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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Hunky Nostradamus
Not quite sure what you're trying to say. You said that I should get a hypoallergenic dog, and I said that my brother's hypoallergenic dog gives me issues despite the fact so it wouldn't be a good idea.

Ya, I know, that's why I edited. My original post was something different because I initially misread your post, so I edited with some nonsense and you were supposed to just ignore it :/

Can someone please run by me the differences between the suggestive replies/pictures freely posted in the Jessica Nigri thread vs. what we've been warned against posting in here? Just want to be sure I have my double standards in order.

Posting suggestive/nsfw pictures of women is okay but posting the same types of images of men isn't. The rules are pretty clear imo


Can someone please run by me the differences between the suggestive replies/pictures freely posted in the Jessica Nigri thread vs. what we've been warned against posting in here? Just want to be sure I have my double standards in order.

No idea. It's stupid.


Accounting doesn't actually involve numbers at all

The final exam is a fist fight with the instructor

Can someone please run by me the differences between the suggestive replies/pictures freely posted in the Jessica Nigri thread vs. what we've been warned against posting in here? Just want to be sure I have my double standards in order.

No idea. It's stupid.

But titty-mm-bop-bop-tittays

Ran into this Lil Mac cosplayer at C2E2 this weekend.

What is his number



I went to the Outlet Mall today and wanted these:


They are $95 <_<;

I thought they were 30% off and I had an extra 15% off coupon, but they weren't 30% off. I had to pass on them...they are so lovely to me :(

I love PUMA shoes lol...guess I will buy them if I land a new job <_<; (However, I've gotten a lot of these shoes for like under $30...)



"A Normal Heart" looks absolutely fantastic.

But I know that I'll never watch it, because it looks so fucking depressing. I want to cry from the commercials alone...
So um, hey guys I need your opinion on this...
It's about my Mom, and religion and stuff. So, back in February of 2013 my grandmother died and it was a very horrible thing that really took a toll on all of us. Then, some stuff happened and my Mom started getting more and more into religion. Thing is, I never noticed this change in her because I was really pissed off at her all of last year for the things she said after I came out to her (Which she still says, but she apologized last time)

At first, it was normal, you know when something that happens just starts getting a person to believe more and more in God and stuff, I thought there wasn't anything wrong back then. When I personally began thinking that stuff was getting a little disturbing, was a while ago when we were at church and my Mom wanted to pray to a Jesus statue and she...kissed it's feet.. I was just so.. I don't know, confused? To see this, I thought it was weird. I had never seen someone do that publicly at church. Maybe this is just me, and maybe this is normal?

She also always (I mean it, always) watches a religious channel on TV, Every. Single. Day. It's fucking terrible to wake up to chants of church music on Saturdays and Sundays, today I didn't hold back and told her this was fucking creepy, lol. She even bought some magazine about Jesus today and I tried not to judge but..

I know I'm not alone in thinking this is a bit weird, my Sister is really worried. She said the things my Mom says sometimes scare her, and I agree. For example, my sis was talking to her about a girl who had Schizophrenia, and my Mom said that "This happens to people who have demons inside of them, see, Psychologist don't believe in God and thus can't see how to help them" Which I thought was an incredibly rude and stupid thing to say.

It's just kind of terrible.. I feel like nothing I say can bring my Mom back, I mean the way she was before. I can't think of anything to say without sounding rude and I am pretty sure that this thing going on with her will scale even more. Do you guys think I'm overreacting? I feel like I am, but there's no doubt in my mind that there's been a change with her in the past year. Also sorry for the wall of text, and thank you so much if you read all of this.


Well, for starters, I got a little bit drunk. I drank over three pints of beer (which is more than 1,7 litres), and my best friend bought me a shot of JD (ew, never drinking it again). So... yeah. Word of advice guys, never mix beer with spirits. Never ever.

As for that friend (my crush), I think it's best I let it go. It's a long story, but I'll try to make it as short as possible.

Two days ago I was the designated photographer, at the request of my friends (one of which is that crush I was talking about). Since they organized the gig, they wanted to put me on the special list so that I wouldn't have to pay the entrance fee, which I politely refused simply because the price was symbolic. Even if it wasn't, they're my friends and I'll always gladly support them. After I refused, that guy I'm crushing on said he'd have to at least buy me a beer.

That same night, my best friend got quite drunk and at one point came up to me and said: "Hey, I'm going to ask him to buy you that beer now!", and she immediately ran up to The Crush&#8482;, grabbed his hand and did exactly that, so I ran up to him, too, and grabbed his other hand, and told him not to listen to her, lol (it looked like I was begging her to ask him, I felt a bit embarrassed so that's why I ran up to him)

He freaked out a bit and yelled out "You know I hate being touched, why are you two touching me?!", which was really odd, it took me aback for a moment. I thought to myself, well, if he hates being touched in any way, it's probably best to just leave him be. He's an incredible guy, and he'd probably make for an amazing boyfriend someday, but even if he is gay he'll need to deal with other things first, and I don't think I have time for that, to be honest.


Ugh I'm sorry to hear that :((((((

But you're right, ain't nobody got dat time. I'm sure you'll find a hottie soon enough who'll want to hold your hand :)


Thanks, sis.

Nah, I'm okay, it's not like I expected something would happen (not my luck), it's just that I didn't expect him to freak out over a simple touch. Makes one wonder how someone like that could ever be in a relationship, or even just a hook-up.

I'll have to distance myself a bit because he's a wonderful person otherwise, and I'd love to be able to see him as a friend only.


I've got a bit over 2 hours to study for my most important finals and zero confidence. Blargh.

It's just kind of terrible.. I feel like nothing I say can bring my Mom back, I mean the way she was before. I can't think of anything to say without sounding rude and I am pretty sure that this thing going on with her will scale even more. Do you guys think I'm overreacting? I feel like I am, but there's no doubt in my mind that there's been a change with her in the past year. Also sorry for the wall of text, and thank you so much if you read all of this.

Find work. The sooner you can get experience and the sooner you can get a better job that you can support yourself with, the better.

If you and your sister can both find decent work it would be worthwhile to find an apartment together.

The more I stay with my parents the more I find that it's important to be independent. When they have their heads up their asses the last thing you need to do is stick around them.

We've got another warning?

Nope. People be creepin' on a cosplayer.

Woot woot - it's my 21st birthday GayGAF. :3

Time to get #turnt.

Happy Birthday!

Don't go too crazy with the drinks though.


Oh, I'm going to be maining the hell out of him.

This is going to be a great summer.

Greninja has me more excited, that announcement was just epic.

Youngblade, you are doom. Your mother will mever be the same and will be more.involved in church than she was before. She'll even insist on you being there too. Try to patient but seeing how she reacts to everything, I wouldn't say anything more to her about you.

Alvmew, congrats! Happy birthday!


I find the América / Americas controversy thread very interesting. Because it's completely related to language :p There's no Spanish equivalent for "Americas", since in Spanish "América" is one big continent. It saddens me that both sides have people taking it too seriously and thinking the issue exists because of "anti-Americanism" and stuff.
I find the América / Americas controversy thread very interesting. Because it's completely related to language :p There's no Spanish equivalent for "Americas", since in Spanish "América" is one big continent. It saddens me that both sides have people taking it too seriously and thinking the issue exists because of "anti-Americanism" and stuff.

The person who started the thread it is the one taking it way too seriously. It actually started in another thread before that thread came about.


Have you ever had a friend who you can't stop thinking about semi-romantically even though your brain has completely ruled out any possibility of this happening and you have actively reminded yourself that such a thing is no more than an absurd pipe dream?

I think I may need help. And I'm actually serious about that.


I have one friends, but lately I'm convinced that he never would be into me too, so I suddenly lost any romantical interest in him. Plus all this stuff I have to do has kept me entertained wih other things. So I'd say try to be occupied, don't think too much about relationships, look for things to do and there is a chance that you'll forget about him
...Yeah so I guess my Mom is kinda lost, hopefully it doesn't get worse.

ANYWAY, does anyone else watch Mark and Ethan on youtube? This will sound totally silly and stupid but those too are like my inspiration, they just seem so happy and stuff and it gives me hope that I can make a change in my life.
Have you ever had a friend who you can't stop thinking about semi-romantically even though your brain has completely ruled out any possibility of this happening and you have actively reminded yourself that such a thing is no more than an absurd pipe dream?

I think I may need help. And I'm actually serious about that.

For whatever reason 'friends' are the category of people I'm not attracted to. Not really sure what the correlation is, but if I'm attracted to someone that means they're an acquaintance.

I think I'm finding as I get older I care less for maintaining friendships. Most people are good at heart, or cool or interesting in their own way, that doesn't really mean I have to preserve a spot in my life for them :p With people I like, that decision is even easier, because I hate pining so it's an even worse waste of time :p


Yes they are absolutely adorable. I hate them for being so perfect and cute and happy.

I also have an idea that Ethan is actually the top in that relationship.


Those two dudes are pretty moe.
Someone should draw them.
For whatever reason 'friends' are the category of people I'm not attracted to. Not really sure what the correlation is, but if I'm attracted to someone that means they're an acquaintance.

I think I'm finding as I get older I care less for maintaining friendships. Most people are good at heart, or cool or interesting in their own way, that doesn't really mean I have to preserve a spot in my life for them :p With people I like, that decision is even easier, because I hate pining so it's an even worse waste of time :p

It's understandable that you wouldn't engage people you were attracted to. Not a lot of people can put up with unresolved feelings like that constructively. I still do it because I think there's still a worthwhile person to make friends with after putting aside my feelings for them, and normally this hasn't been a problem.

It's weird because this is the first time this has ever really happened to me. Like, I've felt attraction to people before, but I didn't mentally connect with them a great deal and it was easy to push my feelings for them aside for something platonic. I'm happy to have him as a friend (and he's probably the most interesting and entertaining person I've ever made friends with) so I don't want to lose that, but I'm at a loss as to how to emotionally disengage from him (at least as far as that affection goes.)

I wonder if just making other friends or finding a romantic partner would make the problem go away. Or at least turn it into something much more manageable. He's currently the only other person I'm speaking with besides my sister.

I keep telling myself that I'm less emotional and dependent on other people than my parents are and then I'm driven to act exactly like them.
I'm going to end up fucking myself over one day. >__<

I have one friend, but lately I'm convinced that he never would be into me too, so I suddenly lost any romantical interest in him. Plus all this stuff I have to do has kept me entertained with other things. So I'd say try to be occupied, don't think too much about relationships, look for things to do and there is a chance that you'll forget about him

That probably is the solution, though the fact that I still feel like this after discrediting the scenario in my head (to the point where I know most of the possible sources of tension that could happen during a potential relationship) is not encouraging. A lot of my problems stem from my rational and emotional halves not actually having any sort of coordination beyond basic restraint. Half of my thoughts basically involve some sort of cognitive dissonance.

"I don't want to hurt anyone!"
Do the world a favor and ruin their meaningless lives.

"I need to get the hell away from this household before it implodes on itself"
I'm too scared to leave

And so on.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
A "damnit why are all the hot/fit guys gay" face if I've ever seen one.
It's understandable that you wouldn't engage people you were attracted to. Not a lot of people can put up with unresolved feelings like that constructively. I still do it because I think there's still a worthwhile person to make friends with after putting aside my feelings for them, and normally this hasn't been a problem.

It's weird because this is the first time this has ever really happened to me. Like, I've felt attraction to people before, but I didn't mentally connect with them a great deal and it was easy to push my feelings for them aside for something platonic. I'm happy to have him as a friend (and he's probably the most interesting and entertaining person I've ever made friends with) so I don't want to lose that, but I'm at a loss as to how to emotionally disengage from him (at least as far as that affection goes.)

I wonder if just making other friends or finding a romantic partner would make the problem go away. Or at least turn it into something much more manageable. He's currently the only other person I'm speaking with besides my sister.

I keep telling myself that I'm less emotional and dependent on other people than my parents are and then I'm driven to act exactly like them.
I'm going to end up fucking myself over one day. >__<

It's weird because phrasing it that way sort of makes it seem like I made a conscious decision at some point, but I didn't and it's how it has always been, even when I was super naive. But back then it was a bit more of a "I like you, so I'm going to avoid you and act coldly towards you" sort of thing, then once I became a little more aware the aloofness carried over to being 'friends' with those people. Like I can be friendly, but why on earth would I act like I want to be friends? :p It takes too much guile, I'm great at diplomacy and playing nice, but I'd consider myself extremely guileless, and the people I like spending time with are those I don't have to wear as much of a mask around. So in a way 'self-preservation' as it is often presented isn't really much part of the decision, so much as me not enjoying the company because I'm the only one aware that there's some degree of pretense and I hate having to be responsible for that, or being aware of what I'd consider artifice in general. I think a part of me unconsciously questions the value of a friendship that's on such uneven footing.

Attraction on its own isn't hard to deal with, I'll have sexual thoughts about anyone remotely sexy, my impulses in that area aren't particularly discriminating. Being friends with those people generally isn't a challenge, sometimes you catch your animal brain checking them out before your conscious awareness goes "this is weird" and you stop. No big deal really. It's only when you have a harder time stopping there because there's more to it than just a superficial attraction that it becomes hard, I think.

I don't really have any suggestions to be honest, I find I'm capable of maintaining like two real friendships at once and they're always strong confidants. Everyone else usually has a quality of impermanence of moving in and out of my life with no real form or structure.


5 and a half months is far too long to sleep next to an empty bedside when his warmth could be there.

I can't wait to see mah maple leaf in a few weeks
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