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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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We sexy bunch

Y'all look like you could be siblings. :D
never mind, RIP sexual tension


You have?

What he's probably trying to say is that this compliment towards you

One photo in and I already know I lost this selfie game.

and your reply

Lol, don't worry im sure you didn't hsve your bf cheat on you three times with no condom.

do not compute.

I mean, just take the goddamn compliment and own it. Your ex cheating on you isn't in any way related to your selfie and good looks in general.
EDIT: Didn't see the full context of the post (which isn't as bad as I thought it was) but I'm leaving this here anyway because I wanted to talk about it after some revelatory experiences this week.

To be perfectly blunt, there's also the fact that it's petty and egocentric to trivialize other peoples' problems because yours are worse in some manner. Shitty things are shitty things, they aren't graded on a shit-curve to be applied to your "my life sucks" report card.

The most valuable thing I learned this week was that there's always someone else whose lot in life is a lot worse than yours, but that doesn't make your problems any less important. There should be plenty of room for anybody to complain so long as they treat their problems proportionately and they're trying their best to deal with them.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to punch my waiter in the face for giving me a burnt skillet cookie

Are you talking to me? I didn't trivialize anyone's problems. Infact I haven't addresses anyone's situations. All I said was that if I looked so good, so attractive and my selfie was such a winning one, then why did my "bf" of 6 months spend more time whoring it online, having bareback affairs, and lie/cheat/fuck my mind like this?


Are you talking to me? I didn't trivialize anyone's problems. Infact I haven't addresses anyone's situations. All I said was that if I looked so good, so attractive and my selfie was such a winning one, then why did my "bf" of 6 months spend more time whoring it online, having bareback affairs, and lie/cheat/fuck my mind like this?


I really don't get the context of why you're bringing it up like it's almost a competition for "my situation is shitter than yours" or whatever. that was the reason I quoted you earlier because it seemed so unneeded/out of place

I really don't get the context of why you're bringing it up like it's almost a competition for "my situation is shitter than yours" or whatever. that was the reason I quoted you earlier because it seemed so unneeded/out of place

Where am I doing this?

Edit: forget it.


Where am I doing this?

Edit: forget it.

One photo in and I already know I lost this selfie game.
Lol, don't worry im sure you didn't hsve your bf cheat on you three times with no condom.

like... ? ? ? ? i'm not trying to be a dick but it was such a random/weird interjection

I think that's Horse Detective, yo

edit: picture makes me wish I was in my 20s again

I see. let me save this picture for further research.


Regarding more representation, definitely. I recently wrote a (creative writing) essay somewhat mourning the lack of representation I had growing up and the fact that those who could have filled that void hid themselves exactly because we were children. Having a closeted gay teacher give you sex ed and show you educational materials that tell you about your future feelings for girls is a sad thing to reflect on, for both me and (presumably) the teacher. If he were still alive today, I'd love to be able to talk to him about that.

Where is the article?
So I went to Amsterdam with my boyfriend and did basically every-amsterdammy thing there is to do. Tripped out on mushrooms in vondelpark (I was very sure that trees are made of triforce like structures) for example and also sucked Dick in a darkroom of a club there. And we had some fun with each other inside a porn-movietheatre with a couple guys watching.
I kinda miss Amsterdam already, incredible city with lots and lots to do and see, and a lot of cute guys as well (who all liked me on tinder, so that was quite an ego-boost.). now back and home and playing guacamelee (the artstyke of that game also influenced my trip a lot) and being annoyed that imma be back at work tomorrow :eek:
So I went to Amsterdam with my boyfriend and did basically every-amsterdammy thing there is to do. Tripped out on mushrooms in vondelpark (I was very sure that trees are made of triforce like structures) and sucked anon Dick in a darkroom. And had some fun with each other inside a porn-movietheatre with a couple guys watching.
I kinda miss Amsterdam already, incredible city with lots and lots to do and see, and a lot of cute guys as well (who all liked me on tinder, so that was quite an ego-boost.). now back and home and playing guacamelee (the artstyke of that game also influenced my trip a lot) and being annoyed that imma be back at work tomorrow :eek:

Can I please stop buying games? 2 weeks ago i bought 4 games and now I bought Injustice and Okami HD.
Like, I haven't even finished Tales of Symphonia and I still need to play Dawn of the New World, I need to finish Disgaea 3, Saint's Row 3 and Ass Creed 2. Besides that I have 4 PS1 JRPGs I need to play and I need to finish Persona 4

what the fuck


Can I please stop buying games? 2 weeks ago i bought 4 games and now I bought Injustice and Okami HD.
Like, I haven't even finished Tales of Symphonia and I still need to play Dawn of the New World, I need to finish Disgaea 3, Saint's Row 3 and Ass Creed 2. Besides that I have 4 PS1 JRPGs I need to play and I need to finish Persona 4

what the fuck

Welcome your the club. I have a huge backlog of PC games. Haven't even played half of them. I don't even know why I buy games anymore.

ACII is really good.


Can I please stop buying games? 2 weeks ago i bought 4 games and now I bought Injustice and Okami HD.
Like, I haven't even finished Tales of Symphonia and I still need to play Dawn of the New World, I need to finish Disgaea 3, Saint's Row 3 and Ass Creed 2. Besides that I have 4 PS1 JRPGs I need to play and I need to finish Persona 4

what the fuck

bitch me too

i'm replaying dark souls, need to finish bloodbourne, 223489 mobile and DS games to play but at least I have all summer


Yes, I had a gut feeling them two were a couple. I was right.

There's one opening in Texas soon. Another reason to visit Texas and Japan.

OMG link, I need this in my life, thankfully I live here in Texas so I guess there is a positive to living here. (Oh wait, is it gay-friendly though? you never know here.)

Son Of D

Can I please stop buying games? 2 weeks ago i bought 4 games and now I bought Injustice and Okami HD.
Like, I haven't even finished Tales of Symphonia and I still need to play Dawn of the New World, I need to finish Disgaea 3, Saint's Row 3 and Ass Creed 2. Besides that I have 4 PS1 JRPGs I need to play and I need to finish Persona 4

what the fuck

I've sworn off buying games until I've done most of my unplayed PS4 and Wii U library. Getting to the point where I buy new games but never touch the old.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
This is a video that the UN put out. Personally, I wish there were a few more BQIs in there and fewer Gs, since it was heavy on the gays, but the effort is nice and I suppose important.

Can I please stop buying games? 2 weeks ago i bought 4 games and now I bought Injustice and Okami HD.
Like, I haven't even finished Tales of Symphonia and I still need to play Dawn of the New World, I need to finish Disgaea 3, Saint's Row 3 and Ass Creed 2. Besides that I have 4 PS1 JRPGs I need to play and I need to finish Persona 4

what the fuck

I can definitely relate. As someone who played through 90% of Dawn of the New World, I would say that you don't reeeaaaally need to play it, but if you're interested in the Symphonia world, I guess it's at least worth checking it out.

Where is the article?

My creative writing piece? It's sitting on my computer. If you're looking for articles online, I remember two about a year ago on HuffPost talking about the importance of out teachers. I'm sure there are many more, too.


So today I travelled 50 mins to a town I've never been to for a date. Dude called me beautiful, but also called me a cunt, so mixed bag!

How was/are you guys' weekends? Anyone do anything fun?

Son Of D

So today I travelled 50 mins to a town I've never been to for a date. Dude called me beautiful, but also called me a cunt, so mixed bag!

How was/are you guys' weekends? Anyone do anything fun?

Took some luggage to my brother's on Saturday so he can store it for me over Summer. Today was just heading to some shops and then finding nothing to buy. Weather was nice though, so a good time to wear my shorts and get even just a mild tan.

My first pic of me with this new phone, came out great if you ask me.


Took some luggage to my brother's on Saturday so he can store it for me over Summer. Today was just heading to some shops and then finding nothing to buy. Weather was nice though, so a good time to wear my shorts and get even just a mild tan.

My first pic of me with this new phone, came out great if you ask me.

Is your picture like a 'gimme a fist bump' fist? Cus I fist-bumped the computer. Shame you couldn't find anything; but there will be other shops! Never give up!


So today I travelled 50 mins to a town I've never been to for a date. Dude called me beautiful, but also called me a cunt, so mixed bag!

How was/are you guys' weekends? Anyone do anything fun?
Going to new places is always fun. I went to Ramsbottom a few weeks ago (hehehe, Ramsbottom) and had a good time. Didn't get called a cunt, surprisingly, so that was a bonus.

Son Of D

Is your picture like a 'gimme a fist bump' fist? Cus I fist-bumped the computer. Shame you couldn't find anything; but there will be other shops! Never give up!

Well that was unintentional but that works. And eh, I'll find some way to spend money I shouldn't :p.


OMG link, I need this in my life, thankfully I live here in Texas so I guess there is a positive to living here. (Oh wait, is it gay-friendly though? you never know here.)

It's called Tally Whackers and I believe it's in Dallas or Houston.

same. I got to the part where you get the lordvessel and then burned out but now I will see it through to the end

Now you can teleport between bonfires. You're almost at this end. You just need to defeat four more bosses and you'll be able to fight Gwyn Lord of Cinder.

I also got burned at that part. But I made a new character focusing on sorcery and it was much better and fun.

So today I travelled 50 mins to a town I've never been to for a date. Dude called me beautiful, but also called me a cunt, so mixed bag!

How was/are you guys' weekends? Anyone do anything fun?

Why did he call you a cunt?

Took some luggage to my brother's on Saturday so he can store it for me over Summer. Today was just heading to some shops and then finding nothing to buy. Weather was nice though, so a good time to wear my shorts and get even just a mild tan.

My first pic of me with this new phone, came out great if you ask me.

Looking great!

Going to new places is always fun. I went to Ramsbottom a few weeks ago (hehehe, Ramsbottom) and had a good time. Didn't get called a cunt, surprisingly, so that was a bonus.

So, how was the Ram's bottom? :p


Went to see Mad Max tonight, good movies. Not sure it warrants the insane praise it's been getting on it on the internet but I liked it. Tom Hardy is still insanely attractive.
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