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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Hunky Nostradamus
I might still, I guess I'm just considering my options for the nth time. I really like some of what Sayadaw U Tejaniya wrote about cittanupassana (mindfulness of consciousness), it's what I've been practicing for the past month or so and my meditation practice is making more and more sense to me, but it isn't a practice with a lot written about it in English. I'm thinking of going to his meditation center, even though that's in Myanmar and going there seems like kind of a bad idea. But I really like all of the books of his that I've read, and it would be cool to have more direct instruction in something I already know I have an interest in.

I'm also thinking of getting a degree in Buddhist studies or something, but to do that I'd have to move since my current university only has a general religious studies program that is pretty weak. I like Psychology but I find even when I'm studying it my interest in it seems kind of secondary, like I'm actually self-motivated to research these other areas of meditation and classical Buddhist philosophy (and have for the past several years), so in a way it seems like there's more sense in studying something that I'm already independently motivated to learn about, but considering it's not a terribly lucrative field I don't want to rack up a bunch of student loan debt in the process. In moving I don't like the idea of having a lot more expenses, since my situation right now is pretty easy as far as supporting myself and paying for college is concerned.

So I don't know, it's not really that I have a plan so much as a feeling of uncertainty that has to be resolved one way or another. Going any way probably means taking some kind of significant risk and that's something I've been trying to avoid for the past few years, but it might be time now. I just can't quite make up my mind if I want to be a scholar or a renunciate. I thought before that I had resolved the question and I'd just balance lay life and spiritual practice, but there are some unique benefits to becoming a monastic that might be worthwhile depending on what my priorities are. It's kind of a daunting decision.

i hate how college is kind of centered around just finding a career - like, people shouldn't have to incur a fuckton of debt just because they want to learn something for the sake of learning something. maybe you can take some (free) online courses?

Moving day bright and early tomorrow. Finally living on my own. :eek:






Tater tots cheeder cheese sloppy joe mix with beef. Lol


Well I'm in the UK so probably not much good me recommending anywhere

you don't shop online D: what is this the 50s

Hey guys, question what do you prefer in you and your SO: shaved armpits or au naturel?

the latter though i would never ask them to change their appearance for me


Video games are nice sometimes . . .

It's just having the time and the will that gets in the way.


^_^ I love it when i see you post here :p
¡Gracias! :3


Wow, that sex change thread (before it got closed) has really changed my opinion on certain posters.

Some absolutely horrible comments in there.


Yeah, duh. If they didn't break you wouldn't buy more. Headphone compaies like money more than music.

My PC headset has a big plug which should last longer while my phone headset is wireless ^^

My wireless headset has even survived breaking in two. It want's to bend a little, but works as it should and only needs new tape every now and then.


i hate how college is kind of centered around just finding a career - like, people shouldn't have to incur a fuckton of debt just because they want to learn something for the sake of learning something. maybe you can take some (free) online courses?

Such as coursera.org

Coursera said:
Coursera provides universal access to the world’s best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses for anyone to take, for free.

the latter though i would never ask them to change their appearance for me

Wow, that's very sweet of you :)
¡Gracias! :3
Hey guys, question what do you prefer in you and your SO: shaved armpits or au naturel?
Natural but wouldnt mind shaved at all. Hi Hippie!

Wow, that sex change thread (before it got closed) has really changed my opinion on certain posters.

Some absolutely horrible comments in there.

It was incredibly revealing and sad. I couldnt even get through the first page. You're absolutely right


It doesn't really matter imo. I'm a furry mess so trying to shave/trim anywhere would look weird i think on myself.
i hate how college is kind of centered around just finding a career - like, people shouldn't have to incur a fuckton of debt just because they want to learn something for the sake of learning something. maybe you can take some (free) online courses?

I think you hit the nail on the head, I learn a lot of useful or interesting stuff in college but I still come away from it feeling like it's not really for me. I think it used to be an institution that was more centered on fostering a lifetime of education or self-improvement, but with the greater demand that our generation be educated, the service they now offer to society seems a lot more boxed up, and about getting people into careers. It's kind of like an extension of high school, or just a trade school centered on scholasticism or academia, rather than being about "higher learning" or whatever, which I think works for those institutions but it doesn't work well for universities. And here I don't even know if I want a conventional career, or even a career at all, so I sort of feel like it's not for me.

I think I'm going to try to join a monastery in the states. I always said I'd do that before, but I was pretty reluctant to take the risk. There's one American monk that I have a lot of respect for. He's in a tradition that emphasizes meditation (Thai Forest Tradition), and is also really literate in the suttas. Some balance between practice, study, and helping to establish a sangha in North America is basically the direction I want to go in. Reading his essay Mind Like Fire Unbound a couple of years ago was like a revelation for me. People always say the time to ordain is when you're young, not burdened by student loan debt, or the feeling that you have to use your degree (at which point you get stuck in a stable or professional career which is hard to leave). If nothing else this past year of study in university made me appreciate how true that might be.


So I'm playing Dark Souls as a male character, and every time I get hit by a plunge attack my character goes "Ahhh..." in a way that sounds as if he was having an orgasm... lol. I laugh every time. Maybe Miyazaki was trolling. o:


Hunky Nostradamus
Although there is one site that sells awesome tshirts


those are cute thanks musha xoxo

Just trimmed.

It's more hygienic anyway.

we should all cut our foreskins off too its so much more hygenic

Such as coursera.org


Wow, that's very sweet of you :)


omg the guy from Nashville is on GoT? His body in that gif above is serving

dude is Dutch and thus, has done full frontal before. google image search bae.
I want a cute guy to cuddle with all weekend and watch movies and stuff :(

I wrote that guy that left me hanging every time a couple of days ago, just asked if he got bored of "chasing me" (when we were talking a while ago he said to me something like "you're really cute, you must have a lot of guys chasing you" he was sort of warning me about the city, and I told him "it's been a year and no one is chasing me" and he replied "now someone is ;)"). Anyway he said no, that he was just super busy. And we chatted a bit more until he... Well you already know how it goes, he said "I'm gonna take a shower, give me 15". Lol.

I met another guy earlier this week, it was mostly a hookup but he was cute and he was insisting that he wanted to keep seeing me but he's always busy as hell too.
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