Merry Gay Christmas everyone.
Merry Gay Christmas everyone.
NSFW stuff under the spoilsies. If you're browsing this thread with kids cover their eyes. Also, what the fuck's wrong with you, exposing kids to shirtless lumberjacks plowing eachother at such a young age?
I won't go into explicit details because I'm chatty and it'd turn into a novel. Anyways, we had a theater all to ourselves and had this really nice, sensual mix of snuggling, getting to know eachother and making out and grinding and all that good stuff. We just clicked really well, physically and emotionally, and sorta resonated with eachother bouncing back between telling our life stories and kissing. He's apparently versatile but acted really power bottom-y which was fun for me, and he was into getting his neck and hips bitten up so I left a ton of marks on him. It was actually funny in a hot sort of way once we walked out of the theater because his neck was just covered in bite marks.
As far as the nitty-gritty dirty goes, we pushed arm rests up and seats down so we could actually lay down for a while, too - he liked having all of my weight on him which was nice because I'm usually really self-conscious about it. I'm only like ten pounds heavier than him and we even fit together well. Like, our abs and chests and junk sorta lined up. We alternated positions a couple of times in the theater and I ended up finishing with us standing up and him bent over the row of chairs in front of us. We were both curious about trying breeding, too, so I ended up doing that both times. He took kinda long to get off the first time but he was still into it. Keep in mind we were physically into just about everything imaginable the other one had - I loved his curly, strawberry blond hair and muscle and skin tone and freckles, and he was apparently super into how nice I smelled and scruff and all that - and it probably didn't help that I massaged his back and shoulders for a good fifteen minutes after the first time in the theater. By the second time at Best Buy he and I were so into it that he completely lost it and ended up cumming like two-thirds of the way into me fucking him, which barely ever happens. He was also in love with my dick, which I totally gave him shit (jokingly) for. Not in your typical dudebro "BITCHES ON MY DICK" sense, like, it just hit all the right notes with him, I guess.
If I get banned I blame youbleachedassholes.
Wait. You had unprotected sex in the middle of a movie theater and then again in the middle of a Best Buy?
Be the change you seek!Things like that don't happen at my Best Buy.![]()
Well, the thing is, the lack of bumps or rashes doesn't really mean anything. If you want to get tested it's going to be in 3 months, BTW. By all means have sex wherever you want to have sex, but I think we would all advice against unprotected sex. Sadly, "I trust him - he doesn't seem like someone who would sleep around" doesn't mean a lot. Don't stress over it, just stay safe from now on!Well, when you word it like that.
EDIT: Just to clarify, no, I don't have his records on file or anything like that. I haven't been tested in a while either but I also haven't screwed around with anyone in ages. So who knows, maybe iamalreadydead.jpg. It's mostly a trust thing, I guess. He said he was surprised about how comfortable he was with me and he's big on cleanliness / personal upkeep so he doesn't strike me as the type to go around and recklessly have shady sex with debatably clean guys / girls (he's bi too). I'll probably try and get tested again by the end of the year just to be sure, but from everything I saw he didn't have any visible bumps / rashes / etc.
omg ratsky it was so bad ;_; I was working out and I almost tore a tendon on my inner elbow. I've had pain there that comes and go for the past several years but somehow, this time, doing a pull up was enough to make it 'almost snap' Awful pain. I feel fine now, i have pain meds and I cancelled work. SO i get to laze around and watch tv.![]()
Merry Gay Christmas everyone.
(NSFW)He was also in love with my dick
By the second time at Best Buy
Halloween is pretty meh for me. It's waaaay down on my list of favorite holidays. Christmas is still tha best <3 ^___^
what does this mean
Where, exactly, did you have sex at in the Best Buy? In the bathroom? In one of the isles? Were there lots of people around? How did you not get caught?
So being in a threesome is off my bucket list...
So being in a threesome is off my bucket list...
Something something seaman something stealing your torpedo.
something something last heist something something bagging his poopdeck.
Was fun walking around Capitol Hill to see all the costumes Seattle's homos came up with (a gender swapped Jack Burton/Gracie Law pairing, a mob of Asians dressed as pandas, and one guy's fantastic homemade Animal outfit were among my favorites) but every bar and club was expectedly packed to the rafters, and the drinks were weak at all the places we managed to squeeze into. We had a much better time back at his apartment.
it's in the 40s at night and I have a cold as it is! >:|
I'm not doing anything for Halloween until I get a dragon costume. *crosses arms*
You look better than Chris Evans. He will regret it
Have you asked him why the train station being "too crowded" is a problem for him? Maybe he has a valid reason for that, like, e.g. he can have agoraphobia, or use a wheelchair...
Or maybe he really is a lazy ass not worth the bother.
Also, as a student you have free rides in Germany? Damn, we only get 50% off. That's unfair. :|
I send you a kiss, Daripad,you are such a nice guy.
he said "train station is too big!", he's been trying to fix it but I am not sure anymore... I am sure the chemistry will fail tomorrow.... but I he really seems honest with his apology so I am being cooperative and will go tomorrow... but it's not very promising...
*sigh.. I suck at dating... it's been 2 months since I decided to meet someone and the one time I go for it, things go like this.
I have just discovered this thread, omg.
I might be going out on a date with a black guy tonight. I've said before that even though I believe black men can be as good looking as any, I've just never been sexually attracted to one (big part of the reason why is probably because black people are a very very tiny minority around here, so I wasn't accustomed to seeing them while growing up). But I'd like to try and see how it goes. He's very cute, and I told him the above beforehand. I'm excited![]()
I have just discovered this thread, omg.
Google David Mcintosh
A fine specimen indeed. But... 1) too many tattoos, and 2) doesn't show his dick
My pen0r is not biting.
Welcome? Welcome.
Thanks you guys lol
I'd like some thoughts from a few people on this maybe? pls? . I have no gay/bi guy friends to talk to (which sucks) so any and all input is appreciated. But my name is Brandon and I have a crush on my friend. He says he's straight but whenever we talk we flirt like crazy. Even though I know he could be joking, there have been times where he randomly messaged me saying me missed me or he wished he could talk to me. I asked him why he would tease or flirt me and he pretty much said he's not teasing anymore and he's persuading me. But now I'm confused because he still claims to be straight, but all this keeps happening. Do you guys think it's worth investigating or should I just move away from it.
Thanks you guys lol
I'd like some thoughts from a few people on this maybe? pls? . I have no gay/bi guy friends to talk to (which sucks) so any and all input is appreciated. But my name is Brandon and I have a crush on my friend. He says he's straight but whenever we talk we flirt like crazy. Even though I know he could be joking, there have been times where he randomly messaged me saying me missed me or he wished he could talk to me. I asked him why he would tease or flirt me and he pretty much said he's not teasing anymore and he's persuading me. But now I'm confused because he still claims to be straight, but all this keeps happening. Do you guys think it's worth investigating or should I just move away from it.
Thanks you guys lol
I'd like some thoughts from a few people on this maybe? pls? . I have no gay/bi guy friends to talk to (which sucks) so any and all input is appreciated. But my name is Brandon and I have a crush on my friend. He says he's straight but whenever we talk we flirt like crazy. Even though I know he could be joking, there have been times where he randomly messaged me saying me missed me or he wished he could talk to me. I asked him why he would tease or flirt me and he pretty much said he's not teasing anymore and he's persuading me. But now I'm confused because he still claims to be straight, but all this keeps happening. Do you guys think it's worth investigating or should I just move away from it.
lol, sounds you do have a bi/gay friend.
I would suggest just moving forward and letting things develop as they are. You guys aren't dating or intimate; just friends. If he tries to make things move in a more serious direction then maybe question his feelings more. You suggest moving away from it (which is kinda vague). Does this behavior make you feel uncomfortable? lol, and what is he trying to persuade you of exactly?
Does he know that you're gay (or bi)? Because looking at my friends, straight guys like to act "gay" very often and jokingly sweet talk to each other. At my friend's party they even made a "deep throat" challenge with a bottle of beer (I didn't win).
So if he doesn't state otherwise, that he is gay/bi and is into you, I wouldn't read too much into it.
Some straight guys are just very affectionate like that. Hugs, massages, gropes, flirts, tackles, wrestles, etc. There's an unfortunate notion that male/male physical contact = gay (outside of sports), so a lot of straight guys are hesitant to show their affection for their male friends lest they be labeled as gay, so I think what you described just shows that he's comfortable in his sexuality/comfortable around you. He could also just be joking around. If he knows you're gay/bi (which is it btw?and he still says that he's straight, I think you should take his word for it.
And welcome![]()
I'm bi but I prefer guys. (Does that make me gay?) lol.
One time he told me that we were going to have kids and that I was going to have them because he was going to bang me (to put it nicely) and purposely forget to pull out lol. I try not to read too much into these things, but we talk about this kind of thing all the time. Maybe I'm so confused because I haven't met a straight guy like, Idk.
It's better to think of it in terms of "I'm bi and I prefer guys", not "I'm bi but I prefer guys". There is no contradiction.I'm bi but I prefer guys. (Does that make me gay?) lol.
My date with the black guy didn't go very well. We got along very nicely and I actually enjoyed cuddling with him a lot, but the sex wasn't doing it for me. I wasn't exactly repulsed, but my dick didn't get hard at all :/ (his didn't go soft at all, lol)
It was an interesting experience for me, and I'll try to stay open about the possibility of hooking up with a black man again. There were white guys before who couldn't keep me hard, so his color might not be the issue here.
I wonder if this makes Kyon think any better or worse of me![]()
I wasn't exactly repulsed, but my dick didn't get hard at all :/
I've never dated a black guy. But that's only because I also have never had a black friend, neighbor, classmate, co-worker, etc. - Mexico is quite homogeneous race-wise, lol. Wikipedia says Afro-Mexican population is ~450,000, mostly located in a couple of states. You guys living in more diverse countries have a much nicer selection![]()