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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Hunky Nostradamus
5000 word dialogues about whether or not Hibike! Euphonium was lesbian baiting in the latest episode, how it fits into the broader context of homosexuality in Japanese media, as well as whether or not people were projecting their desire for a true-to-life lesbian story onto a work that had no intention of engaging on that level in the first place.

this sounds interesting



sputum-flecked apoplexy
i want to start exercising but the issue i have beyond general problems of motivating myself is that i find the gym sf boring. i enjoy sports although i am shit at them because you're achieving something, you're competing, it gets the endorphins pumping. but lifting things and jogging in a room? you'd have to pay me.

so yeah.
i want to start exercising but the issue i have beyond general problems of motivating myself is that i find the gym sf boring. i enjoy sports although i am shit at them because you're achieving something, you're competing, it gets the endorphins pumping. but lifting things and jogging in a room? you'd have to pay me.

so yeah.

If you're not doing exercise that's enjoyable it won't be a sustainable habit. There are a lot of ways to stay fit.


I also been thinking about working out but I want a slender toned body, I don't wanna get big and swole, I want a body that is good to do drag in.

Like this

I also been thinking about working out but I want a slender toned body, I don't wanna get big and swole, I want a body that is good to do drag in.

you won't unless you deliberately work at that, if even then. Stuff with weight (gaining or losing to a significant degree) is really all about diet anyways, which is generally a much harder change.


i want to start exercising but the issue i have beyond general problems of motivating myself is that i find the gym sf boring. i enjoy sports although i am shit at them because you're achieving something, you're competing, it gets the endorphins pumping. but lifting things and jogging in a room? you'd have to pay me.

so yeah.

My advice is to do your exercising early in the day, it helps keeps you motivated to stay on track with your diet throughout the rest of the day (for me at least) and you'll probably go to bed earlier because of it too which means you'll get a better night's rest which means you'll be happier during the day. And you don't have to lift things, use your body weight. Basic pushups, situps , leg lifts after or before a nice jog or run around the block will have you feeling better about yourself faster than you think.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Does anyone want to discuss Cobra Club, the game about taking dick pics 👀

What are yall plans for the summer?.

Hopefully being able to see a doctor about what's been wrong with my shoulder for the last month; it's a problem and often painful, but I can't afford surgery (if necessary) or taking time off from work to let it heal... and it's stopped me from being able work out. :(

Was also hoping to fly home to NY to see my family and friends for the first time in five years, but it's just too expensive - a ticket is over $800 and I'd only be there for a little over two days after factoring travel time. Sigh. So tired of being poor.


They aren't "coming into" this community. They have been here and will (hopefully) continue to be here. Phrasing it that way feels exclusionary at best and sends the message to people that they may not be welcome to join if they disagree with people in here. I would feel skittish about joining after witnessing the mess in here over the last few days. And that's a shame given what the thread has given me, what a positive and life-changing impact it has had on me. The thought of anyone else missing out on that breaks my heart.

Thank you for this. Honestly, pointing out a problem in this community is so taxing since everything thinks you're attacking them. Like, no, I'm pointing it out so we can discuss it and progress from there.


Hunky Nostradamus
What are yall plans for the summer?

find a job that doesnt make we want to kill myself
become a member of the disney movie club
get my dandruff under control
sell more of my shit
organize and perfect my bedroom
finish the dozen+ tv shows im in the middle of
buy an end-grain cutting board
read more (a kindle might help but i suspect that it would feel like an unnecessary expenditure with the library only a few minutes away)
I look like a criminal here lol.

Btw I cut out all carbs broski snot as hard as you think and the fat melts off

I can't do a low carb diet. If I don't get enough carbs I feel like shit all day and don't do very well at the gym. Gotta get my carbs in for the day.

Gym is a lot of fun. I'm glad I signed up. Just left doing some hiit cardio stuff. Now I'm just relaxing and readying myself for leg day tomorrow. Them squats though (y)

It is, I love going to the gym and listening to music while I work out. It's so relaxing. I did chest and some hiit rowing today, tomorrow is just abs and a quick 2 mile run.


find a job that doesnt make we want to kill myself
become a member of the disney movie club
get my dandruff under control
sell more of my shit
organize and perfect my bedroom
finish the dozen+ tv shows im in the middle of
buy an end-grain cutting board
read more (a kindle might help but i suspect that it would feel like an unnecessary expenditure with the library only a few minutes away)
Get a kindle hun, treat Yo self
What are yall plans for the summer?
- Hopefully move into a new place (I'm over condo life, but I've already made two cash offers that fell through)
- Be more friendly and make a friend
- Read more (I thought buying this Kindle Voyage would guilt me into reading more frequently, but nope)
- Exercise more and gain some weight
- Dress better
- Find ways to enjoy intimacy
Thirst less

Going to be a busy few months...


straight people are so gross :)

expressing distaste for straight people who would try to get a spotlight on themselves by pretending to be gay/queer?

yeah cuz this thread's really the bastion for really in depth discussion ;)

You're always calling straight people wild, okay no problem. It seems that's your signature line.

But posts like this:
Need to stop.

Or go post that somewhere else, but not here. :)

End of discussion.

this is so weird! i don't think i'm colorblind, but i must be, because your name isn't red to me?

but i hear you, this is a safe space etc etc. i'll keep my straight people are gross posts to a minimum, as i usually do.

Insulting a group of people is hardly a discussion. If you all want to continue "discussing" how terrible and disgusting straight people are then you are free to do so.

It's just that we had rules about respecting others. I would hope we honor those rules as best as we can.

Oh you want a mod to tell us this? Okay, let's do that! :)
I'm late to this discussion, but I wanted to chime in. Sai, I think if you'd posted "acting like that is so gross" no one would have objected one bit. Because it totally is! But you phrased it "straight people are so gross" which is much broader than the context you were - in fairness - responding to. With things like this it's better to be specific than to paint with too broad a brush. (Even "those straight people are so gross" would have done the trick.)

Carry on. :)


Nope, I think he looks weird, especially his shoulder. Also seem to be a grade-A Douche so that's a major turn off too.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Not to keep making you the only one...but yeah, I don't find him very attractive. I like fit guys, but that's a bit too big for me. I guess it's like athletic gym-goer vs. bodybuilder. I don't know anything about him though. If he had a good personality, I'm sure that would make a difference.


He's the CEO of that company Protein World that made those beach body posters where he kind of acted like a dick on twitter. We had a pretty large thread about it a while back.
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