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The Lego isle in my local walmart was picked cleaner than a dead zebra on the Serengeti.

There was only about 15 things on the shelves, with 3 or 4 of the boxes ripped open.


The Lego isle in my local walmart was picked cleaner than a dead zebra on the Serengeti.

There was only about 15 things on the shelves, with 3 or 4 of the boxes ripped open.

That's pretty serious. A few Targets here are not far off from being that bad, but I haven't seen it THAT bad.

My local TRU is at about 40% what it usually has on the shelf which is rather impressive since they carry quite a lot.
That's pretty serious. A few Targets here are not far off from being that bad, but I haven't seen it THAT bad.

My local TRU is at about 40% what it usually has on the shelf which is rather impressive since they carry quite a lot.

I think it's so bad because this place takes forever to get/put out new stock. It didn't have the S12 CMF out until just before Thanksgiving.


Thanks to free shipping I ordered Decorating the Tree from TRU a few days ago. I received it today. Except it was not it that I received... they sent me Bricktober Pizza Place.

I called them up and they are reshipping me another tree... o_O strange but... I guess I got a free Pizza Place out of it.


I haven't messed with anything lego for a long time, but I got the Space Needle for Christmas and it was fun to build. I want to build something bigger. I was thinking either something else from the architecture line, or maybe the Simpsons house because I'm a big fan.
Troop Transport is one of the first 2015 SW sets to sell out its pre-orders on amazon.com so congrats on choosing wisely!
Wow, it's already $35 plus $5 shipping. I should have gotten 2.

Hopefully it actually ships. I have pre-ordered comic trade paperbacks months early on amazon only to have to wait months longer because it sold out.


I haven't messed with anything lego for a long time, but I got the Space Needle for Christmas and it was fun to build. I want to build something bigger. I was thinking either something else from the architecture line, or maybe the Simpsons house because I'm a big fan.

i can't comment about the architecture line much apart from my opinion that those sets are way overpriced for what you get in them.

however, Simpsons House would please any Simpsons fan, and you should know they are releasing a companion set this year: Kwik-E-Mart.

So get yourself a Simpsons house, get all the Simpsons Series 1 collectible minfigures (before they start to become rarer) and await the release of Series 2 this spring/summer!
The Lego isle in my local walmart was picked cleaner than a dead zebra on the Serengeti.

There was only about 15 things on the shelves, with 3 or 4 of the boxes ripped open.

I managed to get Benny's Spaceship x 3 today for 50% off at a local Walmart.

Canadians: just take the set up to a checkout and show them that the walmart.ca site has it listed for $59.99 instead of the usual $119.99. No questions asked.

I also managed to track down the Ghost, which was surprisingly hard. Rebels must be popular because I had to try six or seven stores to find it.

The backlog is growing like crazy....a friend brought over the SW MHC set last night, and because of this thread I just called my local shop and they will have Slave 1 ready for sale tomorrow. Too much LEGO!

not possible


I haven't messed with anything lego for a long time, but I got the Space Needle for Christmas and it was fun to build. I want to build something bigger. I was thinking either something else from the architecture line, or maybe the Simpsons house because I'm a big fan.

Simpsons house is ok but the build experience is pretty dull and the end result isn't great for display as most of the detail is inside.


If other stores are releasing the Slave one and detective agency... can Lego not just break the street date and release them early?


Well I've gone and done it.

The guy who rang me up mentioned that they were expecting to start selling it on the first but received word to put them out today.

Slave 1 and the detective agency seemed to be the only new ones out. No sign of Mixels, birds or CMF.


I got into Lego and I have no idea why! I am glad I did though. I have seen some of you guys mention Lego S@H, is that the preferred way or should I just try my luck at stores?
My wife grabbed some of the new minifigs today at Meijers here in Michigan.

8 figs, no repeats!

Hot Dog Guy
Disco Guy
Alien Octo Face
Female Samurai
Egyptian Warrior

I would like another fencer + the rest. She said this series was really easy to feel out.

Also my kids spent some Xmas money on 3 Lego MineCraft sets. They look better in person than on the box, but MineCraft is totally not my thing. They love the sets though and that's all that counts.


Local Target had the new Green Lantern and Braniac sets out. I, of course, picked them up. I am still waiting for the Uni-Kitty and Batman set to make a local appearance.
God, Mixels are coming on the 1st as well? Ugh.

I would go and get Slave 1 and Detective's Office tonight, but gonna wait for those sweet poly bag promos.
Going Lego shopping today, armed with some Christmas cash. I'm not expecting any sales TBH, as none of the Australian department stores, nor TRU, seem to have any significant discounts on Lego.

I've got Benny's Spaceship x3, Milano, AT-AT, and Snowspeeder on my list, but I can't afford all of them. I'll just end up getting what I can find, or whatever appeals to me when I look at a real box in a real store (instead of just pictures on the internet).

This is the first time I've bought Lego for myself (the kids have plenty, but they don't count!) in over 20 years, so I'm excited :)


I got into Lego and I have no idea why! I am glad I did though. I have seen some of you guys mention Lego S@H, is that the preferred way or should I just try my luck at stores?

LEGO S@H is the official LEGO store so their prices are at MSRP. We only buy from them to get the exclusive sets like the Slave 1 or for whatever exclusive promotional item they offer like the upcoming Winter Soldier minifigure. I usually buy sets from Target/Walmart/Amazon during their sales.
If stores are selling Slave 1 already then that order came straight from Lego. I was told yesterday to start telling customers that because SO MANY new sets were hitting Jan 1st that some would start being put on Dec 30th and 31st, but the two things that absolutely could not be sold before Jan 1st were Slave 1 and CMF Series 13.

Sky Chief

I went to the Space Needle this summer and since then I have made it my goal to travel to all of the Lego Architecture sights and then build the models. I just got back from London and am ordering Big Ben. I also went to Tower Bridge. I guess the Tower Bridge set is technically not Architecture but I am considering buying it as well. Anyone have this set? Any feedback on it?
I managed to get Benny's Spaceship x 3 today for 50% off at a local Walmart.

Canadians: just take the set up to a checkout and show them that the walmart.ca site has it listed for $59.99 instead of the usual $119.99. No questions asked.

I just did this. 3 managers later and it was a go.

Thanks for the heads up. The lady at the till was even impressed by the savings. :D
Going Lego shopping today, armed with some Christmas cash. I'm not expecting any sales TBH, as none of the Australian department stores, nor TRU, seem to have any significant discounts on Lego.

I've got Benny's Spaceship x3, Milano, AT-AT, and Snowspeeder on my list, but I can't afford all of them. I'll just end up getting what I can find, or whatever appeals to me when I look at a real box in a real store (instead of just pictures on the internet).

This is the first time I've bought Lego for myself (the kids have plenty, but they don't count!) in over 20 years, so I'm excited :)
You have just taken your first step into a larger world. And all those sets are aces. SPACESHIP! and Milano are personal faves. I still need the AT-AT.
Started unpacking my Modulars. I had packed each floor of each one in a bag, then carefully packed those in boxes, hoping they would survive the trip. I am almost done with the first huge box, and it is a mixed blessing.

The first part of the huge box had the first floors to Pet Shop, Palace Cinema, Grand Emporium, and Parisian Restaurant. The first three came out so well, with only one or two bits broken off that needed placement. And then I got to Parisian Restaurant. It had almost completely removed itself from the baseplate, and the other chunks of it had come off and were loose in the bag. I managed to get it all back together, but there are still a couple of bits missing which confuse me, since they are not in the bag. Did I take them off and put them elsewhere? That makes no sense. Ugh. I hope the other two boxes of stuff survived better.


I'm going to be going thru the same thing myself Phon, around May. I'm still thinking about how I need to move the SSD and all my Modulars. Following your lead, I may try to pack built stuff in bags and boxes and transport them in my car alone - then fly back and drive the Uhaul up sans any built Lego stuff. All my backlog junk which is boxed can just be loaded into larger boxes and go in the Uhaul. Sucks cuz I know it's coming, but I keep buying sets.


Ugh, i have like an $80 limit on the 1st for a Lego S@H order. I keep going back and forth on that Birds set or new DC sets.
Ugh, i have like an $80 limit on the 1st for a Lego S@H order. I keep going back and forth on that Birds set or new DC sets.

DC sets will be easily found, and probably at a discount. The Birds set will be a LEGO only item, and might disappear quickly like the last few Ideas sets. Go for Birds.
DC sets will be easily found, and probably at a discount. The Birds set will be a LEGO only item, and might disappear quickly like the last few Ideas sets. Go for Birds.

I second PhoncipleBone's suggestion. Birds has a high risk of not being able to get. DC sets will be bountiful for most of 2015 and some even longer.

I wonder if LEGO will estimate a larger run of Birds sets seeing how the Research Institute was way low. Either way, Birds is top of my list for the new year.


Weird...I posted a reply and its gone...

REGARDLESS, I'm with Phon and BentBricks. Go with Birds set if you're limited on funds.

DC sets will last prob all year.
Unpacked the Milano and Red Five Sex Wing. Milano took quite a bit of reassembly. One wing fell completely off while in transit/storage.

The Red Five Sex Wing was about as much work as anticipated. Before packing it, I had removed all the wings and engines to break it down. Almost everything stayed together except for some small pieces here and there. Strangely, the stand was the one thing that came apart, and I had to dig up the instructions on which direction things went.

I have a few Modulars to unpack still, but that can wait. I just don't know where I am going to display everything now. I have the same amount of shelf space, but in the new apartment the shelves are right near windows, and I am worried about sun damage. It might be time to pare down what is on display.


Kills Photobucket

Well I've gone and done it.

The guy who rang me up mentioned that they were expecting to start selling it on the first but received word to put them out today.

Slave 1 and the detective agency seemed to be the only new ones out. No sign of Mixels, birds or CMF.

Wait, LEGO Stores might be selling them early? Guess I have a call to make first thing tomorrow.
I have a 100 dollar gift card that I am saving for Jan 1st fun...which comic book sets should I get? Already got the Brainiac one so that's out of the question.
You have just taken your first step into a larger world. And all those sets are aces. SPACESHIP! and Milano are personal faves. I still need the AT-AT.
Ha ha, I love the way LegoGAF throws around the SW quotes! :)

I ended up getting the Milano, AT-AT, Snowspeeder, and Infearno Interception. Infearno wasn't on my shopping list, but it was there for a decent price and I knew it was a recommended set. Very happy overall, and I can't wait to start building.

The only disappointment was that I couldn't find Spaceship x3 today, but I'm assuming it won't be OOP in the next 6-8 weeks, right? That's when I'll be able to afford my next Lego purchase.


Glad Yularen is the New Hope version, it looks good :)
I'd like to give my local store a call to see if they sell the Slave I already, but I have double VIP points on the 5th so I'll have to wait until then. I hope it won't be out of stock by then :/
I've been thinking about getting the Daily Bugle set for ages, but it mainly came down to wanting to get Doom and Spidie. And now I finally picked them up separately, so that's taken care of. Also got Hawkeye so my Avengers are nearly complete.


I've been thinking about getting the Daily Bugle set for ages, but it mainly came down to wanting to get Doom and Spidie. And now I finally picked them up separately, so that's taken care of. Also got Hawkeye so my Avengers are nearly complete.
I have the set but only because of a stealing price (70% off). It is not worthy at retail price since the aeroplane lacks pieces, the bugle is small, crowded and with too many tricks for kids (falling windows etc...). But maaaan how do i love my dr.doom minifig.

I fortunately had to do what you have done for 'the hobbit' dwarves. Except for Bilbos house, the other sets were so lame (walls building, random plants building) that i saved alot of money just digging what i needed.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh my goodness. I only just realized now you when you guys were saying the "Birds" set you weren't talking about that Creator set with the pooping parrot. I had no idea that Birds set existed. I definitely, definitely need that. That is too cool.
On the left, old hotness. On the right, new and busted.

I cracked this set last night with the intent of working through my backlog starting on the low end of things (quality wise). I wasn't wrong; this set is really terrible.

I don't think I expected greatness but the build is lousy. The mech is very strangely proportioned and isn't nearly as "pose able" as the Lex one. The big difference is that Lex's feet are attached by ball joints while the Bat's are held on via a loosely rotating Technic pin. The mech's chest looks really strange and the "net arm" just looks totally out of place.

Wonder Woman's jet has some neat trans parts but it is absolutely tiny. I could see the wings / tail coming in handy for building invisible stands for other, better ships.

The figs are great. Love the new Batman cowl & Wonder Woman's hairpiece is really cool. I didn't get the Flash/Riddler set so it's nice to have a non-bootleg Flash.

Tonight I'm deciding between building one of the following:

The Ghost
Umbaran MHC
Parisian Restaurant
Volkswagen Camper
Benny x3

I'm leaning toward the MHC as it may be less interesting than the others.

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