The brown 2x6s, I think from Helms Deep, crumbled as I tried to take them apart. Two were out, but not anywhere near a window, and they were under other bricks so not exposed to light. The other two were in a box in the closet.
The brown 2x6s, I think from Helms Deep, crumbled as I tried to take them apart. Two were out, but not anywhere near a window, and they were under other bricks so not exposed to light. The other two were in a box in the closet.
So is the 2X VIP and Gingerbread House in stores only next Saturday, or online as well?
The brown 2x6s, I think from Helms Deep, crumbled as I tried to take them apart. Two were out, but not anywhere near a window, and they were under other bricks so not exposed to light. The other two were in a box in the closet.
Nothing the rest of my apartment hasn't gone through, although it is Hawaii so if I'm not running the a/c it will be in the low 90s. When I run the a/c I only take it down to the low 80s. I'm used to cheap plastic crumbling after several years, but this is the first time LEGO has shattered on me, and these pieces are only 3 years old. The other pieces connected to them were ok, and they were standard connections, and I was using a brick separator. I put in a claim on S&H and I'm hoping they email me so I can send them the picture.That is quite the break up. I'm amazed it held on that tight. Was it in a heated and cooling area perhaps it expanded and contracted too much.
Hmm... So guys, do I want to get Temple of Airjitzu this weekend and get Enter the Serpent for free? Or do I want to get it next weekend and get Double VIP points and the Gingerbread House for free to go along with the other three Holiday/Christmas sets I got recently (Winter Toy Shop, Santa's Workshop, and the Holiday Train)?
Or do I not want to spend $200 on Temple of Airjitzu at all (even though as a kid the ninja theme was my absolute favorite and I really dig the look of the Temple of Airjitzu...)?
The temple is a great set that you will probably end up getting at some point. The question really is if you value Enter the Serpent more than the other 3 items. I personally went with Enter the Serpent.
Thanks for laying out the options like that!
But yeah, I think I do value Enter the Serpent more than the other three items. I definitely wouldn't buy it for $60, but I do like it quite a bit. Like, I'd say it's worth maybe $35 to me?
The main reasons that Option 2 seems nice (though not necessarily better than Option 1) is that: A) I could order it online and wouldn't have to figure out a way to get to one of the LEGO stores which are at least 45 minutes away from me, and B) since I'll already be putting together a LEGO Christmas setup, it'd be cool to have another item to add to the setup.
Although with that said, I just realized I could always order another item next weekend and get the best of both worlds...
If you do option 1, you should call ahead and have them put both sets aside for you. Don't want you to make the trip and go home empty handed.
BTW, the store calendar is only an in-store offer since the free items it comes with can only be redeemed in-store for next year. To get everything in either option, you'll have to make a trip either way.
The most important thing is just getting Temple of Airjitzu. Everything else is just gravy.
The brown 2x6s, I think from Helms Deep, crumbled as I tried to take them apart. Two were out, but not anywhere near a window, and they were under other bricks so not exposed to light. The other two were in a box in the closet.
One of the 1x1 clips from my ecto-1 did the same. Just fell apart for no reason. Didn't even move it and it's been on a shelf in our bonus room.
Two of the yellow levers from the hummingbird's flower kept on just falling off,while just sitting on a shelf. I finally looked at them and both were cracked.
Bootlegging cookies.
Option 1: $200
Temple of Airjitzu
Enter the Serpent
Option 2: $200
Temple of Airjitzu
Gingerbread House
2016 Wall Calendar with 3 free items
Double VIP - Extra $10 Store Credit
The temple is a great set that you will probably end up getting at some point. The question really is if you value Enter the Serpent more than the other 3 items. I personally went with Enter the Serpent.
The brown 2x6s, I think from Helms Deep, crumbled as I tried to take them apart. Two were out, but not anywhere near a window, and they were under other bricks so not exposed to light. The other two were in a box in the closet.
Two of the yellow levers from the hummingbird's flower kept on just falling off,while just sitting on a shelf. I finally looked at them and both were cracked.
Angry Birds:
My oldest daughter and I had the day to ourselves with my wife and the other kids away - I decided to crack open one of my Christmas gifts to myself a little early and let her build the Milano.
Ended up helping a bit as the wings were a little tricky, but there are some neat techniques in there I didn't expect. I also didn't expect the joint at the front of the ship to be slightly askew (and it's in the manual, I originally thought I did something wrong).
I was pleasantly surprised at its size. It was a fun build and as much fun to run around the house with it in my hand.
You still get VIP points for option 1 so you be fair:
VIP - Extra $5 Store Credit for option 1.
Option 3:
Temple of Airjitzu
Enter the Serpent
VIP - Extra $5 Store Credit
~$100 of random LEGO sets
Gingerbread House
2016 Wall Calendar with 3 free items
Double VIP - Extra $10 Store Credit
edit - I also have a gripe I'm sure others share - with four women in the house, most with long hair, I find that every time I assemble Lego I'm constantly having to stop to pull hairs out that I've managed to catch between pieces after I snap them together. This happens whether I've vacuumed recently or not, I swear there's a cloud of long hairs that sneak on top of every exposed Lego stud, waiting for me to lock them in place.
You still get VIP points for option 1 so you be fair:
VIP - Extra $5 Store Credit for option 1.
Option 3:
Temple of Airjitzu
Enter the Serpent
VIP - Extra $5 Store Credit
~$100 of random LEGO sets
Gingerbread House
2016 Wall Calendar with 3 free items
Double VIP - Extra $10 Store Credit
Angry Birds:
I uploaded a short video to give people a taste of flying around as wicked witch in Dimensions along with graphics and size of the world. This is just the Emerald City in Oz.
As someone very interested in getting Dimensions... while this looks very good, it feels like there really isn't all that much to do in terms of activities? The city looks pretty empty and sterile doesn't it? I also don't see many things built out of bricks there hmmm...
Is the Gingerbread House and double VIP also an European promotion?
My wife finally pulled the gun on the Winter Toy Shop, and when I wanted to order it in S@H I saw the Holiday Train promo is over... So I'd rather wait in the house now
Slave 1 is a better build, but the TIE is better looking I think. But I am biased since the TIE is probably my favorite fighter ship in the uh
even though I was told the Slave 1 was a better deal, I got the UCS TIE anyway
and I'm kinda happy I did, because DAMN THIS THING'S BIG
And not just big in terms of volume. The UCS TIE is so solid and heavy it could probably be used as a murder weapon.
The hub worlds don't have that much to do and they're 99% not brick built (not counting the TLM world, I'm assuming). It's mostly for flavour. There's much more stuff in the actual levels.
Also, I just realized that even though I've collected all the special powers for my portal, there's still another 10 levels to go! Damn, this game is packed with stuff!
I hope they get Star Wars and Marvel on board.Dimensions is going to be a monster. Brickset has 22 sets listed that we haven't even heard about yet.
As someone very interested in getting Dimensions... while this looks very good, it feels like there really isn't all that much to do in terms of activities? The city looks pretty empty and sterile doesn't it? I also don't see many things built out of bricks there hmmm...
I want to know more about the Dimensions multi-year strategy.
Other toys to life games release a new box set every year. Disney Infinity 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. etc. Skylanders, same thing
Dimensions is very clear about not requiring a new starter pack every year. They say this, but they will have to do some sort of refresh in order to compete with the other games that get all new starter sets every year.
The starter content in Dimensions is fine and all, but there's so much room for improvement... I want to see them add lots of new story content and new gameplay elements. If they only do new level packs and team packs it feels very limited in how they can expand the core game, unless their plans are very different from tradition (such as very extensive patches to the original starter that add these things.)
I hope they get Star Wars and Marvel on board.