Too slow...someone else got to it as I was about to check out for the Simpsons house.
Bricks by the Bay @bricksbythebay · 46m
Chris McKay, Director of the LEGO Movie 2: “There’s going to be 3 to 4 more LEGO Movies” #BBTB2014
Bricks by the Bay ‏@bricksbythebay 40m
Chris McKay, Director of #TheLEGOMovie 2: “We’re working to see if we can work in more real LEGO bricks (vs CGI) into the sequel” #BBTB2014
Went to the local LEGO mall and grabbed a bunch of minifigs. Haul!
(I prefer to buy loose minifigs because I don't have space for full sets anymore!)
Picked up a pretty random set of stuff...
- The Hulk is the last Avenger I need
- Spider-Man because you can't have a superhero collection without Spider-Man
- Jack Nicholson-ish Joker just looks cool
- Star-Lord and Gamora because I loved Guardians of the Galaxy and they look the best of the characters; I don't think the other look very good as minifigs (Star-Lord was virtually sold out, I found the last one almost by accident!)
- Always wanted that big Lord Business
- Hoth Han Solo because, why not?
- Shaq is my favourite NBA player (and he follows me on Twitter)
- Zidane is NOT my favourite football player, but it was such an oddity that I almost had to pick him up
- Radagast and Nebula are for my girlfriend, who loves Doctor Who (they're both played by Dr Who actors)
- Could never find Computer Programmer so glad to grab him (and he was cheap)
- The random reddish haired minifig that kinda looks like Ron Weasley but I don't think it's Ron and minifig parts in front are for my experiments in building a Scott Pilgrim minifig; he was cheap, and I got him for parts (the hair, specifically)
Sadly, they don't have the female research institute set yet. Really wanted to pick that up as a present.
I am not really into LEGO military stuff, but this is awesome. It's LEGO military flair!
BrickForge Introduces RiGGED System
Cool pickups. How much did this shopping spree cost you?
About US$130. That total kinda shocked me in hindsight; that's an insane average of $10 a fig. When you're buying individual figs from tons of different shops you don't really see the big picture! But it's still way cheaper than getting the sets, and Shaq and Zidane were expensive so they dragged the average up.
(Honestly, even if it's only a little cheaper than having the sets... at this point I don't even have space to store boxes of sets that I haven't built yet. HK apartments are too small. That picture is our dining table -- and under it you can catch the corner of the Sydney Opera House I got as a birthday present!)
So happy I got Star-Lord. That was the #1 on my list. Looked everywhere without success. Went back to the first shop to pick up Hulk, and it turns out he had one last Star-Lord, but it'd fallen so it wasn't visible from the front of the case.
Minor 42009 update! Finished book 1. Going to go grill some chicken and attempt to take down book 2 tonight. There are 6 books in this set, not 5. Insane.
Also, I appreciate the inventive use of pieces in System, but gear boxes and the way the mechanical functions work in a Technic set are simply beyond me. This is so damn fascinating to see these gears and rods line up to do what they do. A+ to the guys who can rock Technic MOC's.
This reminds me that Mega Bloks has the Sponge Bob license now. It seems they did a better job of it than LEGO's old sets. The sets are also nicely priced compared to MB's Halo/COD line. The set below is only $20.
LEGO versions
This reminds me that Mega Bloks has the Sponge Bob license now. It seems they did a better job of it than LEGO's old sets. The sets are also nicely priced compared to MB's Halo/COD line. The set below is only $20.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA, apparently I have competition in Ohio for black lego bricks. I called down to Cincinnati to see what they had and I told the guy I was building an Orthanc moc and he was like, "are you the guy whose been buying out boxes of our black bricks?" I was like "wat". He's like, "There's a guy down here building the exact same thing, I thought maybe you were him." Soooo shiiiii, wonder if I should be posting my build progress anymore, lol. I still will, it's not a competition and besides it is documentation of my build. I may however set it to private for now and only provide sneak peaks as I want to display it at some conventions in this region.
Edit: so yeah, Iike I requested before, if you have access to black bricks at your local LEGO store and live in the USA or even Canada, let me know and check if they are a type I need for my build. Basically any 1x? sizes as well as many types of plates and specialty bricks. There are a few types of black bricks I have plenty of so check with me first.
Are they forbidden from just making a normal looking SpongeBob and Patrick? Not one of them in any of the sets or blind packs has just a normal face or clothes.That's news to me. I'm a sucker for LEGO compatible minifigs. I'll probably pick up some of those for the minifigs. Can't wait to see the Squidward one.
Mega Bloks is a lot more flexible in creating new specialized moulds. I like that LEGO tries to stick close to the iconic standard minifig, but it obviously limits how close they can come to the original IP.
Ah, the Mega Bloks website has all the new sets.
I see they are doing blind packs too.
Mega Blox has improved markedly in recent years. Their Call of Duty sets have been extremely popular and their Halo theme was just updated with better articulated figures and parts with improved design standards. If you check out JANG's videos, you will see that they have become a legit contender to LEGO, and are a viable alternative for themes (such as military) where LEGO refuses to tread.
The only non-Lego stuff I'm down for are K'Nex, their figures are on another level of quality and detail. I love their Mario and Angry Birds (shamefully) figures and the Plants VS Zombies figs look amazing too. I actually just got the Yellow Submarine for my dad on clearance for $18 at TRU, sub opens into a stage, comes with all the Beatles, and two Blue Meanies. Kinda impressed to be honest.
Mega Blocks, I think I have some older tanks of theirs. Don't really care for the figures but it IS nice to have some actual army stuff compatible with Lego.
Kree-o, though. Garbage. Building Grimlock felt disgusting. Like the actual plastic quality and the way they "slide" into each other instead if snap. Blergh.
A Birthday gift..
That's news to me. I'm a sucker for LEGO compatible minifigs. I'll probably pick up some of those for the minifigs. Can't wait to see the Squidward one.
Mega Bloks is a lot more flexible in creating new specialized moulds. I like that LEGO tries to stick close to the iconic standard minifig, but it obviously limits how close they can come to the original IP.
Ah, the Mega Bloks website has all the new sets.
I see they are doing blind packs too.
The LEGO store by my work just got black 1x2 modified bricks with the grill.
They had some black 1x2 bricks also, but it was very low.
- Zidane is NOT my favourite football player, but it was such an oddity that I almost had to pick him up
I know this is a good vibe thread, but I always find interest in articles like this.
How Lego lost its innocence
I agree about the lack of just bucket of brick sets, but in defense of LEGO, they do make them and I strongly believe you don't see them much in stores because they don't sell well. Who is to blame, the parents that buy the sets the kids want or LEGO?
A great accompanying article that should go with the above article is, "How LEGO Almost Lost its Business".
That a petrol brand, despite also being an age-restricted product, has made it on to a popular childrens toy is scandalous.
That a petrol brand, despite also being an age-restricted product, has made it on to a popular children�s toy is scandalous.
Uh yeah, ok. Gas is an "age restricted product". That's probably the stupidest fucking thing I've read in quite a while.
Let's not call out any other companies, like Mattel, that make toys with gas logos on them. Also it's not like Chevron had an entire line of toy cars based on their animated talking car commercials.
That isn't exactly the point I was making, forgive me for not being clear. Here in the US, you have to be 16 to get a license, so it's an "age restricted product" here too. I just think calling it that is fucking stupid beyond belief because that illicits the thought of actual age restricted things that should not be in children's toys such as drinking, weaponry, or drugs. Not buying gas.AFAIK, in the UK you have to be over 16 to buy petrol. Given that you can't drive unless you're over 17, either, calling petrol an "age-restricted product" seems eminently reasonable.
I'll make sure to bring up the Yorkshire Ripper the next time I'm on trial for murder. Hopefully the judge will be more lenient on me as a result.
Minor 42009 update! Finished book 1. Going to go grill some chicken and attempt to take down book 2 tonight. There are 6 books in this set, not 5. Insane.
Also, I appreciate the inventive use of pieces in System, but gear boxes and the way the mechanical functions work in a Technic set are simply beyond me. This is so damn fascinating to see these gears and rods line up to do what they do. A+ to the guys who can rock Technic MOC's.
Fear not! The LEGO Exo Suit is not a limited run [News]
For you entrepreneurial types, you can sell your 2nd one at a higher value risking that you'll be able to get more later.
I agree about the lack of just bucket of brick sets, but in defense of LEGO, they do make them and I strongly believe you don't see them much in stores because they don't sell well. Who is to blame, the parents that buy the sets the kids want or LEGO?
Do you guys think the research institute and exosuit will be around for a bit? Or should I start trying harder to get them NOW?
I rushed for back to the future and Ghostbusters and those have been readily available so I didn't rush on the latest two :/
That isn't exactly the point I was making, forgive me for not being clear. Here in the US, you have to be 16 to get a license, so it's an "age restricted product" here too. I just think calling it that is fucking stupid beyond belief because that illicits the thought of actual age restricted things that should not be in children's toys such as drinking, weaponry, or drugs. Not buying gas.
I think you missed my point entirely on the Mattel and Chevron thing. You can't just single Lego out if you're poo-pooing toys for kids that are marketed via gas companies. There are dozens of others, let's not pretend that Lego is some kind of big bad here.
That isn't exactly the point I was making, forgive me for not being clear. Here in the US, you have to be 16 to get a license, so it's an "age restricted product" here too. I just think calling it that is fucking stupid beyond belief because that illicits the thought of actual age restricted things that should not be in children's toys such as drinking, weaponry, or drugs. Not buying gas.
I think you missed my point entirely on the Mattel and Chevron thing. You can't just single Lego out if you're poo-pooing toys for kids that are marketed via gas companies. There are dozens of others, let's not pretend that Lego is some kind of big bad here.
My point in general is that the article is alarmist tripe.
Went to the local LEGO mall and grabbed a bunch of minifigs. Haul!
- Star-Lord .
Ok. So the missus and I saw GotG earlier tonight (yesterday?). Now I want to pick up doubles of all the sets.
Modular question.
I have the Palace Cinema and love it to bits. None of the others jumped out at me like the Cinema did but now I know I need another building.
The only ones available from the Lego site are:
Town Hall
Grand Emporium
Pet Shop
Parisian Restaurant
How would you rank these sets?
ps > pr >>> ge >>>>>>>>>>> th
Modular question.
I have the Palace Cinema and love it to bits. None of the others jumped out at me like the Cinema did but now I know I need another building.
The only ones available from the Lego site are:
Town Hall
Grand Emporium
Pet Shop
Parisian Restaurant
How would you rank these sets?
Zidane minifig... You know, i'm pretty sure i have it. There were these football legos years ago, with these sort of spring launcher, err, kicker things. Was kind of neat actually. Didn't have the full football field, just some small set, kind of a penalty kick set i think?
for quite a few years, not sure about always. they do carry a lot for MSRP but you have to be careful and do your research because about half of the sets are marked up at any given time. I *have* gotten some good deals there though (usually with coupons). They can be a good source for getting sets early, but for deals it is very spotty. I never find LEGO in the clearance section either.Unless it's a set exclusive to TRU, I never bother buying the brick from there. Has it always been this way?
Yes check near the registers in the impulse buy section! usually on the very bottom row, with the cold drinks directly across from them. You should be able to find the new SW polybag and most stores have the city polybag right now too. a few stores still have the tumblr which is a great one to get if you don't have it yet (no minifig though). And if you are really lucky, some stores may even have the LEGO movie polybags left or random older polybags.I've gone to two targets to look for the new poly bags but couldn't find them. Are they placed with the other LEGO sets or somewhere else?
for quite a few years, not sure about always. they do carry a lot for MSRP but you have to be careful and do your research because about half of the sets are marked up at any given time. I *have* gotten some good deals there though (usually with coupons). They can be a good source for getting sets early, but for deals it is very spotty. I never find LEGO in the clearance section either.
Yes check near the registers in the impulse buy section! usually on the very bottom row, with the cold drinks directly across from them. You should be able to find the new SW polybag and most stores have the city polybag right now too. a few stores still have the tumblr which is a great one to get if you don't have it yet (no minifig though). And if you are really lucky, some stores may even have the LEGO movie polybags left or random older polybags.