While on lunch break today I went across the street to the mall to see if the new PAB stuff was in. They didn't get any horses, but I did get a bunch of brown stairs, lime green 2x2 plates, clear red 1x1 tiles, pink and white flowers, and a bunch of other random stuff to filly a large cup before my break was over.
While I was there though, I met what might be my first LEGO Psycho. The woman was there with her kid and was really sweet to him, and was nice to me and gave me a hint on how to cram more stairs into the PAB cup. But the fact that she had family members going to all the LEGO stores in two states that they could to get horses was just insane. She was complaining to me how the staff at other stores are much nicer and know more.
I stopped before apologizing for the staff. The store is less than a month old, and everyone working is inexperienced. They were perfectly nice to me, but you could tell they were nervous because they hadn't gotten into a groove at the job. The lady needed to simmer down about not finding horses at the wall and realize that the staff was made of human beings.
I would rant more about how she talked about the perfectly fine staff, but I am too annoyed thinking about it.
I do need to go through my PAB cup and see what my total haul was though. I used more VIP points and got the cup for cheap. More money I shouldn't have spent. I really do need to sort it before my wife gets home and sees.