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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Dead Man

So... since we've done height (5'10 for me, nice and average in Australia, a bit short in the US though) who is the oldest and youngest GayGAFfers?


Are you posting this from the bushes outside their house? If yes, too jealous.

Hahahaha 10/10

Welp I think it got lost in translation. I just don't like when a kid that already told my bf he likes them invites him to go out and my bd says "I'll think about me". He gets points for telling me though hahaha. But I told him it didin't feel right to me and then he got pissed off and told me that it was terrible if that's the trustness degree I have for him.
Sometimes I feel for those straight guys dealing with women, if a man is complicated enough I would jump myself off a cliff if I was with a woman.


there's ALWAYS ONE
So... since we've done height (5'10 for me, nice and average in Australia, a bit short in the US though) who is the oldest and youngest GayGAFfers?
I'm pretty sure somebody in here (YoungBlade?) is a high school freshman, so the thread ranges from 14-late 30s.


I'm 12 and what is this?

And Dead Man is from Australia? Dat accent *swoons*

(Almost as good as a German one)

Hahahaha 10/10

Welp I think it got lost in translation. I just don't like when a kid that already told my bf he likes them invites him to go out and my bd says "I'll think about me". He gets points for telling me though hahaha. But I told him it didin't feel right to me and then he got pissed off and told me that it was terrible if that's the trustness degree I have for him.
Sometimes I feel for those straight guys dealing with women, if a man is complicated enough I would jump myself off a cliff if I was with a woman.

Well, gay guys are essentially like girls. Someone had to say it!

But seriously, I'm having a little difficulty parsing out your situation. From what I can gather someone said they liked your boyfriend then invited him out. Your boyfriend considered, you expressed your concern and he got really defensive?

I suppose some context would help. Are they just going to a concert with a bunch of friends? New movie at the cinema? Romantic dinner for two? Though, if you'd approached your boyfriend and just explained that you were a little uncomfortable it seems he was overreacting. On the other hand, if you'd tried to prevent him for going then that's a bit domineering on your part.

And it's just jealousy and trust (trusty). Those words don't really carry the -ness fixture particularly well.

Ice Mage

Neo Member
Seeing as this thread was sort of on the topic of coming out to family members a little while ago, I guess I'll share my story of when I told my twin brother ... which happened a few days back. Hope that's OK.

Some background info... I'm almost 21 and a university student.
We were just walking around campus talking about stuff and then the topic changed to how we've both been feeling kind of down lately, at which point I hinted at the notion that the underlying reason for me feeling down lately isn't merely due to the fact that I've lately been feeling like an island and having problems connecting to people and making friends and even the most casual of acquaintances. And then I just thought WHATEVER and told him because I felt he had to know at some point anyway. His initial reaction was one of "Oh my God, I'm so sorry" and he was really stunned for a while. He remarked how he'd had no idea and how well I've been hiding it, and seemed really shocked at the fact that I've been able to harbour a secret like that for around 7-8 years (because as I told him, I developed these feelings around the onset of puberty and they haven't gone away) without telling anyone and how much of a weight it must have been (not like I really had a choice though). But I feel like having told him actually hasn't driven a wedge between us, as I'd feared might possibly happen, but instead we've actually grown a lot closer than we've been for... ever, basically, and had a some really long conversations about things we've never been able to talk about before me having told him. He says it "all makes sense now".

He's luckily really VERY accepting (and I don't know why I was worrying about that, since he's always made it clear when conversations turned to homosexuality that he believes that it's not a choice and considers himself an "ally") and getting accepted by someone you're so close to for who you are (I've told a few close friends before, by the way, but this is on a different order of magnitude) feels like a significant step in dealing with it.

(This is my first post here ever, I hope it wasn't too horrible/pointless :p)



(This is my first post here ever, I hope it wasn't too horrible/pointless :p)

Don't feel that way, it was a good contribution. It is good that you trusted him that, when other persons comprehend us like that they can always feel better with us because they know we have confidence with them.
And how does it feel to have a clone? Do you like the same things (except guys) or anything on that line or are you very different?
And why did you feel nervous about posting here? This is just another thread.


He's luckily really VERY accepting (and I don't know why I was worrying about that, since he's always made it clear when conversations turned to homosexuality that he believes that it's not a choice and considers himself an "ally") and getting accepted by someone you're so close to for who you are (I've told a few close friends before, by the way, but this is on a different order of magnitude) feels like a significant step in dealing with it.

You kept this from your twin brother?!

That is some top tier Alias level spy action right here. Congrats on it going so well, must feel really great.

So what was he so bummed about?
So... since we've done height (5'10 for me, nice and average in Australia, a bit short in the US though) who is the oldest and youngest GayGAFfers?

Pretty sure I'm one of the oldest: turning 35 in July. And im 5'8 so average height.

I also have auburn eyes and like long walks on the beach....


(This is my first post here ever, I hope it wasn't too horrible/pointless :p)


Hi. :) And don't stress its a good first post. Is he your fraternal or identical twin. Even then, the twins I know tell each other everything. Its good for you to tell him and that he was okay with it. Any ideas about telling parents or friends?
Blegh, have a crush on a guy but I know I'm not his type. :(

6'6, giant gaf represent. Sadly, just being tall doesn't make guys flock to you droves. Oh how I wish it did.


Blegh, have a crush on a guy but I know I'm not his type. :(

6'6, giant gaf represent. Sadly, just being tall doesn't make guys flock to you droves. Oh how I wish it did.
Maybe people feel intimidated when they're around you or feel like you'll reject them because you are too tall

Miles X

Blegh, have a crush on a guy but I know I'm not his type. :(

6'6, giant gaf represent. Sadly, just being tall doesn't make guys flock to you droves. Oh how I wish it did.

Know how you feel, what's worse is he finds me incredibly sexy but obviously that isn't enough, I think he thinks I'm too young for him and not successful enough yet ..

I'm 5'7, I certainly feel short.

Ice Mage

Neo Member
Don't feel that way, it was a good contribution. It is good that you trusted him that, when other persons comprehend us like that they can always feel better with us because they know we have confidence with them.
And how does it feel to have a clone? Do you like the same things (except guys) or anything on that line or are you very different?
And why did you feel nervous about posting here? This is just another thread.

Thanks ^_^
Hahaha, people often ask me that. "Is there some kind of... twin connection? WHAT IS IT LIKE?" It's kind of difficult for me to answer, though, since it's such an everyday thing for me that I hardly even consider it. And we're pretty different interest- and personality-wise, anyway; he's really into music and plays guitar and stuff while I'm more interested in things like... uh... video games, for instance.

No idea why I was so nervous, but I'm generally pretty reserved and that even tends to manifest on the internet sometimes, strangely enough.

You kept this from your twin brother?!

That is some top tier Alias level spy action right here. Congrats on it going so well, must feel really great.

So what was he so bummed about?

Hahaha, thanks! It does.
His problems kind of have to do with the same feelings of social isolation I expressed at some point in my post, but I'm not sure there's really any need to elaborate on that especially since I doubt he'd appreciate me telling people on a forum about stuff like that even if it's totally anonymous.

Hi. :) And don't stress its a good first post. Is he your fraternal or identical twin. Even then, the twins I know tell each other everything. Its good for you to tell him and that he was okay with it. Any ideas about telling parents or friends?

Hi and thanks :) We're identical twins, which I find a little odd though since I personally think we look rather different. But people do sometimes greet me thinking I'm him, which counts for something, I guess.

I've told a few close friends I felt I could trust (first time I told anyone was a few months back, November 2012), but I'm really not comfortable with the notion of telling my parents yet, especially my dad. I mean, my mom has expressed the same liberal views my brother has on homosexuality, but I'm still not sure how she's react if her own son were to be gay. And my dad doesn't seem to like homosexuals very much and has made relatively disparaging remarks when seeing any in public before (to the extent of him not really minding as long as he doesn't have to associate with them in any way). So yeah, I don't know...

On the current topic of height? I'm 5'7" and feel a little short sometimes :/


I suppose some context would help. Are they just going to a concert with a bunch of friends? New movie at the cinema? Romantic dinner for two? Though, if you'd approached your boyfriend and just explained that you were a little uncomfortable it seems he was overreacting. On the other hand, if you'd tried to prevent him for going then that's a bit domineering on your part.

Suppossedly a small reunion with 2 of the other boy's friends (that are couple, and one of them dated with my bf a year ago or so). Nothing romantic it seems but still...

And it's just jealousy and trust (trusty). Those words don't really carry the -ness fixture particularly well.
I'll have my own dictionary with blackjack and hookers.


Ugh, I'm 5'7 too and even though I'm on the average in Spain (maybe on the short end of the average spectrum) I'd be a dwarf in the Nordics or Canada.


the piano man
Ugh, I'm 5'7 too and even though I'm on the average in Spain (maybe on the short end of the average spectrum) I'd be a dwarf in the Nordics or Canada.

I am the happiest dwarf in Germany and would love to spend some days in holland and the nordics to see what those giants are up to.

I LOVE tall guys, my Nr. 1 fetisch. It's so incredibly silly in my case, that I almost get a hard on when I see a random guy say or write "I am 6'6", considering I haven't even seen him!! I know it's a bit fucked up, haha, but that's how my mind works.

No. I am 5'4" which means I was right about us being shorter than neojubei.

I didn't notice you being short in the one squat video you showed in the (past?) fitness thread. Nice to see there are other guys near my height in these threads.


I am the happiest dwarf in Germany and would love to spend some days in holland and the nordics to see what those giants are up to.

I LOVE tall guys, my Nr. 1 fetisch. It's so incredibly silly in my case, that I almost get a hard on when I see a random guy say or write "I am 6'6", considering I haven't even seen him!! I know it's a bit fucked up, haha, but that's how my mind works.

I didn't notice you being short in the one squat video you showed in the (past?) fitness thread. Nice to see there are other guys near my height in these threads.

I think it's because I was standing next to some short women. Haha

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I have such a deep-seated jealousy towards tall guys that my mind automatically assigns a very negative status to anyone over 6'2". I can at least deal with you up to that point, but any taller and I honestly just view you as a freak. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Excessively tall people presumably view us shorties the same way, so yeah.


Hahaha, thanks! It does.
His problems kind of have to do with the same feelings of social isolation I expressed at some point in my post, but I'm not sure there's really any need to elaborate on that especially since I doubt he'd appreciate me telling people on a forum about stuff like that even if it's totally anonymous.

I was wondering if it was twin powers or not. :p

I'll have my own dictionary with blackjack and hookers.

Well shit, I want that dictionary.

I have such a deep-seated jealousy towards tall guys that my mind automatically assigns a very negative status to anyone over 6'2". I can at least deal with you up to that point, but any taller and I honestly just view you as a freak. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Excessively tall people presumably view us shorties the same way, so yeah.

I love you, too. ; ;


I'm Five-Nine. I like tall guys because they can give me piggybacks.
Shorter guys are good too because they're concentrated man-ness.


I am the happiest dwarf in Germany and would love to spend some days in holland and the nordics to see what those giants are up to.

Dutch people are taller than German? Thought it was pretty much the same. We're probably taller on average up here, but I believe very few are over two metres.

I haven't really checked my height the last years, 180ish?
6 feet is 182cm. Sorry, but 180 being average height and 2+ metres being tall is just hardwired into my brain.
He's luckily really VERY accepting (and I don't know why I was worrying about that, since he's always made it clear when conversations turned to homosexuality that he believes that it's not a choice and considers himself an "ally") and getting accepted by someone you're so close to for who you are (I've told a few close friends before, by the way, but this is on a different order of magnitude) feels like a significant step in dealing with it.
Sad that there are some that don't. Maybe I'm different, but I don't see why it's so hard to realize you really have no control over your attraction.


I like tall guys a lot, but I can like someone smaller, up to a point, if they are too small its a big turn off.

Height is pretty relative to the place, I'm 5'11", back home I'm considered tall, but I'd be average in some countries and even somewhat small in others.


Hunky Nostradamus
We're all the same height when lying down. Har Har...get it.....:(

Also, tall guys don't always have big ones, as Rastky could attest to.

Jealousy is such an ugly emotion, space.

We're identical twins

Are you two identical in every way?

I have such a deep-seated jealousy towards tall guys that my mind automatically assigns a very negative status to anyone over 6'2". I can at least deal with you up to that point, but any taller and I honestly just view you as a freak. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Excessively tall people presumably view us shorties the same way, so yeah.

I wish I was an inch taller. Let dat freak flag fly.

Ice Mage

Neo Member
Blegh, have a crush on a guy but I know I'm not his type. :(

6'6, giant gaf represent. Sadly, just being tall doesn't make guys flock to you droves. Oh how I wish it did.

Same height. It makes things awkward sometimes. When someone short tries to hug me they usually end up wrapping there arms around my waist and my arms are above their head :/

Also kissing while standing is difficult I basically have to pick them up or bend over to reach their lips to mine lol.


the piano man
Same height. It makes things awkward sometimes. When someone short tries to hug me they usually end up wrapping there arms around my waist and my arms are above their head :/

Also kissing while standing is difficult I basically have to pick them up or bend over to reach their lips to mine lol.



isn't that sweet?
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