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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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eh... so that was kind of a trick question lol. I just went and told you all the love I feel for this game and it turned out you despise everything Nintendo has put out these last 20 years :(((

oh well can't blame you got that, I love them but absolutely hated the Wii. The Wii U is great though.

yeah... there's that :((((

I wouldnt say despise. I just dont have the same appreciation I did. I have a Wii U but I dont think i even unpacked it after I moved. The Wii waa totally a Netflix box though.


I wouldnt say despise. I just dont have the same appreciation I did. I have a Wii U but I dont think i even unpacked it after I moved. The Wii waa totally a Netflix box though.

Oh, you didn't unpack your Wii U but still bought it so is there any hope things could change? eheh
Record it for us

Good luck and have fun

Haha maybe one day when I'm feeling brave I'll record myself singing for y'all.

I am too self concious to do that. I have friends that do kareoke and I just sit and drink my juice. Maybe in time youll be doing duets with Blue Badger :p

I've been in a musical and a sang in a David Bowie tribute band for a 3-night gig. Yet I'm still too self conscious for karaoke and this singing lesson feels like a huge step.

I'll never have a voice like BlueBadger's but a duet would be an honour. Haha.
Oh, you didn't unpack your Wii U but still bought it so is there any hope things could change? eheh

I have hope. I have a few games I will probably get once pricevdrops happen. Toad, Smash Bros, Mario Kart and other first party games. Nintendo can do charm very well. MS and Sony dont do itnoften but that Puppeteer gamevwas well done.


I have hope. I have a few games I will probably get once pricevdrops happen. Toad, Smash Bros, Mario Kart and other first party games. Nintendo can do charm very well. MS and Sony dont do itnoften but that Puppeteer gamevwas well done.

Yes they can! Captain Toad is so sweet it'll have you all sticky by the time you finish it.
Yes they can! Captain Toad is so sweet it'll have you all sticky by the time you finish it.

Haha, Ill give you the full report. On the topic of vidya ganes, Ive been meaning to get the re released Tie Fighter/X Wing games. But i dont have a joystick anymore. It wont be the same. :(


I've been looking at houses for the past two week and the real estate lady has asked my why I'm doing this solo/don't have a wife/girlfriend about 20 times. Should I come out to her? Perhaps record it and put it on youtube with some sappy music? I need guidance.

Okay... well here goes nothing:

First, I would pair up Blood Diamonds and Masquerador because they're the same age and they're both cranky at times.
jk :p
not really

I would put Henchmen with Dead Prince since... scratch that. This is the difficult part, trying to come up with a couple that would "work" in our hypothetical game scenario. But let us continue. :3

Okay, I'm thinking I could match Daripad with the Absolution. They're about the same age, they both like video games, they're both very sweet and yeah it would work! I'm good at this... :D

I could put Dyslexic Alucard together with Dead Prince actually. I think it would work. I just have a feeling it could. It's like I know they could just strike up something and boom. It would just be chemistry doing its work. They're both great guys and they would be a totally good couple.

I would put Ahasverus with RM88. I think there would be great chemistry here. I don't know it's just a feeling that I get. For example, RM88 is more an analytical kind of guy while Ahasverus is just wild and more wild in the good way... so we have two types of guys that would work, it would absolutely work.

I would put Pantheon with Meycin as a couple. Now I know what you guys might think, but I think this would be another great couple. First, we know Pantheon is a fan of fast food and likes McDonalds. We know that Meycin is into fitness and he's probably strict when it comes to his diet. Henceforth, as you all know the saying, opposites attract! It would make sense when we consider that Meycin also likes to cook and Pantheon doesn't. So there we go, it would work. They would be a very lovely couple.

I would then pair up Caladrius and the One Who Knocks. This would be another sweet couple. Caladrius is a bit more shy and cynical at some extent, but it would be balanced out by the One Who Knocks who just seems to be more sensible and just the kind of guy you can chat with after having a rough day. It would be a very balanced couple as far as their characters. I just feel like it would make sense to pair this two together, so yeah.

I would pair ZombiePlatypus with Captcha. They're both about the same age, and there's something really interesting about this two that would make them a great couple... ZombiePlatypus is really good at art, we know that he likes to draw and paint and go all Da Vinci and Van Gogh on some of his art. Captcha is just more of an observer, of someone who likes to delight himself on the pleasures of life. He's also full of knowledge and wisdom and those two would just be a wonderful, caring and loving couple.

That's all for now, this is getting really hard. >.> I have to think more.

Please don't hate me if your name appears in this post D:

Friend, what am I reading? hahaha. You're right though, I do like to watch.


Is anyone in this thread looking for people to play with on PS4? I'm currently playing GTA Online, Minecraft, along with some Battlefield 4, and LittleBigPlanet 3.

PSN ID is 'Wil348-'. :)
I'm going to see Inherent Vice today, I really cannot wait as the cinema I'm seeing it at have it in 35mm and apparently the showings in this format are very heavily booked so there should be a good atmosphere.

Also, I ended up dropping my Introduction to Programming 2 module (as it was an elective) and instead opted for a level 2 module called "Introduction to Cognitive Science" and it has been absolutely amazing so far. The lecturer is fantastic, and has a high level of vocabulary which he implements regularly in his lectures, he approaches topics from an unbiased view but unabashedly criticises a variety of weak arguments, he is extremely accommodating, and, while he almost always runs over his lecture time and makes me have to sprint across campus to get to my next lecture on time, it's always worth staying because of how engaging and thought-provoking his lectures are. In terms of the material itself, it is incredibly engaging and even in these early stages has raised made me question some things that, previously, I would otherwise not have done so, and while ultimately I may still reside with my beliefs, I feel like they're much more informed than they had previously been. It's just entirely fascinating, and the class size being very small (there are only 19 others) means that the lecturer can get to know each individual and assist in any way he can.

Oh and interesting choices Hobo.
I like my choice, though I imagine TOWK would probably want someone a bit more accomplished. :p (and I can't blame him)

On the contrast, this just means nobody will suspect us while we're plotting to implement the Gay Agenda and corrupt existing societal values (that and we'll need to get a lot of buses).


I've been looking at houses for the past two week and the real estate lady has asked my why I'm doing this solo/don't have a wife/girlfriend about 20 times. Should I come out to her? Perhaps record it and put it on youtube with some sappy music? I need guidance.

Well I hope you being gay is not the reason you're doing it alone.
Asking 20 times (in expectation of a different answer?) sounds like she's either hitting on you or can't believe such a dashing young man can be single so take both compliments I guess ;)
(cause I doubt it's so rare to look for a home alone, but maybe it is? or she's not experienced enough to have encountered someone like that before? dunnow

Concerning that YouTube idea tho:
I do like to watch.

Gimme dat lol


I need to hear your reasons.

Well, Umop is a very interesting person. He likes spiritual things and he seems to meditate quite often. He takes a very philosophical approach to things. Mumei on the other hand, he has a vast knowledge of various topics that he has read about, he is a bookworm. I think this would be one of the most interesting couples and hearing them talk would be fascinating. The interaction between this two would be captivating.

These are mostly viable! :p

That said, I doubt I should ever be paired with anyone. We'd just argue all the time. ;-;

Imagine Blood Diamonds and Masquerader arguing.... lol xD

...Me and Kater huh?

Yeah dude! You can't drop these at the start then not explain! Especially not when I'm asleep :p

Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to make some adjustments. But I like it ^_^


I've been looking at houses for the past two week and the real estate lady has asked my why I'm doing this solo/don't have a wife/girlfriend about 20 times. Should I come out to her? Perhaps record it and put it on youtube with some sappy music? I need guidance.

Friend, what am I reading? hahaha. You're right though, I do like to watch.

This is quite the revelation. For the first time I paid attention to your avatar, I can see what the dialogue box says. I couldn't figure it out before, I thought it was a lottery ticket or something lol.
Zom and her trainer could totally kick my ass with them arm guns

Between coconut TV and VPRO Metropolis YouTube channels my recommended/suggestions list on YouTube is weird sometimes
Those documentary/news channels talk about some real shit
So one thing I was thinking would be cool to organize at some point would be NeoGAF videogame races. I've never been a huge fan of speedruns, but racing other people in videogames somehow make the idea of rushing to the end more appealing. Plus it can be potentially social if you're bantering/taunting/joking on Skype, and if you have recording software going you can even put it up on Twitch or Youtube for other folks to see. The biggest issues would be time to actually sit down and rush a game in one sitting, especially because you'd be asking 2 or more (ideally more) people to sit down and play a game to the end in one sitting. But I think it would be a lot of fun to get something like this setup. There's also the personal matter of me working different days every week + working overnight, so it'd be tough to join in on say a friday or saturday night that would be convenient for many. But I think if something like this became a regular/semi-regular thing it'd be pretty cool.

Has there ever been any videogame races done in the past on the gaming side? Or have any of you ever been a part of something like this? I'd want to research other groups who have set these sort of things up before possibly pitching the idea to the community, so any thoughts would be cool.


So one thing I was thinking would be cool to organize at some point would be NeoGAF videogame races. I've never been a huge fan of speedruns, but racing other people in videogames somehow make the idea of rushing to the end more appealing. Plus it can be potentially social if you're bantering/taunting/joking on Skype, and if you have recording software going you can even put it up on Twitch or Youtube for other folks to see. The biggest issues would be time to actually sit down and rush a game in one sitting, especially because you'd be asking 2 or more (ideally more) people to sit down and play a game to the end in one sitting. But I think it would be a lot of fun to get something like this setup. There's also the personal matter of me working different days every week + working overnight, so it'd be tough to join in on say a friday or saturday night that would be convenient for many. But I think if something like this became a regular/semi-regular thing it'd be pretty cool.

Has there ever been any videogame races done in the past on the gaming side? Or have any of you ever been a part of something like this? I'd want to research other groups who have set these sort of things up before possibly pitching the idea to the community, so any thoughts would be cool.
Yeah, I'd be up for that. I mean, I can't record myself (since I don't have a capture card) but I would totally watch and participate in the Skype Chat. It just has to be at a time that's fine for both Europeans and Americans.


Yeah, I'd be up for that. I mean, I can't record myself (since I don't have a capture card) but I would totally watch and participate in the Skype Chat. It just has to be at a time that's fine for both Europeans and Americans.
Yo Kater dude Hobo still hasn't explained why he ships us you got any ideas?


That could be it, yeah. =)

Damn, now I'm curious as well. HH, spill it out already, why did you matchmake me and VegiHam?

Actually, I am unshipping you. I'll have to think this through.

Anyways, I would ship the following amazing individuals:

- Delio and Grizzo
- Zenmamutke88 and Vitanimus
- Alvmew and Cornburrito
- Escape Goat and Henchmen
- RatskyWatsky and Rayis
- Via Purifico and Mr. Zombie
- Chronos and Hours Left

That's all for now. This is getting really hard.

Don't hate me if your name is on this list. :p

Mr. F

Actually, I am unshipping you. I'll have to think this through.

Anyways, I would ship the following amazing individuals:

- Delio and Grizzo
- Zenmamutke88 and Vitanimus
- Alvmew and Cornburrito
- Escape Goat and Henchmen
- RatskyWatsky and Rayis
- Via Purifico and Mr. Zombie
- Chronos and Hours Left

That's all for now. This is getting really hard.

Don't hate me if your name is on this list. :p

I withdraw, dating someone irl (thems the rules, right?).

besides I wanted Grizzo ;(
Henchmen, ive been waiting for over an hour. We were supposed to go shopping for throw pillows and order the track lighting for the kitchen.
Actually, I am unshipping you. I'll have to think this through.

Anyways, I would ship the following amazing individuals:

- Delio and Grizzo
- Zenmamutke88 and Vitanimus
- Alvmew and Cornburrito
- Escape Goat and Henchmen
- RatskyWatsky and Rayis
- Via Purifico and Mr. Zombie
- Chronos and Hours Left

That's all for now. This is getting really hard.

Don't hate me if your name is on this list. :p

But I don't know what Mr Zombie is like :eek:


...Is it because cats eat ham?
Cats like meat in general. Speaking of, I just had some meat (chicken) rolls with some nice filling. Amazing. <3

Actually, I am unshipping you. I'll have to think this through.

Anyways, I would ship the following amazing individuals:

- Delio and Grizzo
- Zenmamutke88 and Vitanimus
- Alvmew and Cornburrito
- Escape Goat and Henchmen
- RatskyWatsky and Rayis
- Via Purifico and Mr. Zombie
- Chronos and Hours Left

That's all for now. This is getting really hard.

Don't hate me if your name is on this list. :p
I wonder who'd you ship me with next. :/

I am outraged. Now I'm lonely and single not just in real life but in the imagination of gaffers :p
Aw. :(

Here, have a hug.



Cats like meat in general. Speaking of, I just had some meat (chicken) rolls with some nice filling. Amazing. <3

I wonder who'd you ship me with next. :/

Aw. :(

Here, have a hug.

I am actually a Vegetarian but I'll take your word for it that the chicken was good.
Thank you for the weird lookin' hug.
I'd probably buy it for collection purposes.

EDIT: I may as well just buy the new PS Vita...even though I already have one. Oh well. I'm horrible with money.

Well, they're cheap on ebay so you could get it anytime.
Which one though?, the Go? or the older models?

I don't think the new vita is worth it but if to just collect then go for it.
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