I'll be very keen to see if they really do release a version of the Lego Movie Batwing - because I'd sure like to know the secret of keeping the wings stable.
As I'd posted back in Feb/March, I was planning to build a brick version using movie stills and the video game for reference. (
After a flurry of activity I lost momentum, had run out of pieces and had to store it away:
In the meantime Brickmasta on Eurobricks sped ahead and built his, but crucially had to put it on a stand, it couldn't be picked up.
This evening, however, I decided to try and bolt it together to try and get that swoosh factor, having realised the various ways I could make it all work...
Yep, it's a gorgeous, huge thing:
But it's not very stable...
The wings are unweildy, even AFTER I've replaced the original design with something stronger.
*If* TLG makes its own version, I'd speculate that it will be more compact (the way the Emmet Construct-O-Mech toy isn't anything like the movie version) rather than a direct copy (a la most of the other TLM sets).
In the meantime I'll have a rethink on how I can get mine to work...