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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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OMG my sister came out to my father as an atheist and my father didn't receive the revelation well
My father doesn't love that I'm an atheist, but he's convinced that one day god will make me believe, etc. - I like his position, it's pretty non-invasive :p My mother downright doesn't mind it, but she's the kind of believer who is okay with Jesus memes and stuff. That being said I never "came out" as an atheist, I just obviously never talk about god, I don't go to church, etc.


My goodness. Such horror. My heart goes out to him! Or not. Yes, probably not. Why do people even care so much about religion, anyway?

It's the "with us or against us" mentality.

In the Abrahamic triplet at least (though this probably applies to a few other faiths to some degree as well) the patron of the religion represents truth and goodness in the eyes of the believer. (which is a load of horsecrap most of the time because in those same religions god is explicitly called the governor of good and evil, and in Judaism Satan is nothing more than a puppet to test man's piety). You reject the precepts of the religion no matter the reason, as far as fundamentalists are concerned you're rejecting God. Since God unquestionably exists then you must be out to reject his ways and cause mischief. If I'm writing this out clearly.

Jigglypuff is obviously the best Pokemon, all of your other lessor Pokemon can't compare

Jigglypuff's a bro. I personally prefer Wigglytuff though.

all 3 Porygon forms

This is the most I have ever agreed with you. Best three normal types right fuckin' there.
It's the "with us or against us" mentality.

In the Abrahamic triplet at least (though this probably applies to a few other faiths to some degree as well) the patron of the religion represents truth and goodness in the eyes of the believer. (which is a load of horsecrap most of the time because in those same religions god is explicitly called the governor of good and evil, and in Judaism Satan is nothing more than a puppet to test man's piety). You reject the precepts of the religion no matter the reason, as far as fundamentalists are concerned you're rejecting God. Since God unquestionably exists then you must be out to reject his ways and cause mischief. If I'm writing this out clearly.

Your post has made me realise how mischievous everyone who doesn't believe in God is. Thanks for that! I'm going to start an overly violent crusade on why your principles suck, and why God's principles are the only principles which are good~


My father doesn't love that I'm an atheist, but he's convinced that one day god will make me believe, etc. - I like his position, it's pretty non-invasive :p My mother downright doesn't mind it, but she's the kind of believer who is okay with Jesus memes and stuff. That being said I never "came out" as an atheist, I just obviously never talk about god, I don't go to church, etc.

My father said the same to her but with harsher words and obviously not accepting it. I'm definitly never going to mention my beliefs to him

And talking of pokemon and dogs, Dragon's mother is named Bayleef :p


My father said the same to her but with harsher words and obviously not accepting it. I'm definitly never going to mention my beliefs to him

And talking of pokemon and dogs, Dragon's mother is named Bayleef :p

Does that count as animal abuse, that sounds like the biggest L you can give a thing.

As far as religion goes, while I never can say personally have experienced the " my life style contradiction religion thing " I'm not an exciting person , I am largely strait I don't drink or smoke , or whatever. So besides me getting angry about people forgetting that church and state should be separate, I never had hard core beef with religion. Or at least enough disassociation with it, for me to declare myself aetheist

When people ask my the question , my response is

I don't care. There are things from either side of that fence theology and aethitism i find interesting and that's kinda it. I don't about it, I just hate when people restrict peoples rights because you believe in a thing, or act smugg as shit because you believe or in many cases don't believe in a thing.
I've always kind of identified more strongly with my religious/philosophical/spiritual positions than I have my queerness. When I was young I would get into a lot of spirited debates in Christian Ethics class on points of doctrine, where in other subjects I'd be too inhibited or self-doubting to really call that kind of attention on myself, so in comparison my passion for things like social reform was always pretty weak. I think my egoic method for coping with stress tends to center around systems of authority, not really in an anti-authoritarian way though oddly, I'd relate it to placing an emphasis on uncertainty with the intention of finding certainty. What I mean is I find myself wanting to have absolute faith in systems of authority, but being unable to. Like the big turning point in my life was when I realized that adults didn't really know what they were talking about in terms of what the meaning of it all is. It wouldn't have been as bad if it was always presented in a way where everyone is kind of stumbling in the dark, it was having that illusion of assuredness taken away from me that irrevocably changed my perspective. Yet finding that kind of system that I can invest a degree of 'faith' in is still the thing I'm most looking for in that process where I 'attach' myself to philosophical discourse.
Advancing the gay agenda of course.
Of course! When I go out to have fun with my friends I'm always in drag looking for a straight guy to trick, tee hee! It's all apart of my plan to create more gays, and wipe out straightness forever!

Maybe. The last paragraph is basically the whole issue in a nutshell. Oh and the chasers are the worst. They propably think of you as even something less than "just a piece of meat to fuck", even female ones (get a strap-on you bitches).
Wow, female chasers? I didn't think lesbian/bi/or straight girls acted like that. I know girls have fetishes and stuff, but I wouldn't think they'd chase.
Hopefully when I dress up one day and go out my chasers will look like Israel Zamora
I'd be more than fine with that. :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Of course! When I go out to have fun with my friends I'm always in drag looking for a straight guy to trick, tee hee! It's all apart of my plan to create more gays, and wipe out straightness forever!

Harbinger of the Genderless Dystopia right here folks.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
OK, I just recently graduated from UT! Yay!

(That's me on the left)

But I'm still without a boyfriend... =(

Heading home to Miami for the summer.
Have you tried gaygafdating.thirst? Lot's of singles waiting to mingle around the punch bowl.

Mambo Italiano and I Think I Do are some of my favorite gay movies.

I'm also graduating this month. Computer Science. Second bachelor's degree.
For me, getting a second bachelor's was actually going to be more difficult than getting my MS in CS, so I went that route. Hope it pays off.

so many people on GAF do comp sci, hah
That's because we're smart . . . sometimes.


Hunky Nostradamus
step aside loosers

Holy shit, this design is AWFUL


So, somehow the topic of the transgender umbrella came up with one of my straight friends(he doesn't know I'm Bi) I showed him a picture, and a video of one of my favorite Drag queens, and he was stuck on stupid for a good minute. "That's a DUDE!!??" instantly came from his mouth.

She's a very convincing queen(can't clock the bitch), and he just couldn't believe it.
He said it kind of scares him that a man can look like a woman, and he'd never know.
He legitimately looked shaken up about this beautiful man who makes a beautiful woman lol.
I couldn't help but laugh a bit. He's a good sport so he didn't get angry or anything

I feel like this wouldn't be the case if our society wasn't so quick to label people as straight or gay, like it's a black or white thing. :/

You can't tell a story like that and don't mention the name of the drag queen!

But yeah it is unfortunate, women seem more open to having a relationship with a trans person, straight men feel incredibly threatened about it, to the point of violence sometimes.

And I'm mentioning again the movie Contracorriente because I know you people are lazy and didn't look for it, it is indeed complete in youtube so I'm linking it :p (it's in spanish and has no subtitles though :/). It starts with what it seems the obvious cliche of a closeted married man with a fling with someone, but then it turns it upside down with a twist I won't mention here.


Wow, I thought this was during the summer....and it already happened:


Luciano Costa "officially" cosplaying Kaidan Alenko!! (he did before, with a homemade costume for a Halloween party.) [intro from PAX East event; were he's asked to turn around. Different angle.]

And I'm mentioning again the movie Contracorriente because I know you people are lazy and didn't look for it, it is indeed complete in youtube so I'm linking it :p (it's in spanish and has no subtitles though :/)
The movie has been discussed before around the threads. Though many know of it under the english name: Undertow. It is (was) on Netflix too. :p


Good lord. Hot guys in cosplay. Kryptonite.



And behind the scenes!!! :p

The thing is that he wasn't even aware he was Kaidan until a few years ago. He explained that he worked for Bioware and he knew they were using his face for something, but didn't knew of it until a friend told him.

New page, so...



And behind the scenes!!! :p

The thing is that he wasn't even aware he was Kaidan until a few years ago. He explained that he worked for Bioware and he knew they were using his face for something, but didn't knew of it until a friend told him.

Sign me up omg.

Edit: Also speaking of cosplay, I just found out that my friends and I are actually gonna go to PAX in August for the first time. Literally crying tears of joy. And I kinda really wanna cosplay LOL. I could reuse my Ash costume but I sorta wanna do something new but I don't know what :O!
That's a true cosplay~ When they actually have the correct physique of a character.
And, on that basis, I am too short to cosplay anything ever.
I can't stop playing Disgaea 3 what the fuck I'm already 10 hours in
I promised myself I would finish Final Fantasy XIII before going to another game but then I bought Chrono Cross and then I bought Disgaea 3

:| how do I stop this
I can't stop playing Disgaea 3 what the fuck I'm already 10 hours in
I promised myself I would finish Final Fantasy XIII before going to another game but then I bought Chrono Cross and then I bought Disgaea 3

:| how do I stop this

It's okay bb it happened to me too :( Promised I'd finish Bravely Default.. Then FFXIV happened ;_;


Slowly working my way through Ratchet and Clank. I have mixed feelings about it but I can't pinpoint why. Hopefully the more shootbang-heavy sequels will do me right.

I can't stop playing Disgaea 3 what the fuck I'm already 10 hours in
I promised myself I would finish Final Fantasy XIII before going to another game but then I bought Chrono Cross and then I bought Disgaea 3

:| how do I stop this

Think about how long it takes to get to the level cap.
It's okay bb it happened to me too :( Promised I'd finish Bravely Default.. Then FFXIV happened ;_;
It's horrible ;___;
we need control
Slowly working my way through Ratchet and Clank. I have mixed feelings about it but I can't pinpoint why. Hopefully the more shootbang-heavy sequels will do me right.

Think about how long it takes to get to the level cap.
Oh god there's no way I'm getting to level 1000 in disgaea lol


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
If gay then Pokemon.

The thing is that he wasn't even aware he was Kaidan until a few years ago. He explained that he worked for Bioware and he knew they were using his face for something, but didn't knew of it until a friend told him.
Well, they did hit Kaidan with the ugly stick, so he probably didn't even think it was him.

I think it's too dorky to be hot. It's cute though.

just bein fabulous
Why's there slime? That's fucked up.
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