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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I'm wondering if this is also true in our community: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1041670

Anyone here into the dad bod?
The guy I've mentioned on here a few times could possibly be classified like this. He's definitely heavier (~210lbs/95kg, I'm 145lbs/67kg). I do actually have some attraction to certain variations of the bodies that were shown in the instagram link in there. It especially works if the guy is at least a decent amount older than me (he is 30, I'm 25).

I think my perfect body type in my mind is somewhere on the "muscle bear" realm. So guys that that lean to either side can look great to me.
I sometimes suspect that years of bara images and doujin manga have affected my ideas of beauty.
Even then though, I see appeal in a lot of other body styles so I keep my mind open with it.


Imagine this guy's your boss.

Imagine you have the hots for him and he gives you winks whenever you speak with him.

Imagine one evening his bare-chested body is plastered all over newspaper bc. he won a male pageant...

Happened to me once.

Problem was, I was confused since I just had started transitioning but was still presenting as male at work.

Problem was, he was single but has 3 kids (!!!).

Problem was I was going trough a rough time in my life and was stressed to much for all this confusion.

Fuck my life.

Transitioning seems like such an emotionally exhausting process I don't blame you for all the confusion. It was probably better that way. Did you ever talk to him after transitioning?


Hunky Nostradamus
I think you should. I got a half sleeve of my favourite comic book characters, and I love getting compliments on it, because it really means something to me. Plus I feel a sense of comradery when people recognise who they are.

Pics? :3

I hope so. I'm at the Doctor's office now, continuing my new life as a lab rat. I'm going to bathe in hand sanitizer afterward.

Hoping all is well! <3



There's a very mean spirited dildo seller out there I see :p


Transitioning seems like such an emotionally exhausting process I don't blame you for all the confusion. It was probably better that way. Did you ever talk to him after transitioning?

Not really, I had told the other boss that I was transitioning but he didn't take me seriously, no help at all and then my cat died and everything seemed so hopeless. I was so terribly unstable.

I quit that job and never have seen him again.


So, first date has been arranged. We're going paintballing. Yeah, it's not what I'd usually do on a first date, but it could be fun. He suggested we have two games playing together, then two against each other. It's time for me to get my Rambo on.

As long as I don't go full retard. You never go full retard.


So this is gunna sound, like, dumb and offensive probably; but I've just been to another house party where I ended up hanging out with girls and I feel like there's something wrong with me that I struggle to fit in with straight guys in groups. I can easily get on with anyone one on one but in group I feel weird. Pretty damn sure I'm cisgendered so I shouldn't feel awkward in groups of guys but yup; spent my evening talking to girls instead. Urgh.

Am I alone on this one men? And similarly, do lesbians struggle to feel comfortable in groups of girls? Maybe I'm just bad at social situations...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Man, Robert Bliss.

It's funny, I was reading an article on art in MTG and I stumbled upon this name I wasn't familiar with, "Robert Bliss". I do a search and what do I find? Piles of and piles of paintings of twinks. It turns out this is a completely separate artist and not the one who used to illustrate for Magic, but the paintings are so gorgeous (and slightly nsfw to totally nsfw) I thought you guys might like it.

One of the, ahem, tamer pieces.
Very little information exists on him on the internet, unfortunately.


your gender identity has nothing to do with it
No, fair point, it doesn't. But IF I were a woman it'd make sense to be comfortable around them, and that doesn't apply? Like, women are awesome and many of them are attractive, but I feel like I ought to be able to fit in with groups of guys I don't know and it's frustrating I can't.


Try being gay and working in a factory setting with a bunch of gruff straight guys. I felt like I didn't fit in at all, and they smelled my weakness and mocked me for it.


Try being gay and working in a factory setting with a bunch of gruff straight guys. I felt like I didn't fit in at all, and they smelled my weakness and mocked me for it.

I used to feel all weak and shit too but I grew a beard and I'm not sure if it's me that has more self confidence or if other guys respect me more or a combination of both.


I think it's matter of exposure. I don't recall a time in my life when I wasn't surrounded by straight males, so I tend to feel the most comfortable around them, lol. My contact with females is mostly with their girlfriends, and some co-workers, but I don't really feel like we're close friends for the most part.


Try being gay and working in a factory setting with a bunch of gruff straight guys. I felt like I didn't fit in at all, and they smelled my weakness and mocked me for it.
Hurray I'm not alone! :D
I think it's matter of exposure. I don't recall a time in my life when I wasn't surrounded by straight males, so I tend to feel the most comfortable around them, lol. My contact with females is mostly with their girlfriends, and some co-workers, but I don't really feel like we're close friends for the most part.
Thing is I grew up with straight guys but since going to Uni I can't blend in anymore. IDK if it's a gay thing or just a today's group were soccer fans thing though.
Try being gay and working in a factory setting with a bunch of gruff straight guys. I felt like I didn't fit in at all, and they smelled my weakness and mocked me for it.

I'm surprised they could smell it over their probable BO.

Oh and VegiHam, straight guys are whatever. I don't particularly relate to them because I like to talk about stuff including my feelings and they usually don't. But they can be kind of glib or crass and I sort of relate to that tbh as far as my sense of humor is concerned. I usually prefer women friends because they usually have more social finesse but I can relate to most people once the formalities are done with and I've determined that someone isn't a douchebag and thus worth avoiding. It's kind of in the first impression stages where the masculinity thing is kind of a pain ime, once you've accepted each other it's fine.


Man, Robert Bliss.

It's funny, I was reading an article on art in MTG and I stumbled upon this name I wasn't familiar with, "Robert Bliss". I do a search and what do I find? Piles of and piles of paintings of twinks. It turns out this is a completely separate artist and not the one who used to illustrate for Magic, but the paintings are so gorgeous (and slightly nsfw to totally nsfw) I thought you guys might like it.

One of the, ahem, tamer pieces.

Very little information exists on him on the internet, unfortunately.

I really like some of these, actually. Would buy as prints and hang up.

No, fair point, it doesn't. But IF I were a woman it'd make sense to be comfortable around them, and that doesn't apply? Like, women are awesome and many of them are attractive, but I feel like I ought to be able to fit in with groups of guys I don't know and it's frustrating I can't.

It makes more sense that your personality vibes well with that particular group of women than thinking your gender should indicate who you're comfortable around. I know a lot of straight guys that I can talk to about whatever, and then some straight guys who I think are just scum, and all I can do when they talk to me about anything is go, "uh huh", "right", and "okay, sure", and all I can think is, "please let this conversation end as soon as possible".

The fact of the matter is that each of us will encounter places/spaces where we just don't fit, personality wise, and we're going to meet people that we just can't seem to engage with. Don't think less of yourself because it happened to you. It's taken me awhile, but I've learned what kinds of people I vibe with and what kind I don't, and when you get into a situation with people you just don't click with, you just be polite, smile, and move on at some point.

Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens :)


I'm surprised they could smell it over their probable BO.

Oh and VegiHam, straight guys are whatever. I don't particularly relate to them because I like to talk about stuff including my feelings and they usually don't. But they can be kind of glib or crass and I sort of relate to that tbh as far as my sense of humor is concerned. I usually prefer women friends because they usually have more social finesse but I can relate to most people once the formalities are done with and I've determined that someone isn't a douchebag and thus worth avoiding. It's kind of in the first impression stages where the masculinity thing is kind of a pain ime, once you've accepted each other it's fine.

Yeah, I mean I love straight guys! Some of my best friends are hetrosexuals! (Is there a gif for that? I'm sure there must be somewhere.) But meeting six new guys at once? Nah, I'll talk to some cute blonde about telly or something. I don't like that trait in myself though because it feels very cliche gay. But then again that opinion is probably internalised homophobia. So.

It makes more sense that your personality vibes well with that particular group of women than thinking your gender should indicate who you're comfortable around. I know a lot of straight guys that I can talk to about whatever, and then some straight guys who I think are just scum, and all I can do when they talk to me about anything is go, "uh huh", "right", and "okay, sure", and all I can think is, "please let this conversation end as soon as possible".

The fact of the matter is that each of us will encounter places/spaces where we just don't fit, personality wise, and we're going to meet people that we just can't seem to engage with. Don't think less of yourself because it happened to you. It's taken me awhile, but I've learned what kinds of people I vibe with and what kind I don't, and when you get into a situation with people you just don't click with, you just be polite, smile, and move on at some point.

Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens :)
So you're saying, like, it was just those guys? That probably makes sense; I mean we had nothing in common other than knowing the girl hosting the party. Maybe I shouldn't make grandiose conclusions so quickly. I got on with the straight guys I lived with last year but this year I hardly know any so I'm starting to feel insecure about it. But one evening isn't like my whole life I guess, right?


So you're saying, like, it was just those guys? That probably makes sense; I mean we had nothing in common other than knowing the girl hosting the party. Maybe I shouldn't make grandiose conclusions so quickly. I got on with the straight guys I lived with last year but this year I hardly know any so I'm starting to feel insecure about it. But one evening isn't like my whole life I guess, right?

I'm saying it could be both those guys AND you. Some people just don't click, man! Especially considering the bolded. You aren't gonna find common ground with people 100% of the time, and I know I'm not always in the mood to dig at people to find out more about them when I probably won't see them again until the next party.

Don't let the amount of straight people you know affect you in a negative way. Let it just be a statistic about yourself and try to not think so deeply into it. One evening is certainly not your entire life! And maybe you'll see them again and that'll be a catalyst for deeper conversation!
So you're saying, like, it was just those guys? That probably makes sense; I mean we had nothing in common other than knowing the girl hosting the party. Maybe I shouldn't make grandiose conclusions so quickly. I got on with the straight guys I lived with last year but this year I hardly know any so I'm starting to feel insecure about it. But one evening isn't like my whole life I guess, right?
Oh yeah, it most certainly isn't.
Sometimes you just don't get along with a group of people you don't know.
Or don't want to try to get to know and stick with something comfortable.
That's perfectly fine.


I ordered a toy once.
I live with my parents, but I knew If I ordered it on the monday or something, it likely wouldn't come until thursday/friday when I would be the only one home.
It didn't, it came on the Saturday. My mum answered the door to get the package, it was discreet plain brown packaging, but you could feel what it is inside it.

I came downstairs and she was squeezing the package with a confused look on her face, and asked me what i'd ordered. I said it was a new mouse for my computer, grabbed it, and ran upstairs.

I don't know what she thought it was, but she's never mentioned it since.


I'm saying it could be both those guys AND you. Some people just don't click, man! Especially considering the bolded. You aren't gonna find common ground with people 100% of the time, and I know I'm not always in the mood to dig at people to find out more about them when I probably won't see them again until the next party.

Don't let the amount of straight people you know affect you in a negative way. Let it just be a statistic about yourself and try to not think so deeply into it. One evening is certainly not your entire life! And maybe you'll see them again and that'll be a catalyst for deeper conversation!
Oh yeah, it most certainly isn't.
Sometimes you just don't get along with a group of people you don't know.
Or don't want to try to get to know and stick with something comfortable.
That's perfectly fine.
Hmmm, makes a lot of sense. I mean, today feels like part of a pattern but A) there's nothing wrong with that pattern and B) maybe it isn't and I'm overreacting anyway. I should totally just shrug it off and say 'hey I didn't click with those guys but whatever I had a fun time with my friends and the new people I met I did get on with who happened to be women'. Thanks guys!

LettersGaf are the best at helping me think my way out of dumb shit :D

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
So this is gunna sound, like, dumb and offensive probably; but I've just been to another house party where I ended up hanging out with girls and I feel like there's something wrong with me that I struggle to fit in with straight guys in groups. I can easily get on with anyone one on one but in group I feel weird. Pretty damn sure I'm cisgendered so I shouldn't feel awkward in groups of guys but yup; spent my evening talking to girls instead. Urgh.

Am I alone on this one men? And similarly, do lesbians struggle to feel comfortable in groups of girls? Maybe I'm just bad at social situations...

Not alone, but I also agree with everyone else. It just depends on the people. I often feel most comfortable with straight women, probably because I feel like there's less of a chance of judgment and more acceptance to be found there (historically, as a kid, that was true for me). That said, I often get along with groups of straight men, too. Just totally depends on the guys. Admittedly, I can get self-conscious about being gay ("Am I too gay?") in groups of bro-y guys talking about getting laid, but once I know they're cool, we're cool.

EDIT: When you're at the gym and the most adorable guy shyly and very politely asks (EDITCEPTION: I had to initiate the conversation, since I noticed him waiting quietly at the side) if he can switch in quickly for a set at your machine and then walks away with a second "thanks" and a smile...MMM, it feels like I've just hugged a kitten.


Not alone, but I also agree with everyone else. It just depends on the people. I often feel most comfortable with straight women, probably because I feel like there's less of a chance of judgment and more acceptance to be found there (historically, as a kid, that was true for me). That said, I often get along with groups of straight men, too. Just totally depends on the guys. Admittedly, I can get self-conscious about being gay ("Am I too gay?") in groups of bro-y guys talking about getting laid, but once I know they're cool, we're cool.
Yeah, that's pretty close to how I feel. Just substitute 'getting laid' for 'the FA cup.' I'm sure today's people were probably cool; but I didn't get an easy opportunity to see that myself; if you see what I mean.


I went to see the trailer today. It's a whole lot better than this apartment. If all goes well with the house inspection we should be moved in by the middle of July!


I just came across a subreddit called "Totallystraight" (not linking to it, it's NSFW), and the point of it is for guys who identify as straight, but who like to get off to gay porn.
And all they do there is post pictures of hot guys.

I mean, I get that sexuality is a sliding scale and all that, but can you really identify as straight if you do all that, I mean, they have to be bicurious or bisexual at the least right?

I guess it's not my place to judge what they identify as, but it's just a bit.. weird.


I just came across a subreddit called "Totallystraight" (not linking to it, it's NSFW), and the point of it is for guys who identify as straight, but who like to get off to gay porn.

And all they do there is post pictures of hot guys.

I mean, I get that sexuality is a sliding scale and all that, but can you really identify as straight if you do all that, I mean, they have to be bicurious or bisexual at the least right?

I guess it's not my place to judge what they identify as, but it's just a bit.. weird.

Denial sure is something. I was a "totally" normal 15 year old cisgender guy who just happened to research the cost, time, drugs, etc, that were required to transition to a woman. Yep, totally cis.

P.S. Yay Digimon Adventure Tri!


Sheesh, after reading some of the posts there it isn't just about watching porn, they legit want to (and do) have sex with guys, fantasize about having sex with guys, go on dates with guys and everything...

and they still consider themselves straight.
It's like they want to act on being gay but don't want any of the stigma attached to it by labeling themselves as such. It almost makes me angry.

They are so in the closet they are in Narnia, amazing.


I just came across a subreddit called "Totallystraight" (not linking to it, it's NSFW), and the point of it is for guys who identify as straight, but who like to get off to gay porn.
And all they do there is post pictures of hot guys.

I mean, I get that sexuality is a sliding scale and all that, but can you really identify as straight if you do all that, I mean, they have to be bicurious or bisexual at the least right?

I guess it's not my place to judge what they identify as, but it's just a bit.. weird.

some folks think sexuality is all in what you do. so if you jerk off to gay porn, but fuck women, you're still straight.


It's like they want to act on being gay but don't want any of the stigma attached to it by labeling themselves as such. It almost makes me angry.

They are so in the closet they are in Narnia, amazing.

It's just denial, they're probably very conflicted inside but don't want to face it right now/ever. I wouldn't get angry at them, at least some of them are probably very unhappy.


Sheesh, after reading some of the posts there it isn't just about watching porn, they legit want to (and do) have sex with guys, fantasize about having sex with guys, go on dates with guys and everything...

and they still consider themselves straight.
It's like they want to act on being gay but don't want any of the stigma attached to it by labeling themselves as such. It almost makes me angry.

They are so in the closet they are in Narnia, amazing.

Eh, I wouldn't get angry at them. Who knows what they've gone through in their life to push them this far into denial.
Sheesh, after reading some of the posts there it isn't just about watching porn, they legit want to (and do) have sex with guys, fantasize about having sex with guys, go on dates with guys and everything...

and they still consider themselves straight.
It's like they want to act on being gay but don't want any of the stigma attached to it by labeling themselves as such. It almost makes me angry.

They are so in the closet they are in Narnia, amazing.

They probably don't really understand what gay means? maybe they still hold to the old stigma that gays are campy. Gay's stereotype on TV doesn't help in this regard.


Eh, I said "almost", it was more amusing than anything.

I suppose it's society's fault for making it seem like they have to hide it away for whatever reason and rationalize it like they do.




It's attained a level of discretion beyond mortal comprehension. Maybe the idea is if it adopts a hyperdildonic guise, nobody will think it could be?

Thanks again everyone. I appreciate it.

The appointment sucked. Some doctors have horrible patient interaction skills.

Sounds awful - I guess seeing someone else is out of the question? Either way, hopefully you're closer to getting better.

some folks think sexuality is all in what you do. so if you jerk off to gay porn, but fuck women, you're still straight.

Or if you want to use the Classical interpretation, your masculinity is intact as long as you don't bottom (because that's gay).

In most situations there's plenty of fault to go around.

I wouldn't absolve them of blame either - they might have been driven into denial by a toxic environment, but they're still responsible for their current actions. Perhaps having a consolidated environment that assuages their fears and tells them their desires don't make them one of the subhuman deviants is an attractive delusion. Having a community actively fueling their denial can't be healthy...
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