Here you go ghostmind, Samurai Darth Vader >.>
Although Jables is the one with him actually as an avatar
That face/mouth is a thing of nightmares!
Here you go ghostmind, Samurai Darth Vader >.>
Although Jables is the one with him actually as an avatar
Lego going all-in with dinosaurs next yearFrom over on the gaming side:
LEGO Jurassic World: The Game coming out next year, from Travellers Tales.
Yeah I've had to be very selective in just the super heroes theme alone
Someone returned the Ultimate Spider-Man set with Spidey VS Doc Ock with Iron Fist. It rings up as $15, so it'd be about $7.50, but I dunno, should I? Is Iron Fist available anywhere else? I already have the new Doc and a Spidey, the biggest draw for me is The Fist and maybe some of the parts?
Trying to decide what to buy for $99 to get that Spaceman promo. Thought about just buying the promo on eBay, but some crazy prices. Might as well buy something.
Great job getting organized for the move Phon!
I shudder to think what my LEGO moving experience would be like.
Indiana Jones Ark warehouse.jpg?
Someone returned the Ultimate Spider-Man set with Spidey VS Doc Ock with Iron Fist. It rings up as $15, so it'd be about $7.50, but I dunno, should I? Is Iron Fist available anywhere else? I already have the new Doc and a Spidey, the biggest draw for me is The Fist and maybe some of the parts?
It's a shame that not all the superhero sets can achieve the greatness of Lex's Power Armor
DUDE. One of the sets that was in the stolen group is the Mad Scientist's Monster set which I have dibs on, and mixing that with the doc's lab is an AMAZING idea. Totally gonna get it now. Thanks for the advice everyone!Yesssss....if you aren't going to get the other Doc Ock set its an ok Doc Ock but you are getting it for the awesome Iron Fist. Theres also some pretty nice unique pieces in the set. I'm thinking of combining it with the MF Frankenstein set this year for halloween to make a bigger mad scientist scene.
Be forewarned though, you will have to pick up that new Green Goblin set to get Power Man to complete your Heroes for Hire.
It's a shame that not all the superhero sets can achieve the greatness of Lex's Power Armor
I just built that last night!
I've said it before but I think most of the superhero builds are really weak, with a few exceptions. That having been said I keep buying them because I want the figures. I'm ashamed to admit that I bought that awful Green Goblin set last week just...just because I want the Power Man figure which is an AWFUL figure. I have a problem.
I think Iron Fist is only in that set WordAssassin. I bought him loose at BrickFete last year for $12 CDN so yes, you should buy the set.
I went with the Milano and a small SW set I didn't have yet. Trying to rationalize both the 2013/2014 WV sets, the VW van and the restaurant modular before the end of the year. That's pushing upwards of $500 and I'm not sure I can justify it.
I've said it before but I think most of the superhero builds are really weak, with a few exceptions. That having been said I keep buying them because I want the figures. I'm ashamed to admit that I bought that awful Green Goblin set last week just...just because I want the Power Man figure which is an AWFUL figure.
I will get a pic of all the boxes of everything we own for that.![]()
Someone returned the Ultimate Spider-Man set with Spidey VS Doc Ock with Iron Fist. It rings up as $15, so it'd be about $7.50, but I dunno, should I? Is Iron Fist available anywhere else? I already have the new Doc and a Spidey, the biggest draw for me is The Fist and maybe some of the parts?
Someone returned the Ultimate Spider-Man set with Spidey VS Doc Ock with Iron Fist. It rings up as $15, so it'd be about $7.50, but I dunno, should I? Is Iron Fist available anywhere else? I already have the new Doc and a Spidey, the biggest draw for me is The Fist and maybe some of the parts?
I drew the line on that Spider-Man set. The Power Man minifig doesn't look like the Luke Cage that I know. At least the Doc Ock lab set from 2012 came with an Iron Fist that resembled the character. And Spider-Man does not need a Spider-Vehicle, unless it is the Spider-Mobile from the 1970's.
I'm also thinking about budget/storage/time again. My "buy" list for 2014 is around $5,000 over the various LEGO themes. I've picked up about half of the sets, but I usually like to finish things out before December, when the next year stuff starts coming out.
I'm a completionist, so if I buy a theme, I usually buy ALL of the sets in a theme.
So I'm wondering if maybe I should pare it back to just the licensed themes going forward. That would mean no more CITY, Creator, Friends, CMF, Pirates, Ultra Agents (or the LEGO action theme du jour). I would still get the annual modular, because that is immune IMO. It would cut the annual spend by almost half, but I would be missing out on a lot of cool new sets/themes.
Decisions, decisions....
Thanks to just2good on EuroBricks for finding these images. His video reveal can be found here:
I didn't know!! I didn't really get a chance to look at it before asking, I mainly saw it was Spidey, Doc, and Iron Fist in a generic looking lab set. I looked at it in more detail later and it actually looks really cool with a lot of good unique parts, plus I can add the arms from this Doc to the other one I have already to give him hella long comic book robo arms.Did I mention I wanna slap ya for even asking such a question?
EDIT: Did you buy the new doc in aftermarket? He only comes in that set.
Dolphin Cruiser for you both!
I didn't know!! I didn't really get a chance to look at it before asking, I mainly saw it was Spidey, Doc, and Iron Fist in a generic looking lab set. I looked at it in more detail later and it actually looks really cool with a lot of good unique parts, plus I can add the arms from this Doc to the other one I have already to give him hella long comic book robo arms.
Also when I said I already had a Doc Ock I mean I have the current bank truck set. So having Spidey and [a variant of] Ockto already I didn't know if it was worth it just for Iron Fist. I've learned my lesson though!!
Who can say no to 70% off period? I mean I got my first and only Pirates of the Caribbean set (The Black Pearl) for $20 bucks. Granted that was more like 80% off but still.No worries. I'm just giving you a hard time.I could never say no to ~70% off a set with a minifig I want so I always encourage anyone to jump on deals like that.
Buy now! Think later!
Urgh lots of stickers, dammit.
Not seeing "lots of stickers". The panels on the wings perhaps, but that's about it. The red curved pieces with gray look printed to me. EDIT actually, not so sure about this after all...
On the front left red bumper the sticker is very obvious with the double border around the brick.
I drew the line on that Spider-Man set. The Power Man minifig doesn't look like the Luke Cage that I know. At least the Doc Ock lab set from 2012 came with an Iron Fist that resembled the character. And Spider-Man does not need a Spider-Vehicle, unless it is the Spider-Mobile from the 1970's.
I'm also thinking about budget/storage/time again. My "buy" list for 2014 is around $5,000 over the various LEGO themes. I've picked up about half of the sets, but I usually like to finish things out before December, when the next year stuff starts coming out.
I'm a completionist, so if I buy a theme, I usually buy ALL of the sets in a theme.
So I'm wondering if maybe I should pare it back to just the licensed themes going forward. That would mean no more CITY, Creator, Friends, CMF, Pirates, Ultra Agents (or the LEGO action theme du jour). I would still get the annual modular, because that is immune IMO. It would cut the annual spend by almost half, but I would be missing out on a lot of cool new sets/themes.
Decisions, decisions....
So I picked up this from Home Depot last night.
The website says it is good to hold up to 15 pounds. The problem is that the Death Star weighs a bit over 18 pounds. Do you guys/ gals think it will work? I hate to think that I might come home one day and the deathstar is laying on the floor after the shelf breaks away from the wall.
Is a floating corner shelf by the way.... What do you all think?
I don't think the Death Star actually weighs that much. I think that is just the shipping weight, which includes the boxes and the giant instruction book. The finished model weighs significantly less I believe. Someone needs to weight it now.
I wish you were right... but I think it may weigh that searching shows nothing.
Do you have it built? Just go step on a scale while holding it, then weigh yourself without holding it. That should give you an idea.
Also, your link to the shelf isn't working. I am curious to see it.
Do you have it built? Just go step on a scale while holding it, then weigh yourself without holding it. That should give you an idea.
Also, your link to the shelf isn't working. I am curious to see it.
I don't think that shelf will work. The base of the Death Star will be REALLY close to the edge of the curve from the looks of it, with not much wiggle room.
A squared off shelf at the corner might work best, because I can't find a curved corner one that is much larger.
EDIT: Slightly longer, and load bearing up to 50 lbs. But I would still worry about where the base of the set actually rests on the shelf.
Tempted to finally pull the trigger on the Haunted House. But Town Hall is another option.
Haunted House all the way.
It is done...
Tempted to finally pull the trigger on the Haunted House. But Town Hall is another option.
Haunted House Sept 2014 bros unite!
LEGO Shipped my two freebies... the actual Haunted House won't ship till mid-Sept though.
Mine is back ordered until late September. Not a problem, I'm patient.
I'd like to get it on Display by Oct 1st. I think that won't be a problem with the current estimates. I'm wondering how many people ordered the HH this month though? I'm guessing it was a significant number, since it's hard to find them anywhere else. Amazon has had them in stock here and there but never for long.
So the Rock confirmed he is playing Black Adam in a Shazam movie. I'm pretty excited for this news but i'm already making the Lego connection and it makes me even giddier.
Shazam movie means at least one Lego set with both Shazam and Black Adam figs.
It's my time now.