentioned. You can check the black base, if it has a big S it is Shengyuan

They all have an S on the box it would seem, even iron man
While there was no SPACESHIP! to be found today, I did luck into a fantastic deal on Hulk Lab Smash. Was walking through BN near home and saw the set sitting in the clearance bin. The box was taped up and it said "AS IS." The clerk said someone opened up all the bags and it was dumped on the floor. They just put it all back in the box and taped it shut, and were selling it 50% off. I asked if they wouldnt mind cutting it open so I could just double check if certain figures were still there. After a few minutes of the clerk being a complete bitch about it. (Her: "It says as is. If you want it then buy it." Me: "It is already opened. I just want to see if certain things are in there before I buy it. All you have to do is put the tape back on."). I opened the box and saw Hulk and MODOK still in bags, so I bought it.
Same clerk had to come do a price override at the register to sell it that low, and gave me shit up there too. Her: "Oh, I thought it was you." What a bitch.

Anyways, got home and built it. All the bags except #2 were opened. Everything was in the set except for Thor and his hammer. So someone broke open the bags to steal Thor, and only Thor. They didn't even get his cape. As much as I wanted a comic book outfit Thor, the most important figures were the others, which were all there.

So in the end, I got Hulk Lab Smash - Thor for $22.50. Not a bad deal. And a fun lil set too. But the figures are fantastic, as expected.


Nope can't at all complain about that price. While Comic Thor is cool, I think the Avengers movie version is just fine. And we'll shortly have even more versions of him, so it's not a big loss. But wow at that BN experience.
While there was no SPACESHIP! to be found today, I did luck into a fantastic deal on Hulk Lab Smash. Was walking through BN near home and saw the set sitting in the clearance bin. The box was taped up and it said "AS IS." The clerk said someone opened up all the bags and it was dumped on the floor. They just put it all back in the box and taped it shut, and were selling it 50% off. I asked if they wouldnt mind cutting it open so I could just double check if certain figures were still there. After a few minutes of the clerk being a complete bitch about it. (Her: "It says as is. If you want it then buy it." Me: "It is already opened. I just want to see if certain things are in there before I buy it. All you have to do is put the tape back on."). I opened the box and saw Hulk and MODOK still in bags, so I bought it.
Same clerk had to come do a price override at the register to sell it that low, and gave me shit up there too. Her: "Oh, I thought it was you." What a bitch.

Anyways, got home and built it. All the bags except #2 were opened. Everything was in the set except for Thor and his hammer. So someone broke open the bags to steal Thor, and only Thor. They didn't even get his cape. As much as I wanted a comic book outfit Thor, the most important figures were the others, which were all there.

So in the end, I got Hulk Lab Smash - Thor for $22.50. Not a bad deal. And a fun lil set too. But the figures are fantastic, as expected.

That set is packed with awesome play features. I had never heard of Falcon before... And he is prominently featured in that Marvel Puzzle Quest game too so I am leatning
Nope can't at all complain about that price. While Comic Thor is cool, I think the Avengers movie version is just fine. And we'll shortly have even more versions of him, so it's not a big loss. But wow at that BN experience.

Already have two movie version Thor figures. One from Quinjet, another from the polybag freebie. As for the experience there, the one near home has a really crappy staff. The one near work is always really nice though.


Glad we got Falcon since he features so heavily in Cap 2.

Always excited to see where LEGO will be taking future Superhero sets.

That's the problem though... I'm excited about just about all the themes these days. Though SH is definitely a contender for 1st. SW has better ships though :p

I hope my local TRU gets some agents/arctic/mixels/anything in store this week...


Some info of the LEGO Inside Tour 2014 set has leaked out. Not sure if anyone here is going to it but I'll put it in spoilers just in case.

The set is the LEGOLAND Billund train that contains 548 pieces and includes 7 minifigures.
Man i really love the Simpsons figures... after finally completing the set, i had some fun with them, you can do some amazing things with those heads, and they just look instantly ridiculous on other torsos ;)


Haha. Yes, I expect the Simpsons mashups will be abound for awhile. I better get in on it before all the mashup ideas are used up.

Well, I wasn't really interested in anything beyond the "lightcycle" set, but that review moved the MCC waaaaaaaaay up my list. That thing looks RAD.

Plus, I dig the hint that Ultra Agents takes place in a timeline after Galaxy Squad. If that was intentional and not just a name-reuse mistake that is very cool. Galaxy Squad comes back from their mission, Agent Coulson takes one of them aside, offers him a top-secret job working for Ultra Agents. I love it.

Looks like I'm buying Agents.

Yes! Finally some Ultra Agents love. I remember when the Mixel them had lukewarm interest. Still some mix, but quite a few like myself were won over in the end. I'm a big super hero fan (LEGO license with DC and Marvel got me out of my dark ages) and Ultra Agents seems to fit right in with super heroes. It's like a City/Super Hero theme mashup.


I was the first person in this thread to buy some mixels and post a few pics, so i know what you mean :p

I totally missed the original Agents theme so you better believe I'm looking forward to these new sets.

The fact that Agents is back gives me hope that they will revisit Dino someday... I really want that to happen

I know it may seem a bit early for some but I'm hoping that year is 2015, perfect timing for JP4


I was the first person in this thread to buy some mixels and post a few pics, so i know what you mean :p

I totally missed the original Agents theme so you better believe I'm looking forward to these new sets.

The fact that Agents is back gives me hope that they will revisit Dino someday... I really want that to happen

I know it may seem a bit early for some but I'm hoping that year is 2015, perfect timing for JP4

Would LEGO actually put out a similar theme to what KREO is doing? KREO will have JP4 sets out next year.

Wow. The Ultra Agents Mission HQ uses a LOT of the new ball joints. I wonder if we'll be seeing those new ball joints used instead of the usual hinges they have in the past.

I love the horrible programming pun "Bad 2 the code" on the bad guy.

Terabyte's robot looks like the side-kick of Lex Luthor's Power Armor.

This is a must have set for me in Ultra Agents theme. Many of the other ones, I mostly want the minifigs, but there are a few I like the sets too.








Someone out there REALLY loves the power digger

It's a good illustration of how much can be done with even such a small set.

Yes! Didn't know how much more Brickshow/BrickQueen i could take.
I hope my links did not make you ill ghostmind :) But the "popular" reviewers tend to get stuff earlier... it's part of why they are popular, heh. I will take it where I can get it!


One more action theme connection - Josh Thunder (the main protagonist of Dino) is the famous adventurer Johnny Thunder's descendant (son?).

Johnny Thunder himself is making a return in the Super Secret Police Dropship set.
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