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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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After saying that he'll contact me after getting out of the gym, I worked on my schoolwork for the next several hours and attended a club meeting. It's now 11 and he still hasn't contacted me.

I guess I'm being stood up by him. He definitely knows why I wanted to see him today (I really need to learn how to be more subtle), but what's the point of intentionally avoiding me even if he doesn't accept what I want to give him? We normally see each other a few times a week, so it's not like he can keep doing that for another 3 months. Why not just get it over with instead of playing this awkward game of cat-and-mouse?

I feel really hurt by this. All that I wanted was for him to hear me out, regardless of what the outcome may be. I'm not even given a chance to do that.

Walking home from campus was such a slog due to my depressed state, along with seeing so many couples walking around. I really do wonder if I can ever really find someone who I can truly celebrate this holiday with.

really sorry to hear this

*virtual hugs*


I've still never gone to one.
Same. I go to regular bars when my friends drag me, but I don't have anyone to drag me to a homo-bar :/ I'm not itching to go to one, though, as I hardly like bars. I like when they're not too loud and you can actually talk to other people, and when the food is good :p
I'm sorry for that. It just happens. Don't take it too personally, it just wasn't meant to be. Go on with your life, there is still more things that you can do.

I would just move on, but the problem with that is that leaving this thing unresolved would make things awkward between us.

If I want things to go back to normal between us, then telling him my feelings is the only way, even if it could potentially end up in disaster.
I would just move on, but the problem with that is that leaving this thing unresolved would make things awkward between us.

If I want things to go back to normal between us, then telling him my feelings is the only way, even if it could potentially end up in disaster.

I totally understand how you feel, It's a bit hard to not take it personal when they refuse to talk to you.
You can't make him talk to you so try your best to move forward.

I do that when guys flake out. Wait and see what he does if he comes around then talk to him.
Ok guys, yesterday I had casual sex for the first time in my life. It was great for the 30 minutes or so that it lasted but that's it. I don't really see the point. The guy was really nice, not bad looking but not a guy I would normally be THAT attracted to. He was 39.

We spent a couple of hours talking before it happened, which was really nice and that was the main reason I went for it, because he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

Not sure if it's ever gonna happen again, but it's something I thought I'd ever do. I guess it would be different if it was someone I was actually physically attracted to as a whole.

There wasn't any penetration.
Ok guys, yesterday I had casual sex for the first time in my life. It was great for the 30 minutes or so that it lasted but that's it. I don't really see the point. The guy was really nice, not bad looking but not a guy I would normally be THAT attracted to. He was 39.

We spent a couple of hours talking before it happened, which was really nice and that was the main reason I went for it, because he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

Not sure if it's ever gonna happen again, but it's something I thought I'd ever do. I guess it would be different if it was someone I was actually physically attracted to as a whole.

There wasn't any penetration.

Casual sex just isn't a thing for some people and that's ok.
Some people make it more of a bigger deal than it really is sure it's fun but that's about it.

The guy does sound nice from what I can tell so that's great at least.
I take it you wont do it again?


Ok guys, yesterday I had casual sex for the first time in my life. It was great for the 30 minutes or so that it lasted but that's it. I don't really see the point. The guy was really nice, not bad looking but not a guy I would normally be THAT attracted to. He was 39.

We spent a couple of hours talking before it happened, which was really nice and that was the main reason I went for it, because he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

Not sure if it's ever gonna happen again, but it's something I thought I'd ever do. I guess it would be different if it was someone I was actually physically attracted to as a whole.

There wasn't any penetration.

The main point is (usually) to fuck/get off and be on your way! Getting off with someone is better than getting off on your own, at least in most of my experiences. It's totally different from fooling around with someone you really like/love though, for sure.


The main point is (usually) to fuck/get off and be on your way! Getting off with someone is better than getting off on your own, at least in most of my experiences. It's totally different from fooling around with someone you really like/love though, for sure.

This. For sure. The casual stuff is definitely fun
now to find a bf or someone to do the other kind with </3
, but its not really supposed to be like a spoon and fall in love afterwards kind of thing, especially if looking on like Grindr and stuff (which I'm guessing Victor did iirc his recent post RE being on there or something like that).
Ok guys, yesterday I had casual sex for the first time in my life. It was great for the 30 minutes or so that it lasted but that's it. I don't really see the point. The guy was really nice, not bad looking but not a guy I would normally be THAT attracted to. He was 39.

We spent a couple of hours talking before it happened, which was really nice and that was the main reason I went for it, because he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

Not sure if it's ever gonna happen again, but it's something I thought I'd ever do. I guess it would be different if it was someone I was actually physically attracted to as a whole.

There wasn't any penetration.

Grats on the sex, Victorsaurio.

I'm of a similar mindset; had my first Grindr experience before Xmas. Was a lot of fun,
no penetration either

It was fun but i dont want to start running around looking for guys, i go on occasionally but no one really strikes me as someone i want to hit and run.

Different strokes i guess - but to Sai-Kun's point getting those strokes from someone different is a lot more fun;
and this guy gave the best blow job

i think the main reason i'm not really in the mood for it is because i'm in to someone, and here's where the blog/rant begins;

So, I had been talking to a guy online, probably for over a year, he lived a couple hours away from me but we never got together for reasons i'm baffled by now

I've recently moved to London, he has been here for about six months, I'd kind of pushed my feelings away as we both got busy and hadnt' kept in contact but from facebook i knew he was here and had a boyfriend and seemed happy, so i was happy for him

I text him the other night as i was finishing work, just to say hi and that i was in london if he ever wanted to get a drink. he came back immediately suggesting he could meet in an hour, i couldn't believe it; the first time in person

So we meet and get on with each other really well, i started to remember why i liked him so much, and i started to feel shit as he was telling me how great his work and life and boyfriend were - the boyfriend who just gave him a very expensive 'commitment' ring that is clearly an engagement ring of sorts, i was disaffected with this news but kept up appearances and said congratulations etc, though he seemed a little put off by the whole thing (we're both 24 and the boyfriend is 21 so its a little crazy to be thinking marriage) plus we're very similar in that we don't really care for marriage and are both free spirits / independent whereas the boyfriend apparently wants things locked down

We ended the night, hugged, said goodbye and said to text if either were free which i was happy about but got the feeling he maybe had his life sorted and we'd only sparingly see each other

So i'm getting the hour long bus home and start to think over everything; i really like the guy, a lot, and we get on so well but he has a life and boyfriend so i started to think maybe i should just leave it all be and keep away.

I send him a text saying it was so good to meet finally etc and thought nothing of it. He comes back and said he felt the same and that he was tempted to ask his boyfriend if he would let us have 'fun' together, i wasn't sure what he meant or if he was kidding, i didnt think he felt anything towards me, i cheekily told him he was a kept man but he knew my position on the subject he then immediately text back saying
how he cant help thinking about tasting my dick - which began an hour or two of sexting each other
i couldn't believe we'd been sitting there the whole time each thinking the same thing about each other, that was two nights ago and i haven't heard anything since
he'd mentioned coming to meet him the next day at work for a blow job
so all i keep thinking of is how i've fucked it up and maybe i shouldn't have said anything because now i might have ruined their relationship (they are talking of moving in with each other - again, the boyfriend moves quickly with these things) - and that i'll never get to see him again, even as friends which would suck

So i dont really know what to do about it, but my stomach has been in knots since and i'm down about the whole thing, haven't felt like this about someone in a while - probably since we started talking online

Sorry for absconding the thread for my own needs but any advice or comments would be appreciated. Thanks for reading if you got this far.


Ok guys, yesterday I had casual sex for the first time in my life. It was great for the 30 minutes or so that it lasted but that's it. I don't really see the point. The guy was really nice, not bad looking but not a guy I would normally be THAT attracted to. He was 39.

We spent a couple of hours talking before it happened, which was really nice and that was the main reason I went for it, because he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

Not sure if it's ever gonna happen again, but it's something I thought I'd ever do. I guess it would be different if it was someone I was actually physically attracted to as a whole.

There wasn't any penetration.


Wow you look like a young in too


Why is Mean Girls considered Iconic in the gay world?. Sadly enough I have seen grown men act like this lol.

Because it's amazing.

The One Who Knocks, when you put Mumei in the burn book, I think Via Purifico needs to go in there too. :|

<3 you guys. But seriously, Mean Girls is great. Not for some people I'm sure but definitely worth a watch for anyone who hasn't seen it.
Because it's amazing.

The One Who Knocks, when you put Mumei in the burn book, I think Via Purifico needs to go in there too. :|

<3 you guys. But seriously, Mean Girls is great. Not for some people I'm sure but definitely worth a watch for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Everyone is in it anyway.
That sounds messy.
I am going to be blunt with you, you need to focus on someone that will mutually like you back.
All he wants from you is sex you see him a light that differs from the one he has of you.

All he wants out of you is sex.

How long has he been with his bf? Sounds like a messy situation...

Thanks for the replies guys, Alrus i'm not sure how long he's been with him, probably somewhere between 6 months and a year, 8 months if i was to guess

Not sure what to do, whats annoying me is that I would have to give up his friendship, but i know i can't be around him if i'm still attracted to him and he me, even with a bf, and i dont want to go around destroying relationships of others, he wasn't too keen on how quick everything had moved but even so its better for the couple to figure that out

Hopefully he contacts me, i'd hate for this all to just never get mentioned and for us not to talk ever again
That's a wide age gap.
I shouldn't be saying this after what I almost did a month ago lol

We're all ears
Romy and Michelle > Mean Girls imo.

Also my first time was with a 38 year old when I was 20. Age gaps past a certain point aren't really a big deal, especially if it's just sex.


We're all ears

Ehh, I posted it here, I think it was in the first few pages. I was thinking about dating a 14 year old boy who happened to like me too. After the advice and some sense from me, I just ignored him and went on with my life.

Oh and today I teased one of my friends (by what's app) that I was going to tell him something important about me yesterday. He is the one who told me that he thought I was gay last year until I accidentally made a comment that said otherwise and I denied my homosexuality then with it. Now I don't know if he guessed or something but he only asked me what it was. I said that I couldn't tell him by message and it needed to be done personally so I told him that I was going to tell him some other day when we can have a brief moment alone. He proceded to tell me "te quiero" (this is hard to translate lol) and that I was hs friend as long as I wanted and that nothing would destroy our friendship. I'm definitly going to come out as I already told him that it was something important for me and didn't involve him at all. I'm so happy because I'm sure he will accept me, or at least that's what I expect. I can't waiit to do it. Unfortunately, I don't see him frequently (completely different schedules at school), so it is going to happen in a long time.
Ehh, I posted it here, I think it was in the first few pages. I was thinking about dating a 14 year old boy who happened to like me too. After the advice and some sense from me, I just ignored him and went on with my life.

Oh and today I teased one of my friends (by what's app) that I was going to tell him something important about me yesterday. He is the one who told me that he thought I was gay last year until I accidentally made a comment that said otherwise and I denied my homosexuality then with it. Now I don't know if he guessed or something but he only asked me what it was. I said that I couldn't tell him by message and it needed to be done personally so I told him that I was going to tell him some other day when we can have a brief moment alone. He proceded to tell me "te quiero" (this is hard to translate lol) and that I was hs friend as long as I wanted and that nothing would destroy our friendship. I'm definitly going to come out as I already told him that it was something important for me and didn't involve him at all. I'm so happy because I'm sure he will accept me, or at least that's what I expect. I can't waiit to do it. Unfortunately, I don't see him frequently (completely different schedules at school), so it is going to happen in a long time.

Best of luck to you, I hope everything goes according to plan.
Glad you're not feeling anxeity over it.
I think I've come to the conclusion that I need to go out more. I've never been to a gay bar in my entire life
besides with an ex in Atlantic City once
and I think I need to make this more of a common occurrence. You'd think living in the NYC area would make this easier.

Does anyone here go to gay bars solo? How the hell do you keep yourselves occupied without a wingman/woman?
Most definitely.

Wasn't Clueless a bit of an iconic teen movie before Mean Girls came along? I couldn't even finish that one, so awful. At least Heathers remains as excellent as the day it came out.

I remember liking Clueless, but I was young when it came out. I still haven't seen Heathers lol.

I think I've come to the conclusion that I need to go out more. I've never been to a gay bar in my entire life
besides with an ex in Atlantic City once
and I think I need to make this more of a common occurrence. You'd think living in the NYC area would make this easier.

Does anyone here go to gay bars solo? How the hell do you keep yourselves occupied without a wingman/woman?

Dance, people-watch,
then make an early-ish exit


I met hateradio and _Isaac today. Both are really nice and cute :3. Pictures were taken ^_^ (and then lost :/).

My quest to Seattle and Redmond continues! skype_sun.gif
Anyone have an Xbox One and still need a Titanfall beta code? I've posted this a few places with no response on someone taking it, so here ya go:



Story time!!!! :p
A month ago, met probably the "one guy". That one, that is probably the closest to perfection.

Out of nowhere I noticed that one new person started following me on Instagram. Since I barely use it, and like my Facebook don't have many friends, the "+1" took me a little by surprise. Either was some spam account, or someone from work..right? But nope..was an actual person, a guy that we both shared a friend in common. So, I started following too (on Instagram!!) and immediately noticed that..he liked videogames too.

Instagram doesn't have a chat, so you can only talk by leaving messages on pictures someone posts. I decided to comment in one picture he posted of buying Tearaway, He replied. I then asked if it was possible to share PSN IDs and he posted his. I added to my PSN list and left a message.

Texting through the PSN as everyone knows; sucks if you don't have a keyboard. So, I decided to ask if it was possible to exchange numbers, to text at least. He did. We continued talking trough WhatsApp . One night, we talked and talked about videogames and general things until like 5AM. Realizing that this guy is probably the only person I've talked in a long time that not only likes videogames a lot, but also knows about them..and loves Nintendo games too. He asked me my IDs across Wii U, Xbox One, 3DS; and added me across each.

I really liked him, and knowing myself I knew I'd start developing feelings and the usual "falling for the straight guy" curse I have. So, I told him I was gay expecting him to block me or just stop talking to me. But he didn't., We continued talking and even played Killzone on PS4 as our first online game. It was a disaster, since I didn't knew how to create a match or send invites (is not as easy as in Call of Duty, Halo or...most online games). We kept talking trough party chat, which turned itself off whenever we magically ended in a random match.and even worst when we ended in opposite teams and we couldn't talk to each other at all. But, he kept laughing the entire time and telling me to go read the -non-existent but now digital- instructions manuals.

Later that week, we decided to meet after work. I worked 8-5 and he worked 11-8 and we agreed to meet at mall close to our respective jobs. My 8-5 shift turned into 8-8 shift..and his 11-8 shift turned into 11-10 shift. But still, we met. He invited me to eat pizza. For some reason the place charged more if you ate it in the restaurant, so we asked for carry out and ate on his car, bought some sodas and just talked and ate relax on the parking lot (and with other people doing the same across it too...seems it others also used it as a hangout place after ours. XD).

We talked about many things, and as an even bigger "turn on" (well, not really but really cool): he carries his 3DS and Vita with him all the time, mostly his 3DS to get any Streetpass he can. :O!! Such an amazing guy and...well, while talking about relationships and how I've never been in one, he was like.."My last one was a few years ago. We continue been friends, but back then I was planning to move out to the US and live together.... and he took it as I was planning to run away from him". And I was like.."He?... Him? " ..while laughing he responded with "I'm gay?!?, I thought you knew?!". And continued talking on his car until around 2AM; while listening to music and showing me some of his games.

Flash-forward to some more days and weeks later. He and I went out with 3 friends I've known for like 18 years, they all like him. Recently went to watch The Lego Movie and continued talking through phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, and playing Killer Instinct and other games.

To top it all, he also likes dogs. Physically he's "what I wished" (I know it sounds cliche), but the kind of things that one may like in other guys, but not actually look for. Even when I don't have a type and therefore, don't go out trying to meet people with specific attributes (basically as long as the other guy talks and has a heart bit I'm happy XD). But... He's taller than me (5'8" vs., 6'3"), great/young looking face, goes to the gym-3-5 times a week to stay in weight (he says he was fat and wants to get rid of his belly; but loves food so he has to go to the gym a lot to avoid gaining weight). He's also older than me by 5 years (31 vs. 36).

Too good to be true..right? Yep. Basically, I'm not his type. He hasn't said it directly, but over the last weeks while talking about stuff, including guys; he has mentioned and talked about other guys; which I'm quite far to look like. I've seen guys he has been talking through Facebook and other social sites, etc..and the guys do look good. Granted is not like I've been asking or bothering him with it, after all..my intention was mostly to start a good friendship. Though I constantly tease him with stuff about he great he looks, how amazing he is..to which he laughs; since then I just continue talking about games or other things.

Like earlier today, I was like "Hey, we could go to the beach one of this days! I've been wanting to go for some time. Plus I need to see you shirtless and wet!!! Dammit!!!". He laughed, told me he's not a big fan of beaches because of the sand and saltiness... then I was like "Or go to any other random place you want, or a pool or..whatever!". He laughed again and replied with a picture (from that moment) of him sitting taking a break after arriving home from the gym and said "Well, here I am shirtless..so, no need to go to the beach now". I laughed then we started talking about the Titanfall beta.

Oh well. I knew from the beginning we would be just friends (maybe good friends since I thought he was straight. So is not like I'm disappointed or pissed or anything), just...accepted my reality. Though, maybe deep inside I'm just holding hope for something else to happen? Maybe I'll actually be disappointed when he finally starts dating any other guy?

I'm glad to have him as friend since he's a great guy in either case. If anything, gives me hope that there are guys like him out there, in this island. Even when it took me decades to find one! XD


Fuckin seriously

Wet dreams at 23? Woke up at the weirdest sex dream i've ever had and now i have to change sheets

jesus christ lol
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