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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Hunky Nostradamus
I've lost one of my biggest clients.


you a hooker or something sis

Perhaps one of the reasons why I'm not really a fan of beards, and this is something I've always thought was a challenge: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1039978

I guess it's all up to personal hygiene


This is where the conversation about body hair ends every time. It always comes down to a person's own hygiene. If a person's hygiene is as disgusting as that, they're gonna have poop particles on their face regardless of whether they have a beard or not.


tbh, we're all covered with shit particles all over even if we're super clean, if it's not from us/other humans is from the millions of microscopic organisms living in and on our bodies.Disgusting fact of the day.


I stopped clicking on LGBT threads because of those posts, they drive me insane. Also because they are usually linked to "you have to tolerate people actively trying to deny your rights otherwise you are as bad as they are". ugh I hate people.

EDIT oops top of the page, here's Alexis Sanchez. <3 <3 <3

His legs look very smooth.

This is where the conversation about body hair ends every time. It always comes down to a person's own hygiene. If a person's hygiene is as disgusting as that, they're gonna have poop particles on their face regardless of whether they have a beard or not.

tbh, we're all covered with shit particles all over even if we're super clean, if it's not from us/other humans is from the millions of microscopic organisms living in and on our bodies.Disgusting fact of the day.

Very true.


I had an interview today and the guy who interviewed me had an incredible butt. Probably blew it because I couldn't think straight (only gay) but he was super awkward despite being dashingly handsome and Arab so that put me at ease.


Isn't that against the rule here

No, not at all.




I'm currently watching a documentary called "Stranger on the Bridge", about a man who 6 years ago, was going to commit suicide after being diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Depression by jumping off a bridge in London, but was stopped by a man who convinced him to keep living.
The documentary is about his efforts to find the man who stopped him and gave him a reason to live again, and him meeting people who have dealt with suicide.

Since being saved, he went on to become an activist and an ambassador for mental health charities, as well as having Vlogs dealing with mental health and trying to help people who have gone through the same thing.

I've had a lot of time to reflect on my mental health and growing up I felt burdened, especially having to come out as gay as well as having mental health problems - it felt like a double whammy. I get a lot of messages from people who have mental health issues and are gay. I think the link between sexuality and mental illness is an important issue and one we have to really tackle.

It's sad to hear that he's relapsed somewhat, but I just find the whole message, that he was saved in order to help others the same way he was helped, absolutely amazing.

Watching the documentary, he's a really sweet guy (and so handsome!), and I think he's just an amazing person for what he does.
I had a problem with suicidal thoughts in high school, a lot to do with my sexuality, so I really respect what he had to go through, since he had to deal with such horrible mental problems on top of that.

I really think it's inspirational.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Ugh...in a discussion class where we're talking about something I know very little about (not my fault, it was a student-chosen topic). Teacher calls on me to answer an easy question, and I blank. I know I have two ideas in my head (one mainstream, one gay-themed) that I sometimes confuse, but I can only clearly remember one, so I go with that and hope I remembered the mainstream one. Looking at the confusion on everyone's face, it's clear I said the gay-themed answer. In their amusement and confusion, one person decides to Google it and announce to the class what my answer was.

The above makes the situation seem way worse than it actually was. Really, no one cared and they just were amused. And they didn't necessarily associate the answer with me. However, I still felt incredibly uncomfortable. It felt like I just outed myself in a very embarrassing way (the teacher called on me because the question was so easy anyone should have been able to answer it). I guess I'm still not comfortable with just suggesting that stuff randomly in groups of semi-strangers. Booooo.


Ugh...in a discussion class where we're talking about something I know very little about (not my fault, it was a student-chosen topic). Teacher calls on me to answer an easy question, and I blank. I know I have two ideas in my head (one mainstream, one gay-themed) that I sometimes confuse, but I can only clearly remember one, so I go with that and hope I remembered the mainstream one. Looking at the confusion on everyone's face, it's clear I said the gay-themed answer. In their amusement and confusion, one person decides to Google it and announce to the class what my answer was.

The above makes the situation seem way worse than it actually was. Really, no one cared and they just were amused. And they didn't necessarily associate the answer with me. However, I still felt incredibly uncomfortable. It felt like I just outed myself in a very embarrassing way (the teacher called on me because the question was so easy anyone should have been able to answer it). I guess I'm still not comfortable with just suggesting that stuff randomly in groups of semi-strangers. Booooo.
What was the question and what was the answer? I'm really curious now.


Ugh...in a discussion class where we're talking about something I know very little about (not my fault, it was a student-chosen topic). Teacher calls on me to answer an easy question, and I blank. I know I have two ideas in my head (one mainstream, one gay-themed) that I sometimes confuse, but I can only clearly remember one, so I go with that and hope I remembered the mainstream one. Looking at the confusion on everyone's face, it's clear I said the gay-themed answer. In their amusement and confusion, one person decides to Google it and announce to the class what my answer was.

The above makes the situation seem way worse than it actually was. Really, no one cared and they just were amused. And they didn't necessarily associate the answer with me. However, I still felt incredibly uncomfortable. It felt like I just outed myself in a very embarrassing way (the teacher called on me because the question was so easy anyone should have been able to answer it). I guess I'm still not comfortable with just suggesting that stuff randomly in groups of semi-strangers. Booooo.


What was the question and what was the answer? I'm really curious now.

Yeah, what was the question and the answer?


So, you know who's hot? Nick in New Girl.

Speaking of american sitcoms, I caught an episode of "Baby Daddy" on the TV, I only watched it enough to think that this guy, who plays the main characters brother, is incredibly hot.

and he's SUPER tall, like a giant, and towers over the rest of the cast.
a google image search brings up these:

It's not enough to make me actually want to watch the show, but hnnnngghhhh. I want that gif above on a loop in my mind.
That bulge in that towel though. the thirst is real.


I'm currently watching a documentary called "Stranger on the Bridge", about a man who 6 years ago, was going to commit suicide after being diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Depression by jumping off a bridge in London, but was stopped by a man who convinced him to keep living.
The documentary is about his efforts to find the man who stopped him and gave him a reason to live again, and him meeting people who have dealt with suicide..

Thanks for sharing, I'll be sure to check that out.
I attempted suicide myself once in the past, so I can relate to this.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
What was the question and what was the answer? I'm really curious now.

We were talking about political subdivisions of the right in the US, specifically a group that would parallel Le Front National in France. The easy answer was the Tea Party, which for some reason I confuse (in name only) with the Log Cabin Republicans. Kind of a weird mix-up, I know. Like I said, not a big deal, but the looks of complete confusion (I hate messing up in class) combined with someone later reading out "It's a gay Republican group" just made me feel lousy. I know that it REALLY isn't a big deal, but it's just how I ended up feeling.

(This was in a French class, so this was all in French)

EDIT: I'm at the gym now. Hopefully that will diffuse some of my anxiety. Plus, my gym crush is here, so that's nice.
I swear I recognize him from somewhere, potentially the brief time I had Tinder?


Where as I don't really mind turning this thread into hot-men-mode, I also find that is the least interesting direction for this thread (well, after pokemon-mode).*
So let us instead talk a bit about being LGBTQ around the world as well as posting pics of attractive people

Becoming Visible in Peru

A photo essay (of sorts) about the struggles of not just sexuality but class, focusing on gay men.
note: contains copious amounts of schlong and butt, so proceed accordingly (i.e. maybe don't open the link on buses and similar)

The Work of Zanele Muholi

Zanele Muholi is a South African photographer whose work documents the lives of queer people in South Africa. The link above is for an exhibit that I like since it contains the brilliant picture posted above, but there are way more more pictures available at the website.
note: this particular link contains no schlong but does contain American kryptonite (aka female nipple) and a muff or two, so if your workplace is boring don't open this either.

VICE News takes a (way too) brief look at Tokyo Pride and LGBT rights in Japan

*I'm fully aware that I probably have posted nothing but hot guys at some point, so I might be a hypocrite, but hey.


Thanks for sharing, I'll be sure to check that out.
I attempted suicide myself once in the past, so I can relate to this.
It was really heartwarming. I've kinda been struggling to decide whether I want to apply to do Sociology or Psychology at University, but I think the documentary made my mind up that I want to do Psychology.

We were talking about political subdivisions of the right in the US, specifically a group that would parallel Le Front National in France. The easy answer was the Tea Party, which for some reason I confuse (in name only) with the Log Cabin Republicans. Kind of a weird mix-up, I know. Like I said, not a big deal, but the looks of complete confusion (I hate messing up in class) combined with someone later reading out "It's a gay Republican group" just made me feel lousy. I know that it REALLY isn't a big deal, but it's just how I ended up feeling.

(This was in a French class, so this was all in French)
My knowledge of the American political system is even less than my knowledge of the UK political system (of which I have to vote in on Thursday)

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Where as I don't really mind turning this thread into hot-men-mode, I also find that is the least interesting direction for this thread (well, after pokemon-mode).*
So let us instead talk a bit about being LGBTQ around the world as well as posting pics of attractive people

I support this, too. I'll try to think of this place next time I find interesting LGBTQIA stuff.


oh man i wanna dress like that every day of my life. so colorful *_*

Here's a neat story about 'The End of Gaydar': http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/03/style/the-end-of-gaydar.html?emc=eta1

In the wrong context, being asked if you&#8217;re gay is like pulling back the shower curtain in the morning and finding a census taker scribbling frantically on his clipboard. You think: Why now? Why so close to my loofah?

&#8220;It&#8217;s an interesting question to ask,&#8221; said the comedian Margaret Cho, who is bisexual. &#8220;If you&#8217;re gay yourself, you&#8217;re looking for community, for connection. If you&#8217;re not gay, then what is that information important for? Is it to make a judgment about who that person is?&#8221;

In a world in which a wedding ring or a desktop photo of children is no longer a signifier of heterosexuality, the question is being asked with what seems increasing frequency. Freedom almost always comes at a price: If, in the last decade, an increased tolerance of homosexuality has reduced the stigma of that sexual orientation, this reduced stigma has also emboldened more people, both gay and straight, to ask what they now view as a less-volatile question.


Speaking of american sitcoms, I caught an episode of "Baby Daddy" on the TV, I only watched it enough to think that this guy, who plays the main characters brother, is incredibly hot.

and he's SUPER tall, like a giant, and towers over the rest of the cast.
a google image search brings up these:

It's not enough to make me actually want to watch the show, but hnnnngghhhh. I want that gif above on a loop in my mind.
That bulge in that towel though. the thirst is real.



Speaking of american sitcoms, I caught an episode of "Baby Daddy" on the TV, I only watched it enough to think that this guy, who plays the main characters brother, is incredibly hot.

and he's SUPER tall, like a giant, and towers over the rest of the cast.
a google image search brings up these:

It's not enough to make me actually want to watch the show, but hnnnngghhhh. I want that gif above on a loop in my mind.
That bulge in that towel though. the thirst is real.

Mmmm yes, Derek Theler. Pretty much the only reason I've bothered to watch every episode of Baby Daddy.
A day to spend in nature. Where would you go, and what would you do? No limits.
A verdant forest with tall trees and springs with no wildlife capable of killing me, and no people to bother me. And at night there's fireflies everywhere.

Alternatively, all that on a mountain would be a bonus.

Just typing that all out is fueling my desires.


A verdant forest with tall trees and springs with no wildlife capable of killing me, and no people to bother me. And at night there's fireflies everywhere.

Alternatively, all that on a mountain would be a bonus.

Just typing that all out is fueling my desires.
All of this, along with a blanket and a cuddly guy to watch the stars with.


Something similar happened one time at the gym, and while my reaction was not as dramatic as the girl who falls, it was pretty close.


A guy took his shirt off right in front of me in the equipment area, almost as if he was exhibiting himself.

His abs still haunt me.
My bae David henrie came back to the gym today after being MIA for almost 2 weeks..he was in a mountain biking accident. I'm going to have to tale care of him.
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