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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Just message them once explaining your situation/location, and that talking to them is not an option. If they continue to message you after that, then that's on their heads, and you are under no obligation to respond to them.

Yep, that works for me. Saves time to copy/paste the message too :p

Put it in your profile or just say so.

So I think it's nice to have good intentions but you can't please everyone anyway, so keep the expectations casual and don't think too much of it.

Yes, to the first part. I'll do that from now on. True, to the second part. It's always been a problem of mine, trying to please everyone.

Thanks guys :)


Ordered an aneros.

I bought a toy
when I got a room of my own at school years ago. Tried using it once, couldn't exactly figure out what I was supposed to be doing, and ignored it for months till I threw it out instead of packing it to come home.

Good investment.


I bought a toy
when I got a room of my own at school years ago. Tried using it once, couldn't exactly figure out what I was supposed to be doing, and ignored it for months till I threw it out instead of packing it to come home.

Good investment.
Don't you just.. unscrew the cap and stick it in there?


Don't you just.. unscrew the cap and stick it in there?

Butt first you need to immerse it in warm water for a while to get it to the right temperature, which is annoying. It also wasn't really condusive to how I like to masturbate
You need to be hard from the start or else you aren't going to be able to get through the tight opening, and I normally start while flaccid, and am normally finished very shortly after I get really hard.


^^ I was gonna say... you buy a fleshlight and don't know how to use it lol.

Fleshlight manufacturers should include a manual. There should also be online guides and videos for instructing the consumer.


I've always wanted to try
baddragon >.>
(don't google that :p)

Now if only I could find a good hiding place...

Yeah, that's pretty awful (and not the only thing that UKIP's awful about). I sure hope you voted/are voting against them as well. :c

Aye, voted Labour. Not really my ideal choice, but considering the alternatives it's the best I could do.
Yo my man masq! Long time no see. How are things with the bf going?

Nice to see you as well~!

Yeah, things are going fine and dandy~ He's just 2cute4me, though, and I'm not sure how I'll cope with that. Haven't done anything naughty yet, 'cause I'm a bit of a wimp, but... In due time~ ;p

... Oh, and I'm sorry that I'm not here as frequently. IRL's turbulent these days. ;-;

Aye, voted Labour. Not really my ideal choice, but considering the alternatives it's the best I could do.

Good, good! It's better that way, in the end. I'm in NI, so I voted Alliance. They're actually pretty progressive.

But yeah, the less UKIP, the better.


I've always wanted to try
baddragon >.>
(don't google that :p)

Not my kind of thing, but I would kill to have been part of the marketing/production meetings where
they pitched the idea to not only sell lube that was sticky like cum, but also to allow the toys to shoot said lube into you at the push of a button


Not my kind of thing, but I would kill to have been part of the marketing/production meetings where
they pitched the idea to not only sell lube that was sticky like cum, but also to allow the toys to shoot said lube into you at the push of a button
I actually ordered a knock off Aneros back in March.

I've had maybe a dozen or more sessions with it since then, mostly just getting off with it in the first two sessions. The third session I took my time, relaxed, and nearly hit super O twice, but I could not push myself over. I've got close in a few other sessions but I still have not yet pushed myself over the edge. It's definitely a pleasurable experience.


You guys know what's more surprising? The fact that there's free software out there to record during games that's actually very decent.

Screw camtasia and all the other software that makes you pay.


You guys know what's more surprising? The fact that there's free software out there to record during games that's actually very decent.

Screw camtasia and all the other software that makes you pay.
I've only ever used Fraps and tried to record some Minecraft MP. All I remember is it lagging the fuck out of my laptop.


Living with my parents and my brother is becoming incredibly toxic. My parents are fucking hypocrites who shit on me for every little thing I do, but can never open their mouths when my brother acts like an anti-social piece of shit.

Just a few days ago my brother point blank ignored what I was asking him to do twice, without even looking at me. Just completely blanked me. I was really angry about this and told my parents, and they didn't do shit, they just told him to do what I had asked him to do, and he did it (after being asked about 3 times) but half-assedly. They didn't say anything to him about his attitude which makes him very very hard to live with, and has been a problem for years.

and yet, whenever I speak up about him and his attitude and how it affects all of us, my parents call me bitchy and mean, and argue with me about my attitude and how rude I am.

He never leaves his fucking room, he spends all day playing League of Legends loudly, never fucking shutting up talking until 2am in the morning, and yet when he is asked to do something, he doesn't do it, or has to be asked 3 or 4 times, or if we try to initiate a conversation with him, he either says nothing or gives one word responses. He treats us with no fucking respect at all, doesn't eat the food we cook for him, doesn't clean up after himself, doesn't help with the housework. He cares more about the people he talks to online than he does us.

But I'm not allowed to say anything without being treated like I'm a horrible, rude, disgusting person for ever saying a word about him.

Sorry for the rant, but the hypocrisy of the situation just gets to me really badly. I'm kind and helpful, I do housework, I have friendly conversations with my parents, always clean up after myself. And yet i'm treated like the problem child.

I need to get out of here, I really do, because they are just turning me into a bitter person.


Moving out and living on my own was the best thing I ever did. The sense of freedom, privacy, and independence is amazing. I actually was in a similar situation to you before I moved out. My younger brother has autism and ADHD. Now, my parents know full well that he plays up and uses his conditions as an excuse, but they refused to do anything about it. He'd curse at my mother, threaten my father, and generally be a prick towards me and everyone else. I lost my cool one day after he really pissed me off. I lamped him one, and what does he do? Whip out the "BUT I'M AUTISTIC!" card and get away with it. As for me? Well, my relationship with my parents was already rocky, this just made it worse.

A week later and I had moved in with my (then) girlfriend after only being together four months. It was crazy but nice to have a home to call our own. We lived together until late 2010, when we split up. I found a cheap flat, moved in, saved up, and now I have a better, two-bedroom flat in the centre of town. Perfect location and, as mentioned, the sense of freedom, privacy, and independence is incredible. And when my parents DO come round, which isn't often and is only for a few minutes, I get to tell them what to do. Can't complain about that.


Hunky Nostradamus
The appointment sucked. Some doctors have horrible patient interaction skills.

Most of my doctor's appointments are like that. I need to find a doctor whose personality gels with mine. (also, one that has better patient interaction skills and preferably one who can also read my mind)

My unreal life gets even unrealer

Best friends with benefits (GFs) -> Partners. Permanent.

so happy 4 u sis <3

Those look really high quality, wow. Sandman and/or Preacher?

I actually ordered a knock off Aneros back in March.

I've had maybe a dozen or more sessions with it since then, mostly just getting off with it in the first two sessions. The third session I took my time, relaxed, and nearly hit super O twice, but I could not push myself over. I've got close in a few other sessions but I still have not yet pushed myself over the edge. It's definitely a pleasurable experience.

What brand was it?


Living with my parents and my brother is becoming incredibly toxic. My parents are fucking hypocrites who shit on me for every little thing I do, but can never open their mouths when my brother acts like an anti-social piece of shit.

Just a few days ago my brother point blank ignored what I was asking him to do twice, without even looking at me. Just completely blanked me. I was really angry about this and told my parents, and they didn't do shit, they just told him to do what I had asked him to do, and he did it (after being asked about 3 times) but half-assedly. They didn't say anything to him about his attitude which makes him very very hard to live with, and has been a problem for years.

and yet, whenever I speak up about him and his attitude and how it affects all of us, my parents call me bitchy and mean, and argue with me about my attitude and how rude I am.

He never leaves his fucking room, he spends all day playing League of Legends loudly, never fucking shutting up talking until 2am in the morning, and yet when he is asked to do something, he doesn't do it, or has to be asked 3 or 4 times, or if we try to initiate a conversation with him, he either says nothing or gives one word responses. He treats us with no fucking respect at all, doesn't eat the food we cook for him, doesn't clean up after himself, doesn't help with the housework. He cares more about the people he talks to online than he does us.

But I'm not allowed to say anything without being treated like I'm a horrible, rude, disgusting person for ever saying a word about him.

Sorry for the rant, but the hypocrisy of the situation just gets to me really badly. I'm kind and helpful, I do housework, I have friendly conversations with my parents, always clean up after myself. And yet i'm treated like the problem child.

I need to get out of here, I really do, because they are just turning me into a bitter person.

Your brother could be mentally ill because I know a lot mental illnesses have the side-effect of just losing interest and lacking ambition. Or he could just be a general dick. It's hard to tell.


Your brother could be mentally ill because I know a lot mental illnesses have the side-effect of just losing interest and lacking ambition. Or he could just be a general dick. It's hard to tell.
It's the latter. He's not lacking in motivation, he completed university, has a job, and is currently working on getting his driving licence. He's just an insufferable, selfish person who only cares about his own needs.


obs? obs.

I've only ever used Fraps and tried to record some Minecraft MP. All I remember is it lagging the fuck out of my laptop.

PlayTV something. It came with Raptr when it updated. Raptr is AMD's answer to NVIDIA's software for recording and stuff. Well NVIDIA has several kinds of software.

It's the latter. He's not lacking in motivation, he completed university, has a job, and is currently working on getting his driving licence. He's just an insufferable, selfish person who only cares about his own needs.

So maybe that's why your parents cut him a lot of slack.


It is gorgeous today. Went for a run and it was just so positive. Great music, great seeing folks all around on the lakeshore. It was around 80 F and managed 6 and half miles. Nothing is more perfect than running shirtless listening to some dope beats.
It is gorgeous today. Went for a run and it was just so positive. Great music, great seeing folks all around on the lakeshore. It was around 80 F and managed 6 and half miles. Nothing is more perfect than running shirtless listening to some dope beats.

Maybe where you are but where I live has been raining all week and 80 F is too hot for this time of year.


I've always wanted to try
baddragon >.>
(don't google that :p)

Now if only I could find a good hiding place...
You are not alone with that wish.
Fenrir looks pretty nice. :3
Shipping tho.

I could order some stuff from them if I had the money since I live on my own.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
It is gorgeous today. Went for a run and it was just so positive. Great music, great seeing folks all around on the lakeshore. It was around 80 F and managed 6 and half miles. Nothing is more perfect than running shirtless listening to some dope beats.

Nothing is more perfect than witnessing this. Shirtless outdoor exercise (or hiking) is a huge weakness of mine.

P.S.: Glad you're enjoying the great weather. It was drizzly where I am today, but I love this kind of weather, so I'm happy.


It is gorgeous today. Went for a run and it was just so positive. Great music, great seeing folks all around on the lakeshore. It was around 80 F and managed 6 and half miles. Nothing is more perfect than running shirtless listening to some dope beats.

Can't wait until the day I feel confident enough in my body to do that.

So like a decade. Lol


So I'm perfectly fine being by myself and being alone, but whenever I see a couple holding hands, or showing PDA I totally feel like "Oh, I would also love to experience that" so I think "I really want a bf" but then when I think back, I think I really don't. Somehow for some reason, the idea of being in a relationship is more appealing than the relationship itself.

It's kind of like seeing something that someone else has, and you want that too. Yet it's not necessarily that you innately want that, at least in my case, I'm not sure if that makes sense.
I'm weird...
So I'm in a bit of an interesting spot. Last night I was invited to go to the Pride Parade next month in DC. I'm actually pretty excited at the prospect of going. Despite being self-aware of my homosexuality for almost 10 years now, I've never went to any pride related activites, or honestly had much interest on the pride/activist side of things until maybe the past year. So going to this next month would actually be a great experience, even more so with people that I know who've gone before to enjoy it with.

However there's a few snags with this. The minor one is getting the time off for work, which shouldn't be a problem. There's also dealing with the household side of things since I'm not out at home and have no plans to be until I've moved out. However I'm pretty certain I can manage with this side as well.

But the big one is that this is also yet another chapter in the "Friend that Barrylocke crushes on Saga". As I said in an earlier post, I'm feeling a lot better about the whole situation. I do still have lingering feelings for him, but I've mentally accepted that this is where things are going, as opposed to before where I was definitely feeling some angst over him and his new squeeze hanging out all weekend for instance. I'm fine with being friends with him, and it's safe to say he feels the same way, because it was him that invited me to go to the Pride Parade...along with his boyfriend. I'm not 100% sure on the ordering of how who initially planned it and such went, but I know that it sparked from me mentioning that I've never attended one to him (and full disclaimer, I never knew he had planned to go if he did, I just mentioned it when the subject came up)

This of course brings up some worries. One is that going would definitely be a big test on my feelings on their relationship, as I've yet to meet his boyfriend. I'd like to think that further humanizing him would make me continue to see him as a person instead of an obstacle, because learning more about the guy himself instead of just all the fun things that he and my friend were doing actually helped to release some of the personal tension I had on the situation. But I'm aware that I could potentially find displays of affection etc. to be tougher to handle than I may think right now.

There's also the matter of feeling like a 3rd Wheel situation. With all friends that are dating, especially when it's fresh, I'm always careful to not get too in the way of their time to grow together, and I've tried to be the same way with my friend now, ie. leaving a lot messages etc. to him especially when I know they're hanging out. If I go, this would actually be the first time hanging out for an extended period of time with just a couple (as opposed to a group of friends which included a couple). The idea of it feels like it's ripe with awkwardness.

Does anyone have thoughts on either or both of these points? I do still want to go, but it seems like it'd be a pretty big social trial for me if I accept. I still haven't given a definitive answer as to if I'm going, though I told him that I am strongly considering it. I'll need to talk with him later to know if there's a deadline to the invitation due to transportation, staying there, etc. (Oh yeah, we'd be spending the night there at one of their friends spots, that may be worth a mention.)

TL;DR, A friend that I've had feelings invited me to go to a Pride parade with him and his boyfriend. The feelings of being with him and his boyfriend, plus the idea of being a 3rd wheel with anyone, makes me wonder how to go about this.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
So I'm in a bit of an interesting spot. Last night I was invited to go to the Pride Parade next month in DC. I'm actually pretty excited at the prospect of going. Despite being self-aware of my homosexuality for almost 10 years now, I've never went to any pride related activites, or honestly had much interest on the pride/activist side of things until maybe the past year. So going to this next month would actually be a great experience, even more so with people that I know who've gone before to enjoy it with.

However there's a few snags with this. The minor one is getting the time off for work, which shouldn't be a problem. There's also dealing with the household side of things since I'm not out at home and have no plans to be until I've moved out. However I'm pretty certain I can manage with this side as well.

But the big one is that this is also yet another chapter in the "Friend that Barrylocke crushes on Saga". As I said in an earlier post, I'm feeling a lot better about the whole situation. I do still have lingering feelings for him, but I've mentally accepted that this is where things are going, as opposed to before where I was definitely feeling some angst over him and his new squeeze hanging out all weekend for instance. I'm fine with being friends with him, and it's safe to say he feels the same way, because it was him that invited me to go to the Pride Parade...along with his boyfriend. I'm not 100% sure on the ordering of how who initially planned it and such went, but I know that it sparked from me mentioning that I've never attended one to him (and full disclaimer, I never knew he had planned to go if he did, I just mentioned it when the subject came up)

This of course brings up some worries. One is that going would definitely be a big test on my feelings on their relationship, as I've yet to meet his boyfriend. I'd like to think that further humanizing him would make me continue to see him as a person instead of an obstacle, because learning more about the guy himself instead of just all the fun things that he and my friend were doing actually helped to release some of the personal tension I had on the situation. But I'm aware that I could potentially find displays of affection etc. to be tougher to handle than I may think right now.

There's also the matter of feeling like a 3rd Wheel situation. With all friends that are dating, especially when it's fresh, I'm always careful to not get too in the way of their time to grow together, and I've tried to be the same way with my friend now, ie. leaving a lot messages etc. to him especially when I know they're hanging out. If I go, this would actually be the first time hanging out for an extended period of time with just a couple (as opposed to a group of friends which included a couple). The idea of it feels like it's ripe with awkwardness.

Does anyone have thoughts on either or both of these points? I do still want to go, but it seems like it'd be a pretty big social trial for me if I accept. I still haven't given a definitive answer as to if I'm going, though I told him that I am strongly considering it. I'll need to talk with him later to know if there's a deadline to the invitation due to transportation, staying there, etc. (Oh yeah, we'd be spending the night there at one of their friends spots, that may be worth a mention.)

TL;DR, A friend that I've had feelings invited me to go to a Pride parade with him and his boyfriend. The feelings of being with him and his boyfriend, plus the idea of being a 3rd wheel with anyone, makes me wonder how to go about this.

I think Pride is an experience worth having (even if I don't particularly enjoy it). I think humanizing the person he's dating also sounds like a good idea (though if the boyfriend is terrible...that might not be so good). However, spending all day with them sounds like it could be a bad thing if they tend to be PDAy or you find you're not comfortable. My suggestion: find a fourth wheel. Do you have any other (mutual?) friends you could invite (LGBT or not)? If not, what about the person whose house you're staying at&#8212;would they join you guys at the event? Even if you'd be meeting them for the first time, having that fourth person would probably be better than not.

EDIT: Something to keep in mind: you can always go to Pride another year, if you decide you would ultimately feel too uncomfortable spending a day around the couple. If you go with the fourth wheel, always keep in mind that you can split up at any point if you feel the need to do so.


So I'm in a bit of an interesting spot. Last night I was invited to go to the Pride Parade next month in DC. I'm actually pretty excited at the prospect of going. Despite being self-aware of my homosexuality for almost 10 years now, I've never went to any pride related activites, or honestly had much interest on the pride/activist side of things until maybe the past year. So going to this next month would actually be a great experience, even more so with people that I know who've gone before to enjoy it with.

However there's a few snags with this. The minor one is getting the time off for work, which shouldn't be a problem. There's also dealing with the household side of things since I'm not out at home and have no plans to be until I've moved out. However I'm pretty certain I can manage with this side as well.

But the big one is that this is also yet another chapter in the "Friend that Barrylocke crushes on Saga". As I said in an earlier post, I'm feeling a lot better about the whole situation. I do still have lingering feelings for him, but I've mentally accepted that this is where things are going, as opposed to before where I was definitely feeling some angst over him and his new squeeze hanging out all weekend for instance. I'm fine with being friends with him, and it's safe to say he feels the same way, because it was him that invited me to go to the Pride Parade...along with his boyfriend. I'm not 100% sure on the ordering of how who initially planned it and such went, but I know that it sparked from me mentioning that I've never attended one to him (and full disclaimer, I never knew he had planned to go if he did, I just mentioned it when the subject came up)

This of course brings up some worries. One is that going would definitely be a big test on my feelings on their relationship, as I've yet to meet his boyfriend. I'd like to think that further humanizing him would make me continue to see him as a person instead of an obstacle, because learning more about the guy himself instead of just all the fun things that he and my friend were doing actually helped to release some of the personal tension I had on the situation. But I'm aware that I could potentially find displays of affection etc. to be tougher to handle than I may think right now.

There's also the matter of feeling like a 3rd Wheel situation. With all friends that are dating, especially when it's fresh, I'm always careful to not get too in the way of their time to grow together, and I've tried to be the same way with my friend now, ie. leaving a lot messages etc. to him especially when I know they're hanging out. If I go, this would actually be the first time hanging out for an extended period of time with just a couple (as opposed to a group of friends which included a couple). The idea of it feels like it's ripe with awkwardness.

Does anyone have thoughts on either or both of these points? I do still want to go, but it seems like it'd be a pretty big social trial for me if I accept. I still haven't given a definitive answer as to if I'm going, though I told him that I am strongly considering it. I'll need to talk with him later to know if there's a deadline to the invitation due to transportation, staying there, etc. (Oh yeah, we'd be spending the night there at one of their friends spots, that may be worth a mention.)

TL;DR, A friend that I've had feelings invited me to go to a Pride parade with him and his boyfriend. The feelings of being with him and his boyfriend, plus the idea of being a 3rd wheel with anyone, makes me wonder how to go about this.

If you feel uncomfortable, then you shouldn't go. It's hard seeing your crush with someone else, and sometimes it's best to move on. But as kirbyfan, Pride is a wonderful event (although I've never gone to one) so you should consider attending if you haven't before.

You live close to DC or simply visiting for pride?
Switched back to IOS. I just didn't like android very much. The iPhone 6 is very nice. Too bad Apple products are a bit expensive for the specs, though I guess the resale value on them is great.
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