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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Does anyone know how LGBT people are treated in Japan? I'm curious. Also why are gay characters in manga/anime always joke characters and never good characters :(
Japan is not violent towards LGBT people, just profoundly ignorant :p There are absolutely no laws against homosexuality, but gay marriage doesn't exist legally. Homophobia in Japan is somewhat less crappy than in other places IMO since it's not religion-fueled, so it's not really perceived as sinful, evil, etc. - just weird, funny, etc. It's not really the most gay friendly country on earth by virtue of being rather conservative and encouraging conforming to social norms, I'm pretty sure the out-to-closet ratio in Japan heavily leans heavily towards closet, disproportionately in comparison with other countries. Public displays of affection are an absolute no, BTW, that's actually somehow much better here in Mexico City than in Tokyo or Osaka in my experience. But to be fair, Japan is not a very PDA-ish country, straight or otherwise.

This video is rather interesting :p It's the perspective of a French guy living in Japan:

If only Natetan would post more often here! He could give us a better insight.


Japan is not violent towards LGBT people, just profoundly ignorant :p There are absolutely no laws against homosexuality, but gay marriage doesn't exist legally. Homophobia in Japan is somewhat less crappy than in other places IMO since it's not religion-fueled, so it's not really perceived as sinful, evil, etc. - just weird, funny, etc. It's not really the most gay friendly country on earth by virtue of being rather conservative and encouraging conforming to social norms, I'm pretty sure the out-to-closet ratio in Japan heavily leans heavily towards closet, disproportionately in comparison with other countries. Public displays of affection are an absolute no, BTW, that's actually somehow much better here in Mexico City than in Tokyo or Osaka in my experience. But to be fair, Japan is not a very PDA-ish country, straight or otherwise.

This video is rather interesting :p It's the perspective of a French guy living in Japan:

If only Natetan would post more often here! He could give us a better insight.

Damn I really need to re study my japanese :( I used to be able to understand it all D:


I'm so confused right now.

Kids, this is what happens when you only watch Animu.
Japan is not violent towards LGBT people, just profoundly ignorant :p There are absolutely no laws against homosexuality, but gay marriage doesn't exist legally. Homophobia in Japan is somewhat less crappy than in other places IMO since it's not religion-fueled, so it's not really perceived as sinful, evil, etc. - just weird, funny, etc. It's not really the most gay friendly country on earth by virtue of being rather conservative and encouraging conforming to social norms, I'm pretty sure the out-to-closet ratio in Japan heavily leans heavily towards closet, disproportionately in comparison with other countries. Public displays of affection are an absolute no, BTW, that's actually somehow much better here in Mexico City than in Tokyo or Osaka in my experience. But to be fair, Japan is not a very PDA-ish country, straight or otherwise.

This video is rather interesting :p It's the perspective of a French guy living in Japan:

If only Natetan would post more often here! He could give us a better insight.
I see.. thank you for this, Japan really is an odd country. Have you been there? I always dreamed of going to Japan when I was little but that faded away after I realized that Japan wasn't "Anime Land."


Speaking of, what do you think of Urasawa's other works? I just realized that other than Monster, I haven't really enjoyed his other works. Not 20th Century Boys. Not Pluto either.

I feel like 20CB sort of collapses under its own weight and the nonsensical elements don't really keep my disbelief suspended all the way through, though I still like the roller coaster ride. It's probably the most consistently exciting and suspenseful thing he's done. And Pluto is absolutely splendid; I particularly like how consistent it is, and I find it much more emotionally affecting than his other works.

As for other stuff, I haven't read much beyond the first few issues of Billy Bat, and I've only seen the anime of Master Keaton (great!).


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I feel like 20CB sort of collapses under its own weight and the nonsensical elements don't really keep my disbelief suspended all the way through, though I still like the roller coaster ride. It's probably the most consistently exciting and suspenseful thing he's done. And Pluto is absolutely splendid; I particularly like how consistent it is, and I find it much more emotionally affecting than his other works.

As for other stuff, I haven't read much beyond the first few issues of Billy Bat, and I've only seen the anime of Master Keaton (great!).

I hated how 20th Century Boys ended to where I haven't checked the "epilogue"/21st Century Boys out. The ending to that main arc was so bad. Like... "that's it?"

I haven't bothered to read Monster because of that. :/ Pretty art, but he just can't seem to get a plot for his "thrillers" to a good conclusion.

Read the manga too, it's one of my favs.

We have copies of it at work, but I haven't bothered to check them out. Guess I should look into it.


Yeah. Looking's last episode was great. Just two characters spending the entire day together, talking, hanging out and that's it. My favorite episode so far.

Read around that while the numbers may not be as big as some expected or wanted (averaging close to 1 million each week after first showings, encore and HBOGo), the HBO execs seem to be happy with having people talking about it and filling a void or sorts; which they said is more important than ratings (yeah right, but whatever). Hopefully that translates into a new season. Hopefully also into either longer episodes or a longer season. Under 30 minutes and 8 episodes is such a cocktease.


Hunky Nostradamus
Speaking of which, I found out about this show recently.

I've been meaning to watch that.

Read around that while the numbers may not be as big as some expected or wanted (averaging close to 1 million each week after first showings, encore and HBOGo), the HBO execs seem to be happy with having people talking about it and filling a void or sorts; which they said is more important than ratings (yeah right, but whatever). Hopefully that translates into a new season. Hopefully also into either longer episodes or a longer season. Under 30 minutes and 8 episodes is such a cocktease.

If HBO does renew it, they probably will give the second season at least 10 episodes.


Hunky Nostradamus
I was checking out the article posted in the Does a more equal marriage equal less sex? thread, and I ran across this interesting tidbit:

“The less gender differentiation, the less sexual desire.” [for straight couples] In other words, in an attempt to be gender-neutral, we may have become gender-neutered. It’s interesting to note that when I asked Justin Garcia, a research scientist at the Kinsey Institute, whether lack of gender differentiation affects the sex lives of gay couples, he said that male couples, who have more sex than lesbian couples, tend to differentiate by choosing partners sexually unlike themselves — who, say, want to be in the more submissive sexual position — and that lesbians don’t follow as much of a pattern of seeking their sexual opposites. I posed the same question to Pepper Schwartz, a sociology professor at the University of Washington who coined the term “lesbian bed death,” and she pointed out that gay male couples differentiate from each other in other ways, too. For gay men, she said, “the initial filter is erotic, so they’re more likely to end up with somebody who’s very different in terms of education or social class.” But, she continued, “a gay woman thinks like the heterosexual woman who asks: ‘Do we share common goals? Do we like to do things together? Is he smart?’ ” She believes that lesbian and heterosexual couples share sexual challenges because both relationships involve women who tend to seek similar mates. As she put it, most men, regardless of sexual orientation, prioritize the erotic, but “heterosexual men have to deal with heterosexual women.”

Both of those stereotypical types of criteria seem kind of silly according to my value system :p In my experience the desire to do the whole 'couple' thing comes neither from passion or eroticism, nor the desire to relate to someone on the basis of having a 'compatible personality'. I mean those are obviously both significant, but there's this mysterious other factor that seems necessary to make those other things more substantial or not a kind of lame basis for something. It's like when people say they want someone they're able to "share silences" with or whatever, where neither person feels the need to be something else or distract themselves by creating a narrative to elaborate on what's actually there. I think we want to feel like we're most 'ourselves' with someone, beyond the barriers and social forms that make society work. I don't know why I'm talking about this though, I guess I was just thinking about it somewhat recently.


Yeah, in order to be with somebody, you have to be able to be yourself. I don't see a couple working out otherwise.


Guys, today is my birthday and I'm scared. I'm turning 20 now and I feel like I haven't done much in life :/ I hope this.new decade in my life will be exciting, I have made some changes already, I can safely say that I improved my personality along with my body and I hope that I can continue being better each day.

Happy belated birthday baby!


Really? The show can be so hammy sometimes with how characters act and the situations they're in, but I never really had an issue with her. I like Red a whole ton but i'd say the actress, 'her accent' or her lines need some work.


Screw Ukraine's and Venezuela's governments :( And screw Russia as well.

I assume this is about the recent protests or did something lgbt related happened there? like if they needed more bad news :(.

Colombia and Venezuela are sister countries, they both depend on one another, we ate the same arepas, have the same obsesion with beauty pageants and even the same problems, so seeing what is happening there is disheartening. I saw it coming and many colombians saw it coming a mile away, but I thought no one else cared, so the international attention its getting now thanks to social networks is something that has surprised me.
I guess I'm lucky to be on holidays during this whole shitstorm. I really do hope something comes out of this and those people aren't dying in vain (even though dozens of Venezuelans die everyday anyway). Sometimes I do wish I was there "fighting" for my country but I'd be stuck at work anyway.

I was talking to a really cute guy om grindr earlier today. He told me to add him.o on fb or somewhere where we could talk more easily (not on his phone). So I did, we talked for a while but he's been gone for a few hours now :'(

I know it's so silly, I'm 27 years old for fucks sake. I don't really know what he's looking for, his grindr profile didn't say so. He's 24. I hope he comes back.

Then again I wonder how could I go about meeting him. Like telling my sister: "I know I came from Venezuela to see you and my nephew but I'm just gonna go and meet this stranger now."


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
That man has a stack of pancakes where his genitals should be.


Going on vacation with two couples on straight and one gay married tons of pics when I come back in 10 days. Were going on a cruise I asked why they didn't want to go on a gay cruise they said no way lol


Is that a tattoo under/near his Adam's apple? When I was watching the video I thought it's some kind of hole there, a scar or something.

And I agree, he's cute :3


Hunky Nostradamus
Is that a tattoo under/near his Adam's apple? When I was watching the video I thought it's some kind of hole there, a scar or something.

No, it's a hole/scar. I read that he was in a coma for like 60 days after he returned from the war, so I figure it has something to do with that.

It looks wide and flat in that pic.

It's probably just the angle.
Don't they sometimes stuff the front to make it look better or something?


After living through an episode of (light?) depression over the last week I finally went out after work today for a few hours, just walking along the river.
Then I listened to a bunch of Podcasts while drawing a lot of naked people and colourful birds.
That helped and I feel better now. Not tfine but still good enough to keep on going.

Oh, and I bought Pure Heroine from Lorde. It's great.

How's everyone else here doing?


How's everyone else here doing?

I'm doing better. I've been losing a little weight (just 4 lb in two weeks) and keep doing excercise everyday.

I felt a little down on Monday but I got better on the same day and I've been fine since then. Being occupied the whole day with homework and study has been agreat therapy for me since I don't have much time to think about what I can't do and I'm tired the whole time to even reflect a little because I sleep for few hours. Also finally started talking to new people at school which is refreshing for me.

And I'm getting Fucking Donkey Kong this weekend, I can't wait!
though I'm not going to play much because exams are coming this monday :O



Damn he's cute. And those are some good looking underwears, didn't know that brand existed. I find guys in good looking undies so hot.

El_Gato said:
Oh, and I bought Pure Heroine from Lorde. It's great.

How's everyone else here doing?

Pure Heroine is pretty great indeed. I really like Buzzcut Season.

And I'm doing pretty good, the bf has taken two weeks off to study for his notarial exam (which is apparently really hard) and thus he's home all the time which I'm very happy about :p


Hunky Nostradamus
I don't have a whole lot going on right now, so I'm looking for a project to work on to keep myself busy. I really want to make something with my hands (preferably out of wood, but I have no idea how to do that) but I don't really know where to start. Any suggestions?

I'm doing better. I've been losing a little weight (just 4 lb in two weeks) and keep doing excercise everyday.

You go gurl!


I'm doing better. I've been losing a little weight (just 4 lb in two weeks) and keep doing excercise everyday.

I felt a little down on Monday but I got better on the same day and I've been fine since then. Being occupied the whole day with homework and study has been agreat therapy for me since I don't have much time to think about what I can't do and I'm tired the whole time to even reflect a little because I sleep for few hours. Also finally started talking to new people at school which is refreshing for me.

And I'm getting Fucking Donkey Kong this weekend, I can't wait!
though I'm not going to play much because exams are coming this monday :O

Pm me anytime your feeling down ok?
he's like a 11/10 on every damn aspect, jesus
He has too many tattoos though, that seems to be his only flaw (I know some like tattoos but that's just too excessive for me).
Although I too wish to get in on the receiving of PMs to confirm that he is in fact an 11/10 in that aspect too. Edit 2: Wow, he most certainly is. I do like the "Don't Laugh" tattoo.

I'm doing better. I've been losing a little weight (just 4 lb in two weeks) and keep doing excercise everyday.

I felt a little down on Monday but I got better on the same day and I've been fine since then. Being occupied the whole day with homework and study has been agreat therapy for me since I don't have much time to think about what I can't do and I'm tired the whole time to even reflect a little because I sleep for few hours. Also finally started talking to new people at school which is refreshing for me.

And I'm getting Fucking Donkey Kong this weekend, I can't wait!
though I'm not going to play much because exams are coming this monday :O

Well done! You say it's 'a little weight' but that's 4 pounds you had two weeks ago; progress is progress, regardless of the rate and you're persistence can only pay off!
The "Don't Laugh" tattoo above his groin is pretty tacky though.
especially since no one in their right mind would laugh if they saw it.

Yeah, not really a fan of the more recent neck tattoos either, but he has enough that they can all kind of blend in to one amorphous whole.
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