It never occured to me to
work around my backlog like that, that's actually very well thought. I might shamelessly copy that idea of yours if you don't mind
I always really look forward to my backlog day for a number of reasons. First, I know I'm going to play a huge variety of games. That's always cool. Second, I'll get a bunch of achievements and trophies which is fun. Also, I'm usually always playing 5-6 games at any given time on various devices and this is a good way to know what's "on deck" to play after I'm finished with the games I'm currently playing. Finally, I love a themed day. There's just something extra fun about setting aside the time to accomplish a specific goal, video game or otherwise. It just makes the experience a little more special to me.
I may even do a topic for gaming side.
Now back to Lego.
The GotG sets were fantastic. The $20 set was surprisingly fun. The Nova ship came together in a really unique way. The $40 Nowhere Escape Mission set is disappointing only because I have absolutely no frame of reference for wtf it's about. I imagine the movie will enlighten me significantly and make the set shine a bit more. Finally, the grand daddy of them all, the $75 Milano Spaceship is magnificent. It comes together extremely well, has great colors, and has swoosh-ability in spades. It has a few stickers, but they all went on easily for me. The shape of the ship itself is really unique, while all the outside doodads add a lot of personality to the model. It took me about 3.5 hours to build them all, so it went really fast.
FYI, there are 2 different Starlords. The one in the $20 set has black pants and a different top. The other is all red. I'm pretty glad there were 2 versions of the character so that I can have one with his helmet and one without. The rest of the minifigs are fantastic. Everyone fits in the Milano (other than giant Groot) but I had to take out the back seat so Rocket can stand there. The villains are all good looking too but they suffer the same issue as all the Marvel sets in that the bad guys you are given in each theme don't stand a snowballs chance in hell against the the slew of super heroes.