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Lets talk about Sonys First Party Studios and their upcoming Projects

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I'm still unsure about some of the SCE WW closings. Zippper Interactive, SCE Liverpool Studio, Big Big Studio, and Incog Inc. Those were quality studios!

Shame about Stig's SCE Santa Monica Studio IP being shut down. Something alongside God of War would have been interesting.

This subject again?

I didn't play many of their games but the consensus from fans made it sound like Zipper's games were getting worse with each one. And I seem to recall their sales agreed.

Sony Liverpool were a victim of only really being able to make Wipeout games. Going by all the rumours, they'd pitched a lot of different projects but they were either cancelled or not greenlit in the first place. If those games had come out and were poor, I'm sure people like Kenshin001 and HateGames would've just used them as more ammunition against Sony/Yoshida.

BigBig were the victims of the Vita's failure, being a small studio (too small for PS4 development) and a really poor game. I always got the feeling Sony only bought them because they wanted Evolution.

Incog killed itself. Most of the talent left to form Lightbox. Nothing to do with Sony, as far as I'm aware.

It was a shame about Stig's new IP but if it was very similar to Destiny and not fun at all, it's understandable that it was cancelled. Hopefully they can try their hand at another new IP sometime in the future.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I'm still unsure about some of the SCE WW closings. Zippper Interactive, SCE Liverpool Studio, Big Big Studio, and Incog Inc. Those were quality studios!

Shame about Stig's SCE Santa Monica Studio IP being shut down. Something alongside God of War would have been interesting.

i wish there was a mag 2 for ps4 i loved mag on the ps3 was one of my fav team shooters. That and bad company 2 is tied for most fun i have had with my friends online.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
This subject again?

Well I certainly say it as a fan of their games. I actually loved the hell of out Socom 4 and Wipeout 2048. I can say the quality was there. You are also talking about two developers with a long history.

Between f2p, remasters, and psn exclusives. I feel the better SCE WW developers had avenues to explore while they decide on blockbuster retail titles. I mean, truthfully, isn't SCE Japan the worst of the bunch? Their best games, which still haven't sold much, come from external developers.
The present gen has only had 1 year.

Yoshida has been there since 2008 and has greenlighted some of the best games for PS3. The calling for Yoshida's retirement or whatever was ridiculous then when people thought he wasn't doing anything and ridiculous now too.

He has greenlit a bunch of sequels to already proven IP that Phil Harrison started. The only worthwhile new IP he can lay claim to from the PS3 era is TLoU, which was a safe bet given ND are their star team with a proven track record on Uncharted. Uncharted started with Harrison.

Tell you what, name the 3 best series started under Yoshida during the PS3 years.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
It seems like because of the order, 1 game which obviously had concerns from the beginning, a game that is is not even made by a first party studio which is what this thread is about, people are really going a bit far with the hyperbole here...

The year's just started folks

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
It seems like because of the order, 1 game which obviously had concerns from the beginning, a game that is is not even made by a first party studio which is what this thread is about, people are really going a bit far with the hyperbole here...

The year's just started folks

Ready at Dawn Studios is working as a first-party developer. It may be temporary or long-term, but they certainly are working under SCE WW.


It seems like because of the order, 1 game which obviously had concerns from the beginning, a game that is is not even made by a first party studio which is what this thread is about, people are really going a bit far with the hyperbole here...

The year's just started folks
To be fair WWS output on the ps4 has been pretty mediocre if not bad. Killzone and Infamous did pretty ok, but Driveclub has been an out and out disaster (delays, launch issues, low sales, only ok critics rating) and lbp3 is quite similar(reworking from lbp hub, cross gen, low sales, low scores). Now order joins the ranks too.
I'm still unsure about some of the SCE WW closings. Zippper Interactive, SCE Liverpool Studio, Big Big Studio, and Incog Inc. Those were quality studios!
Those still all break my heart. Incognito made such a crazy variety of awesome multiplayer games. Best Twisted Metal, War of the Monsters, and Warhawk, the multiplayer GOAT. BigBig had some really cool stuff with Pursuit Force and their Motorstorm games, their next IP was sure to be some arcadey greatness.

And what could possibly express enough grief for SCE Liverpool? What words could do justice? WipEout was the soul of PlayStation. As much as I love my PS4, it doesn't quite feel like a PlayStation without WipEout.


TO be though I really think this year's E3 would be utterly boring...
ANyone else think otherwise? at least it won't be as interesting as last year or so


TO be though I really think this year's E3 would be utterly boring...
ANyone else think otherwise? at least it won't be as interesting as last year or so
Depends on what you consider boring.

If Sony maintains their tradition of 2-3 AAA announcements, indie pimping, along with some gameplay demoes, localizations, and possible some new PS4 features, then it may be boring to some. But I would find that plenty satisfactory as it's what I've come to expect from them.


Since 2008 Yoshida has greenlit:

- Infamous Series
- Sly 4
- Quantic Dreams Games
- Japan Studio games like: Rain, Toyko Jungle, Puppeteer
- Flow, Flower, Journey & Unfinished Swan
First of all none of those games are systems sellers, which is the function of first party titles.

Secondly lets look at that list. Infamous was in development at SP since Sly finished on ps2 so that's not on Yoshida.
Same thing applies to Heavy Rain. He did green light Beyond though...and that was a critical and commercial failure.
Studio Japan games have been attributed to Becker by Sony themselves except for TJ. Also re starting development on puppeteer for ps3 instead of ps4 was a huge mistake.
Flow and Flower happened before Yoshida.
Same applies to US which was bought as an exclusive (this is a Sony third party team scoop).

So we're left with Sly4 which was a good game but not a mind-blowing one or a commercial success. Next is TJ which was a modest success but nothing is being done with the IP now. Lastly Journey. That's the only success and that looked more like luck as TGC was still under contract to make that game for Sony and nearly went bankrupt during development. Still Journey wasn't exactly a system seller.
This generation is little over a year old. Let's see where we are a year from now, when games like Bloodborne, Uncharted 4 and Rime are out and we have possible reveals of the new MM and Guerrilla game.
I don't think that yosp takes such a directing role like others suggesting.
Even if, he would be responsible that Naughty Dog could delay the release of The last of Us and other early developed games like Infamous and Driveclub, which both of them could be really big trainwrecks without the extra time. Driveclub got bad reviews though.

However, 2014 was really a lackluster year after 2013 for the AAA games of the WWS and it hurts even more, because it was the first year of the PS4, but I will play Bloodborne next month and probably Uncharted 4 and Tearaway later the year. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Their Indiegames are still very good though.
First of all none of those games are systems sellers, which is the function of first party titles.

Secondly lets look at that list. Infamous was in development at SP since Sly finished on ps2 so that's not on Yoshida.
Same thing applies to Heavy Rain. He did green light Beyond though...and that was a critical and commercial failure.
Studio Japan games have been attributed to Becker by Sony themselves except for TJ. Also re starting development on puppeteer for ps3 instead of ps4 was a huge mistake.
Flow and Flower happened before Yoshida.
Same applies to US which was bought as an exclusive (this is a Sony third party team scoop).

So we're left with Sly4 which was a good game but not a mind-blowing one or a commercial success. Next is TJ which was a modest success but nothing is being done with the IP now. Lastly Journey. That's the only success and that looked more like luck as TGC was still under contract to make that game for Sony and nearly went bankrupt during development. Still Journey wasn't exactly a system seller.

What IS a system seller for Sony? It seems they don't REALLY have a huge Halo-esque game. Maybe Last of Us and Uncharted..?


First of all none of those games are systems sellers, which is the function of first party titles.

Secondly lets look at that list. Infamous was in development at SP since Sly finished on ps2 so that's not on Yoshida.
Same thing applies to Heavy Rain. He did green light Beyond though...and that was a critical and commercial failure.
Studio Japan games have been attributed to Becker by Sony themselves except for TJ. Also re starting development on puppeteer for ps3 instead of ps4 was a huge mistake.
Flow and Flower happened before Yoshida.
Same applies to US which was bought as an exclusive (this is a Sony third party team scoop).

So we're left with Sly4 which was a good game but not a mind-blowing one or a commercial success. Next is TJ which was a modest success but nothing is being done with the IP now. Lastly Journey. That's the only success and that looked more like luck as TGC was still under contract to make that game for Sony and nearly went bankrupt during development. Still Journey wasn't exactly a system seller.

Beyond sold 1 million copies in its first 3 months to Jan 2014. It's safe to say sales should have crossed the 2 million mark by now. That certainly can't be labelled as a failure commercially. Journey won more game of the year awards than I could count.

Yoshida has greenlit and taken risks with many games for the Playstation, which as the consumer, I love to see.


but Driveclub has been an out and out disaster (delays, launch issues, low sales, only ok critics rating)

Bad critics rating but nearly 1m in sales if the leaderboards are anything to go by.

I'll assume you haven't played the game snd you're just running your mouth as you certainly wouldn't call it an 'out and out disaster'. The game is the best racer in years and has received unmatched post-release support, except for maybe...oh,look housemarqure's Resogun!
He has greenlit a bunch of sequels to already proven IP that Phil Harrison started. The only worthwhile new IP he can lay claim to from the PS3 era is TLoU, which was a safe bet given ND are their star team with a proven track record on Uncharted. Uncharted started with Harrison.

Tell you what, name the 3 best series started under Yoshida during the PS3 years.

Got to love how you specifically qualify it with "during the PS3 years." Learnt your lesson from last time, huh? You know, that time you attributed God of War to Phil Harrison and it backfired when I pointed out that Yoshida greenlit it (as SCEA's head of internal development, before WWS was created).

I'm not going to play your game, I'll list what Yoshida has greenlit over the years:

During his time at SCEI internal development:
Gran Turismo
Ape Escape
Legend of Dragoon

During his time as VP of SCEA internal development (again, before WWS was created):
Jak & Daxter
Ratchet & Clank
Sly Cooper
God of War

During his time as President of SCEWWS:
The Last of Us
Gravity Rush
Tokyo Jungle

As I've said before, the idea that Phil Harrison did any better is nostalgia coming into play. He may have greenlit Resistance 1, Uncharted 1, Demon's Souls, Motorstorm and Infamous but he also greenlit Heavenly Sword, Lair, Genji 2 and Resistance 2 (so he greenlit the birth and death of Resistance).

It's a tough job and the way Sony's been set up from the start gives their developers a lot of creative freedom. Neither Phil or Shu were looking over the shoulders of their developers, checking every single thing they did. Sometimes this approach pays off (Uncharted, TLOU) and other times it doesn't (Lair, Knack).

Same thing applies to Heavy Rain. He did green light Beyond though...and that was a critical and commercial failure.

Studio Japan games have been attributed to Becker by Sony themselves except for TJ. Also re starting development on puppeteer for ps3 instead of ps4 was a huge mistake.
lol wat. Do you think Becker reports directly to Kaz Hirai or something?

Same applies to US which was bought as an exclusive (this is a Sony third party team scoop).
Source? And even if that is the case, The Unfinished Swan was still a first party title (second party if you like using made up terms), so Shu would've had to greenlight it anyway.


Wow people are souring on the 2015 outlook? Is this because of the order? That's not even first party.

I think the games this year, first and third party, are going to be fantastic. I expect at least one unannounced game to be released this year along with a significant chunk of those we know about. Heck, bloodborne and uncharted could make this a fantastic year regardless of any other releases provided they deliver to expectations.


He has greenlit a bunch of sequels to already proven IP that Phil Harrison started. The only worthwhile new IP he can lay claim to from the PS3 era is TLoU, which was a safe bet given ND are their star team with a proven track record on Uncharted. Uncharted started with Harrison.

Tell you what, name the 3 best series started under Yoshida during the PS3 years.

Little Big planet
heavy rain
the last of us
Demons Souls (not entirely sure tho)
The last guardian .....
Beyond two Souls
Playstation all stars


TO be though I really think this year's E3 would be utterly boring...
ANyone else think otherwise? at least it won't be as interesting as last year or so
Last two were not good in my opinion. This year should be better, atleast i hope so. Really want to know what WWS are up to and what other devs Sony is teaming up with to make games. The output so far wasnt terrible, just "okay" for me.


People are freaking out for no reason.

If all that matter is metacritic's score they'll have Bloodborne, Tearaway Unfolded and Uncharted 4 this year, all with a good chance to break into the 90s range.

Also, according to metacritic, the PS4 already have 61 games above 80 while the XB1 is at 36. They must be doing something right.

Its not as easy to get good score this gen as it was last gen.


hide your water-based mammals
It's interesting how we keep having this discussion about games into the first and second year of a new cycle. It's as if people forget how things develop an either are ignorant to that fact or are blatantly being hyperbolic because first party offerings, while not exactly lighting the world on fire, are not essentially terrible. It's a matter of the rationality you want to bring to the table and if you're looking to have a controversial opinion or be extremely harsh then I guess that's how you will conduct yourself on this forum.

I don't have a ps4 right now but I certainly didn't feel short-changed when I did have it so unless people are expecting an amazing game every week then I think it's fair to say that as a platform it has done quite well. I don't know why people try to painting Bleakley - picture on things all the time because it doesn't make for the most fruitful discussion when there's already a notion of one side or the other.
Yoshida is good, where is this narrative that HE is the reason the Playstations lineup has been poor, coming from?

I don't know if you noticed but there's myriad third party's faltering under the immense amount of money (read: pressure) it costs to build these games. They couldn't afford to release these things on small install bases. And by the time the install bases started to explode, they found that (as always) transitioning onto new hardware wasn't as easy as expected.

It just takes time. This is the year it'll all kick off. Don't bother pointing fingers, the point is that we can't compare these machines to any other generation, because the games we want now, take 2.5 years and a hell of a lot of money.

None can afford to go wrong.


Junior Member
i wish there was a mag 2 for ps4 i loved mag on the ps3 was one of my fav team shooters. That and bad company 2 is tied for most fun i have had with my friends online.
I feel you :(
First of all none of those games are systems sellers, which is the function of first party titles.

Secondly lets look at that list. Infamous was in development at SP since Sly finished on ps2 so that's not on Yoshida.
Same thing applies to Heavy Rain. He did green light Beyond though...and that was a critical and commercial failure.
Studio Japan games have been attributed to Becker by Sony themselves except for TJ. Also re starting development on puppeteer for ps3 instead of ps4 was a huge mistake.
Flow and Flower happened before Yoshida.
Same applies to US which was bought as an exclusive (this is a Sony third party team scoop).

So we're left with Sly4 which was a good game but not a mind-blowing one or a commercial success. Next is TJ which was a modest success but nothing is being done with the IP now. Lastly Journey. That's the only success and that looked more like luck as TGC was still under contract to make that game for Sony and nearly went bankrupt during development. Still Journey wasn't exactly a system seller.

Biggest problem is you put your opinion in this, none of these are system sellers. How do you know this? Maybe someone loves infamous or sly or even heavyrain which were all serires that did well with critics


I feel you :(

Biggest problem is you put your opinion in this, none of these are system sellers. How do you know this? Maybe someone loves infamous or sly or even heavyrain which were all serires that did well with critics
I got my PS3 because I wanted to play Heavy Rain, it was a system seller for me.
I disagree with lacklustre. The first couple of years of PS3 had some enjoyable well reviewed games put out by WWS and/or published by Sony. At a comparable stage in the PS3's life you already had Resistance (86), Motorstorm (84), R&C Tools of Destruction (89), Warhawk (84) and Uncharted DF (88). They just hadn't broken that 90+ barrier that 360 exclusives had.

Even Heavenly Sword, which had high expectations and disappointed, rated higher than almost every single PS4 exclusive released so far.

You don't think you can really compare metacritic averages, when reviewers in general are considerbly harsher this gen, than they were at the start of last gen. Besides, sales ultimately matter more than scores.
You don't think you can really compare metacritic averages, when reviewers in general are considerbly harsher this gen, than they were at the start of last gen. Besides, sales ultimately matter more than scores.

This and its a good thing. People need to get used to 70 being considered good.
This and its a good thing. People need to get used to 70 being considered good.

Totally agree. It was a sign of an unhealthy review culture when reviewers rarely gave a AAA game less than 8/10 and consumers in turn considered everything below 80 average a failure.

Considering it's been like that for at least 10 years, changing the perception of what a score means will probably take some time though.


I disagree with lacklustre. The first couple of years of PS3 had some enjoyable well reviewed games put out by WWS and/or published by Sony. At a comparable stage in the PS3's life you already had Resistance (86), Motorstorm (84), R&C Tools of Destruction (89), Warhawk (84) and Uncharted DF (88). They just hadn't broken that 90+ barrier that 360 exclusives had.

Even Heavenly Sword, which had high expectations and disappointed, rated higher than almost every single PS4 exclusive released so far.

I take issue with this - especially taking into consideration how the review standards have changed over the past couple of years.

There is absolutely zero chance that Heavenly Sword, Uncharted DF and Resistance get anywhere approaching those scores today.
Little Big planet
heavy rain
the last of us
Demons Souls (not entirely sure tho)
The last guardian .....
Beyond two Souls
Playstation all stars

Little Big Planet was Phil Harrison, Heavy Rain, Infamous and Demon's Souls started development before Yoshida and The Last Guardian still hasn't release.
Got to love how you specifically qualify it with "during the PS3 years." Learnt your lesson from last time, huh? You know, that time you attributed God of War to Phil Harrison and it backfired when I pointed out that Yoshida greenlit it (as SCEA's head of internal development, before WWS was created).

I don't know what you are talking about. You seem to have me confused with Sean.

Yoshida seems like an awesome dude on Twitter that engages with fans, but he's really not that good at his job IMO.

Off the top of my head I can only think of a single successful new Sony IP launched during the "Yoshida era" (The Last of Us obviously). Pretty much everything else didn't sell well enough to justify a sequel. The successful PS3 releases of the last few years were all sequels to games that Phil Harrison greenlit (ie another Ratchet, Motostorm, Infamous, Resistance, Uncharted, LBP, GoW) rather than something Shu was responsible for.

That only thing I said about GOW was:

Yoshida almost shot down GoW and Jaffe had to beg to have the game made.

The conversation was about Yoshida taking over after Harrison in 2008, that's why we were talking about the PS3 era.


Little Big Planet was Phil Harrison, Heavy Rain, Infamous and Demon's Souls started development before Yoshida and The Last Guardian still hasn't release.

He didn't even want to release demons souls outside of jnp. I like Yosh, but I don't care for his taste in games.
Little Big planet
heavy rain
the last of us
Demons Souls (not entirely sure tho)
The last guardian .....
Beyond two Souls
Playstation all stars

I said 3 best series and you list 2 IP that were greenlit by Harrison.

MM's Alex Evans said Phil Harrison's influence at the early stages of LittleBigPlanet was "completely key and pivotal". This is what he said about Harrison in 2008:

Evans said Harrison pushed them - correctly - towards what they most wanted to do, with great clarity and perspective.

"I think that was his influence on the game early on, and I think it was hugely useful to have that degree of focus in the right place, and the right time."

HR was greenlit by Harrison, it was the last project he signed according to David Cage. Not sure if DS started under Harrison but Yoshida said it was crap. I loved MAG despite the lukewarm reception and then Yoshida closed Zipper. Beyond and PSABR, well. Maybe we'll see a sequel to PSABR but the studio disintegrated. I think this was another game that was mismanaged and would have benefitted from someone better at the top.

The Last Guardian?
I don't know what you are talking about. You seem to have me confused with Sean.

That only thing I said about GOW was:

The conversation was about Yoshida taking over after Harrison in 2008, that's why we were talking about the PS3 era.

Ah shit, my bad. I remembered you participating in that discussion and since I know you're a Shu critic, I assumed you'd said it. Sorry about that.

I still don't think you can just dismiss his accomplishments before the PS3 though. The problem with the comparison you're trying to make is that new IPs are usually very front loaded towards the start of the generation. A couple might come right at the end (like GoW and TLOU) but they're rarities compared to at the start. So of course Phil Harrison approved a decent number of new IPs. Some of them were hits, others were flops and the biggest one, Uncharted, became an even bigger hit when Shu was in charge. So what did you expect Shu to do? Tell Naughty Dog to quit working on Uncharted because Phil Harrison approved it?

Maybe I might agree with you if every Sony new IP turns out to be shit but I somehow doubt that's going to happen. Within the next couple of years we're getting Bloodborne, Horizon from Guerrilla, Bend's new IP, Media Molecule's new IP, Quantic Dream's new IP and all of Sony's smaller titles (Rime, Rapture, etc.). I'm sure we'll get a few new series out of those.

He didn't even want to release demons souls outside of jnp. I like Yosh, but I don't care for his taste in games.

He has no control over publishing. SCEA and SCEE were the ones that fucked up in that regard. Shu dropped the ball on funding a sequel, which is why Namco swooped in and got Dark Souls.

It's encouraging that he admits his mistakes though and he's probably redeemed himself with Bloodborne more recently.


I don't see how we can look at the list of upcoming PS4 games, and PS3's last years and have anything but praise for Yoshida.

Granted, PS4's first year was disappointing, but that's mostly explained by the focus on supporting PS3 far into its life cycle. I can't count that as a fault. The guy is greenlighting projects like Rime, Tomorrow Children, Wild, ... and I feel those mid-sized project from independent teams is one of the biggest PS4 asset imo. Another critic Shu is somehow facing is that he is miss-managing projects. The fact he is actually giving lot of creative freedom to the developpers is a huge plus in my book too. Naughty Dogs, Guerilla Games, Media Molecule, ... creating new licences even though they had huge franchise to work on is a great thing, something that probably wouldn't have been possible if they worked under another constructor. Also, the quality of SCE releases seem to be in question, but most of their releases are actually fairly good. inFamous is still one of the most highly reviewed next-gen AAA exclusive, Killzone was a nice showcase for PS4 and a decent launch title, and DriveClub, after its disappointing launch, turned out to be a great game, MLB is still a great game, ...

Playstation may not have many system sellers (although games like LBP, Gran Tourismo, Naughty Dogs games, ... may be regarded as such), but the accumulation of many original quality titles from very different genres and styles certainly is one reason why I am still attached to the PS brand.
Ah shit, my bad. I remembered you participating in that discussion and since I know you're a Shu critic, I assumed you'd said it. Sorry about that.

I still don't think you can just dismiss his accomplishments before the PS3 though. The problem with the comparison you're trying to make is that new IPs are usually very front loaded towards the start of the generation. A couple might come right at the end (like GoW and TLOU) but they're rarities compared to at the start. So of course Phil Harrison approved a decent number of new IPs. Some of them were hits, others were flops and the biggest one, Uncharted, became an even bigger hit when Shu was in charge. So what did you expect Shu to do? Tell Naughty Dog to quit working on Uncharted because Phil Harrison approved it?

Maybe I might agree with you if every Sony new IP turns out to be shit but I somehow doubt that's going to happen. Within the next couple of years we're getting Bloodborne, Horizon from Guerrilla, Bend's new IP, Media Molecule's new IP, Quantic Dream's new IP and all of Sony's smaller titles (Rime, Rapture, etc.). I'm sure we'll get a few new series out of those.

He has no control over publishing. SCEA and SCEE were the ones that fucked up in that regard. Shu dropped the ball on funding a sequel, which is why Namco swooped in and got Dark Souls.

It's encouraging that he admits his mistakes though and he's probably redeemed himself with Bloodborne more recently.

Bloodborne will be good, continuing on in the Souls tradition I think UC4 will be amazing. I don't have faith in Guerrilla anymore and think this is one studio that could really do with a guiding hand from someone with AAA development experience. Same goes for QD but they are not part of WWS so I wonder how much influence Sony people can have.
I don't see how we can look at the list of upcoming PS4 games, and PS3's last years and have anything but praise for Yoshida.

Also, we have yet to seen what Yoshida has greenlighted for 2016. Games like Horizon, Bends New IP, MM New IP and GOW4 will all be amazing titles (probably) so we shouldn't criticize him for wanting to have a decent library of games for the first year of PS4 no matter what reviews say.
Given his role, pretty much everything that went into development starting in 2009 and later. So that would probably include games like Infamous 2, Uncharted 3, The Last of Us, Gran Turismo 6, Puppeteer, and such.

Uncharted 3, infamous 2 and puppeteer were garbage. The last of us and gran tourismo 6 would have probably been made and been successful even without him as both ND and Poly have been pumping out hits since the 90s.

I'm still scratching my head how shit like knack, Driveclub and kill zone shadowfall got greenlit. Killzone especially has been a middling franchise since day one yet it has somehow gotten game after game (didn't kz3 outright flop?) and Driveclub and Knack should have been cancelled early on.
Uncharted 3, infamous 2 and puppeteer were garbage. The last of us and gran tourismo 6 would have probably been made and been successful even without him as both ND and Poly have been pumping out hits since the 90s.

I'm still scratching my head how shit like knack, Driveclub and kill zone shadowfall got greenlit. It's as if Yosp looked at the early 360 lineup and tried to imitate it without understanding what made games like Project Gotham racing and halo 3 fun to begin with.

Wow there, Uncharted 3 (top 5 of the tps of last gen), Infamous 2 and Puppeteer are not garbage. I haven't played Knack or Driveclub but I totally agree with you with Shadowfall, I played it for 45min before putting it down.
Uncharted 3, infamous 2 and puppeteer were garbage. The last of us and gran tourismo 6 would have probably been made and been successful even without him as both ND and Poly have been pumping out hits since the 90s.

I'm still scratching my head how shit like knack, Driveclub and kill zone shadowfall got greenlit. Killzone especially has been a middling franchise since day one yet it has somehow gotten game after game (didn't kz3 outright flop?) and Driveclub and Knack should have been cancelled early on.
Oh god everything you said was so terrible

Edit: there needs to be a way to articulate your point without referring to games (that many people like and have great public and media reception) as garbage.


Junior Member
Uncharted 3, infamous 2 and puppeteer were garbage. The last of us and gran tourismo 6 would have probably been made and been successful even without him as both ND and Poly have been pumping out hits since the 90s.

I'm still scratching my head how shit like knack, Driveclub and kill zone shadowfall got greenlit. Killzone especially has been a middling franchise since day one yet it has somehow gotten game after game (didn't kz3 outright flop?) and Driveclub and Knack should have been cancelled early on.
I like all these games, some are better then some but all enjoyable :(
Uncharted 3, infamous 2 and puppeteer were garbage. The last of us and gran tourismo 6 would have probably been made and been successful even without him as both ND and Poly have been pumping out hits since the 90s.

I'm still scratching my head how shit like knack, Driveclub and kill zone shadowfall got greenlit. Killzone especially has been a middling franchise since day one yet it has somehow gotten game after game (didn't kz3 outright flop?) and Driveclub and Knack should have been cancelled early on.

Holy hyperbole batman.
"I can only enjoy games that are 95+ on metacritic".
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