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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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how do you know

Ah... that's a question I can't answer I'm afraid.

He gave him his sword and obviously had to show it off.

Nope. Not at all.

I just have to say I can't wait for my school session to be over. Is anybody else in university?

Winter is over finally but I've gained 15 pounds through the process with school, work, etc., I'm not liking myself one bit. I haven't been taking care of myself - got no time ;.;

Once that's over though (sooooon), I'll be hitting the gym to work bitch and hopefully get miiself a man too. Been single since the new year too....

I'll post a pic when I've attained my goal!

Just 15? pfftt... :p and why not just post a pic now? the before and after? :D

I won't disappoint you :)

Side note, I'm looking for anything that looks similar to the below, that's my cut off line. Anything else is a disappointment ;)

Wow! I must say those are some really high standards. :)



My result:

Buzzfeed said:
You got: ’80s Bitch
You’re an old-school kinda bitch. You invented the one-liners bitches are using today and you look fabulous doing it. You can get down and dirty, but you always do it with class.

I'm not sure about the first or second statement tbh... but I can't complain considering that I love the 80's culture. :p

Twisted Sisters and Banana Rama ftw!! :D


18th birthday, no hope, no prospects, nothing in general, really. The usual! :p

You're very young. I wish I was 18, I would do so many things differently! If only I could go back in time. ;_;

Anyways, happy birthday!

I'm a sea monster apparently.

Clickhole said:
You are a Sea Monster!
You dwell within the ancient, undisturbed depths where the light cannot reach, surfacing rarely, a prehistoric beast from another time. Mankind has only begun to explore a fraction of Earth’s oceans—but it is only a matter of time before you will have to make yourself known once more.
You're very young. I wish I was 18, I would do so many things differently! If only I could go back in time. ;_;

Anyways, happy birthday!

Well, at 17 and 364/365ths right now (I'm 18 tomorrow), I already wish I could go back in time myself and tell myself to act BEFORE talking. So, so badly.

Thank you anyway...
I wonder if anyone ever takes the advice of older folks. We would do things different because we have experiences that make us feel regret (hindsight) but a younger person doesn't have this. They're still being held back by their own insecurities and fears. I wish I had taken older folks advice but theres that damn hindsight again.
I wonder if anyone ever takes the advice of older folks. We would do things different because we have experiences that make us feel regret (hindsight) but a younger person doesn't have this. They're still being held back by their own insecurities and fears. I wish I had taken older folks advice but theres that damn hindsight again.

But I wonder sometimes, would we be us without our experiences we regret?
But I wonder sometimes, would we be us without our experiences we regret?

We are the product of our experiences so we would be different. But even if we did get a chance to do something differently there is no guarantee we would succeed or even be better off as a result. Say you didn't ask this person out that you met on the train and on your deathbed you regret not having the courage to ask. God lets you go back and try it again and the guy says no. I'd imagine this wouldn't alter your life in a huge way but it might give you confidence in being more direct in relationships and even more confident in pursuing things you want in life. Then again it might have no effect.
Oh I thought you were going to do something silly :(

That part's coming later, I think. Everything's pointing toward it happening. Gawd.

I wonder if anyone ever takes the advice of older folks. We would do things different because we have experiences that make us feel regret (hindsight) but a younger person doesn't have this. They're still being held back by their own insecurities and fears. I wish I had taken older folks advice but theres that damn hindsight again.

I'm kinda too envious of everyone that's older to take their advice all the time. It seems as though they pull through in spite of the shit that's thrown at them, not because of it. I'm not even getting that.


Nah, not really. Nothing ever really works. I haven't ever actually succeeded at anything meaningful in my life so far, and never will. But thanks anyway. Appreciate it.

Well if you are ever really struggling and want to chat to someone, just drop me a PM or leave a comment in here. We'll all help you out :)


He said the L word last night.

and I said it back. <3



Well, at 17 and 364/365ths right now (I'm 18 tomorrow), I already wish I could go back in time myself and tell myself to act BEFORE talking. So, so badly.

Thank you anyway...

You're young... >.> you remind me of myself tbh. I can't blame you, I felt like that too. I think most of us have anyways.

Now go and be gay (happy) young lad! :)

We are the product of our experiences so we would be different. But even if we did get a chance to do something differently there is no guarantee we would succeed or even be better off as a result. Say you didn't ask this person out that you met on the train and on your deathbed you regret not having the courage to ask. God lets you go back and try it again and the guy says no. I'd imagine this wouldn't alter your life in a huge way but it might give you confidence in being more direct in relationships and even more confident in pursuing things you want in life. Then again it might have no effect.

Do you feel this way? I certainly do. I wish I had more courage when I was younger. ;_;

He said the L word last night.

and I said it back. <3


Person A- "Hey babe, I lasagna you"
Person B- "I very much lasagna you too"

Well if you are ever really struggling and want to chat to someone, just drop me a PM or leave a comment in here. We'll all help you out :)

Again, thank you. I suppose I'm not yet ready to speak out and stuff. I'll take you up on your offer sometime, hopefullt.

You're young... >.> you remind me of myself tbh. I can't blame you, I felt like that too. I think most of us have anyways.

Now go and be gay (happy) young lad! :)

Half gay! >:c



Wallace was awesome. Easily the best character in both the graphic novels and the movie.

Also ugh at the homophobic companies thread. So many people who seem to enjoy being obtuse just for the sake of being obtuse. And the conversation about us having to tolerate homophobes just because they've been graceful enough to not plan on outright killing us just yet... Again, ugh...


Hunky Nostradamus
I have a pretty good idea already, I guess it's just that recently I was thinking more about getting like a degree in something and maybe becoming a psychotherapist or something. Now I'm thinking that might be kind of a waste of time. I find I usually think I can do like a dozen different things if I want to, but time is usually the limiting resource in being able to do any one thing well enough, so it probably makes more sense to just make the necessary sacrifices to do that thing instead of like half assing six different things.

so youre not pursuing a degree anymore? what's your plan then?

Lots, but please don't wear a band shirt unless you like the band.

never bb

whats a cool place to shop at

Ah... that's a question I can't answer I'm afraid

why not

He said the L word last night.

and I said it back. <3

so happy 4 u sis

Tater tot sloppy joe casserole.

so youre not pursuing a degree anymore? what's your plan then?

I might still, I guess I'm just considering my options for the nth time. I really like some of what Sayadaw U Tejaniya wrote about cittanupassana (mindfulness of consciousness), it's what I've been practicing for the past month or so and my meditation practice is making more and more sense to me, but it isn't a practice with a lot written about it in English. I'm thinking of going to his meditation center, even though that's in Myanmar and going there seems like kind of a bad idea. But I really like all of the books of his that I've read, and it would be cool to have more direct instruction in something I already know I have an interest in.

I'm also thinking of getting a degree in Buddhist studies or something, but to do that I'd have to move since my current university only has a general religious studies program that is pretty weak. I like Psychology but I find even when I'm studying it my interest in it seems kind of secondary, like I'm actually self-motivated to research these other areas of meditation and classical Buddhist philosophy (and have for the past several years), so in a way it seems like there's more sense in studying something that I'm already independently motivated to learn about, but considering it's not a terribly lucrative field I don't want to rack up a bunch of student loan debt in the process. In moving I don't like the idea of having a lot more expenses, since my situation right now is pretty easy as far as supporting myself and paying for college is concerned.

So I don't know, it's not really that I have a plan so much as a feeling of uncertainty that has to be resolved one way or another. Going any way probably means taking some kind of significant risk and that's something I've been trying to avoid for the past few years, but it might be time now. I just can't quite make up my mind if I want to be a scholar or a renunciate. I thought before that I had resolved the question and I'd just balance lay life and spiritual practice, but there are some unique benefits to becoming a monastic that might be worthwhile depending on what my priorities are. It's kind of a daunting decision.


Wallace was awesome. Easily the best character in both the graphic novels and the movie.

Also ugh at the homophobic companies thread. So many people who seem to enjoy being obtuse just for the sake of being obtuse. And the conversation about us having to tolerate homophobes just because they've been graceful enough to not plan on outright killing us just yet... Again, ugh...
I've had a few arguments on Reddit over stuff like that.
"You aren't allowed to say anything bad to this homophobe, he's just expressing his free speech. If you say something to him you are just as bad as he is"

You "tolerate" someone being an asshole, you don't "tolerate" someones skin colour, sexuality or anything else that is innate, that's just fucking stupid.

Now that Homophobia is generally frowned upon there is a whole new layer of stupidity showing up, the "I'm not homophobic, but I defend homophobes and you should just deal with it" kind of person/


I've had a few arguments on Reddit over stuff like that.
"You aren't allowed to say anything bad to this homophobe, he's just expressing his free speech. If you say something to him you are just as bad as he is"

You "tolerate" someone being an asshole, you don't "tolerate" someones skin colour, sexuality or anything else that is innate, that's just fucking stupid.

Now that Homophobia is generally frowned upon there is a whole new layer of stupidity showing up, the "I'm not homophobic, but I defend homophobes and you should just deal with it" kind of person/

I know. And I'm getting more than a little bit tired of it as well.

There was some genuine discussion going on in the thread, but then so many posters came along saying stuff like "So you don't like A and want to boycott it for being bad, but why don't you care equally about B,C D -Z and boycott those as well? You're such a hypocrite, lol" Without even trying to understand why we might have an issue with A specifically (Chick-fil-a in this case).


18th birthday, no hope, no prospects, nothing in general, really. The usual! :p

gir don't think like that because it's such a toxic spiral. I was 100% the same way and basically put my entire life on pause for a whole year to deal with how I felt and I would never ever ever ever wish it on someone else. keep going, something will crop up and you won't even realise it


gir don't think like that because it's such a toxic spiral. I was 100% the same way and basically put my entire life on pause for a whole year to deal with how I felt and I would never ever ever ever wish it on someone else. keep going, something will crop up and you won't even realise it

listen to him Masquerader, he gets dick on the regular now

also I've never not wanted Chik-fil-A, if that makes me a bad homo oh well I can live with myself
Re: regrets and stuff, I don't tend to regret specific decisions that didn't work out, largely cos they seemed like the right decisions at the time and you need to make mistakes to build up life experience and shit. But I've recently come to realise that my broad approach to life over the past seven years has been completely wrong and that's quite a bitter pill to swallow considering that's my youth mostly wasted/over now.

EDIT: Knew I'd forgotten something important, so someone above was saying would you be you without your regrets - I'd have to have lived a different parallel universe style life to have had no/different specific regrets so in that case I wouldn't really be me anymore. But in terms of my broader life regrets, I just don't feel like I'm a more experienced or better or unique person because I feel like I've wasted a portion of my life, I just feel unequivocally worse as a human being.

(I'm tired and posting via phone so apologies for what, in retrospect, is probably quite a rambling, tedious, self-indulgent post.)


I think my own recent change in attitude has made me realise just how toxic and self-destructive it can be to have a negative attitude and put yourself down all the time. Mine went on for 5 years, and I achieved bugger all during that time because of it.

And now, though my current situation remains unchanged for the most part (aka still as jobless, single and socially awkward as ever), I'm a lot more positive and hopeful about the future, I figured the only way things are going to change is if I make it happen, which motivates me to actually try and fix things instead of giving up like I used to.

Do I regret wasting such a large part of my youth? Hell yes, but brooding on what could have been isn't going to achieve anything useful, so you may aswell be using that time and effort to think about the future instead.
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