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It's going to be Soooo tempting to get all the sets that night... but I don't want to get overwhelmed with a huge shopping list. Going to focus on the 6" figures, the 6" scale TIE and exclusives. Maybe get one of those lightsabers shown in the catalog, stuff of that nature.

LEGO I am definitely getting at the LEGO store or on shop.lego.com

In fact, if they put them up around 9PM PST I can order everything online 3 hours before my TRU even opens its doors. We'll see.

And we don't know if TRU is going to do a major mark up on things either.

I am so tempted to go hog wild on Force Friday, but if there are no good exclusives, I can wait. I think I will be able to snag stuff before the end of the year just by some hunting around here. Nothing seems to sell out quickly.
Since so many of us are posting our occasionally messy collections....

These are the shelves my kids insisted on setting up so they could display their sets. As you can see, not much of that his happening. Even though this is in our office/exercise/LEGO room in the basement, it's still too messy. These parts will be assimilated into the collective shortly.


In the same room, this is where the girls actually play with their LEGO. If they're feeling particularly "basement brave" they can spend hours here.

Now onto the more shameful stuff. Compared to many of you, this barely qualifies as a "backlog", but these are the sets I do eventually plan on building. I've referenced the "secret LEGO closet" before....shhhhhh....don't tell my wife.

I, like Phonciple Bone have a problem with buying sets that are > 50% off even if I don't want them. I don't know that I'll ever build these. The Cinderella Castle will get brought on a rainy day no doubt. We have a fairly large cold storage room in our basement, which is where this and the next few pictures are taken.

Also in the cold room...the chest of hoarding. 4 drawers that contain:

  • Miscellaneous Christmas sets
  • Sets I don't want to take apart but don't want to dispay either
  • More of those but also sets I want to keep isolated from the collective
  • More sets I want isolated from the collective

In the same room....I can't rebuild them every year. Toy Shop, Bakery, Post Office, Cottage & Winter Village Market. These are in a box labeled "unused dishes".

Another view of a corner of the cold room, complete with creepy-ass man behind the Haunted House. The bins are filled with a ton of polybags & also act as the destination for CMFs and some figs from sets. Those bins are the reason I stopped collecting CMFs after getting the first 11 or 12 series...they all just end up here. The bin with all the red & white bricks has all of the pieces from the 1960s jackpot of sets I fell into a few weeks back. Some other unopened Ideas sets and more bagged sets that have been broken down. This is a shameful room.

I think I've posted a pic of this before, but this is where most of the pieces have been sorted out. It's in the basement and I'm in the early stages of roughing this in as a bathroom. I'll have to relocate everything to the other basement "LEGO room" in the fall.

Some additional notes

-The story I mentioned earlier about my wife getting annoyed and mixing the bins? It was all of the loose bins on the left. The boxes in the bottom right are my often-mentioned "bullshit bins" for pieces I have no real use for.

-That rolled up poster on the left hand side? Who needs a sweet 8' Nitzer Ebb poster? Free to the first taker.

All of that was in the basement. The only "upstairs LEGO" we typically have is in the den on the mantle. Once I crack open and complete the Detective Office I will have used up all the available space on the mantle. Looking forward to the tough 2016 decision as to what to do with the next modular.

Thank you for indulging me. Know my shame. I am history's greatest monster.
What a lovely mess! And that reminds me, I have a giant Rubbermaid container still filled with disassembled Simpson's House, UCS Imperial Shuttle, and Best Star in the LEGO room. I need to build those. Although I am thinking of committing the ultimate sacrilege and putting the Best Star into the collective.
What a lovely mess! And that reminds me, I have a giant Rubbermaid container still filled with disassembled Simpson's House, UCS Imperial Shuttle, and Best Star in the LEGO room. I need to build those. Although I am thinking of committing the ultimate sacrilege and putting the Best Star into the collective.

That's the brown-boxed set in one of my shots, and I frankly don't know where I would put it. We've got a pretty big place but I'm not getting clearance to put a frickin' Death Star in the living room so what to do? This is the main reason I haven't cracked it yet.

Rebuild your shuttle since it's glorious, and erase all memory of the Simpsons house. I'll put mine into the collective if you do.
For people here in Central Georgia, my local walmart has a buttload of the 30161 Batmobile polybag on clearance. Two dollars for 45 pieces isn't bad at all. I checked bricklink and everyone's selling it for 5 and up lol.
Oh the plan is for Simpsons to be absorbed into the collective. UCS imperial shuttle was my first UCS and first big set after coming out of the dark ages. Besides being awesome, it holds far too much sentimental value to stay down for the count.

Best Star though is tough. I love the set with all my heart, but it is big, takes a long and glorious time to build, but has so many useful parts. Of course, it might remain the sole set I display in the living room if I rebuild it. One, because it looks awesome. Two, because it fits perfectly on top of the subwoofer. :)


[*]Sets I don't want to take apart but don't want to dispay either

Nice! I have that same 80's Technic go-cart set in a box somewhere. One of only 2-3 sets left over from when I was much younger.

My LEGO room has become a mess, too, but I will refrain from taking a pic in it's current state. But at least most the backlog has been hidden within 2 separate closets. Except the newly acquired stuff, anyway.

But disappointment has struck me tonight. I decided to go with putting together the UCS Slave I this weekend and it is now put on hold just 3 bags in. I get the to the second to last step from the #3 bag and find out I'm missing 2 of the 1x4 dark red slopes and in it's place have 2 extra 1x6 dark green plates. God dammit. Of all the sets I've put together over the years, I think this is only the 2nd time I've come up missing a piece and had a spare of something else in it's place. The only other time it's happened was Cloud City.
I don't know how you can even have a backlog of LEGOs. I only bother buying a set I'm gonna build.

Backlogs usually have sets people plan on building. :) If you give in to your feelings, you will know the dark side of LEGO.

Well, I guess technically there are two types of backlogs. One with sets to build, and one with sets to sort and add to the collective. I have large backlogs of both.

Yessss, now we're talkin!

Eh so i guess i'm NOT the only one afterall with a bit of a messy problem when it comes to Lego and where it's stored/supposed to be sorted etc.

When it comes to display space i suppose i am spoiled since my wife lets me put up pretty much anything in the living room. She even has a few of her own sets displayed there.

I actually HAD the Death Star displayed in the living room when i swapped it out for Orthanc which just looks "classier" and not as much "in your face massive space spation/Star Wars nerdgasm" as the Death Star. There is a time and place for this as well though so i am still looking for the perfect spot for it upstairs...


I would love that much space for Lego. The kids are being kicked out of the spare room though (old enough not to need a playroom) so I'm getting use of that, but I need to keep a sofa bed in there, and half is cordoned off for my home office, so I'm still limited on space.

That benny's spaceship stand is fantastic.
It really bothers me that the Ecto-1 doesn't have back wheels. Like, I get that it's tiny, and you can sweep it under the rug by saying they're hidden under the back wheel wells, but it looks so weird.

Aww... I was gonna buy extras of the DeLorean, Ecto-1, and Dr. Who sets for my desk at work, but that build really puts a damper on my fun. :/
I don't know how you can even have a backlog of LEGOs. I only bother buying a set I'm gonna build.

Yeah really. I just buy a set I'm going to build when I get home, usually while watching a movie or something. I guess some people here can afford to buy like 5-10 sets at a time though, many of them they 'plan' to build sometime in the future lol so I can see where the backlogs can come from. Or just they don't have enough time due to having a family or whatever. Maybe when I can get a halfway decent job after college I'll have that problem


Here's my space since others are sharing theirs.
I took a small unfinished corner room in the basement to turn into a game room a few years back just before I came out of my dark ages. Had I known then what I know now I would done some things differently . Thinking about either expanding this room ( dont really want to start tearing down walls again though ) or moving to another room.

All the action figures / statues on the top shelf will probably be going away soon to make more room for lego when i find somewhere better to put them.

I've got a small back log but it's not bad. Mostly sets I picked up on sale or with good intentions. The Chima one was bought a long time ago with the intentions of using the tracks on the vehicle to moc a tank or snowmobile or something. there it sits still in the box :(

leng jai

Having a backlog of Lego has never made sense to me. I just buy what I want and build it within a few days. That already takes up too much room as it is.


I just buy what I want and build it within a few days.

I, too, buy what I want, when I want....within budget. I just happen to want quite a few sets. And I don't always have the time to build everything in a timely matter due to work, family, etc. Then there is space constraints, which means getting to a point where you gotta tear down older sets before you can display the newer sets. That takes times, too. But I'm still going to buy stuff before it retires because I'll be damned if I'm going to pay more than msrp on a set anymore, especially on something I really want. So I buy it now while it's still readily available even it's not something I'll be putting together for a while.

And this is how a backlog starts.
My backlog happens like this:

"Oh man these sets I want are on clearance? Oh my gosh someone returned this hella old set? Oh man I really want that bonus poly but I have to spend $75 to get it? And with my discount I have to buy twice as many sets as normal to hit the $75?" *reluctantly pulls out wallet to pay for a giant stack of Lego*

I just completely redid my bedroom shelving situation to move like 90% of my Lego into my room from the rest of the house, so I'll have to post pictures soon so I can join in the fun heheheheh.


Lego a 'better investment than shares and gold'

But we already knew that, didn't we?

Modern sets are performing even more strongly, with those released last year already selling on eBay for 36 per cent more than their original price.
Yup, yup, YUP!
The largest percentage rise in price for any Lego set has been on "Cafe Corner", a model of a hotel which went on sale in 2007. The set, which has 2,056 pieces, originally sold for £89.99 but the price has risen to £2,096 since it went out of production – a return for investors of 2,230 per cent.
LEGO Prospecting is only going to grow, sucks for me because they love to go after those clearance deals and I hate having more competition :p

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Wife wanted to go shopping today, so I called my "local" Lego store to see if they had a red five xwing. They had 1 so 105 miles later, I have it in my hands.
I am currently at the Chicago Comic Con.

There are at least 4 entire booths dedicated to "Custom Lego Minifigures" throughout the convention floor. It's Chinese figures as far as the eye can see. Literally thousands and thousands of them all set up on display. They're handing out business cards! 1 figure for $5 or 5 for $20. Big figs are $10ea. I'll post pics later. They're pretty impressive.

I saw one obviously disgruntled booth with a sign saying "Selling REAL Lego Minifigs" with a hand written sign underneath saying: aka NOT CHINESE KNOCKOFFS!!!

His booth was completely rotten with the same Chinese figs intermixed with his legit ones, lol.

I was considering getting some Nova Corps grunts since I cannot buy them individually. I'm looking for Hydra soldiers too.

First image uploaded. This was 1 side of an "L" shaped booth.



So I was watching Amazing Spider-Man 2 today (it's not great but I don't mind rewatching it) and I got to thinking. There are alot of Spider-man villains I would like Lego to make figs of but damn if I don't want a Mysterio fig. And wouldn't that be one hell of a set if they did it right? As a bonus they should include a Vulture fig as well so I can complete a Sinister Six collection.


So I was watching Amazing Spider-Man 2 today (it's not great but I don't mind rewatching it) and I got to thinking. There are alot of Spider-man villains I would like Lego to make figs of but damn if I don't want a Mysterio fig. And wouldn't that be one hell of a set if they did it right? As a bonus they should include a Vulture fig as well so I can complete a Sinister Six collection.

Enjoying the free Starz preview?
I am currently at the Chicago Comic Con.

There are at least 4 entire booths dedicated to "Custom Lego Minifigures" throughout the convention floor. It's Chinese figures as far as the eye can see. Literally thousands and thousands of them all set up on display. They're handing out business cards! 1 figure for $5 or 5 for $20. Big figs are $10ea. I'll post pics later. They're pretty impressive.

I saw one obviously disgruntled booth with a sign saying "Selling REAL Lego Minifigs" with a hand written sign underneath saying: aka NOT CHINESE KNOCKOFFS!!!

His booth was completely rotten with the same Chinese figs intermixed with his legit ones, lol.

I was considering getting some Nova Corps grunts since I cannot buy them individually. I'm looking for Hydra soldiers too.

First image uploaded. This was 1 side of an "L" shaped booth.


I'm mixed on knockoffs, but I'm not cool with them calling them "custom LEGO minifigs" because it can easily be misconstrued as real LEGO minifigs with customizations. Calling them "LEGO compatible minifigs" is more honest.
Deceiving kids is not cool at all.

I'm sure there's a ton of dishonest sellers that do the same on eBay. I'm confortable on Bricklink with minifigs because the community would trash any store that dared to sell a knockoff as a real LEGO minifig.

It is cool seeing minifigs in massive quantities like that.

Anyway, just my opinion. Not trying to start anything. :)


LEGO Simpsons House for $173 on AWD:

Found this on reddit.

Sept 4-12 target is going to have $10 off $50 and $25 off $100 on Star Wars merchandise. Could be some sweet Lego deals if the deal works on Legos.



Why buy from LEGO store and get 5% back in VIP points when you can get 25% off everything?

Target is now the ultimate destination for your FF needs... assuming they get plenty of stock. That is if they allow you to break it up into multiple purchases, i've tried this sort of thing before and usually they don't care.


LEGO Simpsons House for $173 on AWD:


Why buy from LEGO store and get 5% back in VIP points when you can get 25% off everything?

Target is now the ultimate destination for your FF needs... assuming they get plenty of stock. That is if they allow you to break it up into multiple purchases, i've tried this sort of thing before and usually they don't care.
I just hope we find out more concrete details sooner than midnight on FF.


Talked to a local TRU rep, and they were less than thrilled about having to open at midnight for Force Friday.

On one hand I feel for them having to work that shift, on the other hand midnight launches have been part of the toy/gaming industry for a while now, so maybe they should find another occupation.
Talked to a local TRU rep, and they were less than thrilled about having to open at midnight for Force Friday.

On one hand I feel for them having to work that shift, on the other hand midnight launches have been part of the toy/gaming industry for a while now, so maybe they should find another occupation.
Those poor people had to work overnight on Thanksgiving day. It is terrible.
But, midnight launches can be really awesome to work if the store is hyped for it too and makes it fun.


The employees at my TRU seemed pleased to hear about it because they could pick up some extra shifts. They told me they don't get overtime though. I feel bad for them, I couldn't imagine working at a job where overtime were such a big deal they would do anything to avoid paying it. Retail and food industry is a bunch of bullshit.
I struck out at Target trying to get some CMF series 14. They confirmed that they have 1 box in the back, but they won't break the street date.

I did find 2 tubs of Lego at a yard sale for $30 and a Ninjago board game for 50 cents at another (I also picked up a violin for $30--says Stradivarius inside, but I'm sure it's a knock-off).


Took the kids to the Lego store today, to secretly get my hands on a set.

Bought the junior spider-man car set and a duplo set for the kids, and got the Ecto-1 for myself.

I just looked online, and the last set I remember buying was the first X-Wing. Seems like it came out in 99, I thought it was longer than that.

Can't wait to get started. :p


I struck out at Target trying to get some CMF series 14. They confirmed that they have 1 box in the back, but they won't break the street date.

I did find 2 tubs of Lego at a yard sale for $30 and a Ninjago board game for 50 cents at another (I also picked up a violin for $30--says Stradivarius inside, but I'm sure it's a knock-off).

It will be on the shelf tomorrow more than half empty :p

Source: Happened to me *grumble grumble*
Took the kids to the Lego store today, to secretly get my hands on a set.

Bought the junior spider-man car set and a duplo set for the kids, and got the Ecto-1 for myself.

I just looked online, and the last set I remember buying was the first X-Wing. Seems like it came out in 99, I thought it was longer than that.

Can't wait to get started. :p

More new blood in LEGO GAF!? YAY!


Welcome! And kiss your money goodbye. We are a bunch of filthy enablers. But it is all done out of love.


Took the kids to the Lego store today, to secretly get my hands on a set.

Bought the junior spider-man car set and a duplo set for the kids, and got the Ecto-1 for myself.

I just looked online, and the last set I remember buying was the first X-Wing. Seems like it came out in 99, I thought it was longer than that.

Can't wait to get started. :p

Get the Junior's Green Goblin set. Then steal the Green Goblin fig for yourself.
Took the kids to the Lego store today, to secretly get my hands on a set.

Bought the junior spider-man car set and a duplo set for the kids, and got the Ecto-1 for myself.

I just looked online, and the last set I remember buying was the first X-Wing. Seems like it came out in 99, I thought it was longer than that.

Can't wait to get started. :p

I'm was in the same situation when my "dark ages" ended during the Spring of last year. I didn't have many sets as a kid, but I was a huge Star Wars collector and bought 5 sets when they came out in 1999. Having a child and seeing the Simpsons House set opened the floodgates and I now have hundreds of sets and thousands less dollars to my name!

Ecto-1 was a great choice.


Thanks guys! Feeling the love :3

My son is crazy for the Spidey set. It's his second one, the first one being a micro AT-AT, but he wasn't crazy for it. It's probably the car-spidey combination that makes it awesome for him. It's also alot simpler.

My excuse for the Ecto-1 to my SO was that my son would eventually get it.

Probably won't work again.

Welcome! And kiss your money goodbye. We are a bunch of filthy enablers. But it is all done out of love.

I've gotten out of deep rabbit holes before, with transformers and joes and marvel figs.

I've hopefully gained some insight and self-control.


Aw man, I've also fallen down this rabbit hole. I love the few sets I've bought so far. Scooby Doo Haunted Lighthouse, LOTR Mines of Moria, and The Hobbit An Unexpected Gathering. Also got a some Minecraft sets. Now that I've got my feet wet, I'm nervous/excited about getting into MOC stuff.

I'm going to start by recreating a couple of my favorites MOCs I've come across and then start making my own. I'm mainly interested in vignettes/small dioramas. This is a scary road I'm going down but man.... I gotta live out my nerdy dream of creating little fantasy and weird fiction vignettes.
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