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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I do that, too. I thought I was the only one.

I thought one was the only one too.

Now we post cute spooning pictures, we shall spiral down in depression together.


Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I've been sick for over a week now. Came down with a crazy bad cold (or flu?) right after getting back from LA. Seems to be getting slightly better now, but it's still dragging me down. Even had to take sick days off from work, which I haven't done in forever.


I'm back!

Anyone want a free copy of Killing Floor on Steam? If so PM me your Steam ID and I'll send you my extra copy.

EDIT: The game was taken by HippieHobo



im only 22 though...

I'd post a selfie of me right now but I woke up like 10 minutes ago from a nap and I look a mess. So instead I'll just post one from about two months back.

Cute :3

My love for cloudy days, dank storms and some bitchin' lightning is at odds with my migranes.


edit: I love your tie alvmew

Thanks! Of the like fifty ties I own (I've been working in law firms for five years and like to change it up a lot so I've amassed quite a collection), it's in my top five for sure.


How's he a daddy? He's 22 I think.


Feck it, why not. Oldie but a goodie.

Also cute :3

I so need a cuddle right now.

I also need some of this:

Whenever lonely I roll up my blanket and cling to it like to a person. Then I think of all the people who have left me or never returned my feelings.

A blanket is also great to dry your tears.

I hug my pillow. I can't sleep without hugging my pillow. I need it next to me.

I just want a cute guy to spoon me.

I'm all of these as well.

The gym is a great place for hooking up.


And I agree.


Welcome back!!

How have you been?

Oh... :( and dam that Hobo!!!

Pretty good.

I'm going to an LGBT group drop-in next week, and my family is finally moving out of this shitty apartment in a few months. So long carpet beetles, broken fire alarms, and having no yard!
I haven't been keeping up with the Bruce Jenner media bomb, but I saw a cover at the store and noticed that it continued to use "he". It seems to be the common refferal as well. I shouldn't be surprised, but thanks to mostly consuming stuff from online channels, I kinda am.
I haven't been keeping up with the Bruce Jenner media bomb, but I saw a cover at the store and noticed that it continued to use "he". It seems to be the common refferal as well. I shouldn't be surprised, but thanks to mostly consuming stuff from online channels, I kinda am.
Bruce wants to be referred to as "he" for the time being so it's fine.


I haven't been keeping up with the Bruce Jenner media bomb, but I saw a cover at the store and noticed that it continued to use "he". I shouldn't be surprised, but thanks to mostly consuming stuff from online channels, I kinda am.

Jenner said he wanted people to refer to him as he until he fully transitioned.



And I agree.


I just talk to guys I like and ask their numbers. I think I have a pretty good gaydar because so far only one has turned out to be straight.

I have gone on four dates with four different guys that I met at the gym. Very vanilla dates, just go to a place
like iHop
and talk about stuff and that's it.

I'm under the impression that gym guys aren't very creative, at least the ones I've met.

Nothing exciting really and it kinda makes me wonder if I'm going to the gym for the wrong reasons. But hey, straight people do it too, I've seen them, lol.

But I want to move on to the bigger fish, so the hunt shall continue.

It kinda makes me sad also that I've had more success meeting guys at the gym than at school. Oh well...

Now that I think about it, it's terrible. I should stop. I should just go to gym, exercise, and that's it. But the thirst is too strong.... ;_;

Pretty good.

I'm going to an LGBT group drop-in next week, and my family is finally moving out of this shitty apartment in a few months. So long carpet beetles, broken fire alarms, and having no yard!

That's awesome! You're gonna have a yard at your new place I assume? That's great!! :)

I look forward to seeing most of y'all at that lawsuit against all homosexuals.

We'll make a day of it!

Lawsuit? Huh?

Nipped out for a quick pint with a mate, got talking to a lad, got a cuddle and a kiss and a number before I left. Win? Win.


I'm glad something positive happened to you. :)

Definitely a win.


Is that someone who really likes pomegranate juice?

Indeed. You love pomegranates so much that you just want to make love them. In fact, every time you have some of that juice it's like your mouth is having an orgasm. So good!!

But actually a pomosexual is: "of or relating to a person who does not wish his or her sexuality to be put into a conventional category"

"is a neologism used to describe a person who shuns sexual orientation labels (such as heterosexual and homosexual) that define individuals, and in turn chooses not to label oneself with a sexual orientation label.[1] Pomosexual is in itself a sexual orientation, defined as an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectionate attraction toward others[2], but refuses to classify ones self with sexual orientation rules, identities, and labels."

Popularized by Carol Queen and Lawrence Schimel as the title of an anthology of essays published in 1997.

According to them, pomosexuality is [the] "erotic reality beyond the boundaries of gender, separatism, and essentialist notions of sexual orientation."

We don't propose that 'pomosexual' replace LGBT&F. We're not interested in adding another new name to the slew we already have, though we acknowledge the usefulness of having one name by which all LGBT&Fs might be called. 'Pomosexual' references homosexuality even as it describes the community's outsiders, the queer queers who can't seem to stay put within a nice, simple identity. We coin the term to situate this book and its essays within and in relation to the LGBT&F community. It is in every way an artifact of, and in many ways a backlash toward, this community--or rather, to certain assumptions widely held within and/or about it, essentialist assumptions about what it means to be queer. We react against these assumptions in the same way that in the art world Postmodernism was a reaction against Modernism."

I have no idea what the F stands for though... but this is from 1997, so the acronym was a bit different I suppose.

Source: WikiQueer.
I'm under the impression that gym guys aren't very creative, at least the ones I've met.

Nothing exciting really and it kinda makes me wonder if I'm going to the gym for the wrong reasons. But hey, straight people do it too, I've seen them, lol.


Now that I think about it, it's terrible. I should stop. I should just go to gym, exercise, and that's it. But the thirst is too strong.... ;_;

I don't think there's anything wrong with meeting people at the gym. It's more likely that they'll have a body type you're into. While something like that can be overcome, in general it's easier to start a relationship with someone you find attractive immediately. And there's nothing inherent in going to the gym that makes you boring, I'd think. After all, you go to the gym and lots of people find you interesting. ^_^

Myself, I'm tanning a bit, cutting out all soda, eating a bit healthier and going for walks so that I'm not pale and chubby anymore. I'm falling into hating myself again, and it's... rough. I almost can't look in the mirror anymore and might have to change me avatar, silly as it sounds. But at least my tanning is working; I'm not the same color as my (white) sink anymore! XD
My uncle has a basement gym. I wouldn't dare work out in public.

i thought the same too. but i went in. as much as it may be scary/intimidating its totally not. everyone in there doing their thing and the only thing you probably have feel embarrassed is not using the machines or lifting right but there's always someone there to help!

i have 2 gyms i go to actually. one is almost empty but that means i have the machines free for use. i went there alone tonight and just did my thing.


Hunky Nostradamus
Myself, I'm tanning a bit, cutting out all soda, eating a bit healthier and going for walks so that I'm not pale and chubby anymore. I'm falling into hating myself again, and it's... rough. I almost can't look in the mirror anymore and might have to change me avatar, silly as it sounds. But at least my tanning is working; I'm not the same color as my (white) sink anymore! XD

theres nothing wrong with being pale

love yourself

i have 2 gyms i go to actually. one is almost empty but that means i have the machines free for use. i went there alone tonight and just did my thing.

what do you use the other gym for (y)
theres nothing wrong with being pale

love yourself

what do you use the other gym for (y)

the newer one is for leg days
the other one for everything else basically. but it varies depending on day and time but mostly go to old one as no one is there. but occasional cute guys just walking around and you stare and they stare and you stare at their bulge as they do pull ups (y)

He uses the other one to perv on guys (y).


not really :p

i perv so hard. that's why i sweat 5 minutes in


the newer one is for leg days
the other one for everything else basically. but it varies depending on day and time but mostly go to old one as no one is there. but occasional cute guys just walking around and you stare and they stare and you stare at their bulge as they do pull ups (y)

i perv so hard. that's why i sweat 5 minutes in


I was right.
i thought the same too. but i went in. as much as it may be scary/intimidating its totally not. everyone in there doing their thing and the only thing you probably have feel embarrassed is not using the machines or lifting right but there's always someone there to help!

i have 2 gyms i go to actually. one is almost empty but that means i have the machines free for use. i went there alone tonight and just did my thing.

When I am more comfortable with my body I might. But I intend to take full advantage of a home gym setup while I can.


Agreed. I'm a fan of pale men, personally.

I suppose I'll join the selfie train from a little while ago since I like this one:

It's from my trip to Mexico.

Here's a panorama shot of my favorite place we went to (some slight ghosting, unfortunately):

EDIT: Seriously, though... no one plays Resident Evil on PC for some Mercs fun? QQ

I played RE5 and 6 on console. I'm currently waiting on a steam sale for either one to get it on PC.

Btw, on the first picture, the thing on top of your TV looks like a boob with a swollen nipple.
I played RE5 and 6 on console. I'm currently waiting on a steam sale for either one to get it on PC.

Btw, on the first picture, the thing on top of your TV looks like a boob with a swollen nipple.
Yes, it's a boob mug.

And it wasn't mine--it belonged to the recipients whose room I was staying in.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
He's gorgeous \o/

BTW, does anyone here play RE5 or RE6 on PC and want to play some Mercenaries with me right now?

Will you accept a raincheck for a year from now? I have a friend who REALLY wants me to get RE5 (and maybe 6, too) for PC, but I won't get it/them until I get my new computer in 2016. Sorry I'm of no help now. :/

As I was looking for gifs, I stumbled upon this: Colton Haynes:

The jawline though,... Dem jaws! :3

Is it odd that I really don't find him attractive? Maybe it's because I didn't like his character on Teen Wolf and I'm confusing the two, but his face has always seemed too...harsh to me. I have no idea why, but he just never really seemed like a nice person. I can't really explain it. Maybe some kind of weird cultural brainwashing is causing this?



While Britney isn't my queen (though I do like her), this gif is beyond adorable for so many reasons: the kid, the Q&A, the man. Mmmm.
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