Wonder if Jang keeps all the LEGO he reviews? I know some like The Brick Show (yeah I know they have their haters here

) sell a lot of theirs at cons or online.
Secretly hate him cause he clearly has way more money than me to spend on LEGO... by a lot
Yeah, there are people like that in every hobby. I've mentioned on here before that I partake in many different hobbies and choose to spread my money among all of them. While I don't have the very biggest collection of any one of them, I do have a really respectable collection of each of them. My mood and focus switch on the fly, so one week it's board games, the next it might be video games, Lego, or movie collecting. I actually put a large Board Game order on hold and bought Lego Galaxy Squad instead. My reasoning was I just bought a whole bunch of board games (hah!) and there are also 2 video games coming out this month I want to buy (MK8 and Wolfenstein). Once in awhile I find a new hobby and throw that in the mix for awhile. Anyway, people that really dedicate themselves to a single thing are always pretty impressive IMO. There are people into Warhammer 40k that spend thousands of dollars a month on huge plastic armies that they have to assemble and paint. It's crazy
and it's awesome!
Out of all the hobbies I have, Lego takes up the most space. I think that is a limitation of the hobby. At some point, you just run out of room to display/store new stuff faster than many other hobbies.
Here is part of my movie and board game collection from around 5 years ago. My board games have gotten much, much larger and my Movie collection has shrunk since then thanks to ripping man of the DVDs to a HD and only buying new releases on Blu Ray.
Here's a quick snapshot of the various hobbies and other cool BS I have out (lots more hidden!) in my house. We haev a lot of purpose built rooms in our home, so my hobbies can all have their own space and not interfere with the overall decor.
Here's some of my Lego stuff and my primary building area. Very messy right now because I'm doing some reorganizing/rebuilding.
This is where I build (1 of 3 places actually!)
View from my hobby table to the 70":
View from the TV looking back at my station (this is a folding hobby table):
Some Video Games and stuff (about 500 console games across all platforms):
My PC set up (I keep my Vita and DS XL within arms reach here too):
Some board games:
Decent 2nd Edition + Expansions laid out:
Zombiecde + expansions laid out:
Comics, magazines, and what's remaining of my DVD collection (mostly foreign and TV series box sets):
Existing Blu Rays + Theater Candy (we have a popcorn and cotten candy machine too!):
Family/classic board games are kept in the cabinets under the bar and excess Lego in the cabinets along the wall.
I have a lot of fun bullshit. I frequently have friends over and we run an extra 46" TV downstairs and hook up my second Xbox 360 to it for multiplayer sessions. I do it so often, we're going to put one down there on the wall permanently once I redo the media room (hopefully in the next year or two). A lot of the time, I like to have a TV show or movie playing when I game too so that would be great to have a second set handy. I keep an extra 360 in the bedroom where we have a 65" TV. It's a great place to escape to once in awhile. That is actually where my 2 girls prefer to play MineCraft. Also, my wife and I like to play games while in bed at night together. We're currently playing Marvel Lego actually!