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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Marry me :p


That image kinda makes me gag. Any kind of meat on the bone completely makes me lose my appetite.

And no, none of those were innuendos.


Anyone interested in discussing Kant's Deontological ethnics in relationship to wanting to commit suicide?

I always found this an interesting topic.


Hunky Nostradamus
Sheesh, we've apparently had the worst timing with this engagement ring.

I opted to get one custom made locally, and since I wasn't positive about my partner's ring size, it was going to be just a plain band to start and then resized with a diamond set in after I popped the question. The band came a couple days after we got back from a trip to LA, but then I came down with the flu for almost three weeks and obviously didn't want to propose in that condition... Once that passed, I did ask and he said yes (a foregone conclusion, hah, but I wanted to make the gesture anyway!) but now the jeweler is out of town on vacation for a while, so we have to wait around three full weeks before the ring will actually get finished. It's really not a big deal, but we haven't told anyone at all yet since we'd like to actually have something to show for my efforts. ;)

Congrats on the engagement Cosmic! :D

We have 1 top and 2 vers, ;)

which r u

Man I have not had ribs in ages.

i've never eaten ribs before


Eating meat off the bone is barbaric.

Boneless all the way.
*High five*
I just legit can't do it. Nor can I eat any meat which I've seen be carved from the bone, it just bothers me for some reason.

I once had to cut up and serve a cooked chicken and ever since I've struggled eating chicken breast (I already wouldn't eat legs or wings, or whatever)

It's why I always get the Boneless Banquet for One whenever I go to KFC :p


Gold Member
I'll think about it, haha.

Man I have not had ribs in ages.
Babybacks or bust. You know what to do.

Is the stuff on the sides galbi?
Good eye! I had slow smoked them (and overcooked them), but they turned out amazing.

That image kinda makes me gag. Any kind of meat on the bone completely makes me lose my appetite.

And no, none of those were innuendos.
ribs make me feel like an animal tbh

and not in the sexy kind of way
Eating meat off the bone is barbaric.

Boneless all the way.


*High five*
I just legit can't do it. Nor can I eat any meat which I've seen be carved from the bone, it just bothers me for some reason.

I once had to cut up and serve a cooked chicken and ever since I've struggled eating chicken breast (I already wouldn't eat legs or wings, or whatever)

It's why I always get the Boneless Banquet for One whenever I go to KFC :p

Eating meat off the bone is barbaric.

Boneless all the way.

ribs make me feel like an animal tbh

and not in the sexy kind of way

You guys are weird.


It's the same meat though. Boneless just means it has been removed or crushed enough that you don't notice it.
Hey, I didn't say that it was rational.

As long as I don't see bones in it or on it, it's perfectly fine. I think I have the same problem with stuff like shrimp, lobster, ect ect where you can see what the animal is that you are eating.
I don't like thinking that what I was eating was a living thing, and the bones remind me of that. I try to think of food as food, not something that lived and breathed.

It's a weird thing, I know, but it's just something I do unconsciously.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Some of the best edible parts of animals come from the thin layer of connective tissue that binds meat to bone. If you come from a family that frequently makes its own slow simmered soups from boney parts of animals, you'd know this.

So it's really not the same thing!

I understand people not wanting to fiddle with bone though.
As long as I don't see bones in it or on it, it's perfectly fine. I think I have the same problem with stuff like shrimp, lobster, ect ect where you can see what the animal is that you are eating.
See, I get this. Which is why I had a problem with fish as a kid. And heads, I can't stand animal heads.


When you group message your classmates and they are all turning in a paper that doesn't meet the page requirements and are way behind like me.



Drinking alone is super depressing really, who would you share your artificial happiness with? now getting drugged alone, that's somthing I can understand.


The threesome thread brought me back repressed memories and almost puked. The image of your significant other having sex with another guy in front of you and enjoying it is too much. As many people said, unless you hav a diamond solid relationship or are suuuuuuper super super sure of your coolness with it, don't ever try it.
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