The thing about the price is, yeah, X-Wing and TIE and Tumbler don't come with many figs. But this is a $349 set, the second most expensive set Lego makes, and it's also more of a playset than those ships which are meant for display purposes. Look at the other UCS playsets: Ewok Villiage, the Sand Crawler, even the Sea Cow, and the best example of all, the Death Star. Those comes with TONS of minifigs, and they're also all cheaper than the Helicarrier (exception of course being the Death Star, which has way more parts, way more figures, and is also licensed yet is only $50 more expensive.)
Even my coworkers and I, with our massive discounts, think it's overpriced. I can't imagine paying full price for it. It's more than my car payment each month by about $70!!
It's what, ~2800 pieces? And how many of those are micro/minifigures? The price should have either been $299, or they should have added the whole Avengers cast in both microfigs AND minifigs (but with exclusive Bruce Banner instead of the BigFig Hulk). Or they could have included the motor in the box and kept it at $349 too I guess.
I feel like every UCS set is reasonably priced except the Helicarrier. Which sucks because I really want it ;^;
Even my coworkers and I, with our massive discounts, think it's overpriced. I can't imagine paying full price for it. It's more than my car payment each month by about $70!!
It's what, ~2800 pieces? And how many of those are micro/minifigures? The price should have either been $299, or they should have added the whole Avengers cast in both microfigs AND minifigs (but with exclusive Bruce Banner instead of the BigFig Hulk). Or they could have included the motor in the box and kept it at $349 too I guess.
I feel like every UCS set is reasonably priced except the Helicarrier. Which sucks because I really want it ;^;