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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Mr. F

Yo, ya'll know the pics are really fun and all, and you know, its cool and shit, and even sexy, and its not even a bad thing about any of ya'll cause this is a real down ass community with some chill and awesome people, But people are hurting right now the pics can really wait a little bit. We're a community afterall. We need to be there for our people. All of them.

Well said.


Yo, ya'll know the pics are really fun and all, and you know, its cool and shit, and even sexy, and its not even a bad thing about any of ya'll cause this is a real down ass community with some chill and awesome people, But people are hurting right now the pics can really wait a little bit. We're a community afterall. We need to be there for our people. All of them.

I'm terrified to open this thread on my phone for fear of murdering my data plan with all the pics

Thank you.
Yo, ya'll know the pics are really fun and all, and you know, its cool and shit, and even sexy, and its not even a bad thing about any of ya'll cause this is a real down ass community with some chill and awesome people, But people are hurting right now the pics can really wait a little bit. We're a community afterall. We need to be there for our people. All of them.
What I wanted to say. Thanks.
I'm terrified to open this thread on my phone for fear of murdering my data plan with all the pics

Thank you.
You can disable images on mobile no?
People have given her hotlines to call, offered to communicate online and someone even offered their personal number. I dont know what else this community can do to be there for her.


Kinsei, I really hope you can eventually overcome your current issues and go on with your life :( It might not make a difference and it might not mean a lot to you, but please know that I appreciate your posts here and on gaming side. We don't need less people like you on earth, and since I can't claim to know what you're going through all I can do is ask you to reconsider.


Kinsei, I really hope you can eventually overcome your current issues and go on with your life :( It might not make a difference and it might not mean a lot to you, but please know that I appreciate your posts here and on gaming side. We don't need less people like you on earth, and since I can't claim to know what you're going through all I can do is ask you to reconsider.

All of this. I recall some of those nasty posters (that I hope are still banned) trying to practically chase you off the site because they didn't like what you have to say. But we need posters like you on this site, and people like you in this world. I know sometimes it's hard to believe that, but... sometimes it's worth taking someone's word for it, too.

People have given her hotlines to call, offered to communicate online and someone even offered their personal number. I dont know what else this community can do to be there for her.

Maybe some more backup and affirmation is in order rather than appearing so vapid and flighty that we can hardly go two pages without sharing what's in our fap folders. "Time and a place" and all that.


^ Might not want to use an Adam Baldwin gif to illustrate your man lust. He's not exactly friendly to gays.

Unless you're being ironic, in which case, please continue. :)

Just did some research... And, yeah, I didn't know Adam Baldwin was this kind of guy. Yup, definitly won't use that .gif anymore. My bad.



You probably know of it, but the translifeline has a Canadian number as well.

I hope you call it or seek some help. I know I'm sounding arrogant as if I know more about your life than you (which I obviously don't), but I know of so many who've been in your situation. Life doesn't have to be this way.


quick question: if you have your date come to your place, do you hide your figures/waifus/hug pillows?


I guess not. :3


quick question: if you have your date come to your place, do you hide your figures/waifus/hug pillows?
No, you just make sure you don't have those things. Watch House of Cards and decorate like them.

i don't know how long you've known this person but I'd hide that stuff for now maybe
Hello guyz!

I guess, I can introduce myself first, it's my first time posting in the LGBTQIA thread.
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: I'm, like, 95% Gay (the other 5% is Emma Watson, obvs)
From: Poland, currently in Cracow.
I'm 20 years old.
Favorite type of music: sad music
Career interest: Translation/Journalism/Writer
Fave video game: Transistor, forever and ever
Hobbies: Writing, tv series, cinema, bookz

I'm wondering if any of you have seen already "Cucumber" and "Banana" - the newest shows from the creator of Queer as Folk - and if you did, what's your opinion on them! I've yet to make up my own mind about them. But I think I can recommend them, they're really well written and directed and shot and the music's brilliant. The main protagonist is past his fourties, which I think is quite unusual for a LGBT themed drama.


No, you just make sure you don't have those things. Watch House of Cards and decorate like them.

i don't know how long you've known this person but I'd hide that stuff for now maybe

b-b-but it's who I am? D:


or maybe just my hello kitty in fetish gear? it might be more accepting and hinting towards my nerdiness.


b-b-but it's who I am? D:


or maybe just my hello kitty in fetish gear? it might be more accepting and hinting towards my nerdiness.
Get a second opinion dawg. It's not my thing and I don't know how severe your habit is, but I you love it and it's harmless then it is something your partner would need to accept. You don't have to change for others, really.

Unless your collection is wild as hell and makes you look like a mess

Wait - Hello Kitty in fetish gear?

As somebody who spent a long time in a relationship with a sufferer of depression, and endured several suicide attempts that person tried to commit I would urge you to please take a step towards what others here are suggesting.

I've been told that when you're feeling this low and hopeless that it's difficult to see past yourself, or to consider anyone else. It's an insular, closed and lonely feeling. I get that, and I understand that it's hard to take anything that others are saying seriously.

It's important you understand this though and take it seriously, suicide is not something you do to yourself, it is something you do to others. I don't know who you have in your life, but I know for damn sure that you have at the very least the people in this thread.

If you commit suicide, you may be gone, but you will leave behind many people feeling like they've failed you, that they should have done more, or said something different. You will alter the course of those people's future and fill it with sadness and regret. Nothing that you say beforehand can change that, it's just what will happen.

Please remember there's a future out there for everybody, and no matter how hopeless this day, week, month or year has been that there is a way up and out. You just need to find it, to find your way out of the maze and into the light. We'll help you if you let us.

You are loved. Super seriously. And any one of us will lend you an ear if you just let us.



I've decided to try and do it on Monday.
When this many people are telling you that suicide is the wrong answer, and they're willing to throw their consciences on the line to say this advice to you separately, you have to realize they must all be getting that answer for a sensible reason.

Even if their words of love are bouncing off right now and aren't what you trust, think business and at least take notice of how many people put their name out there on the advice of saying that you need to go get some perspective from people who can reveal it to you and see that you have the opportunity to be happy with yourself.

I don't know you, so I'm going to just tell you that same advice as the rest of them because it's the perfect advice you were looking for when you told us of your contemplations. Strictly business about something personal: talk to the resources you've been given and live until you get whatever it is that makes you happy with yourself. Life is way to big of an opportunity for you to not at least try the advice of talking to someone who can help. It's a little thing, but there's nothing bigger right now.

And for the personal: you are a person. I'd really like to know you, and I'll remember if this is the reason I don't get to.



Sean cody

Isn't that the site with almost nothing but straight dudes?

but god are they hot

Also @Kinsey noooooooooo please reconsider, I know, KNOW, you can find reasons to live. How about the fact that Kingdom Hearts 3 isn't out yet? Come on :(
Hello guyz!

I'm wondering if any of you have seen already "Cucumber" and "Banana" - the newest shows from the creator of Queer as Folk - and if you did, what's your opinion on them! I've yet to make up my own mind about them. But I think I can recommend them, they're really well written and directed and shot and the music's brilliant. The main protagonist is past his fourties, which I think is quite unusual for a LGBT themed drama.

Well I just watched Cucumber. I mean shit escalated really quickly there didn't it. Jeeeezzz. It was good though, I'll continue to watch for sure. I just hope it doesn't all revolve around purely the sex. I sometimes feel like that's all anybody ever fixates on is just sex, sex, sex. I think there's more to a sexuality than just what we do in the bedroom.

Will watch Banana later on probably.


For those here following the marriage debate, the Washington Post has perhaps one of the best articles I've read on the topic (and I've read a LOT of them) in a while. It's about a long-term lesbian couple in very religious, ultra-red Oklahoma preparing for a wedding ceremony.. sending out RSVPs, waiting to find out whether friends and family will attend, booking venues and services, the emotional struggles that they went through, etc.

A lot of articles tackle the topic in a Spock-like logical manner, heavy on a legalistic approach.. but this one does a remarkable job of humanizing the issue. It had me teary-eyed by the end.

Deeply conservative Oklahoma adjusts to sudden arrival of same-sex marriage

20 years ago, this kind of story would've been unthinkable.

Kinsei, please check-in and stick around. There's a lot to live for, and a lot of folks who care for you.
Hello guyz!

I guess, I can introduce myself first, it's my first time posting in the LGBTQIA thread.
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: I'm, like, 95% Gay (the other 5% is Emma Watson, obvs)
From: Poland, currently in Cracow.
I'm 20 years old.
Favorite type of music: sad music
Career interest: Translation/Journalism/Writer
Fave video game: Transistor, forever and ever
Hobbies: Writing, tv series, cinema, bookz

I'm wondering if any of you have seen already "Cucumber" and "Banana" - the newest shows from the creator of Queer as Folk - and if you did, what's your opinion on them! I've yet to make up my own mind about them. But I think I can recommend them, they're really well written and directed and shot and the music's brilliant. The main protagonist is past his fourties, which I think is quite unusual for a LGBT themed drama.

There's a thread in OT about the show I think.
For those here following the marriage debate, the Washington Post has perhaps one of the best articles I've read on the topic (and I've read a LOT of them) in a while. It's about a long-term lesbian couple in very religious, ultra-red Oklahoma preparing for a wedding ceremony.. sending out RSVPs, waiting to find out whether friends and family will attend, booking venues and services, the emotional struggles that they went through, etc.

A lot of articles tackle the topic in a Spock-like logical manner, heavy on a legalistic approach.. but this one does a remarkable job of humanizing the issue. It had me teary-eyed by the end.

Deeply conservative Oklahoma adjusts to sudden arrival of same-sex marriage

20 years ago, this kind of story would've been unthinkable.

Kinsei, please check-in and stick around. There's a lot to live for, and a lot of folks who care for you.
Good article, that Tim guy is one of those that just wants a different word for marriage


Hello guyz!

I guess, I can introduce myself first, it's my first time posting in the LGBTQIA thread.
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: I'm, like, 95% Gay (the other 5% is Emma Watson, obvs)
From: Poland, currently in Cracow.
I'm 20 years old.
Favorite type of music: sad music
Career interest: Translation/Journalism/Writer
Fave video game: Transistor, forever and ever
Hobbies: Writing, tv series, cinema, bookz

I'm wondering if any of you have seen already "Cucumber" and "Banana" - the newest shows from the creator of Queer as Folk - and if you did, what's your opinion on them! I've yet to make up my own mind about them. But I think I can recommend them, they're really well written and directed and shot and the music's brilliant. The main protagonist is past his fourties, which I think is quite unusual for a LGBT themed drama.

Welcome to the community. Nice username. I'm assuming you're also a Lord of the Rings fan. Sadly I haven't seen any of those shows. I always miss out when it comes to TV, but they'll be on my to do list. Hmmmm, Emma Watson, yup. She's very pretty.
For those here following the marriage debate, the Washington Post has perhaps one of the best articles I've read on the topic (and I've read a LOT of them) in a while. It's about a long-term lesbian couple in very religious, ultra-red Oklahoma preparing for a wedding ceremony.. sending out RSVPs, waiting to find out whether friends and family will attend, booking venues and services, the emotional struggles that they went through, etc.

A lot of articles tackle the topic in a Spock-like logical manner, heavy on a legalistic approach.. but this one does a remarkable job of humanizing the issue. It had me teary-eyed by the end.

Deeply conservative Oklahoma adjusts to sudden arrival of same-sex marriage

20 years ago, this kind of story would've been unthinkable.

Kinsei, please check-in and stick around. There's a lot to live for, and a lot of folks who care for you.
Great article. I hope to see more of these stories be told. They're very interesting.


I'd love to learn Irish. So many Irish folks (and Irish-descendent) in this city, it isn't funny. Seems like a daunting language.
I'd love to learn Irish. So many Irish folks (and Irish-descendent) in this city, it isn't funny. Seems like a daunting language.

Why so? Not to dissuade you or anything, but I'm very curious as to your reason for wanting to do so. Not only is it quite difficult to learn (or at least I believe so), but even here (Ireland) the standard is very low and few people can speak it very well (and, even then, outside of the Gaeltachts it's not really spoken in Ireland so I would be extremely surprised if it was spoken by many in New Orleans) so finding practice would be extremely challenging too which would make learning it an even greater challenge.

I have to be honest though, I hate it personally so I do have a bit of a bias; it's thought terribly in the educational system and I have always been useless at it, so you probably would have a different perspective and a greater drive to overcome the hurdles if you've a passion for it.


For those here following the marriage debate, the Washington Post has perhaps one of the best articles I've read on the topic (and I've read a LOT of them) in a while. It's about a long-term lesbian couple in very religious, ultra-red Oklahoma preparing for a wedding ceremony.. sending out RSVPs, waiting to find out whether friends and family will attend, booking venues and services, the emotional struggles that they went through, etc.

A lot of articles tackle the topic in a Spock-like logical manner, heavy on a legalistic approach.. but this one does a remarkable job of humanizing the issue. It had me teary-eyed by the end.

Deeply conservative Oklahoma adjusts to sudden arrival of same-sex marriage

20 years ago, this kind of story would've been unthinkable.

Kinsei, please check-in and stick around. There's a lot to live for, and a lot of folks who care for you.

that was such a cute article, I hope I'm able to attend a gay wedding in my life other than my own if I ever decide to have one, also, honestly, I had no problems with the people who decided not to attend, like her boss, he and his wife were nice and diplomatic and even lent them their projector, I can respect that personally.


Neo Member
Hello guyz!

I guess, I can introduce myself first, it's my first time posting in the LGBTQIA thread.
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: I'm, like, 95% Gay (the other 5% is Emma Watson, obvs)
From: Poland, currently in Cracow.
I'm 20 years old.
Favorite type of music: sad music
Career interest: Translation/Journalism/Writer
Fave video game: Transistor, forever and ever
Hobbies: Writing, tv series, cinema, bookz

Oh hello there! I'm Kaiser, the
official thread lurker! Nice to meet you! :3

quick question: if you have your date come to your place, do you hide your figures/waifus/hug pillows?

Of course not. I wouldn't at least. I mean, it's part of who I am, I'm a geek and no use hiding the stuff I enjoy just to make a nice impression. If I'm really interested in that person (and viceversa) they should totally, you know, not care...

Unless it's some really really weird stuff, I guess. But even so, I wouldn't do it.


I've decided to try and do it on Monday.

I don't know what you're going through to make such decision, but remember: suicide won't solve any of your problems. It will just end your life. There will be nothing after that, you will simply stop exist. And even though life can be hard and give us bumps all the time, there are moments and people that are worth living for - now or in the future. And death will prevent you from ever experiencing those moments or meeting those people.

So please, don't do it. Reconsider it once again and try to find a real help that will help you deal with your problems - not this permanent substitution of help that is suicide.

quick question: if you have your date come to your place, do you hide your figures/waifus/hug pillows?

Why would you want to hide figures? Collecting figures or posters is a hobby and it can tell a lot about you and your passions.

Hug pillows on the other hand... Yeah, you can hide them. After all, if the date is successful, you won't need it anymore, right? ;)

show me the receipts zombro

Unfortunately (?) I have no barechest photos or anything like that; I also couldn't wear it the traditional way (if you know what I mean) because the kilt belongs to my my sister's friend's boyfriend. As a Scot he has a kilt and I just couldn't resist to try it.

And yes, it is comfortable. ;)
I want more jewelery to adorn my testicular region.

Im watching Episode 2 of The Fall and Gillian Andersons character is Freaky.
she has two cops introduce her to a hot detective she sees as they drive past a crime scene. She tells him her hotel number in front of everyone. He shows up and they have the most boring sex ever. then as hes leaving she acts like shes high as a kite. Lol. i dont know if this is intelligent writing or amateur hour. Time will tell.


It turns out the bridge I was planning on jumping from had suicide barriers installed along the whole thing a few years ago. I guess I won't be dying tomorrow.

I'm sorry for all of this but I just can't stay in the closet for much longer, it's driving me crazy.
It turns out the bridge I was planning on jumping from had suicide barriers installed along the whole thing a few years ago. I guess I won't be dying tomorrow.

I'm sorry for all of this but I just can't stay in the closet for much longer, it's driving me crazy.

Can I ask what makes you want to die? Like, is it something you're willing to talk about? You're welcome to inbox me about it rather than putting out here but either is fine. People are here to listen.

I may have missed a contextual post somewhere, but from what you said above is it to do with being in the closet?
It turns out the bridge I was planning on jumping from had suicide barriers installed along the whole thing a few years ago. I guess I won't be dying tomorrow.

I'm sorry for all of this but I just can't stay in the closet for much longer, it's driving me crazy.

Have you tried to talk to anyone? Either in your personal life or the people who offered support here? Things can get better but you have to meet people part of the way.
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