Batcave update, taken with batpotato.
I've done the base and arches for the background which will be obscured on both sides by rock, that's the next thing to do and will probably take the most time. I'm also not sure how big it will all need to be and if I have enough to cover 3 walls, I may have to cut it back to just 2 walls, the left and back (arch) side.
I've had to move the 2nd black platform back a bit just to fit on the table for the photo but it should be in front of the other one, which will have the batsuit in the glass cabinet and a little batcomputer.
I plan to have at least some real LED lights spilling out from the archways and hopefully be able to do the suspended lights that sit above the main platform, "The Bat" will sit on the other one. With the Tumbler sitting down in the water below.
There should be a waterfall on the front side but I'm moving it to the back wall to the right of the arches so it's all visible in one angle for the expo.