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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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oh noooooo

The trick is to not let straight peen blind you from the obvious. That's just conjecture though. I know straight guys are the ideal for most of the queens out there, but trust and believe, you like them more than they like you.

One would think that went without saying.
I'm getting this on a T-shirt.

Honestly, white gays just don't get it (I am absolutely bringing race into this, making you uncomfortable? Good).

Let me give you an analogy. A lot of musical elitists will say something like "I hate Nickelback. Nickelback fucking sucks." Cool. Everyone has their opinions right? We're allowed to think things, even incorrect things like "Nickelback is great," or "Madonna should release another album." But the thing is, the people saying this aren't criticizing Nickelback solely, they are criticizing the industry that created him and the fans that made him popular. So the disdain they have isn't some one-dimensional, "I hate this guy" jerk fest, it's a greater systematic disdain for the industry that produces this type of music.

In the same way, me a minority of color saying something like "White people suck absolute ass," isn't me expressing my hatred for white people. White people are all around me, and are all as multi-faceted or one-dimensional as everyone else. Of course I don't hate ALL of them. But I hate the system that privileges, benefits, and encourages systems of whiteness. All white people benefit from that while I, a person of color, do not. So me shouting my annoyance at white people into the void is shorthand for me complaining about my oppression.

A gay person complaining about straight people is shorthand for complaining about oppression. There are certain power dynamics at play that systematically lessen the value of a gay person, so them calling "straight people gross" will not cause the same amount of hatred than a straight person saying "gay people are gross." One is complaining about oppression, the other is contributing to debilitating stereotypes that further oppress people.

But for some reason, white people cannot for the life of them intersect these ideas and come to the rescue of the oppressive systems every time. I'm so sick of explaining this to people you don't even know. Lmao people will always come to the defense of white individuals and straight people like no other.


You better Preach!!
I "get" furry as a fetish/kink, makes about as much sense as leather and stuff.
What I don't get is when it becomes a lifestyle and something they do in their everyday lives, I think that's a bit strange.

(especially when they try and compare it to something intrinsic, like sexuality)

Eh. I can get how it becomes a lifestyle, because people do that with BDSM. Master/slave relationships. People doing 24/7.
I'm getting this on a T-shirt.

Honestly, white gays just don't get it (I am absolutely bringing race into this, making you uncomfortable? Good).

Let me give you an analogy. A lot of musical elitists will say something like "I hate Nickelback. Nickelback fucking sucks." Cool. Everyone has their opinions right? We're allowed to think things, even incorrect things like "Nickelback is great," or "Madonna should release another album." But the thing is, the people saying this aren't criticizing Nickelback solely, they are criticizing the industry that created him and the fans that made him popular. So the disdain they have isn't some one-dimensional, "I hate this guy" jerk fest, it's a greater systematic disdain for the industry that produces this type of music.

Holy fuck golly gee, you need a pair of fucking rocket boots to make this leap. Or a degree in armchair psychology with a minor in bad analogies.

I don't like Screamo metal. I have no problem with the fans of that genre, or the industry that creates it. I wouldn't give a flying fuck if it became the most popular genre, other than that I might have to hear it more frequently. The analogy falls apart because it cannot even support its own asinine conclusion.


I'll be more charitable and admit that the analogy holds for some people. You can see it when people criticize reality tv shows. They don't hate the shows only, but also the industry and fans.

They do? huh, I thought it was just a sex thing, but I guess I can see how they could do it all the time.

Rarely, but yes. I think 24/7 stuff is at the extreme end.
Holy fuck golly gee, you need a pair of fucking rocket boots to make this leap. Or a degree in armchair psychology with a minor in bad analogies.

I don't like Screamo metal. I have no problem with the fans of that genre, or the industry that creates it. I wouldn't give a flying fuck if it became the most popular genre, other than that I might have to hear it more frequently. The analogy falls apart because it cannot even support its own asinine conclusion.


I'll be more charitable and admit that the analogy holds for some people. You can see it when people criticize reality tv shows. They don't hate the shows only, but also the industry and fans.
So the disdain they have isn't some one-dimensional, "I hate this guy" jerk fest, it's a greater systematic disdain for the industry that produces this type of music.
Are we really so lazy that we can't take a minute to say what we actually mean to begin with?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It would be tiresome to qualify one's position with precision all the time, so people don't.


Are we really so lazy that we can't take a minute to say what we actually mean to begin with?

Ok. So I have to say "I hate heteronormativity and all the benefits and privileges it affords straight people while gay people constantly suffer under homophobia"? Like, can we not call the oppressed lazy when their language isn't that difficult to understand in the first place? Not to mention, calling straight people "gross" isn't really serious assertion, and no one really takes it as such. It's not hard to realize this is just frustration in the form of humor. Calling gay people gross doesn't hold that same "joke-y" mentality.

Holy fuck golly gee, you need a pair of fucking rocket boots to make this leap. Or a degree in armchair psychology with a minor in bad analogies.

I don't like Screamo metal. I have no problem with the fans of that genre, or the industry that creates it. I wouldn't give a flying fuck if it became the most popular genre, other than that I might have to hear it more frequently. The analogy falls apart because it cannot even support its own asinine conclusion.


I'll be more charitable and admit that the analogy holds for some people. You can see it when people criticize reality tv shows. They don't hate the shows only, but also the industry and fans.

Rarely, but yes. I think 24/7 stuff is at the extreme end.

Lmao I'll admit it was a rather awful analogy. But I'm glad you understood the point.
down post your nudes

set this thread back on track. or send them to me if they need to be assessed for quality first.

I'll admit that I wouldn't mind seeing Pantheon/Down/NameoftheWeek in the nude. Or perhaps mostly nude, but with a well placed McDonald's burger wrapper or fountain soda cup.
Ratsky is The Leftovers worth watching? I'm waiting until my fav show Rectify comes back so in the mean time I need some other kind of mesmerizing bummer show to watch. The Leftovers obviously won't be as good but is it still worthwhile?
The Leftovers also has what is probably the most graphic, painfully protracted depiction of stoning I've ever seen.

Really messes with your perception of how awful and heinous a method of execution it actually is.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving character, though :p
Its worth watching for the lead characters bouncy bulge.

Justin Theroux is hot so that is another point for the pro column.

The Leftovers also has what is probably the most graphic, painfully protracted depiction of stoning I've ever seen.

Really messes with your perception of how awful and heinous a method of execution it actually is.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving character, though :p

I remember hearing about that. It seems like it would make a lot of sense in the context of the show, too. Okay, I think it's settled.


Hunky Nostradamus
Ratsky is The Leftovers worth watching? I'm waiting until my fav show Rectify comes back so in the mean time I need some other kind of mesmerizing bummer show to watch. The Leftovers obviously won't be as good but is it still worthwhile?

It maintains the same level of quality throughout, so if you liked the early episodes then you'll like the later ones, or vice versa.
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