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Okay. I'm going to have a system for buying Lego from here on out. I'll set an annual budget limit on Lego and whenever the new sets are announced, I'll create a set list of all the ones I will get based on A. How good it looks and B. how expensive it is. And no matter how many people gush on a set not on that list, or how much Jang over at Jangbricks says its incredible, I shall not get it. I've started impulse buying recently with the TIE Fighter Prototype being the latest example and I really don't want to go down that road.

If there's anything I've learned by getting back into Lego, its that consumerism is dangerous and if you don't set limits for yourself and get carried away with impulse buying you're gonna be in for a bad time (Unless you're loaded with money, but even then you probably could, just not with Lego but instead with more expensive stuff)
Okay. I'm going to have a system for buying Lego from here on out. I'll set an annual budget limit on Lego and whenever the new sets are announced, I'll create a set list of all the ones I will get based on A. How good it looks and B. how expensive it is. And no matter how many people gush on a set not on that list, or how much Jang over at Jangbricks says its incredible, I shall not get it. I've started impulse buying recently with the TIE Fighter Prototype being the latest example and I really don't want to go down that road.

If there's anything I've learned by getting back into Lego, its that consumerism is dangerous and if you don't set limits for yourself and get carried away with impulse buying you're gonna be in for a bad time (Unless you're loaded with money, but even then you probably could, just not with Lego but instead with more expensive stuff)

Good luck! Seriously, I wish you luck.

We're all enablers here so you may want to stay off this forum. I've tried budgeting but I just don't have the discipline, and the GAFers here don't help! haha


Target's clearance section went from 30% to 50% (today, I think)

saw some nice deals, but on sets I already own and I'm not willing to budget for extras lately.

Go to your local Targets and look for the clearance section if you want some LEGO cheap!

You know what would be awesome for LEGO to do next time we are in a month with no good promotions?

"Free baseplate with $50/75/100/whatever purchase!"

That will get us to come running.

Stop pulling our leg, LEGO. Those baseplates are the most overpriced items you sell. They already were ridiculous at 5.99, to bring them to 7.99 is laughable.

I mean look at the price of oil these days! Be real LEGO T__T Just today the prices fell AGAIN.


I mean look at the price of oil these days! Be real LEGO T__T Just today the prices fell AGAIN.

I would imagine that LEGO's contracts for plastic go out further than what oil prices have done lately. It will be interesting to see what effect if any oil prices have on how they create value in sets, they certainly won't be cutting prices.


On the lack of baseplates in sets that we talked about earlier. I started thinking about the 16x16 regular plates we have been seeing and thinking how amazing it would be if LEGO started replacing 32x32 baseplates with 32x32 plates of different colors in sets. Right now you can't attach anything to the bottom of baseplates but if you had them as plates then it would be much easier to do Lego subfloors and underground areas etc for large displays by being able to directly connect to the baseplate from top and bottom. The building options would grow so much. I would easily spend more for baseplates that had that compatibility. Would be awesome if they did the same thing with the next version of Road baseplates. Just make them as thick as a regular plate and have them smooth and printed where the road is but with all the reinforcements and connections underneath so you could build Turtle lairs under the roads etc and view from the side.

Random, totally uneducated thought: Would regular plates of that size be structurally sound? The big baseplates seem to be made of a different material so they can bend without snapping.

What's the biggest plate LEGO has ever made?

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
I stopped by Target this morning and was surprised to find a full box of these guys on the shelves. Needless to say, I picked up a complete set. Forgive the crap picture quality--I have terrible lighting in my living room.



Random, totally uneducated thought: Would regular plates of that size be structurally sound? The big baseplates seem to be made of a different material so they can bend without snapping.

What's the biggest plate LEGO has ever made?

6x24 and 16x16 are the two I know of and actually own.
I stopped by Target this morning and was surprised to find a full box of these guys on the shelves. Needless to say, I picked up a complete set. Forgive the crap picture quality--I have terrible lighting in my living room.


Can you post dpci from receipt so we can check stock at our stores?


I stopped by Target this morning and was surprised to find a full box of these guys on the shelves. Needless to say, I picked up a complete set. Forgive the crap picture quality--I have terrible lighting in my living room.


Nice score - I'm not aware of anyone else who has found these yet.


hmmmmmm I don't think that is a unique DPCI, unless every Target around me has between 40 and 120 of them, which seems very unlikely.

Oh well, i'm excited to find the new series (eventually)

And congrats on the find, you are among the first to snag any :3

I remember when series 1 came out, I got the LEGO store to pull them from the back on the first day of availability before anywhere else had them. Was a good feeling :D


You guys are the ultimate enablers...before Christmas I had a few minifigures...now I have Parisian Rest, Palace Cinema, Detective Office, the Guardians of the Galaxy sets and the birds set. Not as bad as some others here, but still a lot...it is fun though so thanks!


You guys are the ultimate enablers...before Christmas I had a few minifigures...now I have Parisian Rest, Palace Cinema, Detective Office, the Guardians of the Galaxy sets and the birds set. Not as bad as some others here, but still a lot...it is fun though so thanks!

It doesnt get better. This thread keeps pushing me into Lego Star Wars which would be like the Dark side for my wallet. Star Wars Rebels doesnt help, its a pretty good show. Ive resigned myself to the enevitable with the new movie this year and all the hype.


Got my birds today. Really want to bust it open tonight but I think I'll save it for the weekend..Love the look of the box. Very classy.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Buy yourself a UCS Slave I with that 50% discount to make yourself feel better. The Boba Fett minifig is better in it anyway :p

Lego store employees get a 50% discount!? I need to get myself a job at a Lego store...
I agree with Phon. This is, after all, a $20 LEGO set. The context is important.
Yeah, just to clarify, the set itself isn't even the issue here. As I said, had he even just asked I would have gladly let him have it. $6 would have been nice for Boba Fett and Lando plus a bunch of tan brick when they go for $12-15 each on Bricklink, but I have over 30 sets in my backlog and I'm not even that into Star Wars. There have been many times I've grabbed a set for myself that was a return or the last one and another coworker asked for it for themselves or their kids, and I let them have it. I'd much rather a set go to someone who genuinely wants it, and I know this guy is way into Star Wars.

The issue I have, be it a $5 set or a $500 set, is that I had it on the hold shelf in a bag with my name on it, and he apparently took it out of my bag and bought it for himself. Reasoning that I wouldn't be at work to get it until Saturday. Never mind that I come in on off days frequently to make purchases, and that had my parents not come in to visit I would have gone that day to buy it (and found it gone).

I'm gonna talk to him first not due to any hierarchy at the store or whatever, but because I wanna hear his side of the story. He's been a nice dude, we were hired at the same time last year, and like I said he gave the the minifigs out of his Minecraft Crafting Box free of charge last week even when I offered to pay for them. So it seems out of character that he'd just pull a set out of my bag and take it for himself, but maybe he did. That's why I'm gonna ask him what's up first.

And if he tells me to stuff it I'll dump a pile of Lego on the floor and make him walk on it barefoot. :p
I'm gonna talk to him first not due to any hierarchy at the store or whatever, but because I wanna hear his side of the story. He's been a nice dude, we were hired at the same time last year, and like I said he gave the the minifigs out of his Minecraft Crafting Box free of charge last week even when I offered to pay for them. So it seems out of character that he'd just pull a set out of my bag and take it for himself, but maybe he did. That's why I'm gonna ask him what's up first.

And if he tells me to stuff it I'll dump a pile of Lego on the floor and make him walk on it barefoot. :p

Your are a cruel, cruel man. : P

I am just curious what is LEGO store policy regard return and damage box. Do the store clerks get first dip at everything? I personally find that policy to be a bit unfair to customers but then again, that is a perk of working there. The reason I said this is because the one terrible experience I have at LEGO store, where one of the clerk accuse me of damaging a box and promptly take it to the back of the store and told me they don't sell damage merchandise here which make be think she just want to keep the set to get discount for herself. That said, it was the only time I have bad experience at LEGO store (though it did turn me off going there for a long while). All of the time I have gone to the store, it has been awesome experience, everyone there is kind and they often gave me freebie and always go out of their way to help. The last time I went even without purchase, the clerk hand me the flower cart freebie because they were out of stocks on so many set.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh, speaking of Lego stores, I have a quick question:

So my unopened (by me at least) Pet Shop had very loose tape on the box that is so loose that the flap has opened by itself while sitting on top of my shelf. It was purchased from the store in this condition. I'm assuming this means it's been opened at one point. I plan to start building the set tomorrow, but should I be on the lookout for missing pieces/bags? Or do Lego stores tend to make sure that all the bags and everything are accounted for before selling sets that appear to have been opened?
Your are a cruel, cruel man. : P

I am just curious what is LEGO store policy regard return and damage box. Do the store clerks get first dip at everything? I personally find that policy to be a bit unfair to customers but then again, that is a perk of working there. The reason I said this is because the one terrible experience I have at LEGO store, where one of the clerk accuse me of damaging a box and promptly take it to the back of the store and told me they don't sell damage merchandise here which make be think she just want to keep the set to get discount for herself. That said, it was the only time I have bad experience at LEGO store (though it did turn me off going there for a long while). All of the time I have gone to the store, it has been awesome experience, everyone there is kind and they often gave me freebie and always go out of their way to help. The last time I went even without purchase, the clerk hand me the flower cart freebie because they were out of stocks on so many set.

First and foremost that is really shitty that the clerk treated you that way. Not cool. I feel that at any customer service job even if you do suspect the customer damaged an item on purpose you should never say that to their face, just replace it with an U damaged item. The whole idea of customer service is to serve the customer to the best of your ability. I'm not insinuating you did but that was super unprofessional on her part and I'm sorry you were treated like that.

Now, with returns, it depends on several factors. If it's a new set, or in high demand, like Minecraff or Slave 1, those go back on the shelf immediately. Someone returned two Minecraft sets they got online a week after they came out in November, and I wanted them SO BAD for my birthday but my manager refused to let me and I had to wait until January 1st. (Boo hoo, I know, just giving an example.)
Another factor is the age of the set. Unless there's a Sale Bin on the floor to chuck it in, it just gets stuck in the back so that we don't have to make labels and shelf space for a single set that doesn't belong to a current theme, only to undo it once it sells.
Last, of course, is manager discretion. If someone brings back a Millennium Falcon, for example, if one of us wants it maybe we'll get it or maybe it'll go back on the floor to be sold for full price. That goes for all the points I just listed, though, we always have to ask before setting something aside for ourselves.

As for damaging out boxes? Sometimes on exclusives if it's a busted box, Lego offers extra VIP points depending on the cost of the set. Employees, though, are not allowed to get those extra points specifically because they don't want dispicible workers junking up boxes left and right to get extra credit. As for regular sets, like if we banged up the Green Lantern set, that would get maybe a 10% off sticker, but that discount doesn't stack with our employee discount so there's literally no benefit for us to do that.

Oh, speaking of Lego stores, I have a quick question:

So my unopened (by me at least) Pet Shop had very loose tape on the box that is so loose that the flap has opened by itself while sitting on top of my shelf. It was purchased from the store in this condition. I'm assuming this means it's been opened at one point. I plan to start building the set tomorrow, but should I be on the lookout for missing pieces/bags? Or do Lego stores tend to make sure that all the bags and everything are accounted for before selling sets that appear to have been opened?
I don't know about other stores, but I'm fairly sure it's company policy to never put opened sets back on the shelf unless they're clearly labeled as damaged. And even then, yes, we do make sure the set is complete before putting it on the floor. If it's missing parts, it's not meant to be sold, period. If you buy a NEW set and it's missing parts, of course Lego will replace them for free.

WordAssassin, it is not about the money. It is the principal.
YES. Exactly.


My friend got lucky, with some help from me.
We looked through various stores here in Helsinki yesterday for the X-Wing set (9493) that is OOP. No luck there. Heck, we didn't even see the Super Star Destroyer my friend had spotted some days/weeks ago still on some shelves.
Later, we looked for it from web stores, still no luck, until i ran across a web auction for it. And that price! 45 euro starting bid, 60 euro buyout, for a set that would have cost about 80-90 euros in stores here.

Too bad i can't afford to get anything right now, would have loved that TIE Advanced Prototype.

But speaking of X-Wings... anyone wanna bet one of the first The Force Awakens sets is the new X-Wing?
If it is, i want it (and a TIE Fighter, naturally).

Looks like Ideas has a project for such actually:
Not very keen on that, the wings especially seem to be wrong, as the split is wrong in the model (closed wings should form one thin wing, not as thick as the model has), though i guess a proper wing design is rather complex, especially if one wants a mechanism for opening it.

One thing i really want to see is a new cockpit canopy design for the X-Wing, finally. The current one is old, and wrong for that matter. I guess Lego designed it as it is so that it would fit multiple ships, the original X-Wing, Y-Wing and Snowspeeder all used it, and it does work for all of them but... it isn't quite right.
First and foremost that is really shitty that the clerk treated you that way. Not cool. I feel that at any customer service job even if you do suspect the customer damaged an item on purpose you should never say that to their face, just replace it with an U damaged item. The whole idea of customer service is to serve the customer to the best of your ability. I'm not insinuating you did but that was super unprofessional on her part and I'm sorry you were treated like that.

Now, with returns, it depends on several factors. If it's a new set, or in high demand, like Minecraff or Slave 1, those go back on the shelf immediately. Someone returned two Minecraft sets they got online a week after they came out in November, and I wanted them SO BAD for my birthday but my manager refused to let me and I had to wait until January 1st. (Boo hoo, I know, just giving an example.)
Another factor is the age of the set. Unless there's a Sale Bin on the floor to chuck it in, it just gets stuck in the back so that we don't have to make labels and shelf space for a single set that doesn't belong to a current theme, only to undo it once it sells.
Last, of course, is manager discretion. If someone brings back a Millennium Falcon, for example, if one of us wants it maybe we'll get it or maybe it'll go back on the floor to be sold for full price. That goes for all the points I just listed, though, we always have to ask before setting something aside for ourselves.

As for damaging out boxes? Sometimes on exclusives if it's a busted box, Lego offers extra VIP points depending on the cost of the set. Employees, though, are not allowed to get those extra points specifically because they don't want dispicible workers junking up boxes left and right to get extra credit. As for regular sets, like if we banged up the Green Lantern set, that would get maybe a 10% off sticker, but that discount doesn't stack with our employee discount so there's literally no benefit for us to do that.

Thanks for long, thoughtful and very informative reply. It was VW set and I didn't even realize that it was damage until I took it to the counter. I then ask her if they have a good box she then got really upset with me. May be she was just being defensive because a damage merchandise was put on the floor. If there is no discount to be have the clerk was just being awful then. (I believe she was management type though and not just a clerk) I never see her again though after that incident but it was several months before I went back to the store because of that experience.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I don't know about other stores, but I'm fairly sure it's company policy to never put opened sets back on the shelf unless they're clearly labeled as damaged. And even then, yes, we do make sure the set is complete before putting it on the floor. If it's missing parts, it's not meant to be sold, period. If you buy a NEW set and it's missing parts, of course Lego will replace them for free.

Thanks for the insight! The only thing that made me suspect it had been opened was that the tape was loose, so there's a chance it was never opened and the tape became loose one way or another. Not sure. Regardless, that's good to know that Lego will replace any missing parts for free if it should come to that.


I have so many things to build and I have no time to build, that hasn't stoped me from buying though. The Pet Shop and Sandcrawler arrived today. i also picked up a beat up 40183 Bricktober Town Hall at TRU.
Thanks for long, thoughtful and very informative reply. It was VW set and I didn't even realize that it was damage until I took it to the counter. I then ask her if they have a good box she then got really upset with me. May be she was just being defensive because a damage merchandise was put on the floor. If there is no discount to be have the clerk was just being awful then. (I believe she was management type though and not just a clerk) I never see her again though after that incident but it was several months before I went back to the store because of that experience.

It's possible she may have thought you were a reseller... a lot of times they come in and they pour over every ding and crease on a box making us go back and forth over and over to find one that's immaculate. But still that's no reason to treat a customer poorly. Even though we're not particularly fond of resellers we're never shitty to their faces. Sounds like it's a good thing she's not there anymore.

Thanks for the insight! The only thing that made me suspect it had been opened was that the tape was loose, so there's a chance it was never opened and the tape became loose one way or another. Not sure. Regardless, that's good to know that Lego will replace any missing parts for free if it should come to that.
Yeah there've been a couple times where a set will come out of the box it was shipped in with bad tape, it happens. As for replacing the parts, it's SUPER easy. Shop.lego.com then at the very bottom it says "missing pieces", you put in your location, age, and set number. It gives you a list of parts from that set, you tell them what's missing, and they ship it out to you free of charge. I've had to do it a couple times myself (missing chimney bricks in my Haunted House) and it takes about two weeks since it comes from Lego HQ. Kinda sucks if it halts progress on a set but it's free!
I never trust awards as much as the next guy but...

really, remove the lego filter and the movie is kinda meh


I was really expecting nothing from the film before release. It just felt like a shameless cash in and toy commercial. But then it delivered a great deconstruction of the heroes journey and also delivered a great message about never losing sight of your childhood.

Sure, I and others on here may seem bias because we obviously love the toys, but the movie was fun and inventive and delivered genuine emotion.

Having said that, of the films nominated for Best Animated film, I am pulling for How To Train Your Dragon 2 now.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Yeah there've been a couple times where a set will come out of the box it was shipped in with bad tape, it happens. As for replacing the parts, it's SUPER easy. Shop.lego.com then at the very bottom it says "missing pieces", you put in your location, age, and set number. It gives you a list of parts from that set, you tell them what's missing, and they ship it out to you free of charge. I've had to do it a couple times myself (missing chimney bricks in my Haunted House) and it takes about two weeks since it comes from Lego HQ. Kinda sucks if it halts progress on a set but it's free!

Ah, yeah. I understand how that is. I work shipment in a clothing store, so I know how shipments can be pretty rough on boxes. Haha. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, since it's such a tiny amount of tape to hold in such a large amount of bricks. Pet Shop is one heavy Lego box.
And cool! Thanks! That does seem incredibly easy.
Yeah, just to clarify, the set itself isn't even the issue here. As I said, had he even just asked I would have gladly let him have it.

Just to clarify, I agree 100% that it isn't the cost. I only mentioned that to address some of the suggestions that you need to escalate this with management, etc. Nobody has a right to go through your stuff, and you're taking the right approach with it. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt so for your sake I hope it was an innocent mistake on the part of your colleague.

I was doing some presentations this week in Philadelphia. I am a huge Eagles fan and have only been through the area a handful of times in the last decade. The LEGO loyalty normally holds strong, but in this case there was a clear choice to make.

The good
These things look terrible but I had to buy them. Apparently they feature "bending knees" and come with a football accessory.

The bad
I stuck my head into my home office (aka. the LEGO room) when I got home from the airport and something seemed awry. This isn't going to be good....

The ugly
Ugh. I was feeding cables through the basement's drop ceiling last week and clearly I didn't put one of the small panels back properly. It was powerful to take out a Star Destroyer, so that's saying something. Of course, according to most the Star Destroyer wasn't as big as it should be so perhaps it was an easy target. Ignore the promotional mousepad and the horrendous desk...there's a lot of history with this pressboard monstrosity and I'm not willing to let it go yet.

Back to the good
There were pieces scattered all over the room. I miraculously managed to put everything back into its place and we are back in business.
horrible pic, i know
Finally got some real 2015 sets!

Along with these, got the Batman mech and Brainiac sets for my girlfriend. Not sure which to build first.

Your depth of field is actually great on that photo. Build the Tie Prototype first. That set is so great. The build is excellent and the cockpit is so chunky. I know I've used that adjective before for this set but it's so applicable. Definitely recommended.

Soooo, you Canadians will no longer have Target for Lego....that sucks.

Canadian Targets were a joke compared to US ones. Very few discounts, exceedingly slow turnover on product and sparsely populated stores. I'm not surprised to see them go, but I'm absolutely planning to take advantage of any discounts that may be tied to the closure.
Just to clarify, I agree 100% that it isn't the cost. I only mentioned that to address some of the suggestions that you need to escalate this with management, etc. Nobody has a right to go through your stuff, and you're taking the right approach with it. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt so for your sake I hope it was an innocent mistake on the part of your colleague.

I was doing some presentations this week in Philadelphia. I am a huge Eagles fan and have only been through the area a handful of times in the last decade. The LEGO loyalty normally holds strong, but in this case there was a clear choice to make.

The good
These things look terrible but I had to buy them. Apparently they feature "bending knees" and come with a football accessory.

The bad
I stuck my head into my home office (aka. the LEGO room) when I got home from the airport and something seemed awry. This isn't going to be good....

The ugly
Ugh. I was feeding cables through the basement's drop ceiling last week and clearly I didn't put one of the small panels back properly. It was powerful to take out a Star Destroyer, so that's saying something. Of course, according to most the Star Destroyer wasn't as big as it should be so perhaps it was an easy target. Ignore the promotional mousepad and the horrendous desk...there's a lot of history with this pressboard monstrosity and I'm not willing to let it go yet.

Back to the good
There were pieces scattered all over the room. I miraculously managed to put everything back into its place and we are back in business.

Did you intentionally get a carpet that looks like a giant grey baseplate?


It's been a quiet week for LEGO news, but things will pick up early next week with the London Toy Fair.

In the interim, I see that the Brick Fan has also put forward the theory that Brick Fair Alabama would be the logical venue for the Helicarrier reveal. We'll know for sure either later today (Friday) or tomorrow.


I just spent 30 minutes playing with my Legos. No building, just playing.

I'm a man-child, but I'm a happy man-child. Definitely excited if there's going to be any summer reveals in the near future.


I just spent 30 minutes playing with my Legos. No building, just playing.

I'm a man-child, but I'm a happy man-child. Definitely excited if there's going to be any summer reveals in the near future.
I do this every so often. Yesterday I was stomping the Exo Suit about and posing him.

Love the ship sets for swooshability the most though obv.


I just spent 30 minutes playing with my Legos. No building, just playing.

I'm a man-child, but I'm a happy man-child. Definitely excited if there's going to be any summer reveals in the near future.

I'm 40 and every once in a while something has to come off the shelf to make sure the swooshability is still intact. Just a few days ago the Milano had to take a quick flight around the room to make sure the engines were still functional! ;)

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
No, it really is awesome.

Better than any of the other movies nominated other than maybe Princess Kaguya (which I sadly haven't seen yet).

I have seen the film spiderguy

Honestly I'd argue the Bionicle series was the best Lego produced stuff primarily because it wasn't hindered a lot by test groups.


I was really expecting nothing from the film before release. It just felt like a shameless cash in and toy commercial. But then it delivered a great deconstruction of the heroes journey and also delivered a great message about never losing sight of your childhood.

Sure, I and others on here may seem bias because we obviously love the toys, but the movie was fun and inventive and delivered genuine emotion.

Having said that, of the films nominated for Best Animated film, I am pulling for How To Train Your Dragon 2 now.

Eh... TS handled it much better. And how is it a deconstruction? It's a straightforward story. I'd argue it had a really, really weak middle act and the payoff was more an attempt at a twist rather than being heartfelt, not to mention a bunch of plotholes.

I overlooked a lot of that because it was really nice to see Lego being animated.


Your depth of field is actually great on that photo. Build the Tie Prototype first. That set is so great. The build is excellent and the cockpit is so chunky. I know I've used that adjective before for this set but it's so applicable. Definitely recommended.

I did end building the Tie Prototype first. The build was really fun and it is overall a really great (but pricey) set.

Great stand and angle btw. Might have to steal that.
As I keep disassembling and am about to sort so many sets, I had an idea in my head about how to make a larger and more stable spiral staircase than we have gotten in sets so far. Knocked out a few test steps to see if it was viable, and it is. Now to figure out how to make the inner part of the spiral not look so jagged.

Looking at a few different designs on Google shows that my railing idea was used a couple of times, but not often. But I am surprised that the method for securing the steps has not been used before. At least not in the cursory glance I have taken so far.

Time to go experiment some more.


I have seen the film spiderguy

Honestly I'd argue the Bionicle series was the best Lego produced stuff primarily because it wasn't hindered a lot by test groups.
I'm guessing you mean the stuff other than the movies.

I love the promotional CGI animations and the Mata Nui Online Game (Which is still wonderful today).

Eh... TS handled it much better. And how is it a deconstruction? It's a straightforward story. I'd argue it had a really, really weak middle act and the payoff was more an attempt at a twist rather than being heartfelt, not to mention a bunch of plotholes.

I overlooked a lot of that because it was really nice to see Lego being animated.
I wouldn't call it a deconstruction of the Hero's Journey, but it certainly handles the Hero's Journey with an elegance few movies do.

To quote from the wonderful Film Critic Hulk...
The Hero's Journey - The film is completely unafraid to scathe the hero's journey while still embodying much of what made it wonderful in the first place. Some of you have even noted that it so weirdly mirrors much of my exact take on it in the screenwriting book, but it says everything so much more beautifully than that. It eschews everything gross and icky about destiny and people thinking they are born to be individualist randian heroes and instead grounds everything in basic human relationships, want and need. Heroes aren't born demigods. They aren't picked. It's a possibility within everyone and we only get there by believing in ourselves and finding the kinds of people who believe in us. Heroism isn't a birthright that we futz around. It's a choice. And it's realized through both will and genuine empathy.

And we see this a lot. The concept of "the special" is the icky part of the hero's journey, a prophecy of a "chosen one" born into heroism. But then we see that Emmett isn't born the special and that Vitruvius just made the prophecy up. Emmett isn't a lego minifigure designed to be a hero like Batman; he was just a construction worker (as Will Ferrell points out) who became a hero through his choice to learn new things and help others, culminating in his sacrifice in Lord Business's Tower. The Lego Movie is about how every person is like Emmett and has that ability to be a hero, to be "the special". The end battle has the entire city go wild building creative things, every background character having their chance to be the hero with the talents they have not yet expressed. Even Lord Business, the villain, has that potential within himself. And all of this is a metaphor for the real life conflict of the boy and his father. The dad's controlling nature means he doesn't feel anyone should be able to build with his legos, and the kid is trying to prove that everyone should enjoy that ability.

Plus, it's hilarious. I can't emphasize this enough, The Lego Movie is one of the best comedies I've ever seen. The delivery of jokes is blisteringly quick, and no joke comes across as particularly forced. My entire theater was laughing uproariously at "the Kragle" and "the Sword of Exact Zero".
Palacebrother.... do you have a guide on how to build a good stand? I got the star destryoer (100 dollar one that recently came out), the Sity Fury from SWTOR and want to get the tie prototype... but I need stands/ bases? Is there a good set to buy that will help give me the pieces to build them? Thanks!
Palacebrother.... do you have a guide on how to build a good stand? I got the star destryoer (100 dollar one that recently came out), the Sity Fury from SWTOR and want to get the tie prototype... but I need stands/ bases? Is there a good set to buy that will help give me the pieces to build them? Thanks!

My only suggestion is to keep building them. Phon posted some great stands he built a couple of years ago and I took inspiration from that. My Jedi Interceptor & Tie Prototype stands are the only ones I'm really happy with. I'll gladly take pics if you'd like but they're nothing extraordinary.

The thing I've been doing recently is trying to keep them as simple as possible while maintaining the angle I'm going for.

Edit: I realized that I didn't really answer your question about parts. I've been able to cull Technic liftarms from my old sets and use them. Pieces like this can really help:



It's been a quiet week for LEGO news, but things will pick up early next week with the London Toy Fair.

In the interim, I see that the Brick Fan has also put forward the theory that Brick Fair Alabama would be the logical venue for the Helicarrier reveal. We'll know for sure either later today (Friday) or tomorrow.

Stop playing with my emotions!

My life is going to be on hold all weekend now hitting F5.
Palacebrother.... do you have a guide on how to build a good stand? I got the star destryoer (100 dollar one that recently came out), the Sity Fury from SWTOR and want to get the tie prototype... but I need stands/ bases? Is there a good set to buy that will help give me the pieces to build them? Thanks!

Some crude stands I made the other year. Many more pictures at the link here.


Stand for Sonic Boom


Sonic Boom on stand. It just rests there and is supported by the notch.


Quinjet, Sonic Boom, and Sopwith Camel on stands.
The only one that is actually hard attached to a stand is Quinjet. I threaded some technic pins through the underside of it, and could reverse the angle on it to make it look like it is hovering or taking off. There are some pics showing it at the above link.

Those were very crudely put together a couple of years ago. I haven't made any since, but might make some more if I put some more ships together. Many of the ideas for them were stolen from the stands that UCS Star Wars stuff comes with.
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