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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Right now I just feel like I need someone (more specifically a guy) around who at least pretends to care about me, even if it's all bullshit. I don't feel good, pretty, sexy, loved...

If you need someone to prop yourself up like that you'll be left wanting. Even in a relationship no one is going to want to feel responsible for always supporting your self esteem, ultimately you'll both be disappointed and resentful. I don't mean this in a particularly harsh way but I think it's a form of using people. You're not particularly concerned with the other person so much as how they make you feel.

I think we seek intense or deep experiences regardless of if that's in art or entertainment, philosophy, or the diversity of human relationships sexual or non-sexual. But there's an element of that that's self-selective that you can't force, and that's chemistry. To merge with something you have to really believe in it, it has to act as a mirror that reflects your image and beliefs back at you. But you can't just force that and make anything a mirror, if you try to gaze at your image in just anything you become lost and it does the very opposite of what it's supposed to.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I wouldn't mind some cold and snow (
I have never seen snow in my life ._.
) becuase this has been the hottest winter here (seriously, AC on and shorts)... although I will be there for two weeks so I hope it isn't THAT bad.

Well, you won't be seeing any snow here unless you end up in the mountains; we get exactly one day with snow each season and it already happened back in December... but who knows, maybe you'll be lucky!

What's the visit for, btw? Exclusively for vacationing or are you looking for work/school/etc?

Just wanted to share this:

Gay comedian Eliot Glazer does a hilarious cover of Next's R&B classic "Too Close"

And while it IS legitimately funny...can we get into his legitimately good voice for a second? I'm telling you, my draws would be OFF.

He was in an acapella group in college, iirc, so it's not just a coincidence that he's a legitimately talented singer. :)
Right now I just feel like I need someone (more specifically a guy) around who at least pretends to care about me, even if it's all bullshit. I don't feel good, pretty, sexy, loved...
But dude you're pretty, sexy, and i can assure you that you are loved. You should feel good, you're a really nice guy with a nice personality you know. And good looks.


Well, you won't be seeing any snow here unless you end up in the mountains; we get exactly one day with snow each season and it already happened back in December... but who knows, maybe you'll be lucky!

What's the visit for, btw? Exclusively for vacationing or are you looking for work/school/etc?
The motive of my visit is to marry soco :3
[exclusively for vacationing, but I miss soco]
Speaking of singing I haven't put a video on YouTube since Christmas :S I don't know what cover to do. Halp?? :]
Katamari on the Rock ~ Main Theme.

Or Que Sera Sera, the best love song ever, also from Katamari Damacy.
It's sweet in a twisted way, if you're familiar with how stars are made in-game


Agree entirely. Lol, I agree with umop.

That being said, I guess we can all feel like that sometimes. I just think it's important knowing not to search for our own well being in the hands of other people. Not only because it doesn't work, but because it's a pretty big responsibility for the other person, isn't it?

So yeah. Cheer up, Victor!
I would squee with delight if you sang some Sondheim :D (but I'm probably alone on that)
Hmm.. Not a bad idea! :O I've thought of doing a tribute to the master o_o which one though? LOL
My Melancholy Baby. Your voice would be perfect for it. ;)

GASPPPPP! I love that song!! I love his music in general! I've sang with him a couple times. I can't believe this song dodged my attention!! :]!

Katamari on the Rock ~ Main Theme.

Or Que Sera Sera, the best love song ever, also from Katamari Damacy.
It's sweet in a twisted way, if you're familiar with how stars are made in-game
I've actually sang Que Sera Sera live before! So I could do that one! Another GAF member and I were thinking of collaborating on Make You Feel My Love by Adele.. He plays guitar so it would be kinda cool too!

Decisions decisions o_o


Hmm.. Not a bad idea! :O I've thought of doing a tribute to the master o_o which one though? LOL

For a solo that would make sense out of context of the show, maybe Another Hundred People, Not A Day Goes By, Marry Me A Little, Being Alive, The Road You Didn't Take, or Send in the Clowns? If I were nearby, I'd offer to duet A Little Priest, but, alas.
For a solo that would make sense out of context of the show, maybe Another Hundred People, Not A Day Goes By, Marry Me A Little, Being Alive, The Road You Didn't Take, or Send in the Clowns? If I were nearby, I'd offer to duet A Little Priest, but, alas.
Shoot I think the only one I know is Send in the Clowns from that list LOL
Wow, no way. That's awesome! I love that song so much. Definitely my favorite track in the game.

Did you wear a Little Prince head when you did it live? :p

HAHAHA.. Not from what I can remember :p I was younger though. Maybe I was in that French beret my parents kept putting me in..
how did they not know?
Right now I just feel like I need someone (more specifically a guy) around who at least pretends to care about me, even if it's all bullshit. I don't feel good, pretty, sexy, loved...
Don't spread yourself too thin, and don't rely on validation from an external source. You seem to often talk about a plethora of different crushes, exes, and other unavailable men that you pursue (subconsciously, sometimes) in an emotional manner. Sometimes it's healthy to just take a step back from it all and don't invest yourself too deeply. (This is coming from someone who has learned from their mistakes when it comes to obsession, and no longer punishes themselves like that.)
I may, or may not, have watched all of season 4 of Downton Abbey in one sitting last weekend.

While eating a giant bag of Twizzlers.

This is magical.
If you need someone to prop yourself up like that you'll be left wanting. Even in a relationship no one is going to want to feel responsible for always supporting your self esteem, ultimately you'll both be disappointed and resentful. I don't mean this in a particularly harsh way but I think it's a form of using people. You're not particularly concerned with the other person so much as how they make you feel.

I think we seek intense or deep experiences regardless of if that's in art or entertainment, philosophy, or the diversity of human relationships sexual or non-sexual. But there's an element of that that's self-selective that you can't force, and that's chemistry. To merge with something you have to really believe in it, it has to act as a mirror that reflects your image and beliefs back at you. But you can't just force that and make anything a mirror, if you try to gaze at your image in just anything you become lost and it does the very opposite of what it's supposed to.
I don't think I've felt like this before, it's mostly constant rejection that makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit, but I know I'll be fine eventually.


He looks like Colby Keller but hotter.

Just saw Looking. It's okay but Groff's character is too annoying.


I can't even begin to comprehend the bolded.

I don't think I've felt like this before, it's mostly constant rejection that makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit, but I know I'll be fine eventually.

Well you aren't a worthless piece of shit. People get rejected, it happens. What's important is that you don't let that type of stuff get you to reject the good qualities you have about yourself, because if you can't love yourself, there's no way other people can truly begin to love them either. It'll work out, just hang in there and one day you'll find that guy that can really appreciate who you are and you'll be glad you found them, no matter how long or difficult the journey there was. :)


New vita exploit leaked unintentionally lol. Wololo is gonna get that ass.
I hate when this happens, because regardless of what a couple of people say, it's always to enable piracy. Vita is hardly in a position where piracy would be a good thing.
I hate when this happens, because regardless of what a couple of people say, it's always to enable piracy. Vita is hardly in a position where piracy would be a good thing.

Only a few are gonna use it for backups. Can you even get the ISOs though? I know you can just play PSP games and PS1 (with no sound)


Oh well :p I just hope piracy never becomes a rampant thing on any system again. Especially not handhelds.

It always shocks me when I ready bullying stories like the one on that thread about the "brony" kid. It makes me feel really lucky since I was a very openly Pokémon-crazed kid (I kind of never got over that "phase", lol) that never got bullied. But I guess being a kid and liking Pokémon is hardly as controversial as liking My Little Pony.


Oh well :p I just hope piracy never becomes a rampant thing on any system again. Especially not handhelds.
But I guess being a kid and liking Pokémon is hardly as controversial as liking My Little Pony.

I assume after what happened with the PS3 that they have fairly aggressive measures in place.

And MLP hate is driven in good part by people's obsession with gender conformity.
Can't be havin' none'o dem boyz playin' with girleh-ass ponies.
I don't think I've felt like this before, it's mostly constant rejection that makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit, but I know I'll be fine eventually.

Rejection like that would be depressing and demoralizing, I didn't mean to suggest that your feelings were inappropriate or wrong. I think it came across as harsher than I meant it, but all I meant (and how I understand what Necromanti said), is just that by the kinds of things and the way you post here it really seems to an external observer like you're seeking another person to fill a void.

To some degree that's normal, but it seems like a pretty strong preoccupation, and you seem somewhat aware that you get into some pretty unnecessary situations as a result of it. It's worth questioning exactly what compulsion is driving you, because it does kind of seem like a compulsion. And compulsions have a way of blinding us to their function and what motivates them, eventually making us a slave to them. I think as people we want to have the freedom to really decide what is good for us, and not just be the subject of these powerful impulses inside us. I mean, you're a few years older than me, at some point being a romantic fool kind of goes out of style. Being a romantic is good, but being foolish is less so :p

I'm coming at this kind of from the other end, so I have a bit less experience with this sort of thing, and that might make me a little more of an asshole because I don't have as much experience to relate to. I'm pretty prideful, and private with my feelings and I closely guard my sense of security from other people, so I tend to not reveal very much of myself for fear of making myself look like a fool, or exposing myself to an unworthy person, or compromising my sense of emotional security. This can result in a kind of foolishness where I'm so good at poking holes or looking for flaws in things, rarely do I dismiss those doubts and just see what other people have to offer. So obviously that's a problem.

I really think it's the extremes we want to avoid, balance is the absolute hardest thing to have, but if we're balanced in how we approach things we're inherently free from the compulsions and negative points of either extreme.
Sing a Frozen song, I know that's kinda cliche right now but I just watched the movie recently and I love the songs hahaha
Cliche or not, I'm obsessed with that soundtrack LOLL. My friend and were supposed to duet Love is an Open Door together, but then she bailed on me last minute :'(. Wahh!
Rejection like that would be depressing and demoralizing, I didn't mean to suggest that your feelings were inappropriate or wrong. I think it came across as harsher than I meant it, but all I meant (and how I understand what Necromanti said), is just that by the kinds of things and the way you post here it really seems to an external observer like you're seeking another person to fill a void.

To some degree that's normal, but it seems like a pretty strong preoccupation, and you seem somewhat aware that you get into some pretty unnecessary situations as a result of it. It's worth questioning exactly what compulsion is driving you, because it does kind of seem like a compulsion. And compulsions have a way of blinding us to their function and what motivates them, eventually making us a slave to them. I think as people we want to have the freedom to really decide what is good for us, and not just be the subject of these powerful impulses inside us. I mean, you're a few years older than me, at some point being a romantic fool kind of goes out of style. Being a romantic is good, but being foolish is less so :p

I'm coming at this kind of from the other end, so I have a bit less experience with this sort of thing, and that might make me a little more of an asshole because I don't have as much experience to relate to. I'm pretty prideful, and private with my feelings and I closely guard my sense of security from other people, so I tend to not reveal very much of myself for fear of making myself look like a fool, or exposing myself to an unworthy person, or compromising my sense of emotional security. This can result in a kind of foolishness where I'm so good at poking holes or looking for flaws in things, rarely do I dismiss those doubts and just see what other people have to offer. So obviously that's a problem.

I really think it's the extremes we want to avoid, balance is the absolute hardest thing to have, but if we're balanced in how we approach things we're inherently free from the compulsions and negative points of either extreme.

Amen to this post. I have the same problem in the bolded so I can relate to this as well.
There is not much I can add to what has already been told. Just focus on yourself and your self worth first then later on think about someone else.
You can't leave your self worth in someone else's hands that is self destructive.


And MLP hate is driven in good part by people's obsession with gender conformity.
Can't be havin' none'o dem boyz playin' with girleh-ass ponies.
What would you, as parents, do in this situation? I strongly believe in letting kids/people be themselves, but I'd be kind of terrified of sending my kid to school wearing a MLP bracelet. If you prevent him from doing it, how do you properly explain that there's nothing wrong with it, and that you really shouldn't conform to what people expect from you?


Cliche or not, I'm obsessed with that soundtrack LOLL. My friend and were supposed to duet Love is an Open Door together, but then she bailed on me last minute :'(. Wahh!

OMG, If I had a girl voice I'd so offer to sing this with you~ That song is so cute
OMG, If I had a girl voice I'd so offer to sing this with you~ That song is so cute
I love it!! I was also contemplating doing For the First Time in Forever LOL. An octave lower of course.. Similar to my Taylor Swift cover.
I'll post a video of me signing too lol Roy saw it on not that bad huh ? :p

The three of us should break out in song, i'll do my best Mariah whistle lol.

I need to see this. Right meow. LOL


LOl, that'd be so cool! we should form a GayGAF chorus where we sing cool songs or something, If people post their singing I might post an example of mine!
I have an entry for an All is Brawl karaoke contest uploaded somewhere. The contest never happened and All is Brawl died for a while, so I can't find it, lol. Regardless, it's pretty embarrassing so I guess it's for the best! :p


I don't think I've felt like this before, it's mostly constant rejection that makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit, but I know I'll be fine eventually.
Yeah. I've been (and still am) through that.
In my case, I've never been in a relationship, not even a date.

Is like there comes a time, when one would like just..."something" even if it doesn't last a lot, just to be reminded that there may be someone out there that really wants to be with you. So, we end looking for even the tiniest bit of hope, sometimes just settle with receiving a few texts-messages here and there.

Even there comes a time when "loving" and worrying about yourself, is not enough. How many times should I need to focus on myself, not worry about others, "accept me"..to be insulted, rejected, left and right after that. Back to square one. At least I'm not punched and kicked all over as I was when I was younger.

But, with time you (slowly) moves on. I guess over the last months, I (slowly) accepted that I won't be in any kind of relationship..ever; so I'm glad with just getting to know people and making good friends. Or well, trying to. I've failed at making friends a lot over the last years, but at least find hope in that I've also made a few good friends over the last 5 months.
Yeah. I've been (and still am) through that.
In my case, I've never been in a relationship, not even a date.

Is like there comes a time, when one would like just..."something" even if it doesn't last a lot, just to be reminded that there may be someone out there that really wants to be with you. So, we end looking for even the tiniest bit of hope, sometimes just settle with receiving a few texts-messages here and there.

Even there comes a time when "loving" and worrying about yourself, is not enough. How many times should I need to focus on myself, not worry about others, "accept me"..to be insulted, rejected, left and right after that. Back to square one. At least I'm not punched and kicked all over as I was when I was younger.

But, with time you (slowly) moves on. I guess over the last months, I (slowly) accepted that I won't be in any kind of relationship..ever; so I'm glad with just getting to know people and making good friends. Or well, trying to. I've failed at making friends a lot over the last years, but at least find hope in that I've also made a few good friends over the last 5 months.

Take that back


I have an entry for an All is Brawl karaoke contest uploaded somewhere. The contest never happened and All is Brawl died for a while, so I can't find it, lol. Regardless, it's pretty embarrassing so I guess it's for the best! :p
Heh, no shame here, It takes courage to share our singing, it'd be cool to listen to it if you'd like to share.

I already posted mine. So now I'm waiting for yours >:)
Oh yeah, but your voice is beautiful lol, mine can't compare, I'll start with something silly then

This is the extent of my whistle register

Do you guys use vocaroo?

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