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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Also it doesn't put people who are discovering themselves into a box.



Gold Member
Doesn't answer my questions, at all. In fact, I don't know why you even linked it. I said in my post that the questioning category was about self-discovery and you link me a Wiki article talking about just that.

my interpretation of "questioning" is people who are generally unsure of their sexuality. if they find out they're into dudes then they're not questioning if they feel pretty sure of what they like and what they don't, as opposed to people with minimal sexual experience feel uncertain of what they're attracted to

I'm not really sure what you're grabbing at here
You're not answering my questions. My interpretation of "questioning" is no different than yours.

Do you consider "questioning" a sexuality? And doesn't this take away representation from those that are gender queer?


i dont consider transgender a sexuality lets take it out

sorry to drop that bomb on u transgaf

edit: why am i postingggggg don't respond to me seriously!!!


No. It's not a sexuality.

What purpose does this community serve if we're not accepting those curious their gender and sexuality and allow them to explore themselves. It doesn't take anything away from queer. Don't be foolish.


Do you consider "questioning" a sexuality? And doesn't this take away representation from those that are gender queer?

no. questioning isn't a sexuality and at the risk of sounding amazingly politically incorrect, questioning your sexuality is like experiencing "sexuality-limbo" which sounds good enough to be represented

I don't get how this detracts from gender queer representation?


Gold Member
no. questioning isn't a sexuality and at the risk of sounding amazingly politically incorrect, questioning your sexuality is like experiencing "sexuality-limbo" which sounds good enough to be represented

I don't get how this detracts from gender queer representation?
Ally + Asexual on one letter = bad because it takes away representation from asexuals
Questioning + Queer on one letter = doesn't take away representation from gender queers because

I know, I'm being an asshole right now, but people brought the topic back up soooooooo I just want to understand. And I'm not being snarky, I really do want to understand what I perceive as a lack of consistency.

plus I feel like allies have contributed a tremendous amount towards our being accepted in society and with how people were speaking the last time it came up, I felt like it's being taken for granted - being pro-LGBT has become more accepted these days, but there was definitely a time (and in some cases it still happens) where that wasn't the case, in fact straight allies were treated with the same disdain as non-heterosexuals (why are you protecting them, what are you, gay?). And when I speak of allies, I'm not talking about people who merely tolerate our existence, I mean people who have taken an active effort in support of our equality.


Ally + Asexual on one letter = bad because it takes away representation from asexuals
Questioning + Queer on one letter = doesn't take away representation from gender queers because

I know, I'm being an asshole right now, but people brought the topic back up soooooooo I just want to understand. And I'm not being snarky, I really do want to understand what I perceive as a lack of consistency.

plus I feel like allies have contributed a tremendous amount towards our being accepted in society and with how people were speaking the last time it came up, I felt like it's being taken for granted - being pro-LGBT has become more accepted these days, but there was definitely a time (and in some cases it still happens) where that wasn't the case, in fact straight allies were treated with the same disdain as non-heterosexuals (why are you protecting them, what are you, gay?). And when I speak of allies, I'm not talking about people who merely tolerate our existence, I mean people who have taken an active effort in support of our equality.

The way I see it, the Q is there to assure people who are questioning their sexuality that they have a community they can turn to for support. It's not so much about representation as it is about letting people know that they aren't alone.


Ally + Asexual on one letter = bad because it takes away representation from asexuals
Questioning + Queer on one letter = doesn't take away representation from gender queers because

I know, I'm being an asshole right now, but people brought the topic back up soooooooo I just want to understand. And I'm not being snarky, I really do want to understand what I perceive as a lack of consistency.

plus I feel like allies have contributed a tremendous amount towards our being accepted in society and with how people were speaking the last time it came up, I felt like it's being taken for granted - being pro-LGBT has become more accepted these days, but there was definitely a time (and in some cases it still happens) where that wasn't the case, in fact straight allies were treated with the same disdain as non-heterosexuals (why are you protecting them, what are you, gay?). And when I speak of allies, I'm not talking about people who merely tolerate our existence, I mean people who have taken an active effort in support of our equality.

ooooh I see your point, I didn't clock the Queer/Questioning bit which is also p true

For me, it kinda boils down to ally's don't need representation for not being a shitty person. Campaigning and being aware of LGBT+ issues is great and appreciated but don't warrant carving a niche into an already niche thing

but overall typing this out seems a bit dumb to try and validate one person over another. hmm

also you're not an asshole


Gold Member
For me, it kinda boils down to ally's don't need representation for not being a shitty person
Maybe it's my having spent so much time in the deep south, but I just disagree on this bit due to the social pressures that exist because of areas like the bible belt. Spend a little time in the rural areas of Alabama and say you're for LGBT rights as a straight person, and watch the persecution come flying.

Anyways, was a fun little discussion again. Cheers!
^ Might not want to use an Adam Baldwin gif to illustrate your man lust. He's not exactly friendly to gays.

Unless you're being ironic, in which case, please continue. :)


Maybe it's my having spent so much time in the deep south, but I just disagree on this bit due to the social pressures that exist because of areas like the bible belt. Spend a little time in the rural areas of Alabama and say you're for LGBT rights as a straight person, and watch the persecution come flying.

Anyways, was a fun little discussion again. Cheers!

I mean, you're kind of answering your own question. Allies aren't campaigning for their own rights, they're campaigning for a specific group's rights. I think whats tripping people up is that these spaces aren't inclusive to allies. That's not really the issue. I've never seen a space based on gender and sexuality that doesn't try to include everybody. I think the issue is the focus. Gender and sexual minorities need terms that specifically refer to them, and spaces that are specifically for them. Allies are great and all but they will always be welcome to these spaces. It's just a bit disingenuous to put a spotlight on them when there are other sexual/gender minorities that need to be included.

Anyway, about the idea of "questioning" being included. I think that's a safe term that pretty much describes us all at one point. It's 12 year old me thinking I couldn't possibly be gay but maybe there's something off about me. Maybe I could possibly like boys but not entirely. These descriptions make it safe for someone having those thoughts. Because in the end, they might end up describing themselves with one of the terms within "LGBTQIA." I started out in straight, ended up questioning, and eventually fully embracing my gay. These terms are important for these spaces.

EDIT: Wow ok you meant to end the discussion. Umm sorry to add fuel to the fire but I had thoughts that needed exploring.
'G' is for God Dayumm. Sorry gays, this is the wrong thread for you.

Also for those that are 'Questioning'. Remember:

Cock is not the answer. Cock is the question, "Yes!" is the answer.

I'm going to regret posting this in the future lmao



Questioning being there makes sense regardless because it is a support for anyone outside the straight sexuality when they have yet to come to terms with or be sure of what they consider to be their sexuality.

That describes everyone who isn't straight at some point in their lives, so it is at the very least a descriptor for those experiencing some sense of being outside the completely straight identity. And if it is someone experimenting, that again is them exploring their thoughts outside of being straight and tells them that those less common sexual leanings, whatever it leads to, have support and are okay.
Yup, we love selfies! :p What does swiping left on tinder mean? o:

Danke! Tinder being the dating app. You can only communicate with somebody if both of you indicate you're interested in the other by swiping their picture to the right. Swiping them to the left indicates you're not interested and removes them from your stack of 'potentials' I like the set-up because you don't get gross unsolicited contact. Of course I swipe left 98% of the time.

You guys are too much when there's a new OT haha - like 5859 posts an hour.


Gold Member
Just for clarification: I wasn't suggesting the removal of "questioning" from the acronym when I asked the questions I asked.

In other news, here's a guy doing pull-ups (my favorite exercise):

Just for clarification: I wasn't suggesting the removal of "questioning" from the acronym when I asked the questions I asked.

In other news, here's a guy doing pull-ups (my favorite exercise):


That's quite the vertical smile he's got going there.

Edit: I thought tindr was grindr for the straights?
professional porn is garbage
the dudes wear too much makeup, and nobody looks (or even bothers to act) like they're having fun
plus half the time nobody's dick is hard


The only professional porn I like is Belami (in particular the Kinky Angels) and I always feel like those guys are pretty into it.

On a side note, how crap are porn titles lol. So embarrassing to type out in a situation that isn't a search bar.

Would y'all swipe Kevin Spacey left or right on Tindr?

Left (no). I can see his charisma etc but he just ain't my thang.


Which one is yes? right?
then that.

I'm going based on the posts up the page since I've never used the app, so right is yes.

I'd swipe right, but I remember Andy Cohen being asked something similar and he vehemently repeated swipe left and I couldn't tell if he just thought Spacey was unattractive or if he knew something about him that made the answer a 'no!'. I know Spacey gets a lot of rumors about being gay since he is very private and generally dodges the answers, has stayed apparently single over many years, picks up gay (and currently bi) roles, and runs a theater - no clue if he actually is or is out in the industry.
Just for clarification: I wasn't suggesting the removal of "questioning" from the acronym when I asked the questions I asked.

In other news, here's a guy doing pull-ups (my favorite exercise):


I'm almost immediately attracted to anyone doing a pull-up. It shows off so damn much~


I have about 405 hours into Civ V, it's a great game that gets even better with its Gods & Kings and Brave New World expansions. I have played IV, and III before that (stacks suck).

Haven't played Beyond Earth, and I admit I've been put off by the mixed reviews and by how closely it stuck to the V formula. I don't need to purchase another game to experience V all over again when I already have the given thing at hand :p

Favourite civs and wonders and the like? I'm in love with strong water civs like England, Carthage, Venice, Byzantium, and I like wonders like the Great Lighthouse and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

I love naval based civs too. My favorite ones being England because of the extra movement and the Ship of the Line, and Carthage because of the free harbors which automatically connects to your capital. I have all the DLC for Civ V. Sometimes I would sit on my chair for over five hours playing Civ V. I didn't really like Civ IV much tbh. I only like the soundtrack. I love playing with mods on Civ V, like the advanced setup, extra large maps and custom civilizations. I have tried the multiplayer at times but it's terrible, especially when people disconnect too many times or take too long to end their turn. Anyways, I love playing naval civs, even when playing in pangea maps.

Usually original little stories just to exercise my writing brain, sometimes fanfic if I'm interested in a series or franchise enough to do so. Most of them will never see the light of day because they're silly.

It would be interested to read them. You should post them in tumblr or in your personal favorite blog of yours. Someone here (Grizzo) was discovered by a publisher (I think?) because of his articles on one of his blogs. You never know :)

Grizzo wrote a book, and he's currently writing another one.

I love Civ 5 as well!

Steam shows that I've played for 1880 hours. Yikes.

Makes sense though. I can get home from work on a Friday afternoon, nap, start a Civ game at 7PM on Friday night.. and the next time I look up at the clock, it's 2AM on a Monday morning and I have to be up for work in 4 hours. It's a scary game in that way.

No interest in Beyond Earth. 5 is probably going to be my main Civ game for years. Like the Elder Scrolls games, I can play on Civ 5 forever because of moddability - and map creations!

They are so addictive. Once you start, you can't stop. The mods are great, and I agree with your sentiment of BE. I'm also influenced by the reviews and the reception it has received. I will probably wait for a price drop to try it out. It seemed promising but Civ V is just much better.

So many Civ V players here, warms the cockles of my heart.

It's one of my favorite games ever.

Because... reasons.



Randomness, poems, more randomness and a unfinished movie script that causes me to hate myself for not lowering the "quality" just so i can finish it

I only have 429 hours of Civ 5 played

was a junior too so he's gone for good

Do we have a screenwriter in the house? :D Great. What is your movie script about if you don't mind sharing with us?

Finally caught up with the thread.

Thanks for the shout-out and nice work with the thread. But I'm kind of sad to not have the documentaries in this OT, a lot of them (and I really mean a lot) are worth watching.

Thanks for the list, will give it a look. But I noticed you didn't say whether Noah's Arc was actually good or "good for being on Logo"-good, just that it was popular. ;)

Uuuh, you might want to opt for another image, or are we allowed to post images of people in underwear with visible bulges now? I never got the hang of what was allowed.

He was acting a bit like an asshat in the Wikipedia-gamergate thread, not sure if that is what got him though. Can't say I'm sorry to see him go.

I am so sorry! :(

Here's the story: I was deciding on how to go about the film, books and TV recommendation section. I was trying to put it all in a Google Doc and link it in the OT but you had hyper-links in your list, so it was off the table - unless I manually hyperlinked the trailers and stuff. I was too dumb not to quote, copy and paste. Actually I did think of copying and pasting your quote into the OT but it got so big (char limit) that I decided to put it in the first reply instead. I accidently copied a part of your quote before closing the tab. :( I tried to go back but the previous OT was already closed, so I could not quote it again. I'm sorry, it was my mistake :(

Edit: Proceeded to copy and paste the rest of your recommended list (like the documentaries part) but sadly with no hyperlinks :(

Danke! Tinder being the dating app. You can only communicate with somebody if both of you indicate you're interested in the other by swiping their picture to the right. Swiping them to the left indicates you're not interested and removes them from your stack of 'potentials' I like the set-up because you don't get gross unsolicited contact. Of course I swipe left 98% of the time.

You guys are too much when there's a new OT haha - like 5859 posts an hour.

Ohhh, I see. Nice. Well, you're very cute so best of luck! :)

Yup, the OT definitely moves fast. It's hard to keep up.


Hunky Nostradamus
Well, I never saw a picture of you, so I just had your posts to go on. You sound really experienced when you are not being silly, that's why I thought you were older. :)

ok thats better

I think you're watching the wrong professional porn ;p

the pron type guys arent very attractive to me. they all have weird faces and too muscular bodies and too perfect and the lighting is too glarey and the moaning is blech and the music is bad and i like the homemade look of amateur stuff -__-


ok thats better

the pron type guys arent very attractive to me. they all have weird faces and too muscular bodies and too perfect and the lighting is too glarey and the moaning is blech and the music is bad and i like the homemade look of amateur stuff -__-

So you don't like Studio Porn?
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