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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Hunky Nostradamus
They're short



You drank last night and you're still hung-over? How long does it usually last for you?
Well, yeah, hangovers don't kick in until the morning after. It doesn't usually take long to get over one though. A McDonalds breakfast and a strawberry and cream cooler from Costa will perk me up.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
hateradio: I was fairly certain I had seen him at the gym, then later ended up finding and talking to him on OK Cupid. Now I've done a lot of new things and visited numerous cities that I most likely would not have otherwise. Can't imagine being at this point in my life without him.
A gym story with a cute ending!

Even though I have only been on gaf for maybe seven years, I'm glad you have turned things around. You deserve it. :3

glaringly Hardcore McDonald's user for life


been planning this response for DAYS. No shame.

How short are yours?

You can at least post a picture of your fingers, right?


Is "sore heads" what people across the Atlantic call headaches? Also, you are in the UK, right? So for you, it is currently morning?
Sore head can refer to headaches but, in this context, it refers to a hangover. Yeah, UKGAF here, reporting for duty. It is currently 7:30am here.
Since fast-food has come up now, I had a kind of an awkward situation. I was at a casual gathering at a friend's place. We all decided to go grab food, and friend of a friend suggested chick-fil-a. At which point, a mutual coworker/friend kinda had a soap-box moment that basically amounted to "Anyone wanting to grab food from there is really inconsiderate" cause I'm present. And then proceeded to point to me, and look at me to be all "YES! THANK YOU!"

Now, I would never personally throw money at that business, and I certainly appreciate my straight friends boycotting them as well. But, I'm sure as hell not gonna dictate what others should and shouldn't eat at a party I was invited to. I'm grateful for where she was coming from when she had her moment, but her white-knighting was really uncomfortable.

Sore head can refer to headaches but, in this context, it refers to a hangover. Yeah, UKGAF here, reporting for duty. It is currently 7:30am here.

Makes sense now. It's almost midnight where I'm at. No idea why I assumed you were in the same timezone haha.


Since fast-food has come up now, I had a kind of an awkward situation. I was at a casual gathering at a friend's place. We all decided to go grab food, and friend of a friend suggested chick-fil-a. At which point, a mutual coworker/friend kinda had a soap-box moment that basically amounted to "Anyone wanting to grab food from there is really inconsiderate" cause I'm present. And then proceeded to point to me, and look at me to be all "YES! THANK YOU!"

Now, I would never personally throw money at that business, and I certainly appreciate my straight friends boycotting them as well. But, I'm sure as hell not gonna dictate what others should and shouldn't eat. I'm grateful for where she was coming from when she had her moment, but her white-knighting was really uncomfortable.

I am too shy to say anything and I wouldn't try and change a group's pick for where they all want to go, but I avoid going on my own and actually haven't had it in a few years or so.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Short is the length you need to properly play the piano.

Which is to say, if you push something with your finger, it should touch your flesh first and never your nails!


Short is the length you need to properly play the piano.

Which is to say, if you push something with your finger, it should touch your flesh first and never your nails!

I do play piano but I prefer the more modern "short enough to use the iPhone screen liberally without nail."
I am too shy to say anything and I wouldn't try and change a group's pick for where they all want to go, but I avoid going on my own and actually haven't had it in a few years or so.

I mean, you have to pick and choose your battles right? My friends have never suggested going there when we're all together. If they're a close friend and they did, I'd jokingly give them a hard-time. If not, then I'd probably opt to grab something to-go from elsewhere. I don't think I'd ever get all social-justice-warrior at a social gathering if someone was eating their sandwiches though.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
RE: Dumb quiz

Rainbow Gay
Pro's: You are the activist of the gays, fighting for all things that are right. You believe in equality, not only for gays but for everyone. You are a social butterfly, easy to talk to, and extremely friendly.

Con's: People may find you annoying, full of it, or to perky.

The fuh?


Since fast-food has come up now, I had a kind of an awkward situation. I was at a casual gathering at a friend's place. We all decided to go grab food, and friend of a friend suggested chick-fil-a. At which point, a mutual coworker/friend kinda had a soap-box moment that basically amounted to "Anyone wanting to grab food from there is really inconsiderate" cause I'm present. And then proceeded to point to me, and look at me to be all "YES! THANK YOU!"

Now, I would never personally throw money at that business, and I certainly appreciate my straight friends boycotting them as well. But, I'm sure as hell not gonna dictate what others should and shouldn't eat at a party I was invited to. I'm grateful for where she was coming from when she had her moment, but her white-knighting was really uncomfortable.
I think she was rude and extremely inconsiderate in doing what she did. Have your own personal opinion of a food place by all means, but don't try and tell others what they can eat, especially when they've invited you to their party. I, for one, would never do that. I just don't have it in me to be so rude. Now, forgive me for being ignorant, but what is the problem with Chick-Fil-A? Being from the UK, I don't really keep up to date with news regarding fast food in the US.

Makes sense now. It's almost midnight where I'm at. No idea why I assumed you were in the same timezone haha.
Ha, no worries, man. A fair few people here on NeoGAF assume I'm from the US. I have no idea why, though, I don't particularly give off any US vibes or anything.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I got Mature Gay, because I'm a shut-in who enjoys wine.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Since fast-food has come up now, I had a kind of an awkward situation. I was at a casual gathering at a friend's place. We all decided to go grab food, and friend of a friend suggested chick-fil-a. At which point, a mutual coworker/friend kinda had a soap-box moment that basically amounted to "Anyone wanting to grab food from there is really inconsiderate" cause I'm present. And then proceeded to point to me, and look at me to be all "YES! THANK YOU!"

Now, I would never personally throw money at that business, and I certainly appreciate my straight friends boycotting them as well. But, I'm sure as hell not gonna dictate what others should and shouldn't eat at a party I was invited to. I'm grateful for where she was coming from when she had her moment, but her white-knighting was really uncomfortable.

Situations like this are terrible and relatable. Being looked to as the [insert minority here] is uncomfortable, especially when people are looking for affirmation. I'd have done as you did (or wanted to do).

I think she was rude and extremely inconsiderate in doing what she did. Have your own personal opinion of a food place by all means, but don't try and tell others what they can eat, especially when they've invited you to their party. I, for one, would never do that. I just don't have it in me to be so rude. Now, forgive me for being ignorant, but what is the problem with Chick-Fil-A? Being from the UK, I don't really keep up to date with news regarding fast food in the US.

It became apparent that the family that runs/owns the chain had been heavily financially supporting anti-LGBT organizations with their money. I just discovered that there's actually a Wikipedia article on it, if you want to check it out.

Ha, no worries, man. A fair few people here on NeoGAF assume I'm from the US. I have no idea why, though, I don't particularly give off any US vibes or anything.

I could have sworn you told us your hobbies were taming bald eagles, wearing denim, and polishing your Walmart gun collection.

Curious: did you have anything in mind when you mentioned US vibes?


Now, forgive me for being ignorant, but what is the problem with Chick-Fil-A? Being from the UK, I don't really keep up to date with news regarding fast food in the US.

Ha, no worries, man. A fair few people here on NeoGAF assume I'm from the US. I have no idea why, though, I don't particularly give off any US vibes or anything.

Their stance on same-sex marriage, and the resultant controversy, actually required a separate Wikipedia page...

Also, maybe people are just making assumptions based on the Link avatar; along with the forum's demographic bias towards the US? Nintendo's presence in Europe is purely hypothetical, after all.

Situations like this are terrible and relatable. Being looked to as the [insert minority here] is uncomfortable, especially when people are looking for affirmation. I'd have done as you did (or wanted to do).

Being used as a human bargaining chip sounds like a regrettable situation - if the person in question honestly believes they're doing you a favour, it's even worse. It must be a fairly efficient way of making you feel like a liability, as well...


We just want a little meatttt, without your bible, woah-oah-woah

What have you done to me people, don't put Chow Down in my head again.


Well, if I ever visit the US, I know where I ain't eating. I strongly suggest you all do the sa -- wait, no. No, I'm better than that. But fuck them and their homophobic BS.


The main issue with Chick-Fil-A isn't really that their boss is a christian nutter, if he kept his belief to himself he'd be an asshole and I still wouldn't eat there unless forced to do so, but it's the fact that he donates money to really really abhorrent organisations who actively try to make lgbt people's life a nightmare (one of them was lobbying in Uganda so they would pass that "Kill the gays" bill). So people eating there are pretty much actively supporting people that want us imprisoned at best and would love to see us all exterminated. Fucking awful company :|

We just want a little meatttt, without your bible, woah-oah-woah

What have you done to me people, don't put Chow Down in my head again.

I had that song stuck in my head for so long, I finally managed to "get over it" and there it comes back to haunt me >.>
So is it just me, or does a noticeable number of gay people have a thing for astrology and how it's supposed to show compatibility?

In early 2007 I wrote a blog post jokingly suggesting that Jonathan Cainer's astrology predictions for the year were suggesting I turn gay (there were references to "changing the channel" in your life like a TV programme and a bit that said "You’ll have to ask if you are prepared to live according to ‘how things really feel’ as opposed to ‘how you think they really ought to feel’… Something amazing is about to be released inside you… you begin to be the person you were always born to be.")

Anyhoo, by the end of the year I was gay! Still don't believe in astrology but a broken clock and all that.


Why do all the answers from that quiz Vegiham posted seem to end with "alone in love"?

Butch gay doesn't! Apparently I'm pretty good at love too.

So I've just woken up; had a really odd dream. Basically I was hanging out with a guy I haven't seen in ages; except we were, in the dream, going to high school and I was in love with him. I've woken up very confused


Guys, I'm sat in the cinema waiting for the film to start. The screen is relatively empty, like ten people. There's one guy who clearly has a condition, like tourettes or something, who keeps making noises. I know it ain't his fault but still...


Considering I rarely go for mcdonalds anymore I'll pass on the GayGaf Mcdonalds Spokesperson. Rest of you girls have your fun.



That part is easy I did it in under a month at age 8 :p

Viktor plz... you were 8 (!!!)

I could have done it too you know at that age. Thing is that we're talking about how the church and religion influenced the lives of my parents, friends and myself. Almost everyone of my friends at some point was a Christian, and all of my family were either christians or catholics. I did not know a single person who wasn't something else than this two. Atheists were like mythological beings that appeared on TV only, and it was always for something bad (a la Fox News). Every social event revolved around the church, picnics, going out, stuff like that. I remember the only time my parents would let me go to the movies was if I was going with my cousin and friends from church only, not school related friends, which I didn't have many. I couldn't watch pokemon (!!!) and Yu Gi Oh as a kid, lol.

After almost a lifetime some things stick with you, at least in my case.

Edit: This reminded me of this video "Dialogue of Reason: Science and Faith in the Black Community Richard Dawkins is in it. It's a panel with Howard University professors. One of them talks about how church has been influential in African American communities, and how everything revolved around the church. It's an interesting panel and worth a watch. I wish I could find the transcript, but I don't think there's one.


The gifs are gold though. I found a bunch but they're from tinypic. I remember Delio mentioned the name of the show a while back.
Reupload them elsewhere. I think it was tinypic that would overwrite old URLs meaning old threads had undesirable pictures in them.
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