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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Pandas are so inefficient. Never thought about it until a friend said she hates them. They are huge mammals that eat a low nutrient plant so they need huge amounts to live off of it and they don't eat anything else even though all the bamboo is getting wrecked. Then millions get spent on saving them as they continue to try and support their huge dying selves with dying grass basically.

At least they seem sweet.

The issue with Pandas isn't their weird feeding habit, it's the fact that they almost never have sex (at least in captivity). They're like super prudes.


Chubby guys <3

Adorable! ^w^


I figured I'd ask before I'm banned for my last post. Am I completely out of line in this thread? The joke in question is saying that trans women are really just men. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1036687

Anyone who laughs at that joke at the end of the trailer is really exhibiting transphobic behavior. It's disgusting and it's not funny. Matt Damon is basically saying he is diseased for watching this type of porn. God, honestly non-queer (usually white) guys will try to justify their laughter against anything as if we're all equal. I don't know what world they live in.


Isn't Ted a parody?

I watched the trailer, don't see the controversy.

Being a parody is in and of itself not an excuse, furthermore Ted is a comedy based on an original idea it is not a parody.

The issue is that is diminishes the identity of transgender women (i.e. they're not actually women) and it is coming from a dude who in his previous work (Family Guy) showed that he does not understand the transgender community. They did an episode which MacFarlane bragged about how well they handled the subject and they missed the mark. Badly.


Being a parody is in and of itself not an excuse, furthermore Ted is a comedy based on an original idea it is not a parody.

The issue is that is diminishes the identity of transgender women (i.e. they're not actually women) and it is coming from a dude who in his previous work (Family Guy) showed that he does not understand the transgender community. They did an episode which MacFarlane bragged about how well they handled the subject and they missed the mark. Badly.

I agree. I didn't know the guy from family guy was behind this. That explains it all.

Ah, context is very important.

i missed the date to take the ACT exams ayy lmao

Ouch. If my memory serves me right, the ACT is not that important, but you can reschedule them right?


I agree. I didn't know the guy from family guy was behind this. That explains it all.

Ah, context is very important.

Ouch. If my memory serves me right, the ACT is not that important, but you can reschedule them right?
It's really not that important to me I mean I don't need it to graduate and my community college already admitted me so... i guess I'll just need to take them in about a year and a half before transferring to university.

Colleges that use ACT/SAT are trash.
I figured I'd ask before I'm banned for my last post. Am I completely out of line in this thread? The joke in question is saying that trans women are really just men. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1036687

You're not out of line at all. Seth is absolute trash and should be called out. It's not a surprise either he's made some awful disgusting jokes disguised as liberalist comedy, but clearly at the misfortune of many kinds of people. Its not funny at all. That joke is a low blow and its disgusting. The type of comedy that too many people are used to and defend because its far too common but it needs to be called out. I'm really glad you did call that out in there.


I figured I'd ask before I'm banned for my last post. Am I completely out of line in this thread? The joke in question is saying that trans women are really just men. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1036687

Ugh. I'm definitely with you on this Kinsei. That thread is absolutely disgusting. And of course it's filled with people saying "We should be able to joke about everything! Stop being so PC! I'm "insert minority" and I don't mind (not at all comparable) jokes at my expense so I don't see the problem! Grow a thicker skin! You're the real bigot!".

There was absolutely nothing wrong with your "outburst" and I would've made the absolute same assumption about that particular poster as well. It's not your job to constantly educate people just to protect their precious sensibilities and percieved moral superiority.


Nooo Kinsei :(

At least some of the more deserving posters were banned too, that thread's turning into a bit of a graveyard.

It probably isn't a perm either. Last time I got banned was for the exact same kind of content in a message and it was only for like 2 weeks.

Come back soon Kinsei :*


One of my friends told me that the Baltimore projects have always been shit. No one gave a damn about fixing it until they could point fingers at looters and tell them they ruined an already broken city.
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