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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I mean Awakening WAS a waifu/husbando simulator. It's known. Since most people only played that one (myself included), that's what they have to associate FE with
I know, I didn't mind at first because it kind of brought the series back from the dead but seeing every thread full of this waifu shit is annoying.

You are lttp then if you only noticed that now. :p

Nowi shippers are the scum of the earth. "Oh, but she's thousands of years old!"

wouldn't be surprised if you can date your sister in the new one because she's actually a dragon


I know, I didn't mind at first because it kind of brought the series back from the dead but seeing every thread full of this waifu shit is annoying.


wouldn't be surprised if you can date your sister in the new one because she's actually a dragon

I thought that was obvious from the first person onii-chan/onii-sama.

I could be wrong, but isn't the purple haired woman also meant to be your mother on the Nohr side? That's the vibe I got from the trailer.


I'm on interview #3 with a job I really want! I'm scared and at the same time excited. Companies have to be pretty serious by the third interview so I hope it goes well! I'm well behind my schedule to become a sugar daddy as it is so I have to get back on my career path.

Best of luck on your interview! You're gonna be a great sugar daddy I'm sure ;)
Have to get all 4 wisdom teeth removed, and braces - but I have no insurance. R.I.P.

have you checked any university dental schools nearby? I know they do cleanings for free or for substantially reduced costs. I'm not sure about wisdom teeth though.

Best of luck on your interview! You're gonna be a great sugar daddy I'm sure ;)

thanks, hippie! I may need to be talked down if I bomb it. i dont have any booze in the house!


I'm on interview #3 with a job I really want! I'm scared and at the same time excited. Companies have to be pretty serious by the third interview so I hope it goes well! I'm well behind my schedule to become a sugar daddy as it is so I have to get back on my career path.

Really hope it goes well - if you've gotten this far, they must be considering you fairly seriously. You'll be hosting masked orgies in no time.


wouldn't be surprised if you can date your sister in the new one because she's actually a dragon

If you buy the third route DLC, you can date both of your sisters. So moe~

I thought that was obvious from the first person onii-chan/onii-sama.

I could be wrong, but isn't the purple haired woman also meant to be your mother on the Nohr side? That's the vibe I got from the trailer.

She's your adoptive mother, so it's okay; or something. Boobs.

It's kind of sad to see how far removed that design is from characters like Petrine, who fulfilled a similar sort of niche. She was definitely intended to be attractive, and given a flattering outfit, but the illusion of practicality remained intact; with her characterisation taking precedence over blatant pandering.



This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.
This is mesmerizing o_o
It sure is *.*
Hi Sagi! :)
Have to get all 4 wisdom teeth removed, and braces - but I have no insurance. R.I.P.
:( thats awful i wonder if there are some alternatives for coverage that can help you. hoping for the best.
This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.

Kinsei you can always post here, Has your situation with your mother telling others gotten so drastic you cant stay home? You can talk to us, We care for your safety and well being <3. If this is your last post indeed you can always Concact Transhelpline.org And you can further talk to them about the situation and see what information or help you can get from there. I'm hoping for the best and i hope its not the last time we see your post on here <3


This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.
Please think about your decision to move out so suddenly again. I'd advise you (and that's me not knowing the full picture) that you don't rush out into the world, try to stay and endure your parents for a bit longer until you are financially stable enough to get a flat of your own. Else you might end up in a worse place then before. :/


This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.

This is unfortunate after your last post, is she still supportive? It was wrong for her to say it to other people but she probably means well, the world out there is MUCH harsher and unforgiving, your mom telling strangers can be the least of your problems if you are a trans youth trying to make it on your own.


This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.

That's ridiculous, what's wrong with her? If she can't respect your privacy at all after you've made your intentions clear multiple times, I can see why you'd feel the need to leave; but please be careful - your safety is the most important thing to consider; and staying at home for a while longer might be preferable if it means you'd be in a more stable position when you do leave.


This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.

Are you sure she really understands how much that hurts you? It's easier said than done, I'm especially bad at confronting them.
This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.

You were considering suicide and then it turns out your mom was okay with it. She even was asking about when you thought about starting the conversion! Just look back at what an overreaction that would have been! Actually telling your parents was the hard part. And the world didn't end then. They didn't kick you out and didn't disown you. Don't return your parent's understanding so far with abandonment. Talk with your mom and/or dad. tell them it makes you uncomfortable that they're telling people without your consent. If your mom were ashamed of you she wouldn't be telling the world.

As corny and cliche as it may sound communication is the key to every relationship. Once you explain your position you can take their response and then make a decision.

But don't just bail on all the progress you've made so far. Give it a shot..


This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.

I got the sense she was supportive so unless something has changed, she isn't being malicious. Tell her how it upsets you before you go risking yourself. And then post and let us know how it goes. We want to hear you're okay.


This will be my last post for a while/possibly ever. My mother has started telling people that I haven't even met before so I'm leaving home.

As many have said, talk to her before making any decisions. You should tell her how you feel and that you don't want her telling everyone.
Friendzoned the Chef earlier today, he took it surprisingly well. He had been asking for the past few days "are you OK?" and that kind of stuff so I guess he saw it coming. The other guy so far seems very interested even if we won't see each other until next week probably. He invited me to go to the beach a couple of weeks from now, he's spending his days off with family there and I was like: "You should take me with you". So he proceeded to invite me to go together then.
My friend suggested today that some people (more specifically women, though I think he meant to include men too) become gay if they find that they have no luck in obtaining opposite sex partners. Honestly his beliefs are a muddled up jumble because he also thinks homosexuality is in large part genetic, but I guess he thinks its more a predisposition. Kind of like how you can have a gene that makes you more susceptible to cancer, but it doesn't cause the cancer itself. -_-

I did tell him to give me a call in a couple years if he finds his own luck with women doesn't improve. I really don't know if I should push the issue though.


My friend suggested today that some people (more specifically women, though I think he meant to include men too) become gay if they find that they have no luck in obtaining opposite sex partners. Honestly his beliefs are a muddled up jumble because he also thinks homosexuality is in large part genetic, but I guess he thinks its more a predisposition. Kind of like how you can have a gene that makes you more susceptible to cancer, but it doesn't cause the cancer itself. -_-

I did tell him to give me a call in a couple years if he finds his own luck with women doesn't improve. I really don't know if I should push the issue though.

holy shit lmao



My friend suggested today that some people (more specifically women, though I think he meant to include men too) become gay if they find that they have no luck in obtaining opposite sex partners. Honestly his beliefs are a muddled up jumble because he also thinks homosexuality is in large part genetic, but I guess he thinks its more a predisposition. Kind of like how you can have a gene that makes you more susceptible to cancer, but it doesn't cause the cancer itself. -_-

I did tell him to give me a call in a couple years if he finds his own luck with women doesn't improve. I really don't know if I should push the issue though.

I guess the biggest problem I see with this is:

Why would, for example, a straight dude "turn" gay because of failure finding opposite sex partners and limit himself to a smaller pool of people that he could possibly have a relationship with?

Does he think gay relationships are easier to get into and maintain?


My father told me something similar when I came out. He told me that too much rejection from women for not being attractive to them (I don't know how he concluded that since I never asked a girl out) and then having my straight male friends love me after difficult times I became attracted to men.

He concluded that even though I was attracted to guys a lot of years before I met my friends. Ugh.


I'll never understand how people can arrive to those conclusions. Can they really, really see themselves being attracted to their own gender as a result of rejection, fashion, rape, etc.?


Extremely tired.

You know you're getting old when you need to take a nap during the day... ;_;
Depends on why are you tired. If you nap to recharge because last night you partied and then you gonna party tonight, justified. sassygirlinpink.emoji


Hmmmm... a guy I was texting with a long time ago called me. O: but I missed the call and I tried calling back and get an automated message "the user you have called has blocked all incoming calls"

O: interesting. Must have called by accident.

Edit: well this is interesting. It's a guy who gave me his number a while ago but didn't have service because he had not paid his bill. So I never actually texted him. But I did add him on fb (I found him through phone number). I never gave him my phone number. So either he got ut from FB (which is weird because I don't remember making that info available to friends, or he asked someone for it. Only three persons have my number... hmmm, this just got interesting. Imma ask him when I see him.

I should start saving numbers with people's names, lol.

Depends on why are you tired. If you nap to recharge because last night you partied and then you gonna party tonight, justified. sassygirlinpink.emoji

I wish that was the case. I just feel drained during the day. For some reason I wake up in the middle of the night and then have to fall back asleep. Its been going for two months now.

what if you nap bc you hate your life




what if you nap bc you hate your life

That's also justified, but not for the right reasons. I know people oversleep because they are sad/depressed/angry at life.

Though I oversleep because I just love to sleep and I always wake up late if I have no work/school. My friends think I sleep too much because I don't wanna confront life and I'm like "No, just let me sleep, let me dream I'm cuddling with the love of my life I have yet to meet <3"
My friend suggested today that some people (more specifically women, though I think he meant to include men too) become gay if they find that they have no luck in obtaining opposite sex partners. Honestly his beliefs are a muddled up jumble because he also thinks homosexuality is in large part genetic, but I guess he thinks its more a predisposition. Kind of like how you can have a gene that makes you more susceptible to cancer, but it doesn't cause the cancer itself. -_-

I did tell him to give me a call in a couple years if he finds his own luck with women doesn't improve. I really don't know if I should push the issue though.
He's watched Jurassic Park too many times.


My mother managed to find me after 6 hours. We had a conversation afterwards and I think I got through to her.

Never go out walking for 6 hours straight, your legs will want you dead.


My mother managed to find me after 6 hours. We had a conversation afterwards and I think I got through to her.

Never go out walking for 6 hours straight, your legs will want you dead.

How old are you? Do you feel that you make brash decisions that are might be unwarranted? Several weeks ago you were suicidal because you feared the reaction by your family/mom. From the tiny snippets form your post it seems like you have a tendency to jump to conclusions. Have you thought about seeking psychological help?

Suicide is no joke. You had a plan, a when and a where. That is very serious. I wouldn't want to see you make an unfortunate decision considering you have so much to live for. Your mom seems willing to help, talk this with her perhaps? Or see about any local services to help. Take a second and look back on how you've handled each situation and whether it was just in your eyes.


If a guy promises he's not an axe murderer should I take his word for it and go for a pint?

I mean, if you don't go out for a drink, he might be mad at you. And, if he does turn out to be an axe murderer, you have just made an axe murderer angry.

Do it. See what happens.


Welp, I texted the guy, trying to be all diplomatic about it. Let's see what he responds if he responds.

That's also justified, but not for the right reasons. I know people oversleep because they are sad/depressed/angry at life.

Though I oversleep because I just love to sleep and I always wake up late if I have no work/school. My friends think I sleep too much because I don't wanna confront life and I'm like "No, just let me sleep, let me dream I'm cuddling with the love of my life I have yet to meet <3"

Hello there ;)

If a guy promises he's not an axe murderer should I take his word for it and go for a pint?

Is this from grinder? Try to meet guy at a public place if you feel uncomfortable. Which I strongly recommend you do.


How old are you? Do you feel that you make brash decisions that are might be unwarranted? Several weeks ago you were suicidal because you feared the reaction by your family/mom. From the tiny snippets form your post it seems like you have a tendency to jump to conclusions. Have you thought about seeking psychological help?

Suicide is no joke. You had a plan, a when and a where. That is very serious. I wouldn't want to see you make an unfortunate decision considering you have so much to live for. Your mom seems willing to help, talk this with her perhaps? Or see about any local services to help.

I'm 21. I do tend to assume the worst when it comes to people. I don't think it's a mental issue.

I know it's not. This was part of our big talk today so it's all out in the open now.


Hunky Nostradamus
My mother managed to find me after 6 hours. We had a conversation afterwards and I think I got through to her.

Never go out walking for 6 hours straight, your legs will want you dead.

glad to hear it

stay safe bb

If a guy promises he's not an axe murderer should I take his word for it and go for a pint?

have him send u a dick pic and then forward it to me. i can tell you if he's a murderer just by looking at it
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