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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Who in their right mind would wear something like this?


was the attack boost worth it, you monster.

Well let me explain, potential spoiler:
In the DLC of Dark Souls, you learn that his master was overrun by enemies and he shields his great grey wolf companion Sif in a bubble with his shield. Sif sees his master die and he is very saddened by this. You can eventually save Sif and free him. He goes to the grave of his owner.

When you get to the new area where he is, he recognizes you as his savior and he reluctantly wants to fight you. The reason being that he doesn't want you to suffer the same fate as his master.

When his health is down he starts limping and can barely walk :(

It's all very sad. :(

Rip doge...

Well let me explain, potential spoiler:
In the DLC of Dark Souls, you learn that his master was overrun by enemies and he shields his great grey wolf companion Sif in a bubble with his shield. Sif sees his master die and he is very saddened by this. You can eventually save Sif and free him. He goes to the grave of his owner.

When you get to the new area where he is, he recognizes you as his savior and he reluctantly wants to fight you. The reason being that he doesn't want you to suffer the same fate as his master.

When his health is down he starts limping and can barely walk :(

It's all very sad. :(

Rip doge...

My eyes glazed over when I read that tbh.


Like hand holding, kissing on the cheek, hugging between bros is totally common in South Asia and in parts of the Middle East. The U.S. is wildly insecure in this department.


I don't even feel safe being all touchy with my friends. They hug and rub shoulders and back too much but I'm afraid of doing it with them.


Like hand holding, kissing on the cheek, hugging between bros is totally common in South Asia and in parts of the Middle East. The U.S. is wildly insecure in this department.

Yeah in Romania guys/bros will walk around with their arms around a guy's neck but it's all friendly.


I don't even feel safe being all touchy with my friends. They hug and rub shoulders and back too much but I'm afraid of doing it with them.
You should do it tho. Touching each other like that, hugging etc. feels really nice, even between friends on a friendly, non-sexual basis. :D

from earlier this month:

I think the pink hair looks good on him.
He certainly can rock pink hair. Jealous. O:


Your friends rub their backs with one another? O:

Is this a young people's thing nowadays?

It's subtle :p

I may change from people to people though. My other group of friends (which are guys from my town) don't do anything with each other, which may be caused by being in this town for our whole lives and trying to be more "masculine" is the norm, they're definitely less open about many things than my other group of friends.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
It was really interesting to see the number of people on Grindr in the Middle East while I was there. What was also interesting was seeing the occasional male-male couple holding hands in public, but I never once saw a male-female or female-female couple holding hands. Purely anecdotal on my part, but there it is.
That's just a friend thing.

I'm sure some gay dudes do it, but as friends. :p


Hunky Nostradamus
Chest bumps are for when you're so psyched. Getting that psyched isn't good for keeping my moods regulated. Fist bumps are more for every day social discourse.

I don't know what that first one is, but fist bumps are acceptable. Hand shakes between friends are weird though - like, it's so formal.

You have to make sure no one is concealing weapons. It's like diplomacy 101 ratsky.
I guess I've never thought much on it because in a lot of ways I see the greeting as a formality, and that often includes hugs, handshakes, etc. I know the relation of where I stand with the friend based on what we do, what we talk about, and how comfortable we are with each other. I do suppose that physical contact is just another way of being comfortable though.

Of course the logic falls apart when you consider that I hug more of my female friends (although even then it's when they're close). I remember hanging out with a couple of gay acquaintances a couple years back and they all hugged for greetings, which in retrospect did throw me off a little (although I did hug back, when it comes to family I'm used to that). So my rational explanation above is probably not the main reason for it.


I don't remember anyone posting photos of themselves with their partners in here. Someone change that!

Or I will be the first to do it when I meet my fox in the near future.


I read that if you and your friend don't have nicknames for each other that you aren't at the deepest level of friendship. I refuse to call people by nicknames so joke is on them.
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