Does anyone know what of all the new summer sets comes with the new neck piece that lets minifigures connect easily with technic pieces?
Kinda an odd question, but for mech building it really interests me.
Do you mean the small gray piece that looks kinda like a chair, that has a hole for the neck on one side and a stud on the other? If that's the one, every Lego Movie set has them because it's what's used to keep the Piece of Resistance on Emmit's back. Also, the Spiderman VS Doc Ock as well as Venom have them too, for Doc's mechanical arms and Venom's slime tentacles.I don't have your answer but I'd be curious what piece you mean.
Actually, I think the one for Doc Ock and Venom are different? I'm not at my desk to check but I think instead of a stud they have one of those Technic-looking posts coming out of the back part?