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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Lol, I completely disagree. Guys are uncomplicated, fun, silly, supportive, brother-like. Girls are actually less open to some stuff, there are things you really can't talk about with female friends, and you can't make harsh-ish jokes on them without them getting genuinely furious and stuff :p In my case, I have never really bonded with female friends as I do with male friends. YMMV indeed.

Also it's far less likely to have female friends who are gamers. Male friends can beat you at KOF :p

Lol wow did I read that wrong at first.


Lol, I completely disagree. Guys are uncomplicated, fun, silly, supportive, brother-like. Girls are actually less open to some stuff, there are things you really can't talk about with female friends, and you can't make harsh-ish jokes on them without them getting genuinely furious and stuff :p In my case, I have never really bonded with female friends as I do with male friends. YMMV indeed.

Also it's far less likely to have female friends who are gamers. Male friends can beat you at KOF :p

Doesn't apply in my case. My girls meet all that criteria and more.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Girls and guys are both nice. You just have to be more selective of who you befriend.


Lol, I completely disagree. Guys are uncomplicated, fun, silly, supportive, brother-like. Girls are actually less open to some stuff, there are things you really can't talk about with female friends, and you can't make harsh-ish jokes on them without them getting genuinely furious and stuff :p In my case, I have never really bonded with female friends as I do with male friends. YMMV indeed.

Also it's far less likely to have female friends who are gamers. Male friends can beat you at KOF :p

I guess it depends on your personality, the girls I know can definitely take a joke BUT also know what going too far is, a lot of my male friendships have be been half of our interactions being just insults and I feel like I have to act amused as to not appear too sensitive but it gets tiring after a while. I feel I can be more myself with girls, I guess just need to be find better male friends but what the person above says is true, both girls and boys can be amazing friends.


My circle of friends is mostly straight guys/girls. I know a few gays but aside from one dude, I was friend with them long before I knew they were gay.


Girls and guys are both nice. You just have to be more selective of who you befriend.

I guess it depends on your personality, the girls I know can definitely take a joke BUT also know what going too far is, a lot of my male friendships have be been half of our interactions being just insults and I feel like I have to act amused as to not appear too sensitive but it gets tiring after a while. I feel I can be more myself with girls, I guess just need to be find better male friends but what the person above says is true, both girls and boys can be amazing friends.
Yeah, friends are friends in the end, I was just making a point that contradicts Rayis' experience. Again, it's really a YMMV thing.


Right now I have a healthy mix, though tbh I really want more gay dude friends. I'm good on straight girls, and I hope I never lose my straight guy friends (and make new ones too).

Only thing is with straight guy friends you can't talk about hot guys and etc. so that knocks them down a peg for me, mainly because as I'm still freshly out and still coming out to peeps, it's generally a topic I love to discuss haha.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I used to be in the same boat as Rayis. In High School, I noticed most of the people I hung out with were girls. There was definitely a "macho" streak among the male groups, which, while not exactly offensive, can be boring/annoying to people like me and Rayis.

With them, the topics were, like, girls, sports, poker, video games, etc. Typical male teen stuff, and I had interest in only one of those. With the girls (who were manga/anime nerds like me), we talked about art, stories, also video games, etc. I care about those things a lot more than the usual male topics, so I naturally gravitated toward girls.


I'm friends with plenty of "macho" guys, but my closest group of friends is nothing like that. They're really cool guys. I'm really going to miss them when they start getting married and stuff :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So fucking cool I need to wear a sweater when I enter this thread.
Women are usually more congenial due to centuries of gendered socialization, etc. It's usually more agreeable to my sensibilities since I have a personality that's more congenial or seeks social harmony as well.


Oddly enough I'm lacking in girls in my friend circle. I only have one I talk to on a regular basis. The rest are a mix of straight men and gay men.


I used to have more girl friends but now I just have a mixed group of friends (though we're mostly guys). I've just had one gay friend (who said was bisexual, though I never believed it) and he doesn't hang out with us anymore.
Having only straight guys as friends is fun but ultimately too alienating, they try too hard to be macho and one up each other and I just can't relate to that.

Not for me. Most of my friends are straight guys and I haven't really run into this. I prefer to be friends with straight guys that aren't douche bags. My best friend is straight and I relate to him on a lot of things and I never feel like he tries to be macho or wants to one up me.


Most of the straight guys in my classes seem to have the same attitude of "I'm so cool I dont give a fuck brah" and it just pisses me off so much.

It really shouldn't honestly. It risks making you feel bitter and angry. I wish I realized that when I was a teenager, probably would have been a happier person.


Having only straight guys as friends is fun but ultimately too alienating, they try too hard to be macho and one up each other and I just can't relate to that.

Eh. Most of my straight friends don't do that shit. The ones that do, I slooowly try to get away from as time pass by.


My friends have almost exclusively been straight men.

Most of them are very laid back though

Like they barely have an aggressive bone in them. In a good way.


An update....

Today I had a preliminary interview for what I thought was a Entry Level Data Clerk/Receptionist position (that's what their website said and what I had applied for) and it turned out to be some full blown Marketing position. Lets just say I bombed that interview :(

I feel like such a failure. It's the only place that called me back but when the guy was talking about how the company is less than a year old and only has 6 clients, and he wants to open 2 more satellite offices, I'm thinking he is nuts. I don't know shit about marketing and the training would be 4-6 months. I don't trust start-up companies to stay around very long, it just seemed a little shady how there was just 2 people in the entire office when I went there. <_<;

If any of y'all live in Houston there is an event every month called Houston Gaymers, they get together on the last Saturday of the month at a bar and play games, and then on the first Monday of the month they have an event called Handhelds at a restaurant. I bet it's gonna be crazy when Smash Bros. comes out for 3DS. :) http://www.houstongaymers.com
Going to quote an old post, but...
Have you ever had a friend who you can't stop thinking about semi-romantically even though your brain has completely ruled out any possibility of this happening and you have actively reminded yourself that such a thing is no more than an absurd pipe dream?

I think I may need help. And I'm actually serious about that.
Try four years of it, and there was nothing "semi" about it, unfortunately. I think I was clinging to anything that represented an illusion of happiness while I was in the dark depression that characterized my high school years, though. Plus, add the fact that I was in a gay-hostile and gay-free environment.

Not fun, but very...transformative. At least it will never happen again to such an obsessive extent. I had to end up cutting off the friendship, however, for my own sanity. It's definitely not healthy. I've learned to be content with myself and not worry about the possibility of future romances.

It would still be nice to date someone one day, though.
Today I met the brother of the guy I'm dating. It's kinda weird because as far as he told me he's still in the closet to his family but I guess his (little) brother might suspect something. They also look a lot like each other which is creepy but he's much better looking IMO.

We went to see Spider-Man for a second time and he was holding my hand during the whole movie so maybe he's actually out to his brother. I'm sure it wasn't that hard to notice. I asked him if he said anything about me and he told me he thought I seemed nice.

We're very into each other and moving at a very fast pace so I'm scared of what's gonna happen once I leave. As I said before, perhaps it wasn't the right moment for us anyway since he's still so young and depends on his parents who don't know about his sexuality.

I'd like to think we'll meet again sometime and maybe he'll be at a better place. I don't rule it off, as naive as that may seem, since I've been obsessed with guys for years... though it's different because I won't be here anymore m... who knows anyway? I might just fall for some mexican dude :p
Your daily reminder that Emma Stone is flawless.

Bell and Weinberg, in their classic study of male and female homosexuality, found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28 percent having one thousand or more sex partners.

I guess I still need to go through my slut phase.

Finally, this paper will present evidence from gay activists themselves indicating that behind the push for gay marriage lies a political agenda to radically change the institution of marriage itself.



Bell and Weinberg, in their classic study of male and female homosexuality, found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28 percent having one thousand or more sex partners.
Lol, what kind of BS is this? xD


Kinda miss having straight guy friends to play videogames with. All of them moved away.

Ugh, I know the feeling.

Not a one?

If you mean that bone
then yes.

The only way they'd exhibit any kind of aggression is if you committed "I gave your sister herpes and didn't tell her I had it"-tier dickery.

This study just depressed the fuck out of me

If it makes you feel any better, remember that the FRC is doomed to fail so long as a good chunk of America still has functioning brain stems, and that future Christians will remember them as villains who defiled the essence of the faith with soulless scriptural slavery and that drove away potential converts with their demonizing.

Going to quote an old post, but...Try four years of it, and there was nothing "semi" about it, unfortunately. I think I was clinging to anything that represented an illusion of happiness while I was in the dark depression that characterized my high school years, though. Plus, add the fact that I was in a gay-hostile and gay-free environment.

Not fun, but very...transformative. At least it will never happen again to such an obsessive extent. I had to end up cutting off the friendship, however, for my own sanity. It's definitely not healthy. I've learned to be content with myself and not worry about the possibility of future romances.

It would still be nice to date someone one day, though.

I've had an experience more like that once, though the object of affection in question actually had claimed to have a romantic interest in me.

I was hot off the heels of being humiliated after my first coming out experience (which itself was pretty awkward because I had nothing resembling social skills). The bastard I came out to lied about telling my best friend at the time about it, and said friend kept his distance afterward until we reconciled long after I had moved away.

Cue potential bachelor I met online who expressed interest in me. (I was 14, he was 20) We hit it off fairly quickly. I was crazy about him and he knew it all too well. The thing he neglected to tell me was that he never had any romantic intentions and only considered it a sexual friendship as opposed to anything resembling an actual relationship. Something I was never made aware of until just last year (he only ever told me about the friend part. I filled in the rest once I remembered that he had lied to me about a company meeting that he told me was conveniently at the same time as when I wanted to visit him when it was actually a month beforehand), after which I stopped speaking with him out of anger of feeling misled. I spent 4 years chasing after him and neglecting potential suitors for nothing. My anger about the whole deal is probably negatively coloring my story of it, but you get the idea.

That experience has tempered my expectations quite a bit and is the main reason why this time it hasn't spiraled into obsession. I do catch myself daydreaming occasionally, but I'm fully aware it can never really be anything, and even if there could be a relationship that we have a lot of differences that I imagine could put a massive strain on things.
Also I'm not really sure how his sexual free-roaming would gel with me.
I'm confident that I would have a perfectly happy friendship with him if I had someone else to divert my affections to.

Bailey 87

Cue potential bachelor I met online who expressed interest in me. (I was 14, he was 20) We hit it off fairly quickly. I was crazy about him and he knew it all too well. The thing he neglected to tell me was that he never had any romantic intentions and only considered it a sexual friendship as opposed to anything resembling an actual relationship.


I'm sorry but that just grossed me out. I just can't with grown men hitting on kids

I need to make some new friends, all of my friends are back home. It is so hard going from being a really outgoing guy with a lot of friends, to a guy with no friends. (moving sucks) I tried making friends on grindr but the thirst on that app is sickening I thought gaygaf was bad :p

Talking about thirst what happened to bluebadger? he went from posting a selfie every two days to not posting at all. I miss him #Thirst

Mr. F

Officially finished university, 3 big job interviews today, and two weeks until Dany M visits :D

May is already pretty nice.


Officially finished university, 3 big job interviews today, and two weeks until Dany M visits :D

May is already pretty nice.

Congrats :D
It's such a relief when you finish the university (or school in general) and realize that you no longer have to "waste" your time on learning things you'll probably never use.

Mr. F

Congrats man, lets hope one of them hire you :) are you still working out? hows that going?

Thanks Ricky. :) Gah no unfortunately, fell off the horse something fierce last month when things got really crazy and overwhelming with school. Haven't been sleeping or eating properly since all that :/. Hoping to get back to it this coming week though.

Congrats :D
It's such a relief when you finish the university (or school in general) and realize that you no longer have to "waste" your time on learning things you'll probably never use.

Thanks! I actually think I might not have learned as much as I should have :c but yeah you're definitely right about the irrelevant useless junk part of it.


I'm sorry but that just grossed me out. I just can't with grown men hitting on kids

I was willing to jump into anything at that point. Now that I think about I did a lot of stupid things during that time, even by the standards of my 14 year old self (though I haven't changed a great deal since then, plus or minus some self-respect and less dependency.)

Talking about thirst what happened to bluebadger? he went from posting a selfie every two days to not posting at all. I miss him #Thirst

I was wondering about this too. : [
Hey everyone. :) I was mostly a lurker in this thread, but I have some good news. I finally came out to my best friend a couple nights ago (he is straight btw)! I was stressed and anxious as fuck, but I just sat down and told him after we ate (I barely touched my food) and watched Game of Thrones. I've known him for over 17-18 years (since elementary school), but it was still really hard to say the words. He reacted just how I wanted him to - he was totally cool with it and had suspected I was gay before, but was never sure. He told me he would be there for me and support me. :) I just feel so much better... like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm still not out to everyone, but I will eventually... later on down the road. I think this is a good start, though. :)


Cue potential bachelor I met online who expressed interest in me. (I was 14, he was 20) We hit it off fairly quickly. I was crazy about him and he knew it all too well. The thing he neglected to tell me was that he never had any romantic intentions and only considered it a sexual friendship as opposed to anything resembling an actual relationship. Something I was never made aware of until just last year (he only ever told me about the friend part. I filled in the rest once I remembered that he had lied to me about a company meeting that he told me was conveniently at the same time as when I wanted to visit him when it was actually a month beforehand), after which I stopped speaking with him out of anger of feeling misled. I spent 4 years chasing after him and neglecting potential suitors for nothing. My anger about the whole deal is probably negatively coloring my story of it, but you get the idea.

Ugh him leading you on like that is terrible. OFC he wanted to just have sex with you and took advantage of you falling for him. Glad you got away from that.


I just finished an 8-month campaign at work, which I basically began when I started as an intern, and now finish as a (contract) employee. Feeling super proud, happy, excited for more, and exhausted (in a satisfied kind of way). Only two months left in the contract though, and wondering how and when to discuss my future with supervisors, knowing that the person I'm backfilling is returning soon...


Hey everyone. :) I was mostly a lurker in this thread, but I have some good news. I finally came out to my best friend a couple nights ago (he is straight btw)! I was stressed and anxious as fuck, but I just sat down and told him after we ate (I barely touched my food) and watched Game of Thrones. I've known him for over 17-18 years (since elementary school), but it was still really hard to say the words. He reacted just how I wanted him to - he was totally cool with it and had suspected I was gay before, but was never sure. He told me he would be there for me and support me. :) I just feel so much better... like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm still not out to everyone, but I will eventually... later on down the road. I think this is a good start, though. :)


Funnily enough everyone I've told was just like "I knew but thanks happy 4 u etc." Most of them knew from my music and TV taste (my best friend said "you watch Girls")
Hey everyone. :) I was mostly a lurker in this thread, but I have some good news. I finally came out to my best friend a couple nights ago (he is straight btw)! I was stressed and anxious as fuck, but I just sat down and told him after we ate (I barely touched my food) and watched Game of Thrones. I've known him for over 17-18 years (since elementary school), but it was still really hard to say the words. He reacted just how I wanted him to - he was totally cool with it and had suspected I was gay before, but was never sure. He told me he would be there for me and support me. :) I just feel so much better... like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. I'm still not out to everyone, but I will eventually... later on down the road. I think this is a good start, though. :)

That's wonderful to hear.
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