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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
LettersGAF, I really don't like bragging, but I had a really good day today. I rarely feel like I have a good day (perspective, I know) as opposed to just an "ok" one, so this was really nice and special. If history repeats itself, I'm going to feel pretty low within the next 24 hours, so I'd like to dwell on this for a bit. Some highlights:

1. Tentatively finished up some stuff for my research project prep work, and I actually feel a tiny bit good about it.

2. Had an extended conversation after class with my adorable French teacher (I know, I already mentioned him today) that made me feel like we could be friends after this. He also gave me an excellent reading recommendation. Finally, he just makes me feel good in general since he's so great.

3. Uploaded a new profile picture on Facebook, and it's gotten basically double the amount of likes of any other profile picture I've ever had. Had a couple people comment about how much they liked it (one of whom is a girl I haven't talked to in forever/I barely ever knew saying it is "So handsome" which is a bit awkward...) and someone else messaged me specifically to compliment it.
It's really not that great, but it's still nice to be recognized

4. Was at the gym at the same time as some athletes that I recognized because of their attractiveness. (y)

5. Attended an event that was way better than expected. Saw some really powerful performances that were striking and inspirational.

6. ...and this news is a day or two old, but I recently found out that the last bit of my education expenses are going to be paid for by an outside organization, which is not something I was planning on or expecting.

Now to clear out my StreetPasses for the week. I hope everyone else had a good Friday or has a good weekend ahead of them!


Hunky Nostradamus
LettersGAF, I really don't like bragging, but I had a really good day today.

so happy 4 u sis



I, er, I want to apologise for last night. I let something get to me that shouldn't of got to me but did because, well, I was drunk. I'm beginning to think I have a legitimate drinking problem.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I, er, I want to apologise for last night. I let something get to me that shouldn't of got to me but did because, well, I was drunk. I'm beginning to think I have a legitimate drinking problem.

What makes you think it's a problem as opposed to just the perhaps poor occasional decision (saying that based on your regret) to post while drunk?

If there are other signs that are making you suspect something, I'm guessing the UK must have a lot of resources available for people to figure stuff out and, if needed, find help.


What makes you think it's a problem as opposed to just the perhaps poor occasional decision (saying that based on your regret) to post while drunk?

If there are other signs that are making you suspect something, I'm guessing the UK must have a lot of resources available for people to figure stuff out and, if needed, find help.
It's not the occasional drink though, I drink every single night. I don't get completely mashed but I do drink until I'm drunk. This isn't a new thing, either, I've been like this for a good 3-4 years. It might not be a problem at all and I might just be looking too much into it, but I'm just pairing the above fact with the fact that I suffer from severe anxiety orders and have bipolar disorder.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
It's not the occasional drink though, I drink every single night. I don't get completely mashed but I do drink until I'm drunk. This isn't a new thing, either, I've been like this for a good 3-4 years. It might not be a problem at all and I might just be looking too much into it, but I'm just pairing the above fact with the fact that I suffer from severe anxiety orders and have bipolar disorder.

I see. If you are already seeing a psychologist/psychiatrist, that sounds like something to talk about with him/her. I hesitate to say anything more, since I think amateur armchair psychology can be pretty harmful when it's not speculating on more trivial things (e.g., "Why isn't he texting me back?"). I hope you find support. Feel free to PM if you feel the need.
American seasons:

British seasons:

Be glad you actually get a summer.

Houston Seasons
Fall-like Summer

how long have you guys been saying LettersGAF, i vaguely remember getting a laugh when i started posting using it in some OTCummunity


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Those are really nice.

Completely unusable but they could make for a good abstract "subtitle" to some other logo.


Those are really nice.

Completely unusable but they could make for a good abstract "subtitle" to some other logo.
Oh, yeah, I don't think I could use them for any of my client's work (unless I modify it to fit but then I might as well create an entirely new font) but I could use it for personal projects or, as you suggested, subtitles in other logos.
I'm getting this on a T-shirt.

Honestly, white gays just don't get it (I am absolutely bringing race into this, making you uncomfortable? Good).

Let me give you an analogy. A lot of musical elitists will say something like "I hate Nickelback. Nickelback fucking sucks." Cool. Everyone has their opinions right? We're allowed to think things, even incorrect things like "Nickelback is great," or "Madonna should release another album." But the thing is, the people saying this aren't criticizing Nickelback solely, they are criticizing the industry that created him and the fans that made him popular. So the disdain they have isn't some one-dimensional, "I hate this guy" jerk fest, it's a greater systematic disdain for the industry that produces this type of music.

In the same way, me a minority of color saying something like "White people suck absolute ass," isn't me expressing my hatred for white people. White people are all around me, and are all as multi-faceted or one-dimensional as everyone else. Of course I don't hate ALL of them. But I hate the system that privileges, benefits, and encourages systems of whiteness. All white people benefit from that while I, a person of color, do not. So me shouting my annoyance at white people into the void is shorthand for me complaining about my oppression.

A gay person complaining about straight people is shorthand for complaining about oppression. There are certain power dynamics at play that systematically lessen the value of a gay person, so them calling "straight people gross" will not cause the same amount of hatred than a straight person saying "gay people are gross." One is complaining about oppression, the other is contributing to debilitating stereotypes that further oppress people.

But for some reason, white people cannot for the life of them intersect these ideas and come to the rescue of the oppressive systems every time. I'm so sick of explaining this to people you don't even know. Lmao people will always come to the defense of white individuals and straight people like no other.

Excellent post. This community / thread's majority aversion to discussing actual gender / sexuality / LGBTQIA-what-have-you politics ITT is kind of what turned me off from frequently posting in the first place.


Oh wow, check this shit out.

When uploading a video to Xtube you have 2 options for video type, Straight or Gay.

And that determines what you can select in the "who's in it" dropbox. This is what you can categorize the video as if you select "Gay":

Notice that Man and Man is considered a gay category, and Woman and Woman is considered a straight category.
I feel sorry for all the lesbians out there who's porn is considered "straight porn". Absolutely ridiculous.

On a related note, I'm uploading a video to Xtube :p


Excellent post. This community / thread's majority aversion to discussing actual gender / sexuality / LGBTQIA-what-have-you politics ITT is kind of what turned me off from frequently posting in the first place.

Yeah, there is seemingly a lack of interest to discuss anything beyond hot guys from tumblr, or to make arguments not presented in the form of a gif with some popstar or some TV show. The following is what happened when they tried to arrange a pride parade in Moscow today:




And we're having a heated discussion about a joke that falls under the same paradigm as the difference between gay pride/straight pride or black power/white power. Yes sometimes when people say things as "lol, white people" "kill all men" or "straight people are the worst" they're being nothing but obnoxious/rude/etc. However failure to recognise how phrases like those differs from actual discrimination is fundamentally misunderstanding what is being said. There are more eloquent ways of expressing those sentiments but just as "maybe spend more than a minute writing the post" is (mostly) fair criticism so is "maybe spend more than 30 seconds reading and understanding the post". But that kind of feeds into my larger issue with GAF and how people do not read links/posts/OPs/etc. so I won't go off on a tangent.

I fully understand what a community thread is and that you don't always want to discuss awful things that are happening but I do feel we as a community have a tendency to shy away from discussion rather than embrace it.


Is it because your profile is male, that's why women and women is greyed out? the same reason why single woman is as well?
No, because "single man" is available under the Straight option as well:

Also I went and changed my profile to female, and the same options are available.
With my account listed as "gay female", I went back to upload, and the gay option still only consists of men and transexuals.


aha the video is still being converted, but ain't no way I'm linking it on here obviously, that's what PM's are for, haha.
Anyone who's interested in seeing it should PM me :p


What are yall plans for the summer?

Cutie and I are going to a comedy show tonight, heading to an amusement park later in July, and seemingly Seattle in August or DC. Doing all of this with summer classes 4 days of the week. And I want to go to a national park but $$$ :p

Also, I know how to respond to a code blue now. So eager to place my knowledge practically.


Yeah, there is seemingly a lack of interest to discuss anything beyond hot guys from tumblr, or to make arguments not presented in the form of a gif with some popstar or some TV show. The following is what happened when they tried to arrange a pride parade in Moscow today:

And we're having a heated discussion about a joke that falls under the same paradigm as the difference between gay pride/straight pride or black power/white power. Yes sometimes when people say things as "lol, white people" "kill all men" or "straight people are the worst" they're being nothing but obnoxious/rude/etc. However failure to recognise how phrases like those differs from actual discrimination is fundamentally misunderstanding what is being said. There are more eloquent ways of expressing those sentiments but just as "maybe spend more than a minute writing the post" is (mostly) fair criticism so is "maybe spend more than 30 seconds reading and understanding the post". But that kind of feeds into my larger issue with GAF and how people do not read links/posts/OPs/etc. so I won't go off on a tangent.

I fully understand what a community thread is and that you don't always want to discuss awful things that are happening but I do feel we as a community have a tendency to shy away from discussion rather than embrace it.

My heart goes out to all the people in Moscow :(.

The thing is this tendency to not really discuss "important" things isn't endemic of only lettersGAF, its something that gay communities tend to ignore (unless that was the point you were making, which I agree with). I mention "gay" specifically, because other sexual and gender minorities are much more likely to contribute to this discussion more often than gay men (that's just what I've personally encountered). Even more likely if they are a person of color. I mean, most of gayGAF are white men so it's not really surprising that the same problem exists in this community.


What are yall plans for the summer?
I've got a big project coming up that should bring in a nice pay packet. I'm going on holiday in July (13th-19th) down to Land's End, which should be nice, weather permitting. I'm supposedly meeting a couple of people from here at some point for a few drinks.


My heart goes out to all the people in Moscow :(.

The thing is this tendency to not really discuss "important" things isn't endemic of only lettersGAF, its something that gay communities tend to ignore (unless that was the point you were making, which I agree with). I mention "gay" specifically, because other sexual and gender minorities are much more likely to contribute to this discussion more often than gay men (that's just what I've personally encountered). Even more likely if they are a person of color. I mean, most of gayGAF are white men so it's not really surprising that the same problem exists in this community.

The developments in Russia over the last decade has been severely depressing on multiple levels. I mentioned it in that list of LGBTIQ related moving images which is on the first page but Dispatches: Hunted | Hunted: The War Against Gays in Russia is an absolutely harrowing look into what is happening there.

I did not mean to suggest that lettersGaf was somehow alone in ignoring/being reluctant to discuss certain issues but rather that the issues that permeate the larger LGBTIQ community are also manifested in this community.
Excellent post. This community / thread's majority aversion to discussing actual gender / sexuality / LGBTQIA-what-have-you politics ITT is kind of what turned me off from frequently posting in the first place.

Interesting. It is almost as if when the people who want to discuss actual gender/sexuality/political issues leave the thread the thread becomes less about that. Almost as if a community is shaped by the people in it. I highly recommend actually posting content you'd like to see in this thread if you want the thread to be about that sort of content.

I did not mean to suggest that lettersGaf was somehow alone in ignoring/being reluctant to discuss certain issues but rather that the issues that permeate the larger LGBTIQ community are also manifested in this community.

I am friends mostly with straight people, so let me fill you in on a little secret. Straight or gay, the majority of people on this site and other sites you frequent are probably teens or people in their young 20s and 30s. Nobody gives a fuck about politics at that age. Literally, hardly anyone really gives that much of a fuck about it beyond the occasional Facebook post our outrage thread online. It isn't a coincidence that people in their 20s have like the lowest voter turnout anywhere, no matter where on the globe. This isn't a problem with the LGBT community. Political laziness and slacktivism are endemic to our age group.


Yeah, there is seemingly a lack of interest to discuss anything beyond hot guys from tumblr, or to make arguments not presented in the form of a gif with some popstar or some TV show. The following is what happened when they tried to arrange a pride parade in Moscow today:




And we're having a heated discussion about a joke that falls under the same paradigm as the difference between gay pride/straight pride or black power/white power. Yes sometimes when people say things as "lol, white people" "kill all men" or "straight people are the worst" they're being nothing but obnoxious/rude/etc. However failure to recognise how phrases like those differs from actual discrimination is fundamentally misunderstanding what is being said. There are more eloquent ways of expressing those sentiments but just as "maybe spend more than a minute writing the post" is (mostly) fair criticism so is "maybe spend more than 30 seconds reading and understanding the post". But that kind of feeds into my larger issue with GAF and how people do not read links/posts/OPs/etc. so I won't go off on a tangent.

I fully understand what a community thread is and that you don't always want to discuss awful things that are happening but I do feel we as a community have a tendency to shy away from discussion rather than embrace it.

These people are incredibly brave. My heart goes out to them
Interesting. It is almost as if when the people who want to discuss actual gender/sexuality/political issues leave the thread the thread becomes less about that. Almost as if a community is shaped by the people in it. I highly recommend actually posting content you'd like to see in this thread if you want the thread to be able that sort of content.

You have to at least see how it would be discouraging when even a mention of something more serious than tumblr dudes with half-chubs is met with swaths of responses anywhere from "wow no pls leave thx" or "getting too fired up in here for me!"

Why do you try to shoot down substantiated discussions so vehemently ITT?
You have to at least see how it would be discouraging when even a mention of something more serious than tumblr dudes with half-chubs is met with swaths of responses anywhere from "wow no pls leave thx" or "getting too fired up in here for me!"

Why do you try to shoot down substantiated discussions so vehemently ITT?

Yes I see how it would be discouraging. But unless a mod is telling you to "pls leave thx" you are under no obligation to leave or stop posting about a topic. And if you keep at it maybe some others will actually join in.


Interesting. It is almost as if when the people who want to discuss actual gender/sexuality/political issues leave the thread the thread becomes less about that. Almost as if a community is shaped by the people in it. I highly recommend actually posting content you'd like to see in this thread if you want the thread to be able that sort of content.

I am friends mostly with straight people, so let me fill you in on a little secret. Straight or gay, the majority of people on this site and other sites you frequent are probably teens or people in their young 20s and 30s. Nobody gives a fuck about politics at that age. Literally, hardly anyone really gives that much of a fuck about it beyond the occasional Facebook post our outrage thread online. It isn't a coincidence that people in their 20s have like the lowest voter turnout anywhere, no matter where on the globe. This isn't a problem with the LGBT community. Political laziness and slacktivism are endemic to our age group.

What is with you being so condescending toward me and sub-zero? You make an awful lot of assumptions in your post; fun facts: I too have more straight friends than queer ones, and I know for a fact that on at least one forum I frequent the average poster is well into their 30s. Secondly the assertion that "Nobody gives a fuck about politics at that age. Literally, hardly anyone really gives that much of a fuck about it" is extremely hyperbolic and not really conducive to discussion. And it also sort of misses the point since it was about how there are issues which pertains specifically to the LGBT community at large which also have come up in this thread.


Gold Member
You have no business crying foul about condescension when you both decided that this community wasn't up to your standards and decided to make commentary about it. Want to discuss more substantial topics? Just fucking do it, but without the passive aggressive jabs mixed in between. Thanks.


You have no business crying foul about condescension when you both decided that this community wasn't up to your standards and decided to make commentary about it. Want to discuss more substantial topics? Just fucking do it, but without the passive aggressive jabs mixed in between. Thanks.
What this guy said, I like this guy.

A lot of us post thought provoking stories and talk about a great many subjects, some quite fired up and serious. It's not our fault if you guys are never here to actually see it, but then you come in making these claims that all we do is make a picture perfect world here full of semi naked guys.

At least try and contribute before calling us out on not contributing.
You have no business crying foul about condescension when you both decided that this community wasn't up to your standards and decided to make commentary about it. Want to discuss more substantial topics? Just fucking do it, but without the passive aggressive jabs mixed in between. Thanks.


where are the lies tho?


Personally, I don't mind discussion about serious topics or those that are more casual. But I will say that I am not a political person, I stray away from those discussions unless something really riles me up. Just because some people are very aggressive in posting their views doesn't mean I have to.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Most of the posters in this thread, as far as I can tell, use this place as an escape/vacation from the stresses of being queer in a queer-unfriendly world.

So, I think it's understandable that people don't really care to see socio-cultural baggage taking the lime light.


Most of the posters in this thread, as far as I can tell, use this place as an escape/vacation from the stress of being queer in a non-queer world.

So, I think it's understandable that people don't really care to see socio-cultural baggage taking the lime light.

Exactly what I was going to say.
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