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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Goal: be a Mary-Kate Olsen type of step-parent



Not exactly true, especially right now. Life's been trying pretty damn hard to make me blue lately. But whatever. :)

I thought he was referring to the guy in the picture.

Words of encouragement :)

How's everyone's evening going?

It's intermission at the wrestling show I'm at

Royal Rumble going on right now?

what do u think bobo

I don't know... maybe you do, but maybe you prefer Amateur. I know a lot of people prefer amateur and home made to professional "studio" porn.


Royal Rumble going on right now?

I don't know... maybe you do, but maybe you prefer Amateur. I know a lot of people prefer amateur and home made to professional "studio" porn.

Nope that is tomorrow - its an independent show

I basically only watch ameture stuff because not enough professional stuff has what I like in a good porno


Nope that is tomorrow - its an independent show

I basically only watch ameture stuff because not enough professional stuff has what I like in a good porno

Uh hmmm. Most professional gay porn stars are straight too. That is a huge turn off. You can even see how bored some of them are. Of course some are really good at it, but still.
No, i was talking to you. Putting guys on a pedestal isnt worth the frustration.
Oh, I don't put guys on pedestals. (At least I try not to.) I'm just too lazy to make a Facebook profile. (I don't really agree with their policies.)

Most of Mr. Raider's stuff seems to come from his FB page though. :(


Oh, I don't put guys on pedestals. (At least I try not to.) I'm just too lazy to make a Facebook profile. (I don't really agree with their policies.)

Most of Mr. Raider's stuff seems to come from his FB page though. :(

yeah most were from his Facebook but let's just say they are very safe in my Hot Men folder now.
ironically his professional photoshoot with Luis Rafael were the least interesting pics in there.
yeah most were from his Facebook but let's just say they are very safe in my Hot Men folder now.
ironically his professional photoshoot with Luis Rafael were the least interesting pics in there.
Once you get married, tell him to put his pics on Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr/etc.
Do we have a screenwriter in the house? :D Great. What is your movie script about if you don't mind sharing with us?

it's a psycho thriller? No dialogue (b/c i can't write it), No character has a name, gender. or looked required for the plot to work. Everything else is camera tricks and a straight story
I think I mentioned it in the last thread, but can confirm I have the flu :( :( :( :( Tonight's the best I've felt since Thursday, but ugh, this is awful. I enjoyed lying on my couch sweating all afternoon while attempting to watch TV.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? North Dakota
Where Do You Live? Seattle, WA
How Old Are you? 31
Favorite Type of Music? My Spotify starred list is all over the place, but a lot of hip-hop lately
Profession or Career interest? Profession: Video Games
Favorite video game(s)? Katamari Forever, Crazy Taxi, Dark Souls, Persona 4, The Unfinished Swan
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Writing, playing drums, winking at cute guys

Mr. F

How's everyone's evening going?

It's intermission at the wrestling show I'm at

Pretty good, participating in my first ever game jam with a few friends and been having a blast. Running on a few hours of sleep but excited to see how things turn out tomorrow.

Maybe you should call a hotline and talk through whatevers got you down. You cant expect things to change unless you make the change. The fact you came here to tell people you wanted to kill yourself shows you dontvwant to. You just want someone to understand.


Gold Member
Let's talk. PM me your phone number.

Alternatively, if you don't feel safe giving your phone number to a complete stranger, please call this number instead: 1-866-488-7386. It's a help line specifically for LGBT folks.
I've decided to try and do it on Monday.
First of all, please don't do it. Now, why are you considering this? Is it because of people in your life? Do you really think they're worth you taking away your own life? I'm not gonna give you the "Suicide is the easy way out" stupidity because I know that if you've reached this point then you've probably been through a lot but try and remember that not every single moment in life has been bad. There's moments when life is great and full of happiness and in my opinion those moments are worth living for. Life's not all bad but it's also not all good, it's a mix and sometimes the bad times outweigh the good ones but remember that the good, happy, amazing times in life are there and they will happen again. Think about the people who make you feel happy and the people who you make happy. I don't know about your situation, but I know that there's a lot in life to live for.


You can PM me if you want, or we can get you in the group chat and talk to you on Skype.

Just know that you can reach out to people, okay? You don't have to PM me or anyone, or go into the SkypeChat. All I am asking you for is to think about it again, and reconsider it, think of all the things you'd be missing out on.
Kinsei We're here for you if you need people to talk to or vent out. The hotline that TheAbsolution posted is a wonderful resource if you need to talk to someone not on here too. Its very tough and you may want to find a way to put away the pain, Not to end everything, just to find a way to put the pain. people including us here can help any way we can to help get through the pain. There are people out there that can help you. <3 <3


irresponsible vagina leak
People need to slow down with the sexy images a bit... We don't want warnings this early.
Yo, ya'll know the pics are really fun and all, and you know, its cool and shit, and even sexy, and its not even a bad thing about any of ya'll cause this is a real down ass community with some chill and awesome people, But people are hurting right now the pics can really wait a little bit. We're a community afterall. We need to be there for our people. All of them.


Yo, ya'll know the pics are really fun and all, and you know, its cool and shit, and even sexy, and its not even a bad thing about any of ya'll cause this is a real down ass community with some chill and awesome people, But people are hurting right now the pics can really wait a little bit. We're a community afterall. We need to be there for our people. All of them.

Thank you.


I saw your posts in the other thread in OT too Kinsei and was worried.

I was up until 2 AM last night contemplating suicide. I need help, but I have no clue where to get it.

I've decided to try and do it on Monday.


Got to admit, this is sad and scary to read. I can understand it though...well, maybe not everything, because I don't really know you or your personal situation, but I know how it feels to be in that dark place.

Others have already suggested hotlines and online chat resources that you can turn to for help. I find it helpful to have other resources than trained counsellors and psychologists...not just friends or family, but small things in life that help feed my spirit and put a little bit of spark back in my day. Like a happy memory from childhood, trying to meditate and recall my emotions exactly...or my cat purring, while she's curled on my lap...or a new goal for the day, like doing a drawing that I feel I can be proud of. There are other online sites I've visited too, like Boggle the Owl, which has quite a lot of wisdom to impart about anxiety and depression.



I'm very sorry you're feeling so terribly low. Best wishes and love.
is there some unspoken rule in Hollywood that if you have a lesbian character(s) at least one of them has to be named Imogene? Or am i just seeing a pattern randomly
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