What's with all the squatting guys?
Never had a guy squat on your face?
What's with all the squatting guys?
Those are some mannish eyebrows.
That's the point of that whole scene.
What's with all the squatting guys?
I love her eyebrows!
I have a thing for thick eyebrows.
Never had a guy squat on your face?
Almost as annoying as Lily Collinshow do you like Cara Delevingne's?
Almost as annoying as Lily Collins
Nope.Never had a guy squat on your face?
Holy god that Luke Karmali guy from IGN is hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttt
thanks El Gato <3 I have several Grizzo avis, I'm switching between them from time to time
haha yeah that choice was inspired by all those Kirby boxartnever understood why they would make him appear angry
Oh yeah, I've read the interview you're talking about! He says he's straight, but that maybe someday a guy could blow his mind and make him fall in love with him.
Still, I don't think it's ever gonna happen to him, but it's cute that he thinks that way. The world would be a better place if everybody thought the same! Also, he was pretty hot in that photoshoot :
How does this even come up in bed? Should I be like "dude squat on my face"?
Pretty much yeah.
I ask my boyfriend like every morning in bed when we wake up and he's only happy to oblige.
Nothing like a morning snack 😱
That's not how homophobia works.
That stupid phrase again.
If anyone wants to, direct this GAFfer to this video since I'm too tired to reply to his post.
I knew you would comment on that thread.
So many gaffers are homophobes, it's upsetting.
I can.
You know someone's priorities are mixed up when they're trying to hold on to a historical slur for dear life.
edit: laughing FOREVER at straight people trying to reclaim gay slurs. keep touting your failure of an existence, nerds!
edit: laughing FOREVER at straight people trying to reclaim gay slurs. keep touting your failure of an existence, nerds!
The mental gymnastic some people go through to defend the use of racial/homophobic slurs is insane to me. There's only a very very small handful of situation where using the F word is "okay", and the ones described in that thread certainly aren't part of them.
Also I think a good part of the homophobic posters are more ignorant than they are hateful. So I at least have the hope that their mind can be changed.
oh man, i re-watch that episode just now. that scene was so good.
That's not how homophobia works.
That stupid phrase again.
If anyone wants to, direct this GAFfer to this video since I'm too tired to reply to his post.
Ah, I love this one. The "words don't have any inherent meaning, they mean what I want them to mean" argument.
Okay, apple pie garment browser backwash flashlight, candy tree dog - desk pillow - glass streetlamp?
Oh, that wasn't a random list of objects! I meant for them to mean completely different things than their definition, so it's a perfectly logical sentence if you're a mind-reader who can understand my intent! Isn't language fun?
Shoot me.
Ah, I love this one. The "words don't have any inherent meaning, they mean what I want them to mean" argument.
Okay, apple pie garment browser backwash flashlight, candy tree dog - desk pillow - glass streetlamp?
Oh, that wasn't a random list of objects! I meant for them to mean completely different things than their definition, so it's a perfectly logical sentence if you're a mind-reader who can understand my intent! Isn't language fun?
Shoot me.
What's for dinner folks?
Chicken w/ swiss cheese and ham.![]()
Even worse.
I want to go to sleep but I can't with all these crazy posts that keep on coming in that thread.
I keep getting major cases of Deja vu (including right now). I am deeply troubled by this.
LOL. he even use the "I have gay friends defense". Except in his case, it's his mother's gay friends.
You really need to not let these things literally prevent you from sleeping. It's good that you're passionate about this, and you're trying your best in those threads, but it's so not worth letting it bother you so much. The other side is not really looking for facts and reasonable arguments, it's completely one-sided when you care so much about it.I want to go to sleep but I can't with all these crazy posts that keep on coming in that thread.
You really need to not let these things literally prevent you from sleeping. It's good that you're passionate about this, and you're trying your best in those threads, but it's so not worth letting it bother you so much. The other side is not really looking for facts and reasonable arguments, it's completely one-sided when you care so much about it.
yr hippocampus is just having spasms, no big deal.
Actually if it's atypical for you it could be a symptom of something. I get deja vu all the time so it wouldn't really alarm me.
Mods, can we have a new rule for these threads? "Next one to quote Louis C.K. gets banned", maybe?
It's a life-long thing.
The only reason it bugs me is because I've had dreams before that were almost exactly the same.
Fixed. How anyone can think that tool is funny is beyond me.
how do you like Cara Delevingne's?
You really need to not let these things literally prevent you from sleeping. It's good that you're passionate about this, and you're trying your best in those threads, but it's so not worth letting it bother you so much. The other side is not really looking for facts and reasonable arguments, it's completely one-sided when you care so much about it.
You really need to not let these things literally prevent you from sleeping. It's good that you're passionate about this, and you're trying your best in those threads, but it's so not worth letting it bother you so much. The other side is not really looking for facts and reasonable arguments, it's completely one-sided when you care so much about it.
We'll man the fort, El Gato. You have a nice sleep or two if you need it~
I'm not sure I understand. What bothers me about it is I'll often be unable to tell if something identical happened on a separate prior occasion or not. Like I'm used to deja vu being something I can rationalize around, not actually "idk lol"
It bothers me because It's often about places or situations that I'm not normally in. On two or three occasions (including one of the dreams) it was in a place I never went to before.
That's not how homophobia works.
That stupid phrase again.
European Parliament - [url said:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=MOTION&reference=B6-2006-0025&language=EN][/url]
whereas homophobia can be defined as an irrational fear of and aversion to homosexuality and to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people based on prejudice and similar to racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and sexism,
B. whereas homophobia manifests itself in the private and public spheres in different forms, such as hate speech and incitement to discrimination, ridicule and verbal, psychological and physical violence, persecution and murder, discrimination in violation of the principle of equality and unjustified and unreasonable limitations of rights, which are often hidden behind justifications based on public order, religious freedom and the right to conscientious objection.